Your WORST MPQ moment of the day (REALITY thread)



  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    And another: Pulled my Heroic 10 pack and got nine 2*s, one 4* and no BH. The 4* cover was a champ level for Coulson, so it wasn't a complete loss (plus it is kind of ridiculous to complain about getting any 4* cover from the 10 pack), but I was hoping for some 3* covers to trigger BH. I'm desperately trying to get Squirrel Girl to 223 for the blue Ant-Man cover before his Crash. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    The unusual system for the Subs in Strange Sights meant that, even tho I got t10 in all three Subs, I was only #16 in my bracket for the event as a whole, and now I don't have Sandman for the first Sub of DPvMPQ.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Every time DP v MPQ runs, I curse that 2* essential node in the heroes sub. Witch, Fist, Ant-Man. A purple battery fueling any one of three awful powers to eat; AOE plus long stun, or black-shake to punch-punch-punch, or fill the board with attack tiles. Fighting that node 2v3 (since the 2* is effectively useless) is such a pain. And oh yeah, Fist is bleeding you every turn from the start.

    I tried 2Cap, 3Beast, 4Spider-Woman on the last run. 2Cap took a dirt nap, 3Beast was badly crippled, but at least 4SW's black stopped damage from accumulating for several turns to get me through.

    Hate, hate, hate that node.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    Every time DP v MPQ runs, I curse that 2* essential node in the heroes sub. Witch, Fist, Ant-Man. A purple battery fueling any one of three awful powers to eat; AOE plus long stun, or black-shake to punch-punch-punch, or fill the board with attack tiles. Fighting that node 2v3 (since the 2* is effectively useless) is such a pain. And oh yeah, Fist is bleeding you every turn from the start.

    I tried 2Cap, 3Beast, 4Spider-Woman on the last run. 2Cap took a dirt nap, 3Beast was badly crippled, but at least 4SW's black stopped damage from accumulating for several turns to get me through.

    Hate, hate, hate that node.
    I had no issues work this node at all during my initial four clears. This fifth clear? Wiped not once but two times. 

    I was kind of distracted by a conversation, but still. Kind of ridiculous that boosted G4mora and G4ocket along with Cap had that much trouble. I used the same team except subbing out Medusa for Cap for the rest of my 5th clears, and didn't use anymore health packs. 
  • Hyposphere6234
    Hyposphere6234 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    Today I forgot that the PvE is two, two-day waves. I was pretty smug with my second place finish at the time I thought that the wave was ending... I've got nothing to do for the next seventeen hours apart from watching my rank slowly drop! 
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Worst season 10 pack evah, all 2 stars. What a bummer.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Standard Token in my SHIELD Resupply for three days in a row.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Iceman has been my unicorn for about a year now.  2 blues coming up in progression soon, both unusable.  After a BH yesterday I'm to 2/5/5 and just need 1 green.  I tried to snipe God of Lies.  Joined last 14 minutes and got a group with only 40 people.  Got a grand total of about 2.5 minutes of wife and work agro and that was enough to ensure I couldn't get top 5.  Got 12th.  :( 

    Worse case though I'll buy it with CP to save the unusables, or maybe I'll get one of those magic H4H offers.  Wait... too much positive thinking for this thread, I'll shut up now.
  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    My Nova is 1/3/1 and level 111, so I hadn't bothered with the current Crash of the Titans. But today I was bored and figured "why not?"

    So I went in w/o any boosts to just see how it went. I actually got Falcon to < 100 health before he killed me.

    Wow, so if I use boosts, this should be cake, right?

    I proceeded to blow through 11 health packs, all one-at-a-time, and a BUNCH of my boosts and never came remotely close to beating him again. Hell, most times, I didn't get him under 10,000 health. 

    If I had used, really, virtually ANY boost the first time, I'd have won. But using ALL boosts since then, I can't even come close. 
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    Yesterday I got the 4* progression cover in HoD, and an hour or so later the 900 progression cover in Hotshot.

    My 0/5/4 Bobby is crying creepily in the corner.
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    I've had a long stretch of being able to keep up ISO gathering and application while continuing to open Classic tokens as I gathered the CP to afford the next one. Which is really good because outside of certain hardline boundaries that I still have problems resisting (like keeping 240 on hand "just in case I really need to level someone and not lose covers that I want), I have a hard time not chasing the shiny.

    I'm in the penalty box. Finishing champing Coulson now... should be done in about 3 days. But then I have 2-3 days behind him to Champ SL, and last night I pulled a 14th cover for my LVL 94 fully covered 4* R&G. Oops. No more. I have to stop and HURRY. Cannot open any more tokens for 2 weeks. Sigh.
    [Limps in 2 weeks later.] Done. With all the 2-day subs and what not lately I did end up having to borrow from the 2*farm for it.

