Is the Vault Working for You? Vault Efficiency



  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Vault is dumb and I hate it.

    That is all.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    The Independence Vault is working pretty well for me too.

    I've used 12 tokens on it to date.

    - 1 x 4* (XFW black, usable)
    - 5 x 3* (none of which I could use)
    - 6 x 2*

    At the time I pulled the 4* cover, my odds of pulling either of the 4*s or the 1K HP were at 7.5%, from recollection. I'm now down to 5.26% odds of pulling the other 4* or the 1K HP on my next pull. I have potentially 6 tokens left (3x Daily Deal, 3x progression). Assuming I pull 5 blanks in a row, that'll mean for my last token, I'll have a 2/33 chance of pulling either 4* reward (~6%). The gambler in me wants to buy those last 3 Daily Deal tokens!
  • I opened 20 Tokens from DPD so far, and Im realy disapointed.

    1x 1500 ISO

    19x (**) (ofc. I dont need them at all)

    I know hitting (****) should be rare but I think ther should be much less 2** Covers, and should be replaced by ISO and Health Pack.
  • the vault gave me 500 hp and 1,500 instead of health packs, plz fix volvo
  • bahamut685
    bahamut685 Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    The new vault is basically 5 heals / day.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    would love some heals.. on a 5 day dry spell of nothing but 2* covers from DDQ tokens... ID4 tokens, i think i am out of 2*s to pull from there, so it should get better.
  • 350 HP poured in, bupkis to show for it. 7 useless 2* covers.
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    The independence one is anyway. First four draws invisible women, magneto classic duplicate, prof x masterplan and a 2* .

    Even took a screen shot of it so I can remember what a good run is once my luck turns.
  • optimiza
    optimiza Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    Some more statistics:

    I counted 53 total items that are 3* or better, 50 if you exclude the three large iso prizes.

    One pull, chances of receiving a 3* or better (50 "wants"): 16.6%

    10 pulls, chances of receiving a 3* or better: 84.3%

    20 pulls, chances of receiving a 3* or better: 97.7%

    Chances of HP (13 chances):

    One pull: 4.3%

    10 pulls: 36.2%

    20 pulls: 60%

    Chances of health packs (42 chances):

    One pull: 14%

    10 pulls: 78.4%

    20 pulls: 95.6%
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    Vault is definitely not working for me and I still miss the old format. Even more so now that I realize the sweet and savory vaults reset every 5 days. Weak.
  • Cymmina
    Cymmina Posts: 413 Mover and Shaker
    I've been crazy lucky with Independence Vault: 6 out of 9 tokens I opened were 3* characters. Sadly, I was maxed out on 2 of them (locked the vault before I realized you could reset it by restarting). I'm almost tempted to stop buying the daily deal because the odds are against me getting the 3* covers that are left.

    The Sweet Vault, on the other hand, gave me 1 3* (maxed on that color), 4 x5 health packs, and 6 2* **** (11 tokens).

    I really hope they do more small vaults like Independence. The Savory/Sweet vaults are way too big.
  • Cable_eel
    Cable_eel Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    In case anyone is interested. The taco vault increases your odds every time you pull garbage, but if you get something good, subsequent odds are actually worse. So if you have hoarded tokens, it's better to stop to let the vault reset if you get lucky early. This only really matters if you've hoarded enough tokens to make a difference. As previously mentioned in this thread, at low numbers, the change in odds is fairly insignificant. I made a spreadsheet indicating where the stop points are based on how many things you want, how many you've gotten, and how many tokens you've already used. Does not take into account varying levels of goodness (ie a 4* vs a needed 3* vs HP) as that's up to you to decide. Left row is the number of items in the vault you would actually want. Top row is the number of "good" items you've already drawn out of the vault. Spreadsheet body indicates number of draws below which indicates you've had good luck and above which indicates you're getting rid of garbage and the vault is helping you.

    As an example, say there are 20 items in the vault you would be happy with keeping. You use 18 tokens and get nothing, but on number 19, you get something you wanted. 19>16 so you're still behind on the odds and should keep going. You use 3 more tokens and get another good result. 22<31 so you should stop. For the next 9 tokens, your odds are actually worse than for a fresh vault. Time to go back to hoarding.

  • djdv81
    djdv81 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    On the first week, all I got was a bunch of 2* covers and an 1,500 iso8.png. My luck really changed today because I pulled icon_ironfist.pngpurpleflag.png and with the next taco token I pulled icon_invisiblewoman.pngblueflag.png. The vault isn't so bad.
  • Various38
    Various38 Posts: 101
    I don't know about the efficiency, but I did do 4 trials today on both vaults (3xTaco Vault and 2xIndependence Vault). I tried to anticipate the prize to be pulled by noticing the pattern in the rotation and pushing the button 3 prizes early. The first time I tried it on the Independence vault it worked like a charm and I got my Prof X cover. The rest of the times it did not work and I pulled something that was not in the rotation in any way. I see now that no matter when you push the button, it will give you the prize it wants to give even though it has a clear rotation pattern.
  • Marvelfamily
    Marvelfamily Posts: 208

    Liked the old ddq taco style more. Sorry, guys.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    i seem to be getting more 3* (and now 4*) than i used to. but less HP.

    all in all, i think the change is for the better
  • Zombionicdoom
    Zombionicdoom Posts: 98 Match Maker
    I'm loving the vaults, & I miss the Independance Vault, had a smattering of 2*, HP & ISO but I've had 3 x KK greenflag.pngpurpleflag.pngyellowflag.png over the past few days, she's was one of the first 3*'s I got and has only had 1 greenflag.png cover……until now!! Well chuffed. I know four covers is a long way off of 13 but it's better than one!
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    I love the new vault since deadpool started i think i got 2 3 stars and 250hp and the rest junk

    the 4 weeks that ran so far

    week 1
    4 star 3 star 5 health 1500 rest 2 star

    Week 2
    3 star , 250 HP 5 heath rest 2 star

    week 3
    fist green 6000 ISO rest 2 star

    Week 4 (this week)
    250 HP and 3 star witch ... even if the rest of week is 2 star im happy

    so one month
    1 4 star,,, 4 3 stars, 500 HP, over 10k iSO

    i take that any day
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Did you know that if you've bought all 300 items from the DDQ vault, the vault reset is free?


    You also get an ungodly number of health packs, making you use Carnage more than you normally would.

  • The thing I hate most about how the Vault works is that many 3* covers are way more rare than they were in the previous store. There, you had a ~0.73% to draw any cover of the featured 5 characters. Take for example my vault. It shows IF as one of the 5 characters who has 5 covers in the vault, except he has 1 green, 1 purple and 3 black. Since I need only the purple, I have 1/300 = 0.33% to draw that cover. Even the covers that are offered 2x are less common now (0.66%) than they used to be. I know we now have the chance to get 4* characters, but using tokens when you have less than 200-300 and hoping to get a 4* will, probably, bring only disappointment.

    Another thing I don't like is that if I want to open 10 tokens I have to go through the stupid roulette animation 10+ times. Since the 10x and 40x don't offer different chances, they should be available for you to use if you have enough tokens and they should work like 10-pack heroics opening the tokens in succession.
    This last thing reminds me a lot the stupid purple level up button which works only if you have enough ISO to (soft) max your character, instead of using all available ISO to level as high as possible. They offer a convenience, but even this comes at a cost, as everything else in this game.