Is the Vault Working for You? Vault Efficiency



  • I think it's fair to complain when you only get what was announced 10 months after it opens. That is over half the amount of time I have played this game.
  • Wintersmith
    Wintersmith Posts: 76 Match Maker
    edited July 2015
    Various38 wrote:
    Dont't know about odds, I think I have gotten one gold cover from Tacos in the last few weeks. But I got a 1000 hp reward from Independence Vault by counting the visible symbols and hitting the button at x-3 after checking once or twice that the tokens appear at the same order. Has anyone else tried this or done similar thing with tacos? I might have to chance back to a slower phone, because those symbols are too dang quick... icon_e_wink.gif

    I did the same thing, but found that it doesn't work on the Taco Vault. I went through several cycles counting and it still gave me something not in the rotation. I have done pretty good this week with a newer system, but tomorrow will be the last day of testing. 4 days with good prizes may be just incredible luck.

    If anyone was wondering here is my list of prizes for the last 4 days:
    Scarlet Witch purpleflag.png (needed)
    Vision yellowflag.png (needed)
    Classic Mags yellowflag.png (didn't need but it's gold)
    250 HP icon_e_smile.gif
    1500 ISO icon_neutral.gif
    3 x 5 Health Packs (great for EoTS grinds)

    Can't complain. Got 2 out of 3 available 4* covers (IW and X-Force) from this weeks Sweet Tacos.

    Edit: Have to change that to IW and 2 X-Force covers, so 3 out of 3 4* covers.
  • Ouroboros9999
    Ouroboros9999 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    So is it confirmed that the cover cycling is merely an animation, or is it possible to anticipate and click to get the cover you want? I've been in a slump and have not pulled anything great since the switch.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    So is it confirmed that the cover cycling is merely an animation, or is it possible to anticipate and click to get the cover you want? I've been in a slump and have not pulled anything great since the switch.

    I've taken to covering the animation when I draw a token, tapping under my hand to stop the cycling after a reasonable delay so i have no idea what is coming or going.

    In the just ended cycle, out of 9 tacos I've pulled 3× 2*s, 1× 1500 iso, 1× Health Packs, 3× 250hp and 1x 1000hp. These are probably completely unrelated to not watching the animation, but it feels less anxiety-inducing at least.
  • So is it confirmed that the cover cycling is merely an animation, or is it possible to anticipate and click to get the cover you want? I've been in a slump and have not pulled anything great since the switch.
    there is no freakin' roulette, you can skip it its random icon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gif
    So is it confirmed that the cover cycling is merely an animation, or is it possible to anticipate and click to get the cover you want? I've been in a slump and have not pulled anything great since the switch.

    I've taken to covering the animation when I draw a token, tapping under my hand to stop the cycling after a reasonable delay so i have no idea what is coming or going.

    In the just ended cycle, out of 9 tacos I've pulled 3× 2*s, 1× 1500 iso, 1× Health Packs, 3× 250hp and 1x 1000hp. These are probably completely unrelated to not watching the animation, but it feels less anxiety-inducing at least.

    JUST SKIP THE ANIMATION BY CLICKING ALOT icon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gif
  • Ouroboros9999
    Ouroboros9999 Posts: 139 Tile Toppler
    That's good to know. I was kicking myself for not hitting the timer just right and getting only a 2*.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I've actually seen an improvement in my efficiency since the end of the Independence Day vault. I landed Luke Cage yellowflag.png from Independence and an IF purpleflag.png from whichever vault was up at that point. I received a Quiksilver blackflag.png last week, and got a Loki greenflag.png so far this week. I also picked up 250 HP for the first time along the way. I have pulled several 1500 ISO awards and health packs too. Things started off rough, but seems to be steadily improving...For pulls, I just put my thumb over the icon, push it, and leave it covered until the animation. It adds suspense for me lol
  • Platzy
    Platzy Posts: 77 Match Maker
    This rotation had a lot of useable 3* covers for me, so I decided my chances were quite good and wend on to splurge my 37 accumulated Savory Tacos. I got:


    icon_falcon.png (didn't need)
    icon_blackpanther.png (blue though... icon_razz.gif )