    But silly me, did I wait until I champed the Wasp I had on the vine from opening... something? Event store? I think?

    Noooooo. No, I didn't pay attention and notice Wasp was at 229, not 250 even and it was going to be more than a couple of days. So there I went... pulled my 4 LTs (CP is piling up like mad...), and now I have a Cloak & Dagger behind Wasp.

    Fortunately, I was going to end up there anyway from the C&D progression cover in the next event. But now I'll have to let a couple of 2* covers go because I can't pay the loan back just yet...
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    Oh, and then there was mistiming my final clears last night to drop from what would have been T10 to T20. Sigh.

    Has learned lesson. Better to lose 5-20 pts than to lose 500. Dunno how I forgot it since I always leaned that way anyway...
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    Taking on a Carol in SHIELD Sim last night, and she cascaded into her black for turn #3. Matched it once but couldn't get it the second time. Medusa ate the nuke, and then I retreated.

    I ain't ever gonna hit 2000 in Sim. The matchmaking just doesn't seem to permit it. Everyone I see now (I've got 14 x 4* champs with Cage coming up next) is some combination of Carol, Medusa, Gamora, Rocket, Blade, with an occasional Carnage, Ironheart, Iron Fist, etc. Each match is little more than a toss-up with high potential to require major health pack usage.
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    Taking on a Carol in SHIELD Sim last night, and she cascaded into her black for turn #3. Matched it once but couldn't get it the second time. Medusa ate the nuke, and then I retreated.

    I ain't ever gonna hit 2000 in Sim. The matchmaking just doesn't seem to permit it. Everyone I see now (I've got 14 x 4* champs with Cage coming up next) is some combination of Carol, Medusa, Gamora, Rocket, Blade, with an occasional Carnage, Ironheart, Iron Fist, etc. Each match is little more than a toss-up with high potential to require major health pack usage.
    The simulator is such a frustrating waste of time now. I keep telling myself I'm done with it,  and then inevitably I get a little free time and play it anyway.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Taking on a Carol in SHIELD Sim last night, and she cascaded into her black for turn #3. Matched it once but couldn't get it the second time. Medusa ate the nuke, and then I retreated.

    I ain't ever gonna hit 2000 in Sim. The matchmaking just doesn't seem to permit it. Everyone I see now (I've got 14 x 4* champs with Cage coming up next) is some combination of Carol, Medusa, Gamora, Rocket, Blade, with an occasional Carnage, Ironheart, Iron Fist, etc. Each match is little more than a toss-up with high potential to require major health pack usage.
    Who are your champs? Apologies if you have a roster link in your sig. I'm on mobile and can't see them. 

    For what it's worth, I think I've hit 2000 every season since Medusa was the prize, which was around New Years. That was before I had any 4* champs. 

    MMR is a fickle mistress though. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unholy Outlaw. After getting wiped by Mystique and Ragnarok, and then running into a Switch/2* Hawkeye team that cascaded into enough purple to fire Reality Crush on Turn 2, with 6 Speed Shot countdowns in inaccessible spots, I figured it wasn't gonna happen. First PvP in quite a while that I haven't made it to 575.
  • ValekBoss
    ValekBoss Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    mexus said:
    Today I realized that boosting the AP before a battle does not make you gain more AP when matching tiles throughout the battle, 
    you just start with a pity amount of it. 

    Oh well.
    lol, you thought it with every tile match you get +2 AP?!
    That would be insanely powerfull... ;)
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,232 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:
    Who are your champs? Apologies if you have a roster link in your sig. I'm on mobile and can't see them. 

    For what it's worth, I think I've hit 2000 every season since Medusa was the prize, which was around New Years. That was before I had any 4* champs. 

    MMR is a fickle mistress though. 

    Oh, I've got many of the good ones: Carol, Medusa, R&G, Thor, Iceman, Blade, Hulkbuster. Then some B-listers like Spider-Woman, Sam Wilson, Mordo, Fury, Riri, Star-Lord, Elektra, Star-Lord, and now Cage. My highest is 278; I frequently see SIM teams in the 280s or even 290s, and IMO it's just not worth taking on a Gamora / Medusa / R&G team, which is pretty common.

    Here are my current five pins:
    1. Cage 279 / Blade 287 / Fury 277. If the board's red-heavy, it's a major health drain.
    2. Medusa 283 / R&G 271 / Gamora 209. 2K of strikes from turn 1, plus Medusa's passive. Pass.
    3. Surfer 315 / Jean 300 / Invis.Woman 250. 5-star match damage. That'll hurt no matter what. And invisibility to deal with to boot. Pass.
    4. Retal node: Medusa 274 / Riri 277 / Carol 280. 21 points. Pass.
    5. Replaced by: Medusa 292 / Gamora 274 / R&G 284. Pass.
    6. Retal node: well, this one I'll hit. 3* Widow 205, Prof X 205, 3* IM40 205.
    I mean that's, what, 10, maybe more, health packs to grind through all those? Yuck.

