Oscorp Heroic Mode



  • kensterr wrote:
    Level 149 Hammer mobs, with my C.Storm highest at level 70 and IM35 at level 50. Why oh why?

    I was using my level 50 GSBW and level 30 Storm for defense. As long as you got the covers, it's not like you the HP/damage even matters very much.
  • I've barely played this event. So uninteresting. The Ares Hunt was great. This? Not so much.
  • jozier wrote:
    I've barely played this event. So uninteresting. The Ares Hunt was great. This? Not so much.

    The lack of offense on the roster does make this event pretty uninteresting. I think they should've had less stacks but more points overall, because I really can't see myself doing 20K of damage on goons with just match 3 repeatedly even if I have total board control.
  • bonerang wrote:
    It has been 8.5 hours since I got the first mission down to 1 point. Still worth 1 point.

    I haven't read the whole thread so I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned resets yet.

    That is quite interesting. I wonder if theres more to this event than meets the eye... nah. So I guess the progression rewards aren't even theoretically reachable.

    My guess is that they are still in office working on this and trying to push out a build with some sort of fixed level adjustments. In the meantime, they have probably disabled or tweaked some of the resets and timing on the client build.

    They don't work weekends from what I understand, its past 10 pm Friday on the east coast (US) Which is where they are based if I am remembering right, thus weekend is the superbowl..which means parties anyway so less likely to put time into the office.

    In short...ppl...don't expect ANY fixes most likely. Until Monday...maybe..
  • Phantron wrote:
    jozier wrote:
    I've barely played this event. So uninteresting. The Ares Hunt was great. This? Not so much.

    The lack of offense on the roster does make this event pretty uninteresting. I think they should've had less stacks but more points overall, because I really can't see myself doing 20K of damage on goons with just match 3 repeatedly even if I have total board control.

    Yeah I play 1 match against a set of 230 goons and by the end I'm so unbearably bored it isn't even funny.
    Like 15 minutes straight of BWGS destroying their tiles with her abilities while doing basically no damage. Lol
  • Phantron wrote:
    jozier wrote:
    I've barely played this event. So uninteresting. The Ares Hunt was great. This? Not so much.

    The lack of offense on the roster does make this event pretty uninteresting. I think they should've had less stacks but more points overall, because I really can't see myself doing 20K of damage on goons with just match 3 repeatedly even if I have total board control.

    Yeah. I play this game to play with powerful heroes. Not nickel and dime a bunch of goons.

    No buffs, limited roster. Just not "fun". I don't see how anyone thought this would be fun.
  • Phantron wrote:
    jozier wrote:
    I've barely played this event. So uninteresting. The Ares Hunt was great. This? Not so much.

    The lack of offense on the roster does make this event pretty uninteresting. I think they should've had less stacks but more points overall, because I really can't see myself doing 20K of damage on goons with just match 3 repeatedly even if I have total board control.

    Yeah I play 1 match against a set of 230 goons and by the end I'm so unbearably bored it isn't even funny.
    Like 15 minutes straight of BWGS destroying their tiles with her abilities while doing basically no damage. Lol

    To be fair if my BWGS was maxed I could use Sniper Rifle after I established board control, except I don't have 5 in her green. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Phantron wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    jozier wrote:
    I've barely played this event. So uninteresting. The Ares Hunt was great. This? Not so much.

    The lack of offense on the roster does make this event pretty uninteresting. I think they should've had less stacks but more points overall, because I really can't see myself doing 20K of damage on goons with just match 3 repeatedly even if I have total board control.

    Yeah I play 1 match against a set of 230 goons and by the end I'm so unbearably bored it isn't even funny.
    Like 15 minutes straight of BWGS destroying their tiles with her abilities while doing basically no damage. Lol

    To be fair if my BWGS was maxed I could use Sniper Rifle after I established board control, except I don't have 5 in her green. icon_e_sad.gif

    Yeah that's my issue. 1/3/5 BWGS.
  • This event makes me sleepy. I don't have a lot of the roster at a decent enough level for it, and don't particularly feel like grinding the same two to three missions ad nauseum.
  • This is becoming a pattern. Lack of communication, all the recent announced and unannounced changes and these two broken events are telling. These guys are short-staffed and appear to not have the resources to solve problems in a timely manner. What is going on over there?

