**** Deadpool (Uncanny X-Force) ****
greenglove wrote:I have a question for anyone who has both 4* DP and Carnage: if you have these two characters on the same team, will Carnage's symbiote scythes trigger DP's X-Enforcer? If so, and you pair up with Kamela Khan, that could be a very wicked combo. 7 red ap would then get you about 14-15k damage, and most of the damage to your own team would be healed by KK.
Self damage doesn't trigger 4Pool, 3* Marvel, 2* Storm, etc.0 -
Buret0 wrote:greenglove wrote:I have a question for anyone who has both 4* DP and Carnage: if you have these two characters on the same team, will Carnage's symbiote scythes trigger DP's X-Enforcer? If so, and you pair up with Kamela Khan, that could be a very wicked combo. 7 red ap would then get you about 14-15k damage, and most of the damage to your own team would be healed by KK.
Self damage doesn't trigger 4Pool, 3* Marvel, 2* Storm, etc.0 -
eidehua wrote:Buret0 wrote:greenglove wrote:I have a question for anyone who has both 4* DP and Carnage: if you have these two characters on the same team, will Carnage's symbiote scythes trigger DP's X-Enforcer? If so, and you pair up with Kamela Khan, that could be a very wicked combo. 7 red ap would then get you about 14-15k damage, and most of the damage to your own team would be healed by KK.
Self damage doesn't trigger 4Pool, 3* Marvel, 2* Storm, etc.0 -
When i start to consider whether i should shift my 535 DPX to 355, i got one Black cover from KK's pvp token.
I may still keep 535 build until my Thing is maxed(both covers and level)0 -
I still think 5/4/4 is the way to go, as a more balanced build, but I can really see the strengths of a 3/5/5 build. If red wasnt as crippled with 4 covers even 4/5/4 would be good, but red is so bad with anything else than 5 covers...0
As a reason to go 5 red.. When xdp is the last man standing, 3/5/5 really sucks.... Happened a few times in falcrap pvp. 5/3/5 or 5/4/4 wouldn't have been an issue.0
Phaserhawk wrote:eidehua wrote:While you might not seen the benefits of 5 purple vs 4 purple most of the time, I don't think the difference between 3 black and 4 black is significant enough (649 damage difference). So for black I think it's either 3 or 5.
Not a bad conclusion. It is really going to come down to who you pair as DP's 4 star partner. If xforce then 5 purple is mandatory. If King Pin is your guy then 5/5/3 works since KP can only bust one at a time
I really think it's going to depend on 1 gal, Jean Grey. Because if she is dominating soon, for every AoE she fires she could put 6k on the board for you.
She can also down him really easily...0 -
He's such a fun combo with Xforce Wolverine it's making me wanna put all my iso into Wolvy and get him leveled up0
mango_sentinel wrote:He's such a fun combo with Xforce Wolverine it's making me wanna put all my iso into Wolvy and get him leveled up
I have done that. In prodigal sun I was able to get 2 full purples off and then SS from Xforce. Took down the first guy and took down the other 2. Was so sweet, wish I had it recorded
I did decide to move to 5/3/5. While black is killer (and just above I said I couldn't live without it lol), far too many games would have ended with me having damage on my red. Just moving to 4/4/5 (in preparation for Red alliance PVP reward) has been a huge change in my book. 4+k damage and 2k+ life gain is easily worth the change. Especially when you have Xforces yellow to heal him back up. Another thing to remember, both Xforce and XDP have double the healing rate for 4*'s so even if they take damage they regen fairly quick.0 -
barrok wrote:mango_sentinel wrote:He's such a fun combo with Xforce Wolverine it's making me wanna put all my iso into Wolvy and get him leveled up
I have done that. In prodigal sun I was able to get 2 full purples off and then SS from Xforce. Took down the first guy and took down the other 2. Was so sweet, wish I had it recorded
I did decide to move to 5/3/5. While black is killer (and just above I said I couldn't live without it lol), far too many games would have ended with me having damage on my red. Just moving to 4/4/5 (in preparation for Red alliance PVP reward) has been a huge change in my book. 4+k damage and 2k+ life gain is easily worth the change. Especially when you have Xforces yellow to heal him back up. Another thing to remember, both Xforce and XDP have double the healing rate for 4*'s so even if they take damage they regen fairly quick.
I had a conversation with Colognoisseur who said that a lot of people will go 3/5/5 but after playing him will end up finding themselves 5/3/5 as black won't trigger as much. I think the only argument for me now is 5/3/5 or 5/4/4 as 5/4/4 works better as a stand alone since triggering purple is harder with some lineups vs others.0 -
I think I view xpool's black kind of like iron fist's green. That green at 5 is quite good. But His other two powers are just more useful in the majority of circumstances where I want to use iron fist.