    Sigh. Even that 3-star node? Hit me with a Spidey yellow team-up for 5500 damage just as I was about to win clean. Dirty pool.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:
    Who are your champs? Apologies if you have a roster link in your sig. I'm on mobile and can't see them. 

    For what it's worth, I think I've hit 2000 every season since Medusa was the prize, which was around New Years. That was before I had any 4* champs. 

    MMR is a fickle mistress though. 

    Oh, I've got many of the good ones: Carol, Medusa, R&G, Thor, Iceman, Blade, Hulkbuster. Then some B-listers like Spider-Woman, Sam Wilson, Mordo, Fury, Riri, Star-Lord, Elektra, Star-Lord, and now Cage. My highest is 278; I frequently see SIM teams in the 280s or even 290s, and IMO it's just not worth taking on a Gamora / Medusa / R&G team, which is pretty common.

    Here are my current five pins:
    1. Cage 279 / Blade 287 / Fury 277. If the board's red-heavy, it's a major health drain.
    2. Medusa 283 / R&G 271 / Gamora 209. 2K of strikes from turn 1, plus Medusa's passive. Pass.
    3. Surfer 315 / Jean 300 / Invis.Woman 250. 5-star match damage. That'll hurt no matter what. And invisibility to deal with to boot. Pass.
    4. Retal node: Medusa 274 / Riri 277 / Carol 280. 21 points. Pass.
    5. Replaced by: Medusa 292 / Gamora 274 / R&G 284. Pass.
    6. Retal node: well, this one I'll hit. 3* Widow 205, Prof X 205, 3* IM40 205.
    I mean that's, what, 10, maybe more, health packs to grind through all those? Yuck.

    Sigh. Even that 3-star node? Hit me with a Spidey yellow team-up for 5500 damage just as I was about to win clean. Dirty pool.
    I like to run Bl4de, Riri and Carol. They're pretty solid together and give you lots of options. And don't forget that an AOE can take out invisible opponents.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:
    Who are your champs? Apologies if you have a roster link in your sig. I'm on mobile and can't see them. 

    For what it's worth, I think I've hit 2000 every season since Medusa was the prize, which was around New Years. That was before I had any 4* champs. 

    MMR is a fickle mistress though. 

    Oh, I've got many of the good ones: Carol, Medusa, R&G, Thor, Iceman, Blade, Hulkbuster. Then some B-listers like Spider-Woman, Sam Wilson, Mordo, Fury, Riri, Star-Lord, Elektra, Star-Lord, and now Cage. My highest is 278; I frequently see SIM teams in the 280s or even 290s, and IMO it's just not worth taking on a Gamora / Medusa / R&G team, which is pretty common.

    Here are my current five pins:
    1. Cage 279 / Blade 287 / Fury 277. If the board's red-heavy, it's a major health drain.
    2. Medusa 283 / R&G 271 / Gamora 209. 2K of strikes from turn 1, plus Medusa's passive. Pass.
    3. Surfer 315 / Jean 300 / Invis.Woman 250. 5-star match damage. That'll hurt no matter what. And invisibility to deal with to boot. Pass.
    4. Retal node: Medusa 274 / Riri 277 / Carol 280. 21 points. Pass.
    5. Replaced by: Medusa 292 / Gamora 274 / R&G 284. Pass.
    6. Retal node: well, this one I'll hit. 3* Widow 205, Prof X 205, 3* IM40 205.
    I mean that's, what, 10, maybe more, health packs to grind through all those? Yuck.

    Sigh. Even that 3-star node? Hit me with a Spidey yellow team-up for 5500 damage just as I was about to win clean. Dirty pool.
     With your options, I'd probably lean towards running Bl4de, Iceman and IM40. Rainbow coverage, even including actives, a good stun from Iceman, the potential for strikes from Bl4de (and his passive) AoE+possible true heal for Bl4de, although you'll probably use Iceman's AoE more. 

    It's not an unbeatable team (kind of hinges on IM40 to get things rolling), but I know that team would give me pause if I came across it, especially if your IM40 is at a high level. The more important factor is you should probably be able to win matches reliably quickly with this team. 

    I will acknowledge that MMR isn't doing you any favors with that team selection. It does take some skipping to find favorable fights. And I don't blame you for skipping the G4mora/G4ocket/Medusa teams. 

    Lastly, I hope you don't see my earlier comment as a humblebrag. Totally not my intention. I just wanted to encourage you and let you know hitting 2000 in Sim definitely is possible.