    250 imcoin.png x2
    1500 iso8.png x4
    healthpack.png x3

    ...aaand 23 assorted 2*s icon_lol.gif

    I'm not unhappy with what I pulled all in all, but am still undecided on whether that was a good or a rather **** yield objectively... icon_rolleyes.gif
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    I drew icon_professorx.pngpurpleflag.png just now, along with icon_captainamerica.pngredflag.png and the usual haul of 2* and health packs.

    That's 3 star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png pulls from the Taco vault for me since it started, and not one spideycoin.png pull. This transitioner still needs the latter a lot more than the former! icon_mad.gif

    And to add to my frustration, this is the third time I've pulled Chuck from a token and had no slot for him icon_evil.gif

    I guess I have take the good (a usable 3* cover) with the bad (a frustrating 4* cover pull and no HP), but the bad just sticks in your craw.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    im either getting

    2 3 stars

    2 5 health packs

    250 HP and 3 star or all 2 stars

    each 5 days. a lot better then the old vault... ITS Just too bad they did not make Health packs BOOST so you can save the and use them when you want
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    8 5-day rotations so far.

    first one: two 3*, 1500 ISO, and 8 of 2* (I bought a token for test purposes)
    second: 3*, 1500 ISO, health packs, 5 2*
    third: 250 HP, three 3*, health packs, 4 2*
    fourth: 3 3*, two x3 health packs, 1500 ISO, 4 2*

    In the next four groups: 7/10 2*, 4/10 2*, 7/10 2*, and the most recently concluded, 8/10 2*

    My satisfaction with pull rates is diminishing rapidly. The animation is still bugging me and the rate of 2* pulls has increased over what I had early on.
  • Chief270
    Chief270 Posts: 137
    Out of the gate I went with option b. Will be sitting at 40 in each after today.

    As someone who basically just needs the newer 4*'s, the vault wasn't all that appealing to me until the current cycle hit(when it appeared to me that some of the newer 4*s got added). So if I get a favorable 4* set, I may bite the bullet and exhaust a set in an attempt to get one. The current one is starlord/starlord/antman, so I can still wait.

    Yes, the 10 month thing is a little depressing, but if I can fight the urge to use them before a favorable 3 set is presented, I will have 6 guaranteed 4* covers. Plus all the extra HP(10k), pure iso(70k), converted iso((120.5k), and health packs(420)*.

    That is a definite upgrade over just the 150,000 to 200,000 I probably would of gotten from the original tokens, so I'm not complaining.

    *Note.. did the match quickly, so may be off at parts
  • Pessi
    Pessi Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    I pull all tokens as I get them at the moment, since mostly everything I get is a win.

    I pulled a needed Rodgers today, my first and enabled me to gain the Rodgers red from the Big Enchilada (I squee'd a bit, I've been after him for ages) Thats two 3's this week (pulled falcon blue - another needed cover)

    On average I'm pulling up to 3x3 star.png per week - which I am more than happy with.

    Once I have a number of maxed 3's for one reset I'll move to storing the taco tokens. Until then, 1:300 is better than 1:Infinate.
  • Didn't realize that stockpiled vault tokens don't change the stockpiled vault. Used about 10 tokens with no luck until I pulled something I didn't expect. Looked closer, and the stockpiled vault had changed! The specific cover I wanted was also gone. Wasted nearly a dozen tokens.

    Guess I'll only be using active vault tokens from now on.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got my 2nd usable anything from the vault today, a 3* icon_bullseye.pngpurpleflag.png from a token_taco.png

    before that, just a icon_professorx.pngpurpleflag.png

    so far, the vault is sort of annoying, but it is helping me accrue iso.. and tomorrow i plan on binge opening 20 token_taco.png to get health packs for DP vs MPQ.. watch, i won't get any lol.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm still holding strong, never been one to stockpile before, it's hard for me to not just open right away.