I would love the extra deterrent value of xpool at 5, but most of the time when I use him I will want to leverage the purple power with xfw and/or the true healing and pure damage from red with another red battery.
I would try 5/4/4 if the covers fall that way, but 5/3/5 seems like the best fit for what I think will be his eventual use.0 -
I'm kinda surprised to read that anyone would have less than 5 on his red. I wouldn't reduce it for anything. My Xpool isn't even close to max level and he headchops for around 7k and heals for 4k. I just let him tank as much as possible and heal him right back up. It's the best.
If anything, I was considering lowering purple (He's 5/3/5) to increase black. My beef with purple is that sometimes I'll use it and only end up being able to set off one or two of the tiles. It's nice of course, but I feel like getting slapped back for 1k-ish just isn't that scary. Granted he's awesome regardless and this is pretty far down my list of roster issues.0 -
Phaserhawk wrote:barrok wrote:mango_sentinel wrote:He's such a fun combo with Xforce Wolverine it's making me wanna put all my iso into Wolvy and get him leveled up
I have done that. In prodigal sun I was able to get 2 full purples off and then SS from Xforce. Took down the first guy and took down the other 2. Was so sweet, wish I had it recorded
I did decide to move to 5/3/5. While black is killer (and just above I said I couldn't live without it lol), far too many games would have ended with me having damage on my red. Just moving to 4/4/5 (in preparation for Red alliance PVP reward) has been a huge change in my book. 4+k damage and 2k+ life gain is easily worth the change. Especially when you have Xforces yellow to heal him back up. Another thing to remember, both Xforce and XDP have double the healing rate for 4*'s so even if they take damage they regen fairly quick.
I had a conversation with Colognoisseur who said that a lot of people will go 3/5/5 but after playing him will end up finding themselves 5/3/5 as black won't trigger as much. I think the only argument for me now is 5/3/5 or 5/4/4 as 5/4/4 works better as a stand alone since triggering purple is harder with some lineups vs others.
I would only go 5/4/4 if you never want to pair him with Xforce. (or rarely pair him). But Xforce + XDP has become my PVE grinding team, and once I get 5 Red it will only get better. I have walked out of multiple nodes with near full life thanks the xforces yellow + xdp red. Plus the occasional 3 person kill in one attack is awesome.
Also, as long as you have a board shaker the purple isn't bad stand alone. But that is why I am going 5 red. At 3/5/5 having to get purple AND match the tiles just to do any sort of damage was horribly frustrating. Upping red to 4 (and soon 5) gives you a second (better) option. Plus, even in games where you have just wrecked the opponent, sometimes you are sitting on 8+ red. Taking 2 turns to get a few red matches is totally worth it. Especially if your XDP is tanking.0 -
mango_sentinel wrote:He's such a fun combo with Xforce Wolverine it's making me wanna put all my iso into Wolvy and get him leveled up
All the Wolverine are belong to Deadpool.
I played him with Patch the other day in the GSBW PvP. Let me tell you, when you know that your enemy's strongest color is purple, there's just no down side to filling up the purple with CD4W tiles and unleashing a berserker rage. Then breaking the boxes and doing Bomb + Strike tile damage for each.
Plus, Wolvie can eat all the big hits, 4Pool can drop his X-enforcer tiles, and Patch can recover back to full. +1 fun combo, would recommend.
Also, even though my 4Pool is 5/3/5 because of choice, I think I'll end up making him a 3/5/5. In battles I really care about, his black activates more often than I thought it would. While I love the big damage and the true heal, I just sometimes feel like I'm waiting around for red when I could have already won the battle with stronger x-enforcer counterattacks.
I use Deadpool over Jean when I need to quickly take down a target like IF. So I have two choices: (a) I can use a purple battery (SW) to quickly get a bunch of purple and use box bombs; or (b) I can use a red battery (cyc, HB, Marvel, etc) to get 6 more red AP and generally overkill the little guy.
By the time I get his red, the little guy that I wanted dead has already done his dirty deed. If Loki, Hood, IF, etc. the enemy has already gained the early AP or damage advantage. Usually that target isn't the big AoE nuke, so that red would be better saved at that point to take down the big AoE threat.
Purple is a bit riskier, if the board doesn't come up right, you might need to hold on to purple for awhile. Obviously you should know the first strongest color before you bring 4Pool into a match and it should be possible to do board shake, tile destruction, tile manipulation, or color creation to quickly hit all of your box bombs. Obviously accelerating some Surgical Strike is the best way, but not if you are looking for getting rid of that low health annoyance.
Boosted Cyclops is the king of this, so obviously I'm going to leave 4Pool at home if Cyc is an option... unless I'm bringing him in for his sweet 5 cover black counters when the enemy invariably takes down Cyc and your battery while leaving your 3 red cover 4Pool hanging around...0 -
I'm also leaving my XDP at 3/5/5.
