[SPOILER] Upcoming characters & contents /2505/



  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    This looks pretty fun, and a seemingly nice answer to "what on earth do you do between 8 hour refreshes?"
  • eaise
    eaise Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    Daily PvE sounds awesome. If you need the cover hit it, if you don't you can focus on something else. Guaranteed 3* is amazing!
    Star Lord looks to be an awesome character. (He is my favorite Guardian of the Galaxy)
  • Can you imagine a world where Devs actually address 2-->3 transition and make this game actually enjoyable??? Please let these rumors be true.

    Oh lawd, I would be the first to punch myself in the face and praise them. MPQ at its base is awesome, make it great Devs! You can do it!
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    yogi_ wrote:
    turul wrote:
    Introducing:Deadpool's Daily Event!
    it's got all that daily PVE event content but with MY face on it.
    Play every day for a Guaranteed 3-Star!

    Ordeals looks like a new story, containing Survival nodes!

    very good news...

    Appears to be two styles of events? eg. a mini-Gauntlet (I hope very mini), and...?

    If it turns out as described, this guaranteed 3* cover (either a new token or a set character as an end progression reward - probably slight preference to the latter) could be one of the most significant things to happen to the game in a while. And the devs solution to the 2* - 3* transition.

    [How amazing would it be, if it was a different character every day and you got to pick which one of the 3 colours you wanted! Though, I am not expecting such a thing to happen given it would basically decimate cover sales].

    The semi-downside is that it's another game mode that you have to juggle along with all the others.

    For some people, this sort of thing could be the end of PvP.

    If it's really 1 3* every day, then it would be awesome... but I think it's too good to be true.

    It's probably "play every day to get a guarantee 3* every 10 days". Which is similar to the super whales concept.
  • I'd think if it's a guaranteed 3* it'd be a token that gives you a random 3*, or maybe something like the old LR Diabolical Tokens that have a slightly narrower focus. If it's a specific character let alone a specific color that'd indeed make a lot of the game pointless.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    atomzed wrote:
    If it's really 1 3* every day, then it would be awesome... but I think it's too good to be true.

    It's probably "play every day to get a guarantee 3* every 10 days". Which is similar to the super whales concept.

    Yeah, that's what I'd bet on.

    GameLoft does exactly that in Spider-Man Unlimited.
  • Trisul wrote:
    turul wrote:
    Introducing:Deadpool's Daily Event!
    it's got all that daily PVE event content but with MY face on it.
    Play every day for a Guaranteed 3-Star!

    Ordeals looks like a new story, containing Survival nodes!

    very good news...
    I'm pretty excited about this. Hopefully we'll get some official news about it soon.

    Also, I'm surprised that D3 aren't hiding their stuff better. I can't imagine they are happy about news like this being spoiled in advance.

    It seems to be pretty standard process to pre load the static portion of upcoming stuff both to reduce the bandwidth load on the day of the patch and to make sure nothing weird happens. People used to try to hide this stuff or try to put misleading stuff to throw people off but then you just end up with stuff like "Did you hear X Force is going to be deleted next patch???" because someone got too zealous in trying to mislead the data miners.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    atomzed wrote:
    If it's really 1 3* every day, then it would be awesome... but I think it's too good to be true.

    It's probably "play every day to get a guarantee 3* every 10 days". Which is similar to the super whales concept.

    Yeah, that's what I'd bet on.

    GameLoft does exactly that in Spider-Man Unlimited.

    This does not sound really that fun. If it's 1 - 3 matches every day, then maybe but if it's 10 mini-gauntlets, then no. This exact interpretation is not going to help the 2*-3* transition that much (a somewhat say in picking your own cover would negate this annoyance somewhat but can't see that happening) - you may as well just try a bit harder with PvP.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scoregasms wrote:
    Sorry, I should've elaborated a bit more, I'm assuming ISO and the other usual node rewards would accompany this mode and if you have the cover already, it's still another 500 ISO (or you just skip it). Generally speaking though, I'm pretty sure most of the player base aren't in the position to have fully developed/diverse rosters and could really benefit from this (given most are new-ish including myself).

    Perhaps it's best not to make that assumption.

