Gauntlet, Are you kidding me?
Phantron wrote:NorthernPolarity wrote:
Okay... replace the term "hardcore" with "players who think that speedrunning could be interesting, and have the necessary roster to do so?"
So someone like you, who is likely to immediately sell back what you win back, is going to be totally re-energized with this new feature that you and other 0.1% of the guys that placed top 10 is going to easily make up for just the complains already posted on this change? Because you're going to um, spend more money on this game since you were able to win a token that you never needed?
I've been pretty bored with this game lately, mainly because there's nothing enticing to work toward. But I had a lot of fun with my run in the first Gauntlet sub today, even though I knew it was still worthless. Entered a bracket after about 2500 people and knew I had no shot. No one had finished, but a bunch were close. I sped through and finished #60. I knew I couldn't win the prize, but I still had more fun than a normal Gauntlet.0 -
There is one change I wish they'd make if it's not already set up that way. I wish that only the first time you beat a node affected scaling. It's hard to get the rewards out of the nodes because the scaling gets bad, especially in the harder nodes, pretty quickly.0
eaise wrote:Only the first 10 people to finish get a good ranking reward. So why in the world would the devs choose to start it while another event is still ongoing. I'm gonna have to try and hit my refreshes in R&G pve and be one of the first ten people to get through the gauntlet.
not gonna happen. Thanks a lot devs
because they are idiot .0 -
My issue with this change is that they took the one non-competitve event and made it competitive. People have been asking for more non-competitive content in this game since it opened. The Gauntlet is all we've gotten on that front so far.
Yes, I realize that you can still play the gauntlet as normal and ignore the placement rewards. I realize that this is probably meant to be a nice bonus and an extra challenge for people.
It's not the extra rewards that bothers me. If they wanted to implement a speed run and put in place a system where if you beat the sub in say, an hour, you got a 10 pack, I'd have zero issues with the change. I realize too that this would be a lot harder to implement from a dev perspective and the placement rewards probably essentially do the same thing.
It still bothers me that they took the one event that was non-competitive and made it competitive. Maybe there will be more content coming that will fill that void, I don't know, but competitive and non-competitive events have a different feel and I think it's important to have both in the game. Right now, with this change, we don't have that anymore; after the prologue every event has you competing against other players.0 -
Sometimes I wish there was a subforum devoted to people complaining about things, so I wouldn't need to encounter **** like this.0
mags1587 wrote:It still bothers me that they took the one event that was non-competitive and made it competitive. Maybe there will be more content coming that will fill that void, I don't know, but competitive and non-competitive events have a different feel and I think it's important to have both in the game. Right now, with this change, we don't have that anymore; after the prologue every event has you competing against other players.
Why should it bother you? Since probably only the top 5%* has a chance to compete in all the gauntlet, the remaining 95% will be playing it exactly as how it was.
This is the key point which NP keeps emphasising.... there's no change except for probably 100 players per 10,000 bracket. That's an incredibly small group.
However, as shown by the amount of angst in the forum, i guess its not worth D3 effort to give extra stuff to the players, since everything is seen as cash grab.
*The top 5% is used loosely, as 1) you probably need to be available when the gauntlet open or a new bracket open, 2) you need to have depth of roster to complete, and 3) you have incredibly low scaling.0 -
::shrug:: Because it bothers me. Maybe it shouldn't in the eyes of a lot of people here, but it does. I'm not one making the cash-grab argument, to be clear.
For me, it's just that there's a different feel between events that are competitive and events that are not. Doesn't matter if the rewards are good/bad or impact a small percentage or a large percentage of the playerbase.
It's the idea of it -- I feel there should be some non-competitive content in the game, right now there's not. It's as simple as that and even though the reward structure now makes it functionally non-competitive for most of the player base, the change still bothers me.0 -
It doesn't even make sense why it would be a 'cash grab' No one but the first 1000 people in bracket have any chance of being top 10. So at least 95% of people aren't even going to try to finish top 10, as there will already be 10 finished people. How could this possibly be a cash grab?
No, this was supposed to be something nice to reward people who tried really hard. It was even suggested in previous gauntlets to have a reward for being top 10. Now suddenly people see shiny prizes and get their feelings hurt because they're not good enough to play the game at that level? Surely, they must 'deserve' these prizes for being such a great dedicated player!0 -
Logged on to see guantlet.. cool.
Checked rewards.. top 10.. *thinks for a minute* oh.. first to complete it.
Do first mission. Ranked 6000+. Check leaderboard, entire top 10 already finished.
So had no chance at top 10 placement... cool.0 -
It was a cash grab. Players spent to play well in this event. There was no way around it. Now take the average gauntlet, zero spending to play for rewards. Forget essential covers, no one takes that chance. Sound grabby now?0
Hulk11 wrote:It was a cash grab. Players spent to play well in this event. There was no way around it. Now take the average gauntlet, zero spending to play for rewards. Forget essential covers, no one takes that chance. Sound grabby now?
