Oscorp Heroic Mode



  • I guess I got some karma come my way, I logged in and everything jumped up to level 200
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    I have some battles below 230 now! Nothing lower than 200 except the first two. Let's see how many fights it takes to get them back to 230...
    Played a couple of battles, got some ISO, brought my GSBW to level 85. So hey, that's progress.

    And I just got the snot beaten out of my three strongest characters (2* Wolverine, lvl 85, 5/3/5; 3* BW, lvl 85, 5/3/4, 3* Spidey, lvl 83, 3/5/5) by Yelena. Twice.
    Beat her and her Spy goons on the third try. They weren't even level 200, just 186.

    And what opens up? More level 230 Hammer goons! TinyKitty my life.
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    I would like to share my experience with multiple devices and explain that this event cannot be working as intended.

    (It would help if the Devs would come out and explain how the mechanic is supposed to work, so we can quit trying to guess what is going on when the matchmaking is clearly not functioning properly.)

    This is still bugged, and everyones experience is not the same. This is a problem. I play on Steam, on my iPhone and on my iPad. When I log into a different platform I get different results in enemy levels.

    On Steam on my PC and on my iPad First mission was level 34, Daken was level 99, and Ghosts was level 216.

    Without playing those missions I started my iPhone, the first mission was level 10, Daken was level 11 and Ghosts was level 19. I played through to the last mission with nothing over level 22. Then my brother in Law who was complaining about jacked up levels asked me why mine was good. I told him, "Dude, they patched it, its fixed now, just hard restart the game, and if that doesnt work, hard reboot your phone and everything should be good to go." Then I took my own advice on my iPad.

    Now my iPhone has reset and is now showing the ridiculous levels for enemies. If I would have left my iPad alone I could have replayed the missions without them being jacked up like they now are.

    I know I am NOT supposed to be facing level 230 minions on the first play through. I KNOW that the guys at 2500 on the leader board are not facing level 230 minions at any time since they have toons that are 1 and 2* in the 40's to 70's. If I would have left my iPad alone and not gotten everything to synch to stupid levels I would be sitting here reading yalls posts wondering why you did not just update like I did and get the patch fix.

    The reality to me is that they pushed out a patch that they expected to fix the problem, but it did not. It is still inconsistently applied to a HUGE part of the player base. My brother in law is not a board troll or habitual complainer but he is at the last straw for this as he thinks the Devs have made the game unplayable. He can't even play the beginning missions and is extremely frustrated. I am asking him to be patient because I believe the fix is not complete for this event.
  • So... Has anyone had their points refresh yet?

    9.5 hours later... no
  • Were there 8 hour refreshes during the previous Heroics?
  • So... Has anyone had their points refresh yet?

    Nope, and I suspected as much with the numbers I tossed around.

    Still unsure how the one person has over 4k, but facts are facts.

    If the cycles are 12 hours, this would be rather convenient in terms of scoring (at least for the devs). The event runs for 5d12h, which would be exactly 11 cycles.

    If that is the case, then 55000/11 = exactly 5000 per cycle. Given that max progression is 54000 points, and you need some kind of room to actually beat that score, this seems plausible.

    On that note, that would mean that outside of a perfect clear on all 11 cycles, any of the Wolv X-Forces are impossible to obtain. Circumstantially, the 8000 ISOs at 40,000 points is likely all that can be realistically obtained given the most perfect conditions.

    All that can be hoped for is for the devs to conclude once more that the event is unsalvageable and once more half the max progression rewards. That being said, I very seriously doubt that the devs will hand out a full set of 4* covers over this issue. Doubly so, as the vast majority of the progression rewards are obtainable at 15000 (30% of max) and lower; buying them time to fix the issue or claim that at least the low-hanging fruit on the progression table (for those that can actually play the event) is obtainable.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    My 85 wolverine, 75 spiderman, and 55 GSBW are no match for Ghost of Russia's Past (186 Yelena and two 186 Spies) They've beaten me down three times in a row.

    First off, F*ck those spies and their damn stealth strike. I have a bunch of those 150% Hammer damages boosts, they barely do a dent.
    Can't spam enough stuns to keep them both at bay.

    Time for some Girl Scout Cookies. And not the cookie kind.
  • *sigh*. Definitely going to stop playing this **** event, even though I want Daredevil covers badly.