    What if this provides no other rewards except for a guaranteed 3* cover?
    Let's throw together some hypotheticals and say that it's a 10-pin "mini-gauntlet" that rewards 1 specific 3* cover. If it's a cover I need, then I'm going to do those 10 missions. If I don't need it, then I'm probably going to skip it. It's a big ask for only 500 ISO. Actually, the reality is I'll still go for it if I've got a lot of down time - it might be a good alternative to SHIELD Simulator for playing with different teams.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    yogi_ wrote:
    atomzed wrote:
    If it's really 1 3* every day, then it would be awesome... but I think it's too good to be true.

    It's probably "play every day to get a guarantee 3* every 10 days". Which is similar to the super whales concept.

    Yeah, that's what I'd bet on.

    GameLoft does exactly that in Spider-Man Unlimited.

    This does not sound really that fun. If it's 1 - 3 matches every day, then maybe but if it's 10 mini-gauntlets, then no. This exact interpretation is not going to help the 2*-3* transition that much (a somewhat say in picking your own cover would negate this annoyance somewhat but can't see that happening) - you may as well just try a bit harder with PvP.

    If it's 10 mini gaunlet, I agree that it won't be as fun.

    But I won't belittle the 3* tokens... 3* per 10 days is still 3 covers per season.

    I won't mind that additional 3* every seasons, even if I still rely on luck to get the covers I need.

    And d3 could tweak it to be every 7 days or every 5 days. It is still a good concept.

    As to the aid for 2* to 3*transition, I think that this is not the best way to help them. Why? Because d3 cannot afford to be too generous as they are giving covers across the board. But to help the transitioners, they really need to get the 13 covers for their 3*, never mind which 3* they are having.

    A more targeted approach is required for them.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Trisul wrote:
    turul wrote:
    Introducing:Deadpool's Daily Event!
    it's got all that daily PVE event content but with MY face on it.
    Play every day for a Guaranteed 3-Star!

    Ordeals looks like a new story, containing Survival nodes!

    very good news...
    I'm pretty excited about this. Hopefully we'll get some official news about it soon.

    Also, I'm surprised that D3 aren't hiding their stuff better. I can't imagine they are happy about news like this being spoiled in advance.

    I don't think they actually care: the forum is such a small part of the playerbase anyways, and its annoying to add that extra encryption/decryption step. Not to mention that this information is pretty much harmless to everyone: the only people who care are the crazies like us anyway!
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like daily PVE is 5 days - 9 nodes - 2 of them survival nodes.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    turul wrote:
    Looks like daily PVE is 5 days - 9 nodes - 2 of them survival nodes.

    One 3* tokens per 5 days is quite a decent return. It really depends on the difficulty of the nodes.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    atomzed wrote:
    turul wrote:
    Looks like daily PVE is 5 days - 9 nodes - 2 of them survival nodes.

    One 3* tokens per 5 days is quite a decent return. It really depends on the difficulty of the nodes.

    Well............... yes and no. Yes, always good to get a 3* cover if you need them though the playtime has to come from somewhere else where you could be earning the same or similar covers.

    This is still a lot of play over a long enough period of time for a (random or set?) cover that may or may not be of any use. And as soon as you start hitting hard or deadly matches........... no way.

    Depending on how you play this could end up being a largely neutral or slightly positive improvement to the 3* transition but I can't see it significantly improving the game - exactly what the devs want, I would imagine (enough that it seems wow but once you start getting into the details...).
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    yogi_ wrote:
    atomzed wrote:
    turul wrote:
    Looks like daily PVE is 5 days - 9 nodes - 2 of them survival nodes.

    One 3* tokens per 5 days is quite a decent return. It really depends on the difficulty of the nodes.

    Well............... yes and no. Yes, always good to get a 3* cover if you need them though the playtime has to come from somewhere else where you could be earning the same or similar covers.

    This is still a lot of play over a long enough period of time for a (random or set?) cover that may or may not be of any use. And as soon as you start hitting hard or deadly matches........... no way.

    Depending on how you play this could end up being a largely neutral or slightly positive improvement to the 3* transition but I can't see it significantly improving the game - exactly what the devs want, I would imagine (enough that it seems wow but once you start getting into the details...).

    Uh... if this is gauntlet style, doing 9 nodes in 5 days isn't really that much time for a 3* cover, regardless of how hard the nodes are.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    yogi_ wrote:
    atomzed wrote:
    turul wrote:
    Looks like daily PVE is 5 days - 9 nodes - 2 of them survival nodes.

