Your Best MPQ Moment of the day (positive thread)



  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 243 Tile Toppler
    Won the COT for icon_ghostrider.png fairly easily, and with the LT pulled purpleflag.pngdrstrange_icon.png . So for the first time in ages, I actually have all 5*s rostered icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Opened 2 Heroics - Sentry that gave a Moon Knight, plus one more Moon Knight.
    Finished Clash - First 5* Strange cover
    Max progression for DvM - Thing

    4 usable 4/5* covers in a day. I'm on a pretty sweet roll with regards to usable 4*s as of late.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got a Bagman cover from Captain America pvp. First one not from a lightning round since I started collecting him.

  • TimGunn
    TimGunn Posts: 257 Mover and Shaker
    just realized the pvp season ends tomorrow and there is NOT a pve ending on the same day. no need to scramble between alliances!!!
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Just champed three 4*s in three weeks: Star Lord, Big Pun and Peggy.

    Champed Peggy less than 24hrs before her cover expired.

    I also switched to Geico.
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    This probably belongs in the worst thread, but is mostly amusing to me.

    So I sniped into a bracket for DPvsMPQ, and there were less than 100 people ahead of me when I had 0 points. So a good snipe!

    However, there's like 30 people in this bracket that are playing perfectly to maximize points, so I'm actually pretty likely to be coming in with a rank lower than average.

    Still, it just amuses me as I'm yo-yoing from the bottom to the very top of this bracket every day as I play with imperfect timing, against 30 people with identical scores icon_e_wink.gif
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    First taco pull from the fresh vault earned me 1000hp.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got the Daily deal single token from the Dark Avengers Heroic vault, got the Captain Marvel cover. icon_e_smile.gif Guess I can start the event at my leisure and not wait for Deadpool to end so I can do the fourstar node...
  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    As I was away the latter half of the season, I just got six heroics between personal and alliance rewards when it ended. Still pulled Red Hulk green and violet, making him 1/4/5, and my second most covered 4-star after Devil Dinosaur.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got a 4* and a 3* from my season heroics. Since both were champions, neither was wasted!
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I ended up in the same Deadpool bracket as two alliance buddies, and all three finished in the top 20.
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    Beat 10,000 season points for the first time, which was fun.

    Also spent some CP, and pulled token_legendary.pngicon_wolverine.pngyellowflag.png Now my OML is 1/1/1, which makes him much more useful than before.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got the Sentry yellow cover from DDQ today, which was the very last cover I needed in the 3* tier. So every single 3* character now has at least one cover for each color, just six characters left to champ.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    The event token I got from the first sub of the Heroic Dark Avenger event netted me a blackflag.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_caroldanvers.png from the vault. Now instead of a puny, Lv 70 0/1/0 Carol, by the end of the event I'll have a more formidable Lv 74 1/1/0 Carol. Baby steps... icon_e_smile.gif
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2017
    Intercept -> Heroic Token -> 4* icon_punisher.pnggreenflag.png

    Edited to add:

    Next intercept -> Heroic Token -> 4* icon_jeangrey.pngpurpleflag.png
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    unlocking 4 Star Captain Marvel and finally having a new recruit's lone power be the right one (Yellow)
    Pretty Good With Beast and Human Torch btw

    They took one of my favorite heroes from both the comics and the game and made a new completely different version that's still pretty cool even with only one power

    may be awhile to get another because the Dark Avengers Heroic Vault also has the yellow cover for me

    as for MN's your chance to have Iron Hammer destroy the whole board for 6 AP
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hit 900 for the first time in pvp, now I just need to learn how to use shields properly lol.
  • Evilgenius_9
    Evilgenius_9 Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    smkspy wrote:
    Hit 900 for the first time in pvp, now I just need to learn how to use shields properly lol.

    Funny, I came here to post the exact same thing! It must be something about Combined Arms here. 709th day for me.
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2017
    Got Heroic from intercept.
    Got yellowflag.pngicon_peggycarter.png
    13th cover.

    Note - champed 12 days later with 3hanos champed in the midst of it
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Getting my final Rhulk cover 2 months after getting him up to 4/4/4. I now can have a champed Rhulk to my name! Time to crush!

    But first, I'll most likely be getting my Star Lord up to max first as he's just 7 lvls away from max and leaving him there just like that really messes up the looks of my roster (I have some sort of OCD when it comes to the looks of my roster). Hopefully I can get both of them up by the end of the month before my monthly roster update.