    I've completed TWO total fights.

    All my fights are now level 230. That's ridiculous.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    These "Daredevil needed" missions just add insult to injury. And I found a level 230 Yelena to kill me. I'm done for the night. Probably the entire **** event. Got 500 whole points.

    Another stellar job from the devs.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2014
    I think the developers feed off people's frustrations. They love negative energy!
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    jozier wrote:
    *sigh*. Definitely going to stop playing this tinykitty event, even though I want Daredevil covers badly.

    I've completed TWO total fights.

    All my fights are now level 230. That's ridiculous.

    Jozier, this has nothing to do with this tourny...I just remember your name from one of the Tough as Nails rounds...you finished one and I was two...I was mad though, cause I had jumped you at one point trying to get to 800 for the reward...in doing so I came up two points short at 798 and then got attacked and dropped below you.

    I just wanted to finish in the top 5 to get the Patch covers...thankfully that happened.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't hated on the PvP changes like a lot of players because I enjoy PvE more.

    Now I know how the PvP people feel.
  • jozier wrote:
    *sigh*. Definitely going to stop playing this tinykitty event, even though I want Daredevil covers badly.

    I've completed TWO total fights.

    All my fights are now level 230. That's ridiculous.

    Jozier, this has nothing to do with this tourny...I just remember your name from one of the Tough as Nails rounds...you finished one and I was two...I was mad though, cause I had jumped you at one point trying to get to 800 for the reward...in doing so I came up two points short at 798 and then got attacked and dropped below you.

    I just wanted to finish in the top 5 to get the Patch covers...thankfully that happened.

    I remember that actually. I also tried to get 800 and said screw it after I got knocked down and shielded in first.
  • I faced Yelena for the 1st time. It was my easiest match by far (by pure luck).
    The mob got a move off to leave my entire roster below like 30% health. Storm C then follows up by 3 back to back tempests to basically destroy the enemy team.

    The next match vs the 3 goons with the 1 who had the yellow heal tile, I win but it took like 15-20 minutes because he got 2-3 Heals off.

    The next match a flamethrower went off somewhere between turns 5-8 and wiped out my entire team in 1 blow.
  • I faced Yelena for the 1st time. It was my easiest match by far (by pure luck).
    The mob got a move off to leave my entire roster below like 30% health. Storm C then follows up by 3 back to back tempests to basically destroy the enemy team.

    The next match vs the 3 goons with the 1 who had the yellow heal tile, I win but it took like 15-20 minutes because he got 2-3 Heals off.

    The next match a flamethrower went off somewhere between turns 5-8 and wiped out my entire team in 1 blow.
    Man screw some flamethrowers lol...think ill have nightmares of them tonight..
  • LordWill
    LordWill Posts: 341
    edited January 2014
    I'm disappointed in this event as well. Back to back failures. Playing should be fun not work and soul crushing.

    I guess part of my frustration is they acknowledged the last PVE was broken and would be fixed in the NEXT event. Now this event is broken as well.

    Going from Trivial to Deadly and INSANE (Impossible) is definitely showing the scaling system is broken. I can understand minor tweaks but being broken exactly like the last event was makes wonder what the future of this game holds. Stuff happens I get that, I'm just bummed I can't play. Heaven forbid they make things a little easier for us since they messed up the last event and made it super UN-Fun.

    I'm going to sit this out until they figure things out.
  • Oh snap my levels dropped to 220...lucky me.
  • I was able to beat Yelena and her spies with 30 GSBW 40 Classic Storm and 58 Spidey. It literally took me 45+ minutes, but I did it. If the Devs are trying to slow the game down, it's working.
  • Stuff started refreshing for me, it's all 230 now after being min level the first time around. I don't know what formula the devs are using to scale these encounters, but it's not working. Thick as Thieves was a failed experiment and that's fine, but making the same mistake twice? Pretty stupid.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Celerity wrote:
    Stuff started refreshing for me, it's all 230 now after being min level the first time around. I don't know what formula the devs are using to scale these encounters, but it's not working. Thick as Thieves was a failed experiment and that's fine, but making the same mistake twice? Pretty stupid.
    Worse than the same mistake for some of us. thick as Thieves at least started out reasonable. For a few battles, the increasing levels seemed reasonable, and then it all went to hell. This one was broken from the start for many of us.