


  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Considering that both of them are better than most 3-stars, I'd say the rebalance is quite needed. Either that, or bump them to 3-star characters (although I guess that would raise their level cap and make them even more powerful...)
  • The only thing that bugs me about Thor and wolvie is seeing them in nearly every team. It makes for a repetitive game. I like switching up my team to counter other teams but i cant when its the same every game.
  • Il Palazzo wrote:
    Kiamodo wrote:
    Kavel wrote:
    I think the weird AI and presence of boosts make for a very bizarre system to try to balance characters around. Remember that the teams you actually play in any PVP matches are controlled by the deliberately inefficient and handicapped AI, and are being played in a way completely different from how any human would play them. If they're balancing characters in response to complaints of people being beaten by certain teams, they're balancing characters around how the AI plays them. That doesn't make sense to me.

    I think this is the real culprit here.

    An easy fix would be making opponents untargettable (pvp only), instead rotating based on matches like the active player.

    That would slow the game down and make it more annoying. I agree that the advantage the player has is great, but not being able to use your abilities because the wrong guy is up would be more annoying than the advantage players have over their opponents. I would hate spidermen not being able to stun who I want him to. Or to hold back Thor because it would be a waste to use his ability for only 300 health. It makes sense, but doesn't sound fun.
  • I feel bad for the midlevel players using Thorverine.

    I was once like that, but I've got a nice selection of covers now. Sure I use wolverine a lot, but Thor is rarely part of my team these days, usually replaced by whoever is buffed in a given tournament. Any nerf will hurt low level players the most.
  • Not really sure why the need to nerf both characters. I never avoid Wolverine in a match. Thor can be a pain but I always target him first to get him out of the way. The reason they are overused is because they are the two best two star characters. I'd use Iron Man more if he was a level 85.
  • Koolbiird wrote:
    My two cents= Thorverine made it possible for the middle of the pack to compete without spending loads of hard currency. Now, the separation between the rich/poor and high level/mid-level will be more profound. We want to promote character variety and more strategic options, but neutering characters is nonsense. You spend hard currency to enjoy the game, and your investment is rendered moot. What growth comes from incessant depreciation? The fun is dwindling update after update.
    First of all low level players aren't suppose to be challanging top players and winning consistantly. Seccondly really who spent money on leveling wolverine and thor, less than 1% of people. Finally nerfing characters isn't the ideal way to balance the game but it works and it works out better for the majority.
  • Garwalker wrote:
    Not really sure why the need to nerf both characters [...] The reason they are overused is because they are the two best two star characters.
    I think you just answered your own question.
  • The player is supposed to have a huge advantage because constantly losing to the AI would not be fun. If you tried to target the way AI does (whoever just matched) you'll notice this is almost the worst possible way you can choose your targets. It is potentially worse than random.

    The difference in power/skill is supposed to be how fast and how reliably you win, though currently it's a bit too reliable. Even without a healer, a lot of the time it take can hours before you actually deplete all your 5 health packs. The Divine Champion tournament and the Ares tournament are pretty much what happens if you nerf healing to 1/2 or 1/3 (feature characters that do double or triple damage is the same as healers healing for 1/2 or 1/3) and probably closer to the intended rate you're supposed to use up health packs.

    Of course the boosts themselves are pretty much an insurmountable advantage. Maybe there should be a limit of how often you can use those. I know they're supposed to be there so you'd attack a stronger team than normal, but you shouldn't be chugging those like steroids on every fight when you need to make a push, which I'm sure is how they're actually being used.
  • The game is definitely getting better, but this balancing is the perfect example of a nerf being unnecessary. I don't think Thor and Wolvie are used too much because they are OP, rather because they are easily obtainable. Balancing other characters and making a few more available in the prologue would be a better way to solve this 'problem'.
  • Garwalker wrote:
    Not really sure why the need to nerf both characters. I never avoid Wolverine in a match. Thor can be a pain but I always target him first to get him out of the way. The reason they are overused is because they are the two best two star characters. I'd use Iron Man more if he was a level 85.

