**** Jean Grey (All New X-Men) ****



  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    notamutant wrote:
    OJSP wrote:
    notamutant wrote:
    I would hold off on buying that 5th purple for another week or so, as it may come up in the next 1k reward for her soon. Same with red HB. Not sure yet which colors they will have, but decent chance.
    Considering he knew/remembered that Jean's purpleflag.pngwas rewarded in Coversquirrel last season.. I think he probably guessed that the next cover won't be another purpleflag.png any time soon.. (maybe it'll be a top2 placement reward in PvE, because the last time it was her greenflag.png earlier this month)

    HB redflag.png as a reward, has been quite rare in PvPs.. It was the 1000pts reward in his introductory PvP, but for some reason, when it was due to be rewarded in subsequent events, it coincided with new characters releases : MPQ 4-Star Rotation and Predictions - Gooble spreadsheet

    It's been a 1st place reward in June and August, though. It's due to be rewarded as the 1st place reward again, 2 events after Loki's (assuming Ghost Rider doesn't replace Invisible Woman).. so the next 1000 pts reward probably will be his blackflag.png . (The last time it was rewarded in PvE was in Enemy of the States last month.)

    I would still wait since it is just another week or two until we will know. We don't know with 100% certainty what the rewards will be until the event prior. Why spend 2.5k hp if you might not need by waiting a week?
    As I mentioned, I used Jean and Hood in the Cyclops PvP and got several defensive wins from that combo. I also used her a lot in PvE already. Also, my phone needed service so I am on a forced break right now and might not be able to play whatever event awards the next Jean Grey cover.
    I do know the risks of buying covers, so I usually ask myself "Will this cover be useful right now?" In the case of Jean, it definitely was. The last cover I bought before that was Hulkbuster red, and I used HB extensively after that, so I got a good ROI on that purchase too.
  • Jean Grey, scarlet Witch and Loki. Feeding pink to Jean and punishing 4 and 5 colour matches. It beats some pretty tough teams and seems to be great in defence too.
  • guzktgui
    guzktgui Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    I think her blue with 1 cover does nothing, she " tries" to stun but as far as I can see the enemy team is not stunned, if it works like venom's purple my team should get an extra turn
  • rkd80
    rkd80 Posts: 376
    For those curious, her PVP reward *is* coming up, potentially during the Nova pvp.

    However Purple will be for first and Blue for the 1k prog.

    Schedule here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... edit#gid=0
  • El Zoof
    El Zoof Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Has anybody else noticed that her attack pose is Jackie Chan's **** meme?
  • dlegendary0ne
    dlegendary0ne Posts: 93 Match Maker
    barrok wrote:
    I usually team her up with Carnage (who has 5 red and 5 green) because his red + her purple can take down a fair amount of opponents, and with boosts its only 2 reds and 3 purple matches for almost 8k damage to 1 person and 5k + to the others. It's a constant conflict on the green though. Some matches the AOE is better, other matches with a messed up board, carnages green takes care of business. I would prefer not to overlap colors, but red + purple is too much for me to not bring carnage along icon_razz.gif

    Glad green is working out though. When I get 5 green things will be much better I think!

    But how is this viable, when Carnage damages his teammates? Seems like a health pack drain
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    barrok wrote:
    I usually team her up with Carnage (who has 5 red and 5 green) because his red + her purple can take down a fair amount of opponents, and with boosts its only 2 reds and 3 purple matches for almost 8k damage to 1 person and 5k + to the others. It's a constant conflict on the green though. Some matches the AOE is better, other matches with a messed up board, carnages green takes care of business. I would prefer not to overlap colors, but red + purple is too much for me to not bring carnage along icon_razz.gif

    Glad green is working out though. When I get 5 green things will be much better I think!

    But how is this viable, when Carnage damages his teammates? Seems like a health pack drain
    Carnage is Always a Health pack drain. Jean Grey's Purple can remove the attack tiles he gives the opposing team and thus reduce the damage you take a bit.
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    barrok wrote:
    I usually team her up with Carnage (who has 5 red and 5 green) because his red + her purple can take down a fair amount of opponents, and with boosts its only 2 reds and 3 purple matches for almost 8k damage to 1 person and 5k + to the others. It's a constant conflict on the green though. Some matches the AOE is better, other matches with a messed up board, carnages green takes care of business. I would prefer not to overlap colors, but red + purple is too much for me to not bring carnage along icon_razz.gif

    Glad green is working out though. When I get 5 green things will be much better I think!

