Game Crashes during matches after R77 Patch



  • Gagutz wrote:
    If we miss out on Carnage rewards...

    Do you think D3 will do the right thing and compensate us?


    Just got this email back from D3:
    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    We apologize, we're trying to inform all players writing in about the situation as quickly as possible, and your reply was caught up in our mass response. While we cannot promise any compensation that has not yet been determined, given the nature of this issue, compensation is certainly possible. We apologize for not being able to give a more specific answer at this time.
    No, they will not do the correct thing. What game have you been playing?
    If we are so lucky that we could **** 4 leaf clovers, we may get two heroic tokens! Thank the Lord!!! Because Moonstones are just as good as Carnage, right? Someone back me up here.... They are, right?
  • BBTBob wrote:
    Gagutz wrote:
    If we miss out on Carnage rewards...

    Do you think D3 will do the right thing and compensate us?


    Just got this email back from D3:
    Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

    We apologize, we're trying to inform all players writing in about the situation as quickly as possible, and your reply was caught up in our mass response. While we cannot promise any compensation that has not yet been determined, given the nature of this issue, compensation is certainly possible. We apologize for not being able to give a more specific answer at this time.
    No, they will not do the correct thing. What game have you been playing?
    If we are so lucky that we could **** 4 leaf clovers, we may get two heroic tokens! Thank the Lord!!! Because Moonstones are just as good as Carnage, right? Someone back me up here.... They are, right?

    Correct...i mean, have you seen her new black power?

    Va Va Voom... icon_rolleyes.gif

  • Crash, crash, crash.
    Wasting health packs in auto-defeats against easily won enemies.
    Have contacted customer support, am concerned I wont hit top 150 in PvE and will lose cover aimed for.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2015
    I am using a Tesco Hudl 2 running Android 4.4.2 and just did 3 shield sims matches without issue. To me it seems to only affect iOS devices from what has been posted so far. Am going to try again with my Samsung Galaxy 3 mobile phone to see if it works fine on that too.

    Edit: Samsun Galaxy S3 running Android 4.3 works fine too.
  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,530 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just another voice expressing the same bug. I went through four crashes in a row before coming to this forum. I wasted health packs, boosts and lost valuable points in the Bullseye PVE. Very unacceptable. Please let us know what the resolution will be and when. Thank you!
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    Crossposting my response from a General thread to help you folks track it down.

    "iPhone 5S with iOS 8.3. No crashes after updating and playing 3 matches in the Bullseye PVP"
  • Zehcnas27
    Zehcnas27 Posts: 12
    Confirmed same thing happening here. Tried to get Wanda off the dead pool daily and has crashed everytime while hurting my heroes and draining my boosts. d3 hallllppp
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Don't bother with any of support's suggestions because they do not fix the issue:

    - Make sure you have enough space on your device or your SD Card. (Full devices can run slower)
    - Make sure your OS is updated to the most recent version and that you have the most recent version of the game.
    - Restart your device often, especially if you are experiencing lag.
    - Try clearing your cache.

    iOS users can clear their cache by going to Settings>Safari>Clear History. Please also make sure to also select "Clear Cookies and Data".
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    After hours of not being able to log in on Android after the update, i did get a "good luck on your events!" from a dev!

    The events had nothing to do with the carnage release, and i easily made up the points (not going for anything but T100 in heroic and T100 in bullseye, so no real impact)

    But it did change which time slice i am joining the event in, the one i wanted had already started, so choosing it would have meant no chance at carnage.. had to choose one that will end up being one of the most competetive.. the 5pm ending.. ugh.
  • Same issue here, iPhone. Frustrating.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    iPad Mini (1st gen, model A1455) with 8.3: Since updating to R77 I have played DDQ and 15-20 matches without any crashes.

    This has an A5 chip, so probably shares common parts with the iPhone 4s.
  • I have an iPhone 5s version 8.3 and had the same issue. I went from 868 to 678 in PVP because of the crashes went from rank 4 to 24. Also crashing in sim. In game name z2605. Would really like my points back and 200 gold for buying health.
  • RyanL24
    RyanL24 Posts: 54
    I'm on Android. Last night I slogged my way through a horrible match against Juggs, and I barely won. *Whew!* "Victory!"

    What was my reward? 20 ISO? No! The match automatically started over. Fabulous! So here we are, their team has like 10K health each, and my guys are at 300, 850, and 2000. I'm thinking "This should be fun, I wonder what TU's I have?" NONE!! Well thanks MPQ!

    The good news is, after I was quickly dispatched by Ares, Juggs and Daken... I somehow received credit for winning the match! AND, I never have to play it again (this time around). I'm not sure if I received the fabulous prize... I went back and looked, and I was due 3 extremely valuable "Critical Boost" treasures. Which is almost as great of a prize as having to replay the match in the first place. icon_rolleyes.gif

    So this morning I played the last node against Daken, Mags and Ares, and wiped out. I healed my guys up and thought "Well, I have an hour and a half to waste working while my health packs regenerate." So I do some work for an hour and go back to check it out, and there is an update. I do that, and open the app.... waiting.... waiting.... waiting.... it FINALLY opened. And my team still had 4 hours to heal. The great news was I still had all my health packs! icon_rolleyes.gif So I heal them up. And what's this? A new event!? With an awesome 4 star prize!?!? Sign me up!! Oh wait, my time slice started a couple hours ago. How cool is that?

  • jdkrausey
    jdkrausey Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    It's a forced update too, literally can't avoid it! Wifi seems to be a factor here...
  • The worst part is support goes out of the office for the weekend soon so we will probably get no help till Monday. D3 really needs a weekend support teem, fixing problems when the majority of people are playing the game just makes too much since.
  • oh wait it's thursday my bad we have one more day lol
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    iPad 4 + iOS 8.3 + R77 = crashes.
  • iPad with the same exact problem as well icon_e_sad.gif Haven't gotten to play yet at all, afraid of PVE and the Deadpool rewards :'(
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Crashing here as well. I logged back in twice to confirm (same team since they were damaged - and I was sure it would crash).

    Same event & node each time (Storm Essential for Juggernaught)

    First time - before I was able to make the first match
    Second time - within a minute
    Third time - same thing.

    As a result, it's completely un-playable on iPhone (latest iOS).

    Which basically means my top 25 finish on the Juggs event is screwed. :-/
  • Ten crashes since the update. PvE event utterly ruined, as I finished placed 152. Only games it did not crash on were the 30/40/50 level matches. Anything boosted crashed. My entire team wiped, no healthpacks left, and no 3* cover to show for it.

    I contacted customer support to be asked if I had deliberately caused the exits from the matches. You what?

    Bring in a seriously flawed update with 90 minutes to go before the end of a three day event and you blame me? Get stuffed.

    I can't even compete in PvP now as my boosted characters are all dead. All of them. From losing matches I never got to play in.

    So, compensation = covers. You offer tokens, I leave the game. Iron Man. Nothing else, you were incompetent, you pay.