Events gone again?



  • Adrock1020
    Adrock1020 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    Yep....I'm having the same issue. iPhone version. I'm about 99% sure that if I had been able to start the event without any issues, and end the event without any issues, I would be able to get to the 1M progression QS cover, and my alliance would be able to get through round 6. As it stands now, I'm getting screwed out of 2 new character covers. I'm usually not one to complain. In fact I usually try to look at things from the Devs point of view in regards to major changes/issues and look at the positives they bring. That being said, I really hope there's some sort of compensation and I really hope that's not in the form of "sorry for the technical difficulties. Here's 3 Heroic Tokens (aka 3 Moonstones)." If I remember correctly, in the past there was some sort of server issue (a season or event ending early, I think) and they basically gave everyone a prize in the reward tier above where they actually finished. In other words, if you finished #35, you got the top 25 reward. Does anyone else remember that? Is there any hope they might do something similar with this? Maybe at the very least extend this event an extra 12 hours.....
  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    Same for me (iOS).
  • Same for me, android.
  • dash16
    dash16 Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Quit... relaunch... nope.

    Quit... relaunch... nope.

    Quit... relaunch... nope.

    I guess I'll get back to actually working instead of trying to get my Quicksilver cover.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    phone and tablet not working, wife can't get in on her phone either
  • JD Geek
    JD Geek Posts: 80
    Same....and we are so close to the last SW cover....
  • hferg
    hferg Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    I'm having the same problem, in addition to being missing some event reward points from the Avengers VERSUS game, when I'd finished a fight, I got 0 points for winning, when I should have received 30 points!
  • Same problem. Would really like to get that last Scarlet Witch cover.
  • So, yet another update, mini-update that screws up gameplay. Why release it during events, let alone in a crucial crunch-time situation? Losing time on trying to reach Quicksilver progression rewards and oppourtunity to take another crack at SW. So are we looking at a possible extension to end times?
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    I confirm both, on iOS and android.
  • RoryQ
    RoryQ Posts: 64 Match Maker
    Yup, starting crashing just after the soft patch installed about a half hour ago. Our alliance is so close to getting a SW cover, joke.
  • Adrock1020
    Adrock1020 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    RoryQ wrote:
    Yup, starting crashing just after the soft patch installed about a half hour ago. Our alliance is so close to getting a SW cover, joke.

    I thought the patch wasn't supposed to hit until 4/30
  • How embarrassing... This is really starting to make D3 look inept, not to mention poor planners. This. is. frustrating.
  • Turbosmooth
    Turbosmooth Posts: 213
    Arg. My Alliance is so close to finishing Ultron Round 5. The event is running out of time!
  • Adrock1020 wrote:
    Yep....I'm having the same issue. iPhone version. I'm about 99% sure that if I had been able to start the event without any issues, and end the event without any issues, I would be able to get to the 1M progression QS cover, and my alliance would be able to get through round 6. As it stands now, I'm getting screwed out of 2 new character covers. I'm usually not one to complain. In fact I usually try to look at things from the Devs point of view in regards to major changes/issues and look at the positives they bring. That being said, I really hope there's some sort of compensation and I really hope that's not in the form of "sorry for the technical difficulties. Here's 3 Heroic Tokens (aka 3 Moonstones)." If I remember correctly, in the past there was some sort of server issue (a season or event ending early, I think) and they basically gave everyone a prize in the reward tier above where they actually finished. In other words, if you finished #35, you got the top 25 reward. Does anyone else remember that? Is there any hope they might do something similar with this? Maybe at the very least extend this event an extra 12 hours.....

    FWIW, I'm like you, I loathe complaining to hear myself complain. That said, I do NOT think it's complaining to be upset that a game with time-based events won't open, especially when the time is becoming increasingly important (for example at the end of an event).

    As it is for me, I lost top 10 in a PVE node. No big deal, 50 HP that I could REALLY use, and another token. Whatever. I'm probably going to end up not being able to hit my final progression for a SRCA card that I could really use. I'll survive it, obviously.

    I cannot IMAGINE what it would be like to be working on Ultron (especially knowing how much effort it took me to get what little I ended up getting from it), have time running out, and not be able to even try.

    Sure, it's only a game, but it's a game with timed events, and people playing based on that construct, so yeah, it's kind of important to have the game run.

  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2015
    Events are back up, but leaderboards aren't working. Go do what you need to!
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just tried on Android as well and, yeah, I'm down on both fronts. My mobile roster was probably not going to get either an additional QS or a first SW cover, so i'm kinda whatever about that.

    but i literally needed to beat Ultron just once to get an additional blueflag.png for my PC Quicksilver.

    I really hope it's back up in time for me to get a crack at it.
  • dash16
    dash16 Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Back up for me! Run run run!
  • hferg
    hferg Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    Still down for me, I have nothing.