    But how is this viable, when Carnage damages his teammates? Seems like a health pack drain
    Carnage is Always a Health pack drain. Jean Grey's Purple can remove the attack tiles he gives the opposing team and thus reduce the damage you take a bit.

    Of course removing those attack tiles just spawns more, so...
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Quebbster wrote:
    barrok wrote:
    I usually team her up with Carnage (who has 5 red and 5 green) because his red + her purple can take down a fair amount of opponents, and with boosts its only 2 reds and 3 purple matches for almost 8k damage to 1 person and 5k + to the others. It's a constant conflict on the green though. Some matches the AOE is better, other matches with a messed up board, carnages green takes care of business. I would prefer not to overlap colors, but red + purple is too much for me to not bring carnage along icon_razz.gif

    Glad green is working out though. When I get 5 green things will be much better I think!

    But how is this viable, when Carnage damages his teammates? Seems like a health pack drain
    Carnage is Always a Health pack drain. Jean Grey's Purple can remove the attack tiles he gives the opposing team and thus reduce the damage you take a bit.

    Of course removing those attack tiles just spawns more, so...

    All about timing. I also use the Carnage + JG team, at least when Carnage is boosted. I wouldn't use him when not boosted. Timed correctly, you will have maybe 2 enemy attack tiles created but 8 of your own, in addition to the 10k + 3.5k AOE damage from Carnage red and 4k AOE from JG purple. Attack tiles will finish anyone still alive off in a matter or 2-3 turns.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    barrok wrote:
    I usually team her up with Carnage (who has 5 red and 5 green) because his red + her purple can take down a fair amount of opponents, and with boosts its only 2 reds and 3 purple matches for almost 8k damage to 1 person and 5k + to the others. It's a constant conflict on the green though. Some matches the AOE is better, other matches with a messed up board, carnages green takes care of business. I would prefer not to overlap colors, but red + purple is too much for me to not bring carnage along icon_razz.gif

    Glad green is working out though. When I get 5 green things will be much better I think!

    But how is this viable, when Carnage damages his teammates? Seems like a health pack drain
    Carnage is Always a Health pack drain. Jean Grey's Purple can remove the attack tiles he gives the opposing team and thus reduce the damage you take a bit.

    Of course removing those attack tiles just spawns more, so...
    Jean Grey can remove six attack tiles and Carnage only makes two new ones though. It's still a net gain.
  • peterjb37
    peterjb37 Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Hey guys, I just championed Jean. She's my 4th championed 4* and was hoping to get a recommendation of which characters if mine she would team up well with.

    I have Cyclops, Starlord and Deadpool as my other championed 4*s. I was thinking pairing her with Starlord to make her powers cheaper. So I would build him 3 purpleflag.png -5 yellowflag.png -5 redflag.png and her 5 purpleflag.png -3 blueflag.png -5 greenflag.png .

    And I can't decide between Cyclops and Deadpool for the third team member.

    What do you think?
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Cyclops/IM40/Jean will get you through most things. You can always sub out IM40 for Star-Lord and use Cyke's yellow instead.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cyclops/IM40/Jean will get you through most things. You can always sub out IM40 for Star-Lord and use Cyke's yellow instead.
    Seconded. Deadpool ain't half bad either though, so you have plenty of options depending on who is boosted for the week.
  • abominatrix
    abominatrix Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    Due to a mistake with bonus-heroing, I will be champing Jean soon (I had her at 4/4/4, marked her as my 4* favorite, got the reward and was going to worry about her later but forgot to remove the favorite). 

    I see a few reasonable suggestions with older heroes like Starlord and 4Clops; does anybody have any experience with Jean with the newer 4*? I could just use Starlord and 4Clops since I have them both champed, but any more current suggestions?

  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jean works pretty well with Luke Cage. She can clear the board of special tiles when he wants maximum damage from his red and her green puts out special tiles he can fortify.
    If you have room for a third then Mr Fantastic covers the missing active powers and can also put out fortified tiles.
  • abominatrix
    abominatrix Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    Thanks. After I wrote this, I noticed that she was boosted for Black Vortex along with Starlord, and adding Carol to that team is easy because it's always easy to add Carol to almost any team. 

    I'll try her with Cage as well. Thanks again!

  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've had positive experiences with Jean Grey, Peggy, and Wasp. Good color coverage, Peggy Yellow + Wasp Blue is just mean, and helps make up for Jean being a bit slow sometimes.