**** Carnage (Cletus Kasady) ****



  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    slidecage wrote:
    almost 10am and still nothing up the problem might be how they have PVE set up... if they programed it to be

    7 day 4 day 3 day
    7 day 3 day 4 day
    7 day 4 day 3 day
    they had gaunlet running for 7 and then did a 3 day the system would then try to push out a 4 day event but they had brotherhood set for 7 it might of screwed up the system and they have to put it in by hand (what could be hours or days)
    I thought you said you weren't going to play this anyway, so why do you even care?

    i play it for the progression rewards but not the cover... if i take top 50 i be happy but not going to bust my **** trying to get the new cover
  • Odds as I see it: Place your bets!

    tutile.png 0A. 4 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage (Cletus Kasady) gets released as is (June 4, 7AM)
    IceIX wrote:
    Revealing the character being released. Still not quite out yet though, so keep in mind that these are still pre-release bits of info!

    Carnage (Cletus Kasady) icon_carnage.png
    4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Wiki Link
    At Max Level: HP: 15573 Tile Damage: 10/82/11/11/64/73/3.0x

    Symbiote Scythes - 7 redtile.png AP
    Carnage attacks viciously and indiscriminately, clawing and slashing in every direction. Deals 603 damage to the target and 320 damage to all other allies and enemies.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 840 damage to the target and 411 damage to others. Level 3: Deals 1069 damage to the target and 503 damage to others. Level 4: Deals 1553 damage to the target and 731 damage to others. Level 5: Deals 2476 damage to the target and 914 damage to others.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 2116 / 994 damage. Level 4: 3075 / 1446 damage. Level 5: 4903 / 1808 damage.

    Alien Instincts - blacktile.png Passive
    (PASSIVE) Carnage's alien symbiote keeps him in a constant Frenzy! Whenever a power is fired, Carnage creates 2 friendly strength 47 Attack tiles and 2 enemy Strength 46 Attack tiles.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Creates strength 50 friendly tiles. Level 3: Creates strength 52 friendly tiles. Level 4: Creates strength 58 friendly tiles. Level 5: Creates strength 70 friendly tiles.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 2 strength 103 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles Level 4: 2 strength 114 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles Level 5: 2 strength 137 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles

    Carnage Rules - 11 greentile.png AP
    Carnage unleashes a torrent of piercing tendrils! Destroys 6 random tiles and deals 228 additional damage for every special tile destroyed. Does not generate AP.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Destroys 8 random tiles. Level 3: Destroys 10 random tiles. Level 4: Destroys 12 random tiles and deals 283 additional damage for every special tile destroyed. Level 5: Destroys 16 random tiles and deals 328 additional damage for every special tile destroyed.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 10 tiles / 452 per special destroyed Level 4: 12 tiles / 560 per special destroyed Level 5: 16 tiles / 651 per special destroyed
    redtile.png 1A. 1 iso8.png:3iso8.png Symbiote Scythes gets adjusted before release
    redtile.png 1B. 2 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes gets released as is
    redtile.png 1C. 1 iso8.png :1.5 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' AP cost goes up before release
    redtile.png 1D. 1 iso8.png :1.5 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' damage goes down before release
    redtile.png 1E. 15 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' damage goes up before release
    redtile.png 1F. 2.5 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' other damage goes up before release
    redtile.png 1G. 1 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' other damage goes down before release

    blacktile.png 2A 1 iso8.png :2 iso8.png Alien Instincts released as is
    blacktile.png 2B 1 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts gets adjusted before release
    blacktile.png 2C 1.5 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts all damage goes down before release
    blacktile.png 2D 3 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts all damage goes up before release
    blacktile.png 2E 16 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts only level 4 and 5 damage gets buffed before release

    greentile.png 3A 1 iso8.png :4 iso8.png Carnage Rules released as is
    greentile.png 3B 3 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules gets a further nerf before release
    greentile.png 3C 30 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules gets rebuffed before release!
    greentile.png 3D 100 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules cover 5 gets changed to 15 tiles destroyed
    greentile.png 3E 5000 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules cover 5 gets changed to 17 tiles destroyed

    I've got 10000 iso8.png on 1A and 5k iso8.png on 1C icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Oldboy wrote:
    I dont mind Carnage as he is right now but only if Elektra is up-balanced to match Carnage in power and health. After all, she's supposed to be a 4*. Right now she's 3* tier. And the recent 4*s are all a whole lot better than her.

    Of course Electra is the only one who can avoid Carnage's universal damage.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    If he stays as is, here is PvP for awhile

    For defense you could use Hulkbuster, Cyclops, Hood, basically anyone that can accelerate red and no one attacks you.

    It'll be IMHB/Carnage, across the board, at least defensively.

    No reason to use Cyclops because AI will hold for Optic Blasts, which is obviously decent but inferior to Carnage's red.