    One 3* tokens per 5 days is quite a decent return. It really depends on the difficulty of the nodes.

    Well............... yes and no. Yes, always good to get a 3* cover if you need them though the playtime has to come from somewhere else where you could be earning the same or similar covers.

    This is still a lot of play over a long enough period of time for a (random or set?) cover that may or may not be of any use. And as soon as you start hitting hard or deadly matches........... no way.

    Depending on how you play this could end up being a largely neutral or slightly positive improvement to the 3* transition but I can't see it significantly improving the game - exactly what the devs want, I would imagine (enough that it seems wow but once you start getting into the details...).

    Uh... if this is gauntlet style, doing 9 nodes in 5 days isn't really that much time for a 3* cover, regardless of how hard the nodes are.

    Do you mean 9 nodes over 5 days (9 nodes in total) or 9 nodes each day for 5 days (45 nodes in total)? I interpreted it as the latter.

    My apologises in advance if my interpretation is not correct; 5 days of only 9 nodes is very very reasonable (even if slightly dragged out).
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    9 different nodes/day
  • turul wrote:
    Oldest Trick
    Star-Lord points past his enemy and shouts "Hey! Is that Moon-Boy?" before swinging in with a sucker-punch. He creates a ???-turn Countdown tile which deals ??? damage. While at least one such tile is on the board, all enemy Red and Green ability costs are increased by ??? AP.
    Upgrades to: Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, and Green

    A nice way of allowing breathing room with PvE-overscaled Juggernaut and Ares
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    turul wrote:

    new character
    Star-Lord / Legendary Star-Lord (2014) #1 - blacktile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.png ( blacktile.png is only prediction )

    Oldest Trick
    Star-Lord points past his enemy and shouts "Hey! Is that Moon-Boy?" before swinging in with a sucker-punch. He creates a ???-turn Countdown tile which deals ??? damage. While at least one such tile is on the board, all enemy Red and Green ability costs are increased by ??? AP.
    Upgrades to: Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, and Green

    Quills Gambit - N/A yet

    Sleight Of Hand
    Star-Lord formulates a plan that gets his teammates working together efficiently. Places a ???-turns Countdown tile. While at least one such tile is on the board, all friendly Red and Yellow ability costs are reduced by ???-AP.
    Upgrades to: Red, Blue, Green, Purple, and Yellow
    Interesting that Oldest Trick doesn't upgrade to slow down enemy purple skills and Sleight of Hand doesn't upgrade to accelerate friendly black skills. Perhaps Oldest Trick uses purple AP and Sleight uses black AP - would be unfair to be able to accelerate your own accelerating black skill. His third skill is hopefully yellow, I don't think we have any purple/yellow/black characters yet. I feel that he should have purple because other Guardians lack purple so far, but maybe he's simply another red/yellow/black character which would be unfortunate.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    locked wrote:
    turul wrote:

    new character
    Star-Lord / Legendary Star-Lord (2014) #1 - blacktile.pngredtile.pngyellowtile.png ( blacktile.png is only prediction )

    Oldest Trick
    Star-Lord points past his enemy and shouts "Hey! Is that Moon-Boy?" before swinging in with a sucker-punch. He creates a ???-turn Countdown tile which deals ??? damage. While at least one such tile is on the board, all enemy Red and Green ability costs are increased by ??? AP.
    Upgrades to: Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, and Green

    Quills Gambit - N/A yet

    Sleight Of Hand
    Star-Lord formulates a plan that gets his teammates working together efficiently. Places a ???-turns Countdown tile. While at least one such tile is on the board, all friendly Red and Yellow ability costs are reduced by ???-AP.
    Upgrades to: Red, Blue, Green, Purple, and Yellow
    Interesting that Oldest Trick doesn't upgrade to slow down enemy purple skills and Sleight of Hand doesn't upgrade to accelerate friendly black skills. Perhaps Oldest Trick uses purple AP and Sleight uses black AP - would be unfair to be able to accelerate your own accelerating black skill. His third skill is hopefully yellow, I don't think we have any purple/yellow/black characters yet. I feel that he should have purple because other Guardians lack purple so far, but maybe he's simply another red/yellow/black character which would be unfortunate.

    redtile.png and yellowtile.png is already given. But it may not be blacktile.png .
This discussion has been closed.