May Community Q&A open for questions!



  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    Hmmm. I wonder if the Devs have a 'roster slot' answer and that's why they are doing another Q&A! *fingers crossed*
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,309 Chairperson of the Boards
    Are you looking at overhaulling the Chat interface at all?

    The existing chat interface has a number of issues.

    It has always had them but I think R76 broke it further. It used to be that while you remained in game, the chat would only update irregularly, meaning that by you missed lots of messages. Force-restarting the app solved it and showed all the messages. Restarting the app no longer fixes it after R76. Whatever messages once made it through, are all the messages you'll ever see.
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    Is there any chance cloud saves through g+ can be implemented to give us an alternative to Facebook for cross device play?
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    ronin-san wrote:
    11 pages later, I doubt this gets a look. Anyway.

    Could you talk about what motivates new character development and release? Is it only Marvel's movie and or publication pushes that orients your release schedule?

    Were Scarlet Witch, Ultron, Quicksilver, and Hulkbuster Marvel requirements? And do you expect similar release requirements for Civil War?

    Do you have good character ideas for say, Thing or Mr Fantastic, but lack Marvel's blessing / backing to bring them to fruition?
    Marvel is shutting down FF4 for good this year. i wouldn't expect to see the rest of the team at this time
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    In Gameloft's Spider-Man Unlimited there is a new feature called Spidey tier that upgrades event rewards and adds additional rewards to players based on the level of the characters on their roster.

    Can Marvel Puzzle Quest offer something like this which would give more incentive to leveling characters?
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    This may only apply to pve but players seem to be placed in newb or veteran brackets for events based on time played, roster strength or something else that is segregating players.

    Can this system be made more transparent and since veterans or those with more advanced rosters are already being placed in different brackets can we get better rewards in those vet brackets?

    I'm skipping the current running of the Hulk because it's been a long time since I've wanted Classic Darken or Marvel Now Magneto covers. I just figure there are better ways to get iso and hp. Although to some these breaks may be very welcome.
  • LuciferianX
    LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Can we get a review of the current stacking order? Right now, the stack resolves on Power Activation as:

    1) Calculate and assign damage
    2) Apply effects (Stun, Create Tiles, Etc.)
    3) Resolve damage
    4) Resolve reactive powers

    So for example, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) activates Reality Crush; she deals 2,200 to the enemy team, and on the team in question, one person has 1,800 HP, and the other two are at 6,800. In the current stacking order, Wanda can (and often does) hit the enemy team (assign damage) then Stun the person with 1,800 (apply effects) then they fall down (resolve damage) and then reactionary powers activate (Hulk, Capt Marvel as applicable). Instead, can the stacking order be changed to something closer too:

    1) Calculate and assign damage (inclusive of Strike Tiles)
    2) Resolve damage (targets reduced to 0 HP are now read as downed, and are not eligible to have effects such as Stun applied)
    3) Apply effects (Stun, Create Tiles, Etc.)
    4) Resolve effects/Calculate and assign damage/etc
    5) Resolve reactive powers

    This would ensure that downed characters are not eligible targets. I'm "fine" (ie, I don't like it but I understand the premise) of Wanda not choosing who gets stunned; I just want it to function as designed; take down one, stun out a second, now I only have to contend with one person while charging up the next strike.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why are there no "special buff" days? Most other games have certain days where you login and get a little something extra, to create game traffic and give incentive to play.

    You could always do a "double iso reward day" or "unlimited health pack day"

    These would be good for off-season times, PVE's with no new character release, etc... as an incentive to play events like Combined Arms for example.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    Can we have downvotes back,
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Can we have downvotes back,

    There's no need as there's an easy workaround. Upvote everyone you don't want to downvote.

    I'm removing from my Christmas Card list anyone who doesn't upvote every single one of my posts.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Can we have downvotes back,

    There's no need as there's an easy workaround. Upvote everyone you don't want to downvote.

    I'm removing from my Christmas Card list anyone who doesn't upvote every single one of my posts.

    despise xmas anyway. will upvote you only if you promise to never send me one
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    It is not rare that the board gets abundant protect and attack tiles.
    1- Any plans to implement somewhere in the UI a total modifier of incoming/outcoming damage?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wolarsen wrote:
    It is not rare that the board gets abundant protect and attack tiles.
    1- Any plans to implement somewhere in the UI a total modifier of incoming/outcoming damage?

    Up-voted because i think i know what you are asking..

    something at the top or wherever showing:
    + damage per attack
    - damage received
    sum of attack tile damage per turn.

    am i correct?
  • Unknown
    First of all, i would like to thank the D3GO and Demiurge for a great game. I've been playing this game for over 300 days and have derived a lot of enjoyment from it. My friends hate the game because I'd play it while hanging out with them. That's how much i love it. I would also like to apologize for posting here because my topic might not be related to the original.

    Two days ago, i experienced what several players have already gone through: while playing, i received an error message staying that the save file was corrupt, and my game restarted. This resulted in me losing everything. Literally. I'm back at the prologue. I've already submitted a ticket, but i thought I'd come to the forums as well.

    Although i have never posted to the forums, I've been reading posts almost religiously. NorthernPolarity's guide revealed stupid mistakes I've made and has been great at putting me on the right track (still waiting on that update, checking everyday). I wanted to come here and send a private message to David Moore or any of the other devs but apparently i can't do so since i haven't posted anything before. I also tried to create a new thread, but i don't know how to. Hence why I'm here.

    I'm sorry if this post is extremely off-topic but i didn't know what else to do. I just want to make sure i get back in-game asap because I've already lost a lot and have been bored since the crash. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

    Knots Maggots
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    In Gameloft's Spider-Man Unlimited there is a new feature called Spidey tier that upgrades event rewards and adds additional rewards to players based on the level of the characters on their roster.

    Can Marvel Puzzle Quest offer something like this which would give more incentive to leveling characters?

    Right on! When I saw tier update with the tier system, the first thing I thought of was the suggestion I made a while back to introduce something to MPQ.
    I would still
    Love to see something like this implemented here.
  • Unknown
    How does HP spending in game break down by percentage?
  • Unknown
    Haven't had a chance to go through all 12 pages worth of questions. But here's something that's been bothering me.

    The last time the community asked if you're going to cap the cost of roster slot, your answer was the HP rewards from DDQ and increased amount of HP from the daily supple rewards. I'm at 800HP per slot and I'm sure its already gone over 1000HP for the vets. Perhaps we as the community were being too greedy when we asked if you could cap the cost at 500HP.

    So the actual question is: What is a possible cost that you would cap it at if you ever implemented it?
  • Unknown
    I know that R76 introduced a multi-device issue, but are there any plans to merge player communities between mobile and PC? I'd love to be able to play on mobile when appropriate but with a mouse when I can sit down at a PC on the same account.
  • Unknown
    Can we get a choice to get rid of the AP slider? I preferred the delta that popped up before as it better communicated what was happening with powers like Dormamu's Aid.
  • BillyBobJoe
    BillyBobJoe Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    The difficulty of PVE increases the better the roster you have. Yet the rewards (experience in the form of iso) remains constant.

    Q: Are you looking into adjusting the per battle reward structure?

    Ex/ Clearing a 395 Ares, Daken, Venom a second time often results in a 20 Iso reward.

    As a follow up question:

    Do you feel that Critical Boosts are a worthy award for more difficult nodes?
This discussion has been closed.