    I think this is a very good point. These are covers that can be pretty close to maxed out during the prologue. Funny how they buff up Thor and then say he is overpowered icon_e_smile.gif. Aries is the heir apparent for Thor I think. Still powerful but with some down sides to balance it out. Should have been pretty easy for folks to get covers lately so hopefully most have one they can use. A new player is going to be in trouble though.
  • First of all low level players aren't suppose to be challanging top players and winning consistantly. Seccondly really who spent money on leveling wolverine and thor, less than 1% of people. Finally nerfing characters isn't the ideal way to balance the game but it works and it works out better for the majority.[/quote]

    Challenging and winning are two separate concepts. I spent money on Thor because I couldn't max out his Thunderstrike in the time frame I wanted to. Nerfing characters has NEVER improved a game. I've been gaming for decades and nerfs only alienate gamers. Human beings thrive off of consistency and choice. Thorverine is so potent because what other choice do you have at the mid-level? The marvel universe is vast. Instead of introducing new characters that can counter Thorverine; they just nerf them. That leads to uncertainty in the player base. Who is going to max out an efficent character that MAY be rendered useless?

    The majority of competitors use Thorverine. How does that improve balance if you cut the contending player base?
  • greggray24 wrote:
    Garwalker wrote:
    Not really sure why the need to nerf both characters. I never avoid Wolverine in a match. Thor can be a pain but I always target him first to get him out of the way. The reason they are overused is because they are the two best two star characters. I'd use Iron Man more if he was a level 85.

    I think this is a very good point. These are covers that can be pretty close to maxed out during the prologue. Funny how they buff up Thor and then say he is overpowered icon_e_smile.gif. Aries is the heir apparent for Thor I think. Still powerful but with some down sides to balance it out. Should have been pretty easy for folks to get covers lately so hopefully most have one they can use. A new player is going to be in trouble though.

    My way of reasoning that the balance modifications are justified, look at the list to be modified / been modified.

    Magneto c
    Etc etc

    Each one when you read the name you automatically know whether it's gonna be a buff or a nerf before they even tell us. That should at least mean something right?
  • Koolbiird wrote:
    First of all low level players aren't suppose to be challanging top players and winning consistantly. Seccondly really who spent money on leveling wolverine and thor, less than 1% of people. Finally nerfing characters isn't the ideal way to balance the game but it works and it works out better for the majority.

    Challenging and winning are two separate concepts. I spent money on Thor because I couldn't max out his Thunderstrike in the time frame I wanted to. Nerfing characters has NEVER improved a game. I've been gaming for decades and nerfs only alienate gamers. Human beings thrive off of consistency and choice. Thorverine is so potent because what other choice do you have at the mid-level? The marvel universe is vast. Instead of introducing new characters that can counter Thorverine; they just nerf them. That leads to uncertainty in the player base. Who is going to max out an efficent character that MAY be rendered useless?

    The majority of competitors use Thorverine. How does that improve balance if you cut the contending player base?[/quote]

    The word NEVER, especially when emphasized so much is quite a strong word, and most likely used foolishly.
  • Koolbiird wrote:
    First of all low level players aren't suppose to be challanging top players and winning consistantly. Seccondly really who spent money on leveling wolverine and thor, less than 1% of people. Finally nerfing characters isn't the ideal way to balance the game but it works and it works out better for the majority.

    Challenging and winning are two separate concepts. I spent money on Thor because I couldn't max out his Thunderstrike in the time frame I wanted to. Nerfing characters has NEVER improved a game. I've been gaming for decades and nerfs only alienate gamers. Human beings thrive off of consistency and choice. Thorverine is so potent because what other choice do you have at the mid-level? The marvel universe is vast. Instead of introducing new characters that can counter Thorverine; they just nerf them. That leads to uncertainty in the player base. Who is going to max out an efficent character that MAY be rendered useless?

    The majority of competitors use Thorverine. How does that improve balance if you cut the contending player base?

