The Gauntlet - May 28 - June 4

This Event:

This Week:

Notable Progressions:

Wilderness Survival:

1423 icon_storm.png Classic yellowflag.png
1858 cardpack.png Gauntlet

Alpine Tactics (complete the main line of Wilderness Survival to unlock)
959 icon_magneto.png Marvel Now! redflag.png
1720 cardpack.png Gauntlet
2424 50 imcoin.png
3538 icon_humantorch.png Classic blackflag.png

Global Domination (complete the main line of Alpine Tactics to unlock)
627 icon_bullseye.png DA purpleflag.png
1547 cardpack.png Gauntlet
2644 icon_deadpool.pngblackflag.png
3684 50 imcoin.png
4279 icon_blackpanther.pngblueflag.png
5218 icon_ironman.png Hulkbuster blackflag.png


  • Won't know the end time (last one I posted a thread for lasted 5-6 days) until it's live, but there's usually enough time to get through it if you're so inclined.

    Looks like they may have upped the prizes a touch this time, as now you get 3x3* covers and a 4* cover, plus 3 tokens, and 100 HP.

    And sanity from playing on your own schedule. Precious, precious sanity.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    99.9999% sure its a 7 day event.. then been doing 7 day event then either a 3 or 4 day. Just coming off a 3 and 4 day event so the thing will be a 7 day event...

    Question is will it be random covers needed for the next PVE or will it be either

    2 star bullseye or Torch
    3 star Deadpool or Black pant
    4 star iron man

    how far i can play

    2 star yellow storm

    2 star mag red
    50 hp if lucky and get 2400

    yeap not worth my time for 2 2 stars i have no use for and 2 tokens .... Can play PVP and earn this stuff i one tenth of the time

    It would be nice if they would run another PVE along the side of this and make this a running thing (Like make gaunlet a season thing that runs along the side of normal PVES)

    many skip the mystic PVE and many will skip this wonder how many will come back after a 12+ day leave time
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    slidecage wrote:
    Question is will it be random covers needed for the next PVE or will it be either

    2 star bullseye or Torch
    3 star Deadpool or Black pant
    4 star iron man

    My guess (based purely on. . . guessing) is that it will be the final cover from each of the three subs. Which would make it 2* Storm, 3* Torch, 4* Iron Man. If I'm right, I'll come back here in a week and gloat.
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    A 4* cover that I don't have to buy shields to acquire? Thank you very much kind dev gods!
  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Not to be a party pooper but it probably also means the nodes will be tough. Small baby cats tough.
  • The difficult decision will be whether to push for Hulkbuster or skip entirely - probably push, but if it gets too crazy too fast there's always quiet time.
  • mgallop
    mgallop Posts: 120
    One concern is that IW is probably going to be essential in at least one sub to earn top progression, hoping not the IMHB sub, but not holding my breath.
  • mgallop wrote:
    One concern is that IW is probably going to be essential in at least one sub to earn top progression, hoping not the IMHB sub, but not holding my breath.

    If you want the top progression in any sub you have to clear the main line (can use anyone) and all of the essentials. The New World Order nowadays is a 2/3/4 essential, so you'll have to clear some pretty big gnarly essential nodes in order to get that Hulkbuster.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    mgallop wrote:
    One concern is that IW is probably going to be essential in at least one sub to earn top progression, hoping not the IMHB sub, but not holding my breath.

    i would say the 2 star will be needed on the easy map. 3 star on med and 4 star on the hulkbuster.

    already have 4 blacks on hulkbuster so really dont need a 5th that badly
  • 12chris6
    12chris6 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    mgallop wrote:
    One concern is that IW is probably going to be essential in at least one sub to earn top progression, hoping not the IMHB sub, but not holding my breath.

    I hope not. I really want a 2nd Hulkbuster cover and I don't have IW. I hate The Gauntlet event because I usually fall short because I don't have the essential characters.
  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    I'm personally hoping that Marvel is not in the last sub. Every time we have a PvE, I'm hoping against hope that one of the 4 2* characters I have will be the essential. Hasn't happened yet.

    I really don't want to take a single cover Marvel into an essential fight against lvl 300+ foes.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Which character should I piur my ISO into, Human Torch (Currently level 135 boosted to 192) or Mystique (Currently 130 boosted to 224)?

    I was going to pour it into Captain Marvel, but I didn't realise it was actually MS Marvel. (Seriously, why is she called Captain Marvel (Ms Marvel)? Why not just call her...Ms Marvel?>)
  • mr_X
    mr_X Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    mgallop wrote:
    One concern is that IW is probably going to be essential in at least one sub to earn top progression, hoping not the IMHB sub, but not holding my breath.

    Really hope not but it is a distinct possibility if the new essential rubric is in effect.

    Don't have that particular key on my four* keyring.

    Would like the satisfaction of finally completing the gauntlet. Close but no ciger in previous attempts.

    The only other thing that worry's me with this event is personal scaling. Scaling always seem to jump in the following event.
  • 12chris6
    12chris6 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    Well the first essential was obviously Mystique.
  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    12chris6 wrote:
    Well the first essential was obviously Mystique.

    50% chance now. I know this should be hard for a 4* prize, but 2 on 3 in the final sub would be unfair to say the least. It really should have gone Ms Marvel, Mystique and then IW. That would at least make sense.

    I'm assuming some intrepid soul will be flying through this and let us know the bad news soon enough.
  • 12chris6 wrote:
    Well the first essential was obviously Mystique.

    Yup. For the cause of common sense, I was hoping it would be mini-marvel - reason being that I have her covered but unleveled. Oh well. We'll see if and when she pops up.
  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    Does anyone know if completing the essentials in one sub effects the scaling in the following subs?

    From what I recall, you should always hit the essentials last, since clearing them will raise the difficulty of the remaining nodes. But I don't know if that is the case from sub to sub.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    If i remember correctly from last time, the ISO gain in this event is massive, well worth the effort. The covers don't hurt either
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    So... who is ready for Ultron Prime + Iron Fist? (Just a guess, I am not to the third set at this time).
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    ZeiramMR wrote:
    So... who is ready for Ultron Prime + Iron Fist? (Just a guess, I am not to the third set at this time).

    That would be all kinds of yeah, that's probably a good guess for Global Domination mode.