**** Carnage (Cletus Kasady) ****



  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ah HA!

    While the comic was produced in 1993, it was from the 1963 run of the Amazing Spider-man. Don't worry though, I often confuse them myself.

    http://marvel.com/comics/issue/6794/ama ... n_1963_380

    Already have this cover in my collection, about 5 books away from doing my RL roster project (already have colored sticky's for powers and lvl)
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    But this would mean I have to admit I'm wrong. Not acceptable. icon_e_surprised.gif

    Now you have to give them 5 of your covers icon_lol.gif
    Malcrof wrote:
    Ah HA!

    While the comic was produced in 1993, it was from the 1963 run of the Amazing Spider-man. Don't worry though, I often confuse them myself.

    http://marvel.com/comics/issue/6794/ama ... n_1963_380

    Already have this cover in my collection, about 5 books away from doing my RL roster project (already have colored sticky's for powers and lvl)

    Share some pics! I remember someone else putting them up on their wall viewtopic.php?style=1&f=7&t=2734&p=41429
  • Oldboy wrote:
    I dont mind Carnage as he is right now but only if Elektra is up-balanced to match Carnage in power and health. After all, she's supposed to be a 4*. Right now she's 3* tier. And the recent 4*s are all a whole lot better than her.
    Elektra is worse than 3*, especially if Sentry 2.0, I mean Carnage, Professor X and Hulkbuster get no changes anytime soon
    daibar wrote:
    Odds as I see it: Place your bets!

    tutile.png 0A. 4 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage (Cletus Kasady) gets released as is (June 4, 7AM)
    IceIX wrote:
    Revealing the character being released. Still not quite out yet though, so keep in mind that these are still pre-release bits of info!

    Carnage (Cletus Kasady) icon_carnage.png
    4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Wiki Link
    At Max Level: HP: 15573 Tile Damage: 10/82/11/11/64/73/3.0x

    Symbiote Scythes - 7 redtile.png AP
    Carnage attacks viciously and indiscriminately, clawing and slashing in every direction. Deals 603 damage to the target and 320 damage to all other allies and enemies.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 840 damage to the target and 411 damage to others. Level 3: Deals 1069 damage to the target and 503 damage to others. Level 4: Deals 1553 damage to the target and 731 damage to others. Level 5: Deals 2476 damage to the target and 914 damage to others.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 2116 / 994 damage. Level 4: 3075 / 1446 damage. Level 5: 4903 / 1808 damage.

    Alien Instincts - blacktile.png Passive
    (PASSIVE) Carnage's alien symbiote keeps him in a constant Frenzy! Whenever a power is fired, Carnage creates 2 friendly strength 47 Attack tiles and 2 enemy Strength 46 Attack tiles.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Creates strength 50 friendly tiles. Level 3: Creates strength 52 friendly tiles. Level 4: Creates strength 58 friendly tiles. Level 5: Creates strength 70 friendly tiles.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 2 strength 103 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles Level 4: 2 strength 114 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles Level 5: 2 strength 137 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles

    Carnage Rules - 11 greentile.png AP
    Carnage unleashes a torrent of piercing tendrils! Destroys 6 random tiles and deals 228 additional damage for every special tile destroyed. Does not generate AP.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Destroys 8 random tiles. Level 3: Destroys 10 random tiles. Level 4: Destroys 12 random tiles and deals 283 additional damage for every special tile destroyed. Level 5: Destroys 16 random tiles and deals 328 additional damage for every special tile destroyed.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 10 tiles / 452 per special destroyed Level 4: 12 tiles / 560 per special destroyed Level 5: 16 tiles / 651 per special destroyed
    redtile.png 1A. 1 iso8.png:3iso8.png Symbiote Scythes gets adjusted before release
    redtile.png 1B. 2 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes gets released as is
    redtile.png 1C. 1 iso8.png :1.5 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' AP cost goes up before release
    redtile.png 1D. 1 iso8.png :1.5 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' damage goes down before release
    redtile.png 1E. 15 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' damage goes up before release
    redtile.png 1F. 2.5 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' other damage goes up before release
    redtile.png 1G. 1 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' other damage goes down before release

    blacktile.png 2A 1 iso8.png :2 iso8.png Alien Instincts released as is
    blacktile.png 2B 1 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts gets adjusted before release
    blacktile.png 2C 1.5 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts all damage goes down before release
    blacktile.png 2D 3 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts all damage goes up before release
    blacktile.png 2E 16 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts only level 4 and 5 damage gets buffed before release

    greentile.png 3A 1 iso8.png :4 iso8.png Carnage Rules released as is
    greentile.png 3B 3 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules gets a further nerf before release
    greentile.png 3C 30 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules gets rebuffed before release!
    greentile.png 3D 100 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules cover 5 gets changed to 15 tiles destroyed
    greentile.png 3E 5000 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules cover 5 gets changed to 17 tiles destroyed

