4* Deadpool Daily play discussion - advice and strategy



  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    This just seems badly thought out, with them now moving things onto 5* then there should be a clear focus on shifting the mainstream to 4* and this would have been an ideal way to do so rather than it being a rich get richer approach.

    They should have done something more along the lines of having three required 3* characters and treat this as predominantly a way for people to get more 4* covers with the SS chance being a bonus rather than the main aim of the thing.
  • Clearly this is not intended to help with a transition. It is for high-end players, so that they can further separate themselves from the pack and eventually break the game. Seems legit. Der.
  • Yeah this whole thing feels like a mess. It started as excitement, turned into "Really...?" and finally became "tinykitty this noise." A 270 Cyclops is a bit much even for a 4* token.
  • It's quite impossible to get those legendary packs. I think the "easiest" way is at PVE, but you'll have to play like a crazy to get all the points....That 4* match is really unfair, why we cant use our TU? Not every one have lots of 4* at good shape, i have lots of 4* but with just few cover, only nick fury at level max. So i'll have to wait a day that he'll be the essential to win.... As a free player its going to be very difficult from now on.
  • Okay, I normal don't swear, but seriously - screw you D3. I'm taking one more pass at this node with my lvl 148 XF and then I'm deleting MPQ from my phone. I might delete all my characters too. Not even joking.

    Not only did they make an impossible node instead of making it playable (i.e. featured + your choice of any other characters 4+ or below), they cut down on the overall ISO flow for everyone since you no longer get the 2000 ISO bonus from completing the other nodes. Only the 15k ISO for people with maxed 4*'s who're able to complete the 1 v 1.

    This is absolutely insulting and a straight up nerf. I really, really wanted to see something resembling a 4* transition. Instead they just piss on us, toss on some oil, set us on fire, and laugh. Thanks for nothing D3.
  • My poor Wolvie is 1-2-2, but I managed on the first go. Rainbow damage boost, BG damage boost, BG ap boost plus some lucky cascades made it a piece of cake.
    It was close though: when he died he had 12 red. One more turn and I'd be dead.
    Have no idea how I wilk grind future **** ddqs.
  • Really happy they made this legendary token only obtainable for players with maxed 4*. Seriously, my XFW is 1/0/1, how should i ever defeat a lvl 270 Cyke? There is just no fairness in this - or to be more exact, its utter nonsense. This isn't making 4* more obtainable - this only makes it more frustating
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    edited September 2015
    This match is just absurd.

    I was able to beat it with my 5/1/5 Xforce after spending 100k Iso bringing him to 210, using dozens of boosts(including some retired ones I have held onto), and every health pack I had.

    This felt much less like a challenge than simply a frustration. My eventual win didn't feel like it took any amount of skill or strategy, just luck that got me a few cascades to take down cyclops before he did either of his OHKO powers.

    From my perspective it seems like you'll need a bare minimum of 9-10 covers for a particular character and their level to be 180+ to even stand a small chance of getting these tokens. How is this supposed to help players transitioning from the 3 to 4 star level like myself?
  • Ardom
    Ardom Posts: 18
    Not only did they make an impossible node instead of making it playable (i.e. featured + your choice of any other characters 4+ or below), they cut down on the overall ISO flow for everyone since you no longer get the 2000 ISO bonus from completing the other nodes. Only the 15k ISO for people with maxed 4*'s who're able to complete the 1 v 1.

    Huh? You can still get the 2K ISO from beating every other node.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can't help but wonder... it seems like they are going for a personal rivalry theme here, so who will the other 4* have to face?
    Invisible Woman - Dr Doom?
    Nick Fury - ??The Hood???
    Thor - Ragnarok?
    Elektra - Daredevil? Gorgon?
    Starlord - Grocket? Gamora?
    Professor X - Magneto?
    Kingpin - Daredevil?
    Hulkbuster - Hulk?
    Carnage - Spider-man?
    Ant-Man - ????
    Thing - Human Torch?
    Jean Grey - ???
    Deadpool - Deadpool?
    Sam Wilson - Steve Rogers?
    Reed Richards - Probably Doctor Doom

    Yes, this seems like a tough battle. Just trying to figure out if it's an outlier from a thematic perspective.
    One can also hope they adjust the difficulty if too few players finish the mission...
  • Ardom wrote:
    Huh? You can still get the 2K ISO from beating every other node.