"Lowering progressions from 1300 to 1000 is a cash grab. Players spent to play well in this event. There was no way around it. Now take the average 1300 pvp, zero spending to play for rewards because no one bothered getting 1300. Sound grabby now?".0 -
NP, just let it go. It's the Internet. First World Problems. Some people just ain't gonna be happy unless they can be pissed off about something.0
Que... subject change, good job. I'm not talking about pvp, I hardly even understood what your talking about, I'm playing in pve more. You probably play more pvp than pve I assume.0
NorthernPolarity wrote:dkffiv wrote:The part that sucks is that they're adding an ISO sink to their most loyal/competitive players. To get the edge you're going to need to AP boost the easy nodes just to clear them x seconds faster. I've decided I'll do my best without boosting more than I would normally have to (which is usually the second half of the final sub) and see what happens. I normally clear the gauntlet within a day but I'll be damned if I'm wasting ISO on easy matches or spending HP on health packs.
You mean their most competitive and loyal players who have most of the covers and dont actually need the 10 pack? Please, if the reward was like 10 star lord covers then sure you can complain. A 2500 iso 10 pack for the top .00001 % is obviously there just for fun and for the crazies who want to spend 1k hp in boosts for a 10 pack. This type of complaining just dorsnt make sense when you consider the event as a whole, and is a knee jerk reaction to what is clearlymeant to be a "just for fun" bonus from the devs. Would you rather they remove this and you be down an extra 100 iso and standard token?
its just .1%
.00001% would be .01 people per 100000 -
It should be pretty clear I think quite negative of this change but I don't see how people can justify it as a cash grab. It does look like people spent more HP than I first estimated, but I was using the HP conversion rate at the worst possible buying rate, and also ignoring that people may have just had some HP stashed around and decided why not to go for it. I certainly had plenty of HP in the bank to try to speedrun this had I cared about this thing. I suppose you can make an argument for butterfly effect because if you spent 500 HP today then 3 weeks later you have 500 less than expected you'd have to buy something but that's pretty far fetched. I think this is a bad idea because it created a lot of negative goodwill without any significant money to show for it. Had this been a successful cash grab then at least you can say, 'well maybe they'll put that money for more content later'. Sure, people might not believe D3 will improve the game with more money, but they sure aren't going to improve the game when they have NO money.
I always had similar thoughts about the HP suck posts people made for heroics. It'd be great if they really worked as people claim where people are buying up 25 health packs for a particular heroic, because that means someone is subsidizing the game and tangible money >> intangible goodwill. My reservation about the heroics is always that they didn't seem like enough of a cash grab to me because most people will probably just give up, or at least go with the 'boost on every fight' strategy which gets D3 very little, if any, money.0 -
i think how a player responds to the rewards system change in the Gauntlet boils down to two major factors: how competitive you are and how much you would like to see non-competitive content in the game. As someone who is both competitive and pushing hard for non-competitive play, this move is not a big surprise but it is also discouraging.
i totally understand where mags1587 is coming from. For me, pre-competitive Gauntlet was like a nice savory Italian meal that I could enjoy at my own leisure. First came the light and tasty appetizer, then the main dish, and finally the desert. Now it's become a food eating competition, where i try to stuff my face as quickly as i can to earn a lottery ticket that could win me a $100 gift card.
Sure, you will argue that most reasonable people will ignore the opportunity and enjoy their meal. And i don't disagree with you. But i know for a fact that there are at least 60 other people if not more, who were willing to stuff their mouths and bellies for a chance at that ticket and i'm willing to bet there were plenty more than that considering that it seems there were 2 brackets open initially.
But before i get labelled a whiner, let me clarify that i actually enjoy speed running. i do it from time to time in pVe (for those interested in my misadventure racing Hail Mary: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19661), sometimes i win and sometimes i lose but it keeps the game interesting for me. And i understand why the devs made this move. When the Gauntlet first came out and they kept the leaderboard for the event i could already see the writing on the wall. So no i'm not surprised and yes, i am looking to take advantage of this change. i'll be honest, i had a good time speed running it with the best of the best for what it's worth. i felt the sting of disappointment for not making it into the Top10 my first go and the thrill of just clinching it the second time.
But...mags1587 wrote:::shrug:: Because it bothers me. Maybe it shouldn't in the eyes of a lot of people here, but it does. I'm not one making the cash-grab argument, to be clear.
For me, it's just that there's a different feel between events that are competitive and events that are not. Doesn't matter if the rewards are good/bad or impact a small percentage or a large percentage of the playerbase.
It's the idea of it -- I feel there should be some non-competitive content in the game, right now there's not. It's as simple as that and even though the reward structure now makes it functionally non-competitive for most of the player base, the change still bothers me.
It really is the principal of the matter that gets me, too. The devs are well aware that there are players that want non-competitive content. They keep mentioning they have something in the works but they have been pushing that story for quite some time. Now we have the rumored Daily pVe but no one actually knows what kind of event it will be or even when it will be released.
Furthermore, there was no communication whatsoever that this was going to be a thing. Obviously, it's a touchy issue considering the calls for non-competitive content and the lack of time slices but whether it was an intentional silence or just poor planning is beyond me (although i suspect it's just another case of poor planning). However, there are certain groups of players that this move affects negatively, mainly those that are pushing for non-competitive content and those that are unable to play at the "designated" start time. So while for some this is a nice bonus, for others this is a significant step back and yes, for the majority of the player base, this has a negligible effect.