    There are a couple good weeks coming up (for me at least) and I'm gonna blow through about 60 tokens on each:
    Round 37 August 17 – August 21 : Sweet
    Captain Marvel - 2015-08-17
    Iron Man - 2015-08-18
    Iron Fist - 2015-08-19
    Ragnarok - 2015-08-20
    Kamala Khan - 2015-08-21

    My Marvel is maxed, but none of the others are. 2 of them are terrible, but I'd rather get covers I don't have for terrible characters than ones I can't use at all.
    Round 38 August 22 – August 26 : Savory
    Quicksilver - 2015-08-22
    Scarlet Witch - 2015-08-23
    Vision - 2015-08-24
    Black Panther – 2015-08-25
    Magneto - 2015-08-26

    Same as the first one, Mags is maxed. 2 of them are pretty bad, but I can use them. I'd love to get some BP & witch.

    Edit: we have taco token icons now?! Sweet! (and savory icon_e_wink.gif ) token_taco.pngtoken_taco.pngtoken_taco.png
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    udonomefoo wrote:
    Edit: we have taco token icons now?! Sweet! (and savory icon_e_wink.gif ) token_taco.pngtoken_taco.pngtoken_taco.png

    IceIX was busy
    IceIX wrote:
    :bomb: charged.pnglocked_bm.pnglocked_qs.png


    token_heroic.png tokenlightning: token_standard.pngtoken_taco.pngtoken_event.png

    Couple of things:
    Added a bit of semi-transparent black background beneath the Black Locked Web tile. Without it, the locked square is either too opaque on some color backgrounds or almost completely invisible on the default. So black square.

    The Charged tile icon just doesn't work. There's little I can do about that at a 17x17 size. Due to how transparent the Charged tile overlay is, it just blends into the tile itself at small size, and the sunbursts that extend are just random pixels at that point. The only real alternative would be to gin up a "faked" Charged tile that has a lightning bolt on an icon. And you don't want to see my pixel art. It's not pretty. If someone wants to do one up, I can add it.

    Quicksilver's Locked tile looks like I assaulted the current TU icon with the blur tool. Best that can really be done at that size though. /shrug.

    Also added some Comic Pack tokens. Just 'cuz.
  • Argon Flame
    Argon Flame Posts: 98 Match Maker
    With my tokens last night I did a test.
    I pulled out a stopwatch (app) and started the Vault cycle.
    Every time it hit a 4-star cover I hit the lap timer. Indicatively that cover (invisible woman) and the other two Fury tokens were approximately at the same lap times. So watching my stopwatch I tried for a Fury and was a little slow as it ticked one past it. Need more empirical evidence to validate.

    Edit: remember there are approximately 300 items in the Vault it can take several minutes for a complete cycle. Also if the cover you are after has a 3 or 2 star equivalent you cannot differentiate (Thors, Iron men, Wolverines)
  • Mazza
    Mazza Posts: 41
    I get a lot of covers I already have. mainly cap 2* and Wolvie 2*. I could have build those characters two or three times now icon_neutral.gif

    I did celebrate when I received Grocket yellowflag.png once though.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    With two more 2* today, I'm up to 28 of my last 42 tacos having been 2*. whee. It's kind of funny how that didn't annoy me nearly as much under the old system as it does with the animation. It's like "yes yes get it over with just show me what **** I got today."

    where before there was the anticipation of "what's it gonna be??"

    Don't get me wrong. I like the vault. I like the idea behind it. I'm just coming around to the idea that 300 items within is too many for the "the more 2* you pull the more likely you are to pull something you WANT the next time" mechanic to really work, and the animation just adds aggravation I don't need.