    IMHB as a billion health and feeds red, and if the AI holds for Repulsor, you're almost worse off.

    For regular PvP, featured will be irrelevant again. For Shield Sim, IMHB/Carnage needs only yellow/purple for rainbow, and oh hi Starlord making everything even cheaper.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just had the horrifying thought of a 5/3/5 Carnage teamed with a 5/5/0 Star-Lord and a 0/5/5 Hulkbuster, ensuring that only his red gets used.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just had the horrifying thought of a 5/3/5 Carnage teamed with a 5/5/0 Star-Lord and a 0/5/5 Hulkbuster, ensuring that only his red gets used.
    As if HB and Starlord's red wouldn't kick your **** too, if the AI went with those instead...
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    daibar wrote:
    Odds as I see it: Place your bets!
    Give me a 10,000 iso8.png exacta, 1B over 2A
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Hey MPQers!

    We at Demiurge are really excited to bring Carnage to you all! So excited that we decided to whip up a little page explaining his abilities, giving you some developer insight, providing a reading list, and showing off some the art that our incredibly talented artists have done!

    You can check out that page at the following link http://www.demiurgestudios.com/blog/mpq ... r-carnage/
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I just had the horrifying thought of a 5/3/5 Carnage teamed with a 5/5/0 Star-Lord and a 0/5/5 Hulkbuster, ensuring that only his red gets used.


    Or Everyone With Me as a team up and instead they've got KK to heal back the damage caused by Carnage.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Love some of the cover art y'all picked!
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    That for offense, and then the HB/SL team for defense because you can't set team-ups on D.

    (I don't know about you, but if the enemy team gets a red cascade I'd much rather eat a single Repulsor Punch that downs one character and drains their AP to 0, or a single Oldest Trick that I can hopefully match away or overwrite, than consecutive turns of Symbiote Scythes. Plus that way you can max Everyone With Me and Hulk-Proof without gimping offensive moves)
  • Born2DieNPvP
    Born2DieNPvP Posts: 163
    The cover description lists it's from 1963 instead of 1993. I demand 5 covers of each color for this grievous, game breaking error!
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    The year is when that volume of the series started, not when the issue came out.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    That for offense, and then the HB/SL team for defense because you can't set team-ups on D.

    (I don't know about you, but if the enemy team gets a red cascade I'd much rather eat a single Repulsor Punch that downs one character and drains their AP to 0, or a single Oldest Trick that I can hopefully match away or overwrite, than consecutive turns of Symbiote Scythes. Plus that way you can max Everyone With Me and Hulk-Proof without gimping offensive moves)

    Totally true.

    It's too bad you can't disable skills on D and the only way to do that is to intentionally build a character that doesn't have that cover at all.
  • Demiurge_Anthony
    Demiurge_Anthony Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    Ah HA!

    While the comic was produced in 1993, it was from the 1963 run of the Amazing Spider-man. Don't worry though, I often confuse them myself.

    http://marvel.com/comics/issue/6794/ama ... n_1963_380
  • LuciferianX
    LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    I'm sorry, team. This just looks like a pile of tiny kitty to me. I see no benefit to having Carnage on your team, and I'm certain that we'll see him constantly used by the AI, who won't care if it nukes itself on a 5:2 ratio attack. Hard for me to feel good about this.

    Oh wait.

    I don't.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Xenoberyll wrote:
    wymtime wrote:
    but wouldn't you like a stronger attack tile and just use red twice?

    2x red deals 9.8 k to one and 3.6 k to everybody else. Not enough to finish most teams reallly. I first misread the red as 5 k to the enemy team / 2k to your team - that would have been the new sentry. But now i read it again it's become a lot less powerful.

    You realize that this is double the damage of Call the storm? (More than double for single target, a little bit less for the rest). And being two casts of a power, not just one, strike tiles are added two times, so if you play him with IMHB (as everybody is going to) and cast black before the two reds, it is like 11.2k and 5k the rest of the other team. Or if you select two different targets 8.1k two enemies and 5k the other one.

    So I don't know what to say. Red MUST cost at least 9, 7 is so super cheap, it would be like RotP costing 10 or CtS 11. It does allmost the same damage than Supernova and is 4 AP cheaper and you don't even need red on the board. It is so broken...

    Best player ever on defense, and played by IA in PvE completely unfair. The new king of the health packs.

    PS: And some people was already saying that IMHB and ProfX needed to be nerfed... If those need nerfing this one needs supernerfing!
  • Born2DieNPvP
    Born2DieNPvP Posts: 163
    But this would mean I have to admit I'm wrong. Not acceptable. icon_e_surprised.gif
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2015
    Elektra black negates half of Carnage's red downside, and her purple will now have auto strike tiles to steal/buff. Sounds good to me.

    EDIT: Oh, huh, should have read that closer. Attack, not strike. That's actually less game changing then, as there's less abilities that interact and take advantage of that.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Carnage generates attack tiles, not strike tiles.