**** Invisible Woman (Classic) **** [PRE 2015-04]



  • I've played a bunch with IW now at max, and definitely still hold that 3/5/5 is the best build. The only benefit you get from yellow is AP reduction, and even with 5 yellow it's still a high-cost, late game move.

    People talk about potentially destroying your protect tile with 5 green, but this is easily preventable by busting any bubble (by matching it) next to your protect tile before casting FFCrush. Even when this isn't possible, it only kills your def tile roughly 1/3 of the time, and you gain so much AP from casting it that you're usually in a position to launch other attacks (even recasting Force Bubbles) the next turn. There's no good reason not to take the extra damage (and AP gain) that goes with 5 green.

    To answer the other question: No, she's not going to bump LT, LDaken, Sentry, or even Hood off of your A-team. She is a solid B-teamer that can cause people fits once she gets going. There are some really fun combos for her - my favorite is Hood/IM40/IW. IM40 is there as a battery to feed her blue/green and red to himself for a late game Unibeam finisher. Hood is there to prevent the other team from getting off any big moves before IW can set her protect tile. It's really effective, and fun to puzzle out, but slow.

    Edit: On most boards, it's possible to place your bubbles on all the blue except for one that's isolated on the board away from the bubbles, making it so that your def tile appears there. So yet another reason not to worry about going 5 green.
  • qiwi-mpq
    qiwi-mpq Posts: 54
    Would love to know what the new Sue Storm can do.

    Had a lvl 175 that's now lvl 215 and first thing I noticed is that her strongest match, yellow, is now 78, one below the max 3* strongest match which is 79. So does that mean when max lvl, she's easily going to tank 2 colors?

    Also be curious what the max values for her protect and green burst damage is now...
  • With the level shift, I've been able to play a bit with IW and it has been fun. Good move from the devs for this!

    Did notice a couple of things:
    1) Even when invisible, the character lost health when the opposing Thor "called the storm". I thought the invisible character cannot be targeted?? Similar to Hawkeye's avoid when there are enough purples tiles.

    2) In an attempt to generate yellow tiles, I used Thor's red power. I damaged the opponent but no yellow tiles were generated at all. I had IW in invisible mode and a few tiles were locked in bubbles but surely there would've been enough free tiles for even one yellow tile to be generated. Instead, no yellow tiles were generated at all.
  • qiwi-mpq
    qiwi-mpq Posts: 54
    Decided to just use my brain and check walkyourpath's team from the alliance rankings.

    Here are the new values:

    At Max Level:
    HP:8220 (increased from 6996)
    Tile damage:82/11/73/9/64/9 (increased from 70/10/62/9/55/9)

    Force Bubbles
    Max Level: 796 Protect Tile (increased from 678)

    Force Field Crush
    Max Level: 724 damage for each released bubble (increased from 616)

    So the max match dmg (82) is still just 3 above a 3*'s max match (79), which is a bit disappointing. I hoped that with the 4*s gaining 40 levels (vs 15) that it would have increased the gap between 3*s and 4*s for match dmg.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    qiwi-mpq wrote:
    Decided to just use my brain and check walkyourpath's team from the alliance rankings.

    Here are the new values:

    At Max Level:
    HP:8220 (increased from 6996)
    Tile damage:82/11/73/9/64/9 (increased from 70/10/62/9/55/9)

    Force Bubbles
    Max Level: 796 Protect Tile (increased from 678)

    Force Field Crush
    Max Level: 724 damage for each released bubble (increased from 616)

    No, look at the lvls 9/25/40 % wise 2*'s went up 10.5%, 3*'s went up 17.7% and 4*'s went up 17.3% so the gap between the 3's and 4's stayed roughly the same. This I'm assuming was intentional. When the fully maxed Nick Fury's come in about a week, do you really want them even stronger than before?

    So the max match dmg (82) is still just 3 above a 3*'s max match (79), which is a bit disappointing. I hoped that with the 4*s gaining 40 levels (vs 15) that it would have increased the gap between 3*s and 4*s for match dmg.
  • qiwi-mpq
    qiwi-mpq Posts: 54
    Considering that 4*s should be the "end game" as mentioned and speaking from my own selfish point of view that I'd like my own Sue Storm to be worth a damn, then yes, I want 4*s to be stronger.

    Nick Fury does seem broken but buffing match damage wasn't going to change how broken he is. The extra boost in match dmg still is peanuts compared to the 10k+ damage you calculated from his traps skill.
  • Anyone up for another 30-day slog for invisible woman?

    Me neither.
  • I totally don't get it. If I got an Invisible Woman from a standard token, I wouldn't even care.
  • I sell off my IW covers that I pull randomly. She's just not worth the roster slot to me - too hard to get covers for, and worse than a great many 3*s and several 2*s. That's just... weak. I'd rather have the three heroic tokens, to be honest.
  • As a big Fantastic Four I actually like and her and want her covers, just not her yellow. I'm building her 3/5/5, and I've got 3 yellows already, and I've sold two of them on top of that. I'll be more excited for the next two, since I "need" them, for a given value of need, at least.
  • When/if she gets a rework or a buff (same goes for x-force) you'll feel like a dumbass.
  • Worst decision ever.

    Fire the one responsible, this is gonna cost you. A lot.
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    vaevictum wrote:
    When/if she gets a rework or a buff (same goes for x-force) you'll feel like a dumbass.

    I've got bad news for you buddy. She's already had work done.

  • jojeda654 wrote:
    vaevictum wrote:
    When/if she gets a rework or a buff (same goes for x-force) you'll feel like a dumbass.

    I've got bad news for you buddy. She's already had work done.


    I forgot that once they do balance changes on someone they can never do them again. Thanks for your masterful insight.
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards
    I actually like it. Means we'll have a pressure-free season. No more having to keep that average up for the alliance cover.
  • Zifna
    Zifna Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    Anyone up for another 30-day slog for invisible woman?

    Me neither.

    I feel like this is D3's way of saying "We know Seasons are F'd, but we don't know how to fix them right now. So we're just going to make them not matter this month while we come up with a better plan."
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    vaevictum wrote:
    jojeda654 wrote:
    vaevictum wrote:
    When/if she gets a rework or a buff (same goes for x-force) you'll feel like a dumbass.

    I've got bad news for you buddy. She's already had work done.


    I forgot that once they do balance changes on someone they can never do them again. Thanks for your masterful insight.

    No problem amigo. If it's not OP, it's not getting funbalanced!
  • Zifna wrote:
    Anyone up for another 30-day slog for invisible woman?

    Me neither.

    I feel like this is D3's way of saying "We know Seasons are F'd, but we don't know how to fix them right now. So we're just going to make them not matter this month while we come up with a better plan."

    Yeah, I could see that.
    vaevictum wrote:
    When/if she gets a rework or a buff (same goes for x-force) you'll feel like a dumbass.

  • It is a pretty piss poor reward considering it takes like 20$ of hp almost to open up a full alliance which you need to get these rewards, maybe if it was 1 of each cover for her, or not her worse cover, I only have 3 for her but its 2 yellow and 1 green so her yellow will be maxed after the season.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    vaevictum wrote:
    jojeda654 wrote:
    vaevictum wrote:
    When/if she gets a rework or a buff (same goes for x-force) you'll feel like a dumbass.

    I've got bad news for you buddy. She's already had work done.


    I forgot that once they do balance changes on someone they can never do them again. Thanks for your masterful insight.
    So...how's that xforce buff then icon_lol.gif
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