  • Yeah that's my issue. 1/3/5 BWGS.

    I have even less. It was like 'oh great I got 25 green now, I can use 16 of them to do 1500 damage... err wait..."
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 531 Critical Contributor
    kensterr wrote:
    Level 149 Hammer mobs, with my C.Storm highest at level 70 and IM35 at level 50. Why oh why?

    Pretty much the same situation.

    If I had my OBW, I could maybe deal with the counters but not much luck so far.
  • Also PVP sucks now too. The key to PVP is join early, rush to about 700 points, then 24 shield. Nobody will be able to get near you because you can't get passed 500 without getting smacked.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Telicis wrote:
    What boggles my mind is trying to figure out WHAT these levels are based off of.

    We have been explicitly told it is apparently NOT based off your Roster or equivalent levels.

    So I have no clue how to explain how someone people have permanently nerfed ones, some have all 230s, and I have fairly appropriate levels (Level 10s in the first mission, 61 Yelena/61 and 62 Spys in Pale Little Spider). Admittedly, this isn't helping me at all; after recently clearing up my roster of duplicates (like a spare Iron Man and Widow... poor choice), I'm stuck with just a 30 C Storm, 25 M Widow, 22 M35 IM, 2 cover Daredevil, and my low Wolverine.

    So... Not doing better than most of you! Heh.
    If you have to try to keep your scoring and level-balancing systems secret, they're probably ****.

    Hands up, who signed on to this game to try to ferret out the mysteries of how many times a day to play, and what secret gestures are required to play reasonably-leveled enemies?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2014
    DayvBang wrote:
    I have some battles below 230 now! Nothing lower than 200 except the first two. Let's see how many fights it takes to get them back to 230...
    Played a couple of battles, got some ISO, brought my GSBW to level 85. So hey, that's progress.

    And I just got the snot beaten out of my three strongest characters (2* Wolverine, lvl 85, 5/3/5; 3* BW, lvl 85, 5/3/4, 3* Spidey, lvl 83, 3/5/5) by Yelena. Twice.
  • Kikujiro
    Kikujiro Posts: 157
    I have BWGS at 5-3-2 level 60. 19 green AP is a lot when they are spamming flamethrowers and you have no board control at all.
  • jozier wrote:
    Also PVP sucks now too. The key to PVP is join early, rush to about 700 points, then 24 shield. Nobody will be able to get near you because you can't get passed 500 without getting smacked.

    That's because most people are still only playing heavily in the last day if not the last hour. If everyone started doing this, then this strategy would no longer be very effective, both because it'd suck to shield for 24 hours and then see someone shielded at a higher point than you, and that if everyone was trying this it'd also be very hard to get to 700 points in the first place due to increased competition.

    The strategy with shields basically boils down to 'do what the crowd is not'. If the crowd is all playing the last day, you shield earlier. If everyone is shielded early, you should play at the last day instead (and if everyone is shielded early they'd have a hard time shielding at high values like 700 due to increased competition).
  • abuelo wrote:
    I want good PvE, I want more ISO. I do not want this ridiculous level of bullsh*t. The actual match 3 game in this is really excellent but everything else is utter, utter bobbins at the minute and they don't seem to really know how to fix it.
    The oddest thing is they do know, or at least they have one extraordinarily obvious option: lock the levels to 15 at the start for the IM35 crew to beat on, scale them up linearly to a 230 cap on the hardest ones. You know, like every other event they've run prior to TaT. Roll the scaling nonsense out again when or if it works. They seem to have this weakness for going nuts for ideas they think are really clever, but don't work at all in the wild. Reviewing their testing protocols would be a start, because they're clearly telling them nothing they actually need to know.
  • The problem is that people will shield. Period. So there is always more points available earlier on because shields are now out of the pool. Everyone I attack is at exactly the same number of points as me.

    I can't get any of the mythical 40-50 point matches the devs promised, but I am certainly getting smacked for that amount.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    So... Has anyone had their points refresh yet?