    The word NEVER, especially when emphasized so much is quite a strong word, and most likely used foolishly.[/quote]

    And your point is what?
  • ShavedDome
    ShavedDome Posts: 61 Match Maker
    Hey. I think the best part about this post is the fact that they heard us about the issue on the lack of formal public notification ahead of time about the changes and have addressed it. It defiinately be encouraging to even the most negative of players.

    Should be know suprises here on the next buffs.

    Next step would be to put a button on the daily page so people can view the latest funbalanced and tourneys with it popping every time they come in the game. That could get old.

    But baby steps man, baby steps.
  • Making everyone stronger except 2 guys is no different from nerfing the 2 guys, and it's easier to nerf the 2 guys rather than hoping you buffed everyone else exactly right so that you didn't create any new problems.

    Besides, Wolverine and Thor are flat out strong overall. There's really no weakness to their skills unless you put in something really contrived like 'opponent can't gain red or green APs' or 'when a green or yellow tile is created an ability, any resulting match goes to the other team'.
  • Koolbiird wrote:

    Challenging and winning are two separate concepts. I spent money on Thor because I couldn't max out his Thunderstrike in the time frame I wanted to. Nerfing characters has NEVER improved a game. I've been gaming for decades and nerfs only alienate gamers. Human beings thrive off of consistency and choice. Thorverine is so potent because what other choice do you have at the mid-level? The marvel universe is vast. Instead of introducing new characters that can counter Thorverine; they just nerf them. That leads to uncertainty in the player base. Who is going to max out an efficent character that MAY be rendered useless?

    The majority of competitors use Thorverine. How does that improve balance if you cut the contending player base?
    Please tell me how 2* characters should deal with 1k matches/nukes through Strike Tiles or Thor's unbuffed 1K nuke that also has a good chance to add free Yellow matches to fuel a larger 2k Nuke. Or the combination of Thor's nuke boosted further by Wolverine's strike tiles.

    The only combo in the game that comes close was Modern Storm/Modern Widow, which were mitigated by their low 1* health pools even by 1* standards.
  • PhantomFO wrote:
    Koolbiird wrote:

    Challenging and winning are two separate concepts. I spent money on Thor because I couldn't max out his Thunderstrike in the time frame I wanted to. Nerfing characters has NEVER improved a game. I've been gaming for decades and nerfs only alienate gamers. Human beings thrive off of consistency and choice. Thorverine is so potent because what other choice do you have at the mid-level? The marvel universe is vast. Instead of introducing new characters that can counter Thorverine; they just nerf them. That leads to uncertainty in the player base. Who is going to max out an efficent character that MAY be rendered useless?

    The majority of competitors use Thorverine. How does that improve balance if you cut the contending player base?
    Please tell me how 2* characters should deal with 1k matches/nukes through Strike Tiles or Thor's unbuffed 1K nuke that also has a good chance to add free Yellow matches to fuel a larger 2k Nuke. Or the combination of Thor's nuke boosted further by Wolverine's strike tiles.

    The only combo in the game that comes close was Modern Storm/Modern Widow, which were mitigated by their low 1* health pools even by 1* standards.

    They are efficient and they have no hard counters. Introduce more characters with varying abilities to counter them. Instead, they nerf them. Nerfing isn't a solution, and I stand by my opinion. I have seen it too many times. OBW and Ares will be next on the complaint train. It's a never ending cycle.
  • Are people seriously saying if Moonstone, Captain America, and Hawkeye (Modern) covers are easily available you'd see a lot of teams Captain America, Moonstone and Hawkeye? Wait, those covers are actually easily available.
  • Phantron wrote:
    Making everyone stronger except 2 guys is no different from nerfing the 2 guys, and it's easier to nerf the 2 guys rather than hoping you buffed everyone else exactly right so that you didn't create any new problems.

    Besides, Wolverine and Thor are flat out strong overall. There's really no weakness to their skills unless you put in something really contrived like 'opponent can't gain red or green APs' or 'when a green or yellow tile is created an ability, any resulting match goes to the other team'.

    We have something like. It's called Daken. *shrugs* He's a soft counter, not a hard counter, but because Wolv is so fast, he's not effective.