The smart thing would have been to address the issue head on by acknowledging the change ahead of time and stating that non-competitive content is being cooked in the kitchen and will soon be available. Also, an explanation for the 3* 10 pack (many assume it's just a standard 10 pack while others have pointed out that the display for a heroic 10 pack is 2* so it's possible that this 10 pack is for 3* or above characters) would have better helped managed expectations. Instead a player has to point it out on the forums and now we are left clueless as to the nature of the rewards while those looking to get an edge check the Gauntlet thread for bracket info (although i mean no disrespect to those who participated in the 1st Gauntlet speed run, let's not kid ourselves here this not what you can call a fair competition. As with many other aspects of this game, information and luck play just as much a significant role as "skill"). Obviously debate would have ensued either way, but it would have been assuring to know that non-competitive content is still on the table.
Don't get me wrong, i'm all for bonuses and gestures of good will but this whole debacle could have been handled more responsibly. This move does nothing to address the 2-3* transition problem and takes away the one element outside of prologue that was non-competitive. The Gauntlet was fun before it was competitive, and it's fun after becoming competitive but i feel we are now starting back at square one.
For those that enjoy the competition and have little interest in actual non-competitive content this move is a plus, a new goal to shoot for, but for those of us that would like to see the game balance out between non-competitive and competitive content it is a sad, dark day.0 -
Good point. I play a lot or at least a certain variety of pvp games. They do it well, I play those games cause they do pvp well. Their casual or non pvp isn't so good so I don't play it, they don't do pve well, so I play pvp. This game does not do pvp well, I don't see this game as a pvp fixation, primarily cause it's not done well. So I play the pve, take away the ranking system in pve, and it's a good go to game for casual gameplay. I do play casual games as well, when they do it right. This game has a good option for doing casual right, taking out ranking in pve, would be doing it right. Still with ranking and this gauntlet yes, you can play casual. But let's play in the reality, the ranking is still there and this is just another example of adding ranking, and for all the players that continue to ignore any ranking in this game, you are the real winner.0
fight4thedream wrote:i think how a player responds to the rewards system change in the Gauntlet boils down to two major factors: how competitive you are and how much you would like to see non-competitive content in the game. As someone who is both competitive and pushing hard for non-competitive play, this move is not a big surprise but it is also discouraging.
i totally understand where mags1587 is coming from. For me, pre-competitive Gauntlet was like a nice savory Italian meal that I could enjoy at my own leisure. First came the light and tasty appetizer, then the main dish, and finally the desert. Now it's become a food eating competition, where i try to stuff my face as quickly as i can to earn a lottery ticket that could win me a $100 gift card.
Sure, you will argue that most reasonable people will ignore the opportunity and enjoy their meal. And i don't disagree with you. But i know for a fact that there are at least 60 other people if not more, who were willing to stuff their mouths and bellies for a chance at that ticket and i'm willing to bet there were plenty more than that considering that it seems there were 2 brackets open initially.
i've been to restaurants where you sit down and they have this sign that says "eat this 4 pound burger/massive pancake stack in 1 hour and get it free". my reaction is "huh, that's cool," and then i proceed to order whatever i want and eat it at my leisure.
are people in this game so pathologically competitive that they just HAVE to take that challenge?? because this thread is the equivalent of me screaming at the waiter "TINYKITTY YOU AND YOUR TINYKITTY CHALLENGE!!! NOW I'M GOING TO GET INDIGESTION AND HEART DISEASE DOWN THE ROAD BECAUSE YOU'RE MAKING ME EAT THIS HUGE BURGER IN 1 HOUR!!!"0 -
I haven't chimed in yet so here goes my take. I don't have a problem with the change by itself. I actually like the fact that they threw it in cause there are tons of people (me included) who don't really need the usual rewards at all so this is something that could be potentially useful and get people interested in the event that otherwise wouldn't be. My issue with it has been said by others, the fact that so few people get it mean you either needed to be on right when it started or luck into a pretty new bracket later on. If there were something like the time slices where they had 5 different start times over a 24 hour period I think those arguments would be nullified. Other than that it seems like a fine change.0
fight4thedream wrote:i totally understand where mags1587 is coming from. For me, pre-competitive Gauntlet was like a nice savory Italian meal that I could enjoy at my own leisure. First came the light and tasty appetizer, then the main dish, and finally the desert. Now it's become a food eating competition, where i try to stuff my face as quickly as i can to earn a lottery ticket that could win me a $100 gift card.
I like competitive events and I compete actually in PvP and PvE but I like to have some non-competitive ones too.
When the Gauntlet was initially released I was very pleased. A different sort of challenge, a different pace.
Now they have added a touch of competition in our only non-competitive event. Why can't we keep some events non competitive? I know it's a very tiny touch and we just have to ignore it to pretend that it's still a pure non competitive event.
It's not a big deal, it's true but we can't say it change nothing.
Before change the event thread was full of discussion about how defeat particular nodes. Now it's more a timing entry thread.
It's just that it's not exactly the same flavor anymore0
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