**** Invisible Woman (Classic) **** [PRE 2015-04]



  • eidehua wrote:
    Red Panda wrote:
    So I tested out my 4/2/4 IW while tanking and I'm confused about how grant invisibility works. I managed to trigger it twice so she & human torch were invisible but I still got hit by call of the Storm. I think area of effect attacks mess up some abilities or maybe a bug. I know tossing a Molotov cocktail once wiped out an Ares post-death lingering Sunder tile. TU Sentry apparently wipes himself out after the first World rupture tile triggers... Has anyone else every get 2 or 3 invisible concurrently? I'll keep testing it out

    Invisible, not invincible-- calling a storm/throwing molotovs/swiping with rage/calling whales/AOE all around your location will probably land on an invisible unit icon_e_wink.gif

    Yeah that does make sense when you visualize being unseen but still in the line of fire of a Wind Storm, Rampage or Rupturing World. Live and learn... or in this case die and learn.
  • Mavericat
    Mavericat Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    What are some good tactics with Invisible Woman's blue skill?

    I honestly have no idea what to do whenever I use it. Which tiles should I be trying to lock? At one point I even tried locking all blue tiles, to try to preserve the protect tile created... it just ended up not creating a protect tile lol
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is best to lock enemy tiles. When they are locked they do not work. So if you lock a strike tile it does not add damage to the other teams match.
  • Since Wolverine will be given an upgrade soon and Nick Fury is worthy of 4 stars.
    I would like to suggest the following changes for Invisible Woman.

    Grant Invisibility
    The Invisible Woman hides the weakest member of the team. Converts a random basic Yellow tile into a 2 turn count down Invisibility tile. While it's on the board, the invisible character can't be targeted.
    Level Upgrades
    Level 2 – Converts 1 random basic yellow tile into 3 turn count-down Invisibility tiles. For each tile on the board, one member of the team with the lowest hp cannot be targeted.
    Level 3 – Converts 2 random basic yellow tile into 2 turn count-down Invisibility tiles. For each tile on the board, one member of the team with the lowest hp cannot be targeted..
    Level 4 – Converts 2 random basic yellow tile into 3 turn count-down Invisibility tiles. For each tile on the board, one member of the team with the lowest hp cannot be targeted..
    Level 5 – Converts 3 random basic yellow tile into 2 turn count-down Invisibility tiles. For each tile on the board, one member of the team with the lowest hp cannot be targeted..
    Max Level: 15 Yellow AP per use

    Force Bubbles - Blue 12 AP
    Susan focuses her power to protect the team absorbing enemy damage to her force bubble. Create a 1 turn count- down force bubble tile. When this tile is on the board, enemy damage will be absorbed 100% into the tile.
    Level Upgrades
    Level 2 – 2 turn count - down force bubble tile.
    Level 3 – 3 turn count - down force bubble tile.
    Level 4 – 4 turn count - down force bubble tile.
    Level 5 – 5 turn count - down force bubble tile.

    Force Field Crush - Green 9 AP
    Invisible Woman crush a force bubble tile to deal 40% damage absorbed or adds 4 blue AP if there are no force bubble tile on the board.
    Level Upgrades
    Level 2 – deal 60% damage absorbed or adds 6 blue AP if there are no force bubble tile on the board.
    Level 3 - deal 80% damage absorbed or adds 8 blue AP if there are no force bubble tile on the board.
    Level 4 - deal 100% damage absorbed or adds 10 blue AP if there are no force bubble tile on the board.
    Level 5 - deal 120% damage absorbed or adds 12 blue AP if there are no force bubble tile on the board.

    Personally, I find this invisible woman is powerful cos its defensive strength is significant and when its power is activated,
    players will not use sentry "world rupture". I believe this changes game play a lot as players will consider if to deal high damage

    And since the game has focus so much on offensive, it will need a good defensive character
  • Mavericat
    Mavericat Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    How do you use them effectively? They seem to negate enemy special tiles, so I'll place them over those tiles, but other than that I have really no idea where to put them.

    If you put them over your own tiles do they also negate special effects?

    Any other tips?
  • *sigh* Apparently you got a bunch of IW covers. She's not good currently, not because of her mechanics, but because of her high AP costs and low health. If you want a character to cover blue/green colours and not use yellow, just run cStorm (IW's yellow is too expensive and the tile is too fragile).
    Yes, her blue 'locks' tiles, be it enemy or friendly tiles, just like Bag-Man does with his blue power. Only these two characters have such an ability. It's too weak though because you just hinder your own ability to match tiles effectively, when you can simply, say, explode the entire board/a good part of it with Magneto MN's Iron Hammer, or stun and damage the enemy with classic Storm's Wind Storm, etc.
    IW's blue is meant to be played in conjunction with her green with explodes Force Bubbles, but her blue takes 5 matches, so it's not a viable strategy at all.
    Please don't create threads on such a narrow subject repeatedly, use the existing ones, e.g. Invisible Woman's thread in Character Discussion.
  • Way too op. Once she got going you wouldn't be able to damage her team at all. Those powers would have to cost so much that it would be impractical to use them.
  • That is why they are count down tiles and a match will remove the power away. Anyway... a four star gonna deserve better powers.
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    Thanks to Colossus' Immovable Object, the game now has a new class of countdown tile that confers an effect while it is counting down. And from Fastball Special, there is a way to select one member of the team as part of casting a power. This would be perfect for Grant Invisibility. Make it cost less AP but have a limited duration, plus you can select who to make invisible. And in this particular case, freezing the countdown with a force bubble to extend the duration actually makes sense too.
  • Would a frozen countdown still be considered on the board? Do frozen Attack tiles still punch? If you could force bubble Colossus' countdown to keep him out front at 50% damage until he dies that would make IW pretty strong just on it's own.