    I've got 10000 iso8.png on 1A and 5k iso8.png on 1C icon_mrgreen.gif

    A nerf betting chart. U need to team up with the HP suck guy/gal you'll be swimming in upvotes

    My personal bet: they won't adjust Carnage until "they find out" he's OP in a couple months/weeks, or he'll get the Iron Fist treatment(OP and nerfed, but still they won't nerf him properly)
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    I changed my signature!
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    jojeda654 wrote:
    Share some pics! I remember someone else putting them up on their wall viewtopic.php?style=1&f=7&t=2734&p=41429

    Didn't know it had already been done!! Still going to try and do it, right now they are all still in a box, nothing on the wall yet. Will post pics as soon as i can work on it more icon_e_smile.gif
  • daibar wrote:
    Odds as I see it: Place your bets!

    tutile.png 0A. 4 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage (Cletus Kasady) gets released as is (June 4, 7AM)
    IceIX wrote:
    Revealing the character being released. Still not quite out yet though, so keep in mind that these are still pre-release bits of info!

    Carnage (Cletus Kasady) icon_carnage.png
    4 Star Rarity (Legendary) Wiki Link
    At Max Level: HP: 15573 Tile Damage: 10/82/11/11/64/73/3.0x

    Symbiote Scythes - 7 redtile.png AP
    Carnage attacks viciously and indiscriminately, clawing and slashing in every direction. Deals 603 damage to the target and 320 damage to all other allies and enemies.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 840 damage to the target and 411 damage to others. Level 3: Deals 1069 damage to the target and 503 damage to others. Level 4: Deals 1553 damage to the target and 731 damage to others. Level 5: Deals 2476 damage to the target and 914 damage to others.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 2116 / 994 damage. Level 4: 3075 / 1446 damage. Level 5: 4903 / 1808 damage.

    Alien Instincts - blacktile.png Passive
    (PASSIVE) Carnage's alien symbiote keeps him in a constant Frenzy! Whenever a power is fired, Carnage creates 2 friendly strength 47 Attack tiles and 2 enemy Strength 46 Attack tiles.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Creates strength 50 friendly tiles. Level 3: Creates strength 52 friendly tiles. Level 4: Creates strength 58 friendly tiles. Level 5: Creates strength 70 friendly tiles.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 2 strength 103 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles Level 4: 2 strength 114 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles Level 5: 2 strength 137 friendly Attack tiles, 2 strength 90 enemy Attack tiles

    Carnage Rules - 11 greentile.png AP
    Carnage unleashes a torrent of piercing tendrils! Destroys 6 random tiles and deals 228 additional damage for every special tile destroyed. Does not generate AP.
    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Destroys 8 random tiles. Level 3: Destroys 10 random tiles. Level 4: Destroys 12 random tiles and deals 283 additional damage for every special tile destroyed. Level 5: Destroys 16 random tiles and deals 328 additional damage for every special tile destroyed.
    Max Level
      Level 3: 10 tiles / 452 per special destroyed Level 4: 12 tiles / 560 per special destroyed Level 5: 16 tiles / 651 per special destroyed
    redtile.png 1A. 1 iso8.png:3iso8.png Symbiote Scythes gets adjusted before release
    redtile.png 1B. 2 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes gets released as is
    redtile.png 1C. 1 iso8.png :1.5 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' AP cost goes up before release
    redtile.png 1D. 1 iso8.png :1.5 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' damage goes down before release
    redtile.png 1E. 15 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' damage goes up before release
    redtile.png 1F. 2.5 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' other damage goes up before release
    redtile.png 1G. 1 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Symbiote Scythes' other damage goes down before release

    blacktile.png 2A 1 iso8.png :2 iso8.png Alien Instincts released as is
    blacktile.png 2B 1 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts gets adjusted before release
    blacktile.png 2C 1.5 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts all damage goes down before release
    blacktile.png 2D 3 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts all damage goes up before release
    blacktile.png 2E 16 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Alien Instincts only level 4 and 5 damage gets buffed before release

    greentile.png 3A 1 iso8.png :4 iso8.png Carnage Rules released as is
    greentile.png 3B 3 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules gets a further nerf before release
    greentile.png 3C 30 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules gets rebuffed before release!
    greentile.png 3D 100 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules cover 5 gets changed to 15 tiles destroyed
    greentile.png 3E 5000 iso8.png :1 iso8.png Carnage Rules cover 5 gets changed to 17 tiles destroyed

    I've got 10000 iso8.png on 1A and 5k iso8.png on 1C icon_mrgreen.gif
    I'll take 8k iso8.png on 1c and 6k on 1D, 3k on 2c and 9k on 3a.
  • I am super glad to see another four-star villain, and pretty excited that it is Carnage. I'm even very pleased to see the way they integrated his powers and general personality into his playstyle. He's thematically a very well-designed and welcome addition to the game.