I'm lucky enough to have a fully covered Thing, and a nearly fully covered XFW to pair with him, so the five purple combination works very well. In addition, when XDP is paired with Thing, X-Enforcer goes off a minimum of twice a match, and anything up to five times (depending on enemy AEs, and strike tiles).
As such X-Enforcer at 5 black covers is generating anything from 6812 damage to 17K damage, and this is in response to damage I would have taken anyway. If I reduce it to 4 black, the damage drops to 4218 to 10.5K. If I reduce it to 3 black, the damage drops to 2920 to 7300 damage. Based on that, the lowest I'd want to drop black to is 4 covers, but 5 covers is proving too useful with the Thing combo.
I do see the comments about not being able to destroy all the CDfW tiles being a reason to drop covers from his purple. I think if you've got XFW along, you will destroy all of them, and you have sufficient board shake in X-Force to ensure there are enough tiles to place the CDfW tiles on. If we assume the featured plus two format of PvP, and say that I'm bringing XDP/Thing along rather than XDP/XFW, I'd still want 5 covers in CDfW. It's true that I don't necessarily destroy all the CDfW tiles, but generally I do manage to destroy at least 4 of them.
Assuming I destroy 4 CDfW tiles, the damage difference then works out as follows: 5 covers - 6048, 4 covers - 5248, 3 covers - 3504. It's therefore not worth dropping CDfW to 3 covers, but 4 covers is still an acceptable compromise. Having said that, dropping that extra tile at 5 covers gives just a little more scatter to the tiles, which means that when paired with Thing, Yancy Street Special is more likely to hit two or three of the tiles.
Don't get me wrong, I do look at my 3 red covered XDP, and occasionally wish that I had 5 covers in it, but the combo potential of XDP/XFW and/or Thing is too strong for my books, so I'm sticking with 3/5/5. 5/4/4 seems like a pretty viable alternative, though.0 -
Hi Morph3us,
I was wondering if you could give me your opinion on an idea I am having. My 4pool is now 244 and Thing is now 135 (I found a red cover!), but after trying a 535 loaner Thing in a PvE event, Thing's red seems kind of under-powered to me for 10 ap (although that stun is nice!). So I am thinking about going 553 with deadpool and 355 with Thing. The reasoning would be that deadpool would get to use his excellent red, which is good to have should Thing die without the match being won. This would still have Thing jump out in front in cases of large damage and deadpool with 5 in black, Deadpool will be dropping much better xEnforcer tiles than I have with just 4 (I would say I get that thing to trigger about 3 to 5 times a game, with maybe once a game the black getting matched).
I noticed that purple is really good, but often I either want to cast it, but don't have Thing's green built to clear the board yet, or I want to cast it, but the there are not enough tiles in the enemies strongest color to make it worth while yet. I also seem to be lucky to hit more than 1 tile with Thing's Yancy power so I'm seeing a very unpredictable amount of damage associated with Deadpool's purple. By going 553 with Pool it seems like I would be more in control of damage distribution and with 5 yellow for Thing, I only have to jump in front once to make the opponent clear a bunch of protect tiles before they can start damaging me much again which should give me extra time to use deadpool's red more often. Anyhow, you have so much more experience, I was curious what your thoughts were. I feel like I need to make a decision on deadpool soon, because at 244 he isn't providing me with much damage.
I welcome everyone else's opinions on the matter too, thanks!0 -
Couple things
1) Things yellow's best part is the ability to jump in front. I am sure some people will disagree, but I can't see any reason to ever have it at 5.
2) XDP's red is boss but everyonce in a while you want things stun. I believe at cover 4 of Thing's red he will stun for 2 turns (though damage sucks)
3) XDP's purple is tough with anything other than Xforce. If you have or plan to have a usable xforce, you neeeeeeeedddd 5 purple. XDP + Xforce is a very fast PVP jumping team, and great pve team (since you rarely use healthpacks thanks to life regen).
4) XDP's 5 black is fantastic when it gets used, but worthless when it doesn't. The same can be said of purple. So, while I strongly recommend purple, if you are planning on your team getting hit more often than you are planning to take advantage of purple, then I guess 5 black is decent. I was 3/5/5 and went 5/3/5 and won't look back.
At 5/3/5 he is great stand alone, and great matched up with xforce or any character that has a board shake. 5/5/3 seems to really only team up with Thing and Jean Gray .0 -
I disagree slightly about xdp's purple. Even if it's not matches for damage, it bleeds away the enemies strong color when it resolves. So it's double value against teams that have a strongest color you don't want.0
So how would you cover him Vhailorx and who would you pair him with?0
Vhailorx wrote:I disagree slightly about xdp's purple. Even if it's not matches for damage, it bleeds away the enemies strong color when it resolves. So it's double value against teams that have a strongest color you don't want.
I wouldn't spend a couple turns and 7 purple to bleed someones strongest color. They will just go after there other colors.0
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