    I like the suggestion that Invisibility be able to choose who to target and be a countdown duration for less AP.

    I know the blog about Colossus mentioned they tested for it, but what happens if Colossus is stuck out front and also Invisible?
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    Lerysh wrote:
    Would a frozen countdown still be considered on the board? Do frozen Attack tiles still punch? If you could force bubble Colossus' countdown to keep him out front at 50% damage until he dies that would make IW pretty strong just on it's own.
    Yeah, in the Colossus thread they are saying freezing the tile with a force bubble does not remove its effect. But that is most likely just a bug.
    I know the blog about Colossus mentioned they tested for it, but what happens if Colossus is stuck out front and also Invisible?
    And what if Deadpool is also on the team and he has more health than invisible immovable Colossus? icon_e_confused.gif
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    why is any one playing with Invisible Woman? That is the bigger question. I really hope they fix her, she has such cool mechanics, it's just she's so slow. The first thing I would do is get rid of the Force Field Crush ending the turn, and pump up the damage on this ability, that would be a start. 2nd I would lower the cost of Force Bubbles to say 10, but then decrease the number of bubbles made and slightly decrease the shield strength as a trade off. 3rd, I would make Grant Invisibilty just like Colossus's Immovable Object, so the ability would be on a CD tile, then drop the cost to 8 or 9. You do these things and all of a sudden, she becomes a very useable and very powerful character
  • Yeah if history has taught us anything is that characters aren't "tweaked", when they're fixed they are effectively turned into a different better character, with one of two abilities that kinda remind you of the previous **** version. So I'm guessing the fixed version of IW will have a power that places bubbles AND blows up tiles around them (maybe even for AP), a skill that lets you place a giant blue protect tile anywhere in the board (or several of them, old cmags style), and a passive that makes characters invisible - maybe the next one that makes a match?
  • IamTheBiggs
    IamTheBiggs Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    I have three covers in the 4-start first lady of comics, and her powers are neat, but seemingly expensive. Are there any good combos out there to pair with her, our is she even with keeping around at this point?
  • Her covers are relatively hard to come by, so keeping her is mainly on spec - given what they did to X-Force, there's a likelihood that, a few months down the line, she'll be reworked into being a powerhouse. As she is now, even at 270, she's the equivalent of a middling 3*, and that may be a bit generous.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    is she even with keeping around at this point?
    Maybe you should ask all the people who sold their XForce covers when he wasn't worth using yet...
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have three covers in the 4-start first lady of comics, and her powers are neat, but seemingly expensive. Are there any good combos out there to pair with her, our is she even with keeping around at this point?

    Well there are/were 2 thoughts on her build 5/5/3 or 3/5/5 with blue obviously being her best ability. If you had unlimited AP, her abilties are very strong, but....in a world where offense is king, she is sadly lacking.

    The first "best build" for her was 5/5/3 because green was so bad that her 23 AP yellow seemed good. Well after her first rework they tweaked yellow's cost, reworked blue, and made green just damaging enough to make you want to consider it. Which is where we are now, blue is the strongest ability as she can make a very strong defensive tile that pretty much negates all damage and her bubbles can lock down everything, so in essences she's Cptn America's blue on steroids. Her yellow was still massively high costed, and her green was her only source of damage, if it didn't end the turn she could be semi playable, but much like spider-man suffers from the web-tile requirements, IW suffers from the bubble tile requirement, as green does nothing if you have no bubble tiles out, and if you can't get blue to go before green, you spend valuable green resources to make bubbles.

    As she stands right now, she is potentially viable in those crazy goon battles as she can potentially lock down 8 tiles, but it does cost you 13 AP and doesnt get rid of them. Yellow and green are best served by other characters so in reality, while the majority build her 3/5/5 right now, the only truely useable skill on her is Force Bubbles and you could probably go 5/5/3, 4/5/4 or 3/5/5 and not have it matter. The 2 reasons why it does favor 3/5/5 currently however is 1) whether yellow costs 14 or 16 it's either in a 5 match category or a 6 match category and as the game dictates you probably have a good chance of getting 16 yellow in the same amount of time as you would get 14 yellow. 2) If you do end up losing a green user, at least max green gives it the most bang for your buck, but these are the extremes, there very well could be situations where getting yellow out sooner, means saving your green user, which means winning the game, but much like Fury, 5 in blue the rest is choice.
  • My guess is she'll become the defensive version of X-Force - she'll be that person you bring onto impossible PVE nodes to tie up the enemy long enough for the bruisers to whittle them down. Maybe a combination of protect tiles and stuns. Sort of like a decent Spider-Man.
  • IamTheBiggs
    IamTheBiggs Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
    So, it sounds like blueflag.png is king, with her (which sux for me since I got no blues for her). It also seems that she might be okay for PvE, but not so much for PvP.
  • She could use a few tweaks.

    Yellow should allow you to choose which member of the team gets invisible. Perhaps even making the tile itself invisible to the enemy. After all, she is Invisible Woman, right? icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Blue should not lock tiles, that's not impacting at all. The protect tile is good, but Lazy Cap can do that more often because of shield return and stun an enemy.
    Blue should make a special tile like yellow and keep an enemy locked in a force bubble, stunned while it remains on the board, just like she does on comics. Maybe limit it to 2 enemies at same time or for only 2 turns if there is only one enemy left.

    Green apparently does a crapload of damage. But first you need the 13 blue. And another 9 green. Maybe she should just place a tile targeting an enemy that keeps doing damage (crushing) until it gets destroyed. Double damage if the target is the stunned guy. Don't even know why this ends the turn as it is a lot of work and trouble to use it.
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