    That being said, he does all of the worst possible things that a character can do in this game. I have no interest whatsoever in ever playing against him, and relatively little interest in ever playing with him. He's a bad thing in the context of this game, despite how well-designed he is.

    I feel very conflicted.
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 628 Critical Contributor
    I love this new format -- character intro, ability details, design rationale, and recommended reading, all in one place. Good job!!

    Also great: that you're now linking to entire stories / trade paperbacks rather than individual issues like before.
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    I think this is some of the best character art yet created for MPQ.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,303 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you wanted to represent true chaos (as it should) the damage dealt from his green ability should apply to himself if you destroy your own special tiles if that is possible. That would really help temper this character since his red and green are both amazing. It would make it much more of a strategic decision whether you risk using his green. The tile destruction is good by itself, but now you must weigh it against who has more specials out on the board etc, where is Carnage's health, how bad do you really need the random tile destruction etc. Truly leads itself to a more chaotic feeling and helps bring the character back down to a more reasonable level.

    Side Note: Could he be a viable combo with Daken using his strike tile destruction ability for 5 blue?
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    Awesome. Please do this for character releases from now on.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    You realize that this is double the damage of Call the storm?

    * Call the Thunder
  • emaker27
    emaker27 Posts: 285 Mover and Shaker
    Polares wrote:
    You realize that this is double the damage of Call the storm?

    * Call the Thunder

    * Call the Storm or Thunder Strike, but definitely not a combination of the two
  • ballingbees
    ballingbees Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    TLCstormz wrote:
    Such a teen angst / mad at my Mom and Dad / I love blood and gore and Mortal Kombat, that has not been relevant nor prevalent since the 90s, SHOULD NOT be a 4* character. So, I truly hope that he is not.....
    if Squirrel is worthy of being a 3*, hey..
  • He is not that good for 4* ..he suicide the team with all his powers (Black passive and Red) Green power is too weak..at max red deals 4900 to target enemy and 1800 to other enemies and to all allies and his passive black also on max create 2 enemy attack tiles with strength off 90 and 137 for you also 12 tiles whenever power is fired enemy or you and his green at max destroy 16 tiles and doing 650 damage for each special tile destroyed so no that good for 4* is my opinion
  • He is not that good for 4* ..he suicide the team with all his powers (Black passive and Red) Green power is too weak..at max red deals 4900 to target enemy and 1800 to other enemies and to all allies and his passive black also on max create 2 enemy attack tiles with strength off 90 and 137 for you also 12 tiles whenever power is fired enemy or you and his green at max destroy 16 tiles and doing 650 damage for each special tile destroyed so no that good for 4* is my opinion
    um....I'm glad you said that that's your opinion at least:
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just noticed he Rainbows with 3* Spiderman, and Spidey's heal is more than the team damage Carnage is doing. I wonder if this was intentional. Add in Spidey making protect tiles to void out the attack ones made for the other team... 2 people who hate each other, have nice synergy..together.
  • This character design is a loss for everyone and just a win for AI and cheap buy health packs strategies
    Battles already last too long and there's less ways to finish one without a downed character or in need to recovery
    I can already see all the goons feeding in red and a Carnage/Star Lord/Kamala Khan super fun Simulator/Gauntlet match

    4k is a huge damage for an aoe attack but keeping in mind that most of 4* (except Px maybe), and boosted 3* already have 10-12k on high/mid levels that self damage might change the battle outcome too

    To all the ones reminding Sentry, you used Sacrifice and World Rupture, not Supernova as main skill
    I think putting cash on Carnage will backfire either by a nerf or by seeing he isn't so good in the general balance (outside of defense)
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just noticed he Rainbows with 3* Spiderman, and Spidey's heal is more than the team damage Carnage is doing. I wonder if this was intentional. Add in Spidey making protect tiles to void out the attack ones made for the other team... 2 people who hate each other, have nice synergy..together.
  • raisinbman wrote:
    daibar wrote:
    Overall best pairings I can see are:
    Red generators (speed games)
    ~HB: Maybe? If you have excess red before firing a repulsor punch, you can do AOE damage with it. Not amazing synergy though with overlap on red/black and HB's hulkproof removing greens.

    HB blue generates red tiles, HB black generates red ap
    I can't see how that is not amazing synergy with 2 colours that feed the best skill and a tank with enough health to survive that