    You're correct. I misread the progression tier as I was venting. Still probably going to wipe my account if they don't change this to non stupid mode.

    Maybe I'll stop considering giving them money and just make a sandboxed account. Win-win. Can't bother respecting their player base, get no money from me.
  • Professor vs Magneto sounds legit, but both Sue and Prof have a great weapon against single-target super bombs: invisibility. I'm afraid we'll be paired against aoe guys there.
  • my xforce is 3/4/3 far and away my best covered 4* and boosting across the board i took six tries before sweating out a fury blue.

    seriously devs, tell us we can use teamups and without a single word block ALL of them AND give the ai a teamup!!!!!

    please pull your head out of your collective butts. who in your mind is supposed to finish this??
  • Unknown
    edited September 2015
    I'm wondering what kind of sorcery Ice used to beat this with his live roster. Without TUs.

    We must deny red, black, yellow and tu ap while leaving enough red on board to make SS hurt. Yeah.... Nope, my 115 WXF can't make it, even a red is OHKO.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    I thought it was a pretty fun, challenging match, but then again my Xforce is at L260. I am not looking forward to doing this with one of my more poorly covered 4*.

    I think having a normal maxed 3* would have been enough of a challenge for most. either that or scale the node based on the level of that particular 4* in your roster.

    My token was garbage, though. The 2 legendaries I've gotten so far have given me my umpteenth Xforce black and IW yellow. RNGesus mocking me yet again.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    10 cover lvl 130 XFW wiped 4 times. 1 red or black from Cyclops 1-shots him.

    What kind of an X-Force do you need for this? It's just the rich getting richer.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Agree with almost everything said - they've massively screwed this up for me - so much so I wish it didn't exist rather than carried on as is.

    This is sole clearly aimed at 5* transition they've missed that they've created an expectation of support for 4* transition and pissed everyone off.

    Up to now in DPD you told a decent chance with a part levelled part covered 3* to get a taco in Dat required character and entry to the big ench which gets you a 3* cover and is clear able consistently with a maxed 2* roster.

    So now you have the beginnings of a decent 3* roster they make a 4* required mission where you need a large number of covers on your 4* to succeed in.

    Ok so that's my moan - here is my solution

    Add another node that is a match for you to use 3*s only in and the prize is a cover in the required 4* - one 4 star cover a week isn"t going to make the current legendary node much more accessible quickly but atleast it would give some route and wouldn't make all us 3* rosters feel like you've basically just said pay to play or go away.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2015
    I guess they decided the test fights that had TUs available and that IceIX was beating with 6-cover 4*s were a bit too easy, but seriously, this is overkill. I'm glad this started off with my one optimal 4*, because at day 400+, hitting 1K regularly...after XFW I can think of four other characters on my roster that would have any kind of shot -- and that's including Xavier and Elektra, either of whom can win any duel given a friendly board and enough time. If I'm not enough of a 4* transitioner for this, then who's the target market other than whales?
  • ShionSinX wrote:
    I'm wondering what kind of sorcery Ice used to beat this with his live roster. Without TUs.

    I almost beat it the first time I played, but have wiped every time since. I expect he played it once, said "look it works".

    Nearly out of boosts, and nearly out of patience with this game.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    Ardom wrote:
    Maybe I'll stop considering giving them money and just make a sandboxed account. Win-win. Can't bother respecting their player base, get no money from me.
    what is a sandboxed account?