Planned Updates To Shields - New Start Date
wharrrgarbl wrote:Okin107 wrote:A nerf to shield hopping? I don't need to read any posts in this thread, this is an awesome balance to the game. Coming right after Sentry and Hood balance, I'm really curious to see how things will work out. I am so hoping for transition players to be able to jump higher than just 600 points!
Thank you for this unexpected but pleasant change!
I agree entirely, including the not reading this topic part. I'm really glad people will finally stop hitting ridiculous high scores just for bragging rights, and then forcing the rest of the field to catch up to make progress. It sucks because I'd be totally fine with shield hopping if PvP had better progression awards and the inability to shield hop didn't hurt the transition players so much, but alas...
Thats just not whats going to happen. Instead of the xmen pushing all the time and getting 3k+ points, the xmen is now going to start in the first hour, and hop once every 8 hours, resulting in maybe say 1.6k points instead, but the people not doing this are going to get far lower. This means that during those 8 hours, there are no high point targets like there normally would be, so no points for everyone else. Points go down across the board, people get screwed out of progression awards, and the status quo is maintained except everyone is worse off.
I think the fundamental thing to understand here is that any changes made to shields will not have an impact on what players are able to get what reward tiers. As long as matchmaking exists in some form, if two people are at 800 points, and one person has 2* characters and the other has 3* characters, all the 800 point people are going to skip until they find the 2* characters and attack them. The game just naturally segregates players in PvP in its current structure. The actual scores don't matter, because what does it matter if that X-Men in first has 3k points or 1.5k points compared to your 600 points? That person still gets first place, and now instead of having 600 points, you're down to 400 because the people who normally wouldn't attack you at 600 can't find any high scorers due to no one hopping, and so start to wail on you instead. Equilibrium is going to exist for as long as PvPs are fundamentally this way, and in order to help out transitioners, Demiurge needs to do something else completely, such as having another tournament that transitioners can go to and have a good chance at winning covers that veterans won't bother with.0 -
This point thing is really bothering me too so I'd like to address it real quick.
As someone else pointed out several pages back, once you reach a certain point (maybe it is 700), a match between you and anyone else will only add 1 or 2 points to the total pool of pvp points (they gain 25, you lose 23-24). Let's say you're a pretty high scoring player and you usually shield around 950 (clearly at the point where matches only add 1 or 2 pts to the pool). Let's also say that on average, your shield gets hit 3 times for a total of 120 points. So, every time you shield, you are basically adding 120 points to the pvp pool. If you think people are going to stop shielding and instead grind it out, you would need to fight AT LEAST 60 more matches in order to add the same amount of points to the pvp pool (assuming others adopt the same strategy and are grinding as well). This is just an unreasonable way to get anyone high enough to achieve progression rewards.
I'd also like to mention that no sane person would beat themselves against a wall repeatedly that many times. As others have said, they might continue with the grind if you actually maintained a positive trend. If every win netted you 35 but you were hit for 20 each time, you'd keep going cause at least you're gaining 15 points each win. But what actually happens is you make your way to 875, win that match that should put you over 900 and see a -130 message waiting for you. Of course none of the retals are worth anything, so you skip them, play another 20 minutes, win 3 matches without getting attacked again, and then the same thing happens as you come out of that 4th match that should have put you over 900. Eventually you either get lucky and break 900 and shield quickly or you realize 875 is just going to be your max for right now and the next time you hit it you shield. Want to play again in a little bit to improve your score? You better be willing to fork over even more hp, cause you'll have to drop an 8 hour shield the next time, and after that, you're stuck waiting out those 8 hours unless you want to drop even more coin on a 24-hr shield.
The whole point of shields is to allow people to play during the time they have available to them without losing all of their progress. People aren't paying not to play the game by using shields, they are paying so that the hours of time they put into playing the game don't completely go to waste.
Sorry for a bit of a rambling post. Basically I don't really like this move because of its expected effect on scores. And not just "omg i won't be able to easily hit 1300 any more", but more that there will just be no margin for error because everyone will end up bunched together around the same scores (which will essentially be determined by the way the ELO/point system works).0 -
gobstopper wrote:Dauthi wrote:Spoit wrote:
Once you pass like 500, point gains are largely zero sum (except at equal point values you generate maybe 1 point on net), so the only way to increase the point pool on the high end if to have people generate points by hitting shielded people, which for obvious reasons will happen a lot less often after the change. In order to get an equivalent effect in the pool of points, you'd probably need to increase the people under the diminishing return point by like, another order of magnitude.
Thank you for responding to my post in an informational way rather than refer to me as a troll. The bolded is something I have never heard of, I always assumed attack/defender gain/loss values were static, though I haven't been in a top alliance who would attack eachother to test this either.
My question now is how much truth this holds, and what are the real values. Even 1 point gained per attack over hundreds of thousands of people is quite the gain globally.
I run an alliance and, without going into detail, have a life too. How would I know without attacking an alliance member and asking them how much was the loss vs my gain? Then throw in different point totals...
Laddering beyond 800 is a vague question to me, what are you asking? MMR has been changing frequently lately. Before the changes I could sit unshielded at 900 points for an easy top 25, but in the last several events of the season it has gotten so bad that I have had to shield hop to 1k for top 25.
Is it stunning that some people aren't all consistent forum users? I come here for recruiting/news, and occasionally (when I have time) read what people think and respond.0 -
The entire reasoning behind this post just doesn't make any sense to me. To reiterate the points that have me confounded:
• "Shield hopping" is still possible but very limited. High-scoring is fun, but Shield hopping generally requires a large amount of out-of-game communication that not all players have access to. We asked ourselves this question: "Would you Shield hop if you didn't need to in order to reach a high score? If not, that's a sign that a change is probably needed."
The new system encourages this even more. Once you're above 900 points, if you can only get points every 8 hours, what do you think people are going to do? The ONLY strategy for this is now going to require out-of-game communication, since how the heck are you going to find high point targets reliably without hopping with other people? Since high point ppl can only push once every 8 hours, the only reliable source of points you get are gonna come from the people you hop with.
• This change helps level the playing field. Players that don't have the Hero Points to spend on Shields, either through being in a top 100 Alliance or purchasing currency, will not need to worry about someone simply outspending them by using hundreds of Hero Points to Shield hop for a win.
The X-Men are going to start early, and push every time a cd period is up, spending a ton of hero points in the process. The little guy who doesn't have HP, can't do this, and therefore NOTHING changes for them. I hope we can get some dev clarification for this reasoning, because as is it makes no sense whatsoever.0 -
The reason I shield-hop is not for the sake of scoring the highest anyone has ever scored, but because the point losses I'd suffer otherwise force me to. Shield-hopping is a reaction to not being able to play continuously over twenty minutes or so once you've reached the proximity of 700-800 because you lose multiple times what you gain this way. If poit losses stay the same, I'll just have to spend even more HP if I want to get anywhere near 1K with my score and probably start shielding earlier.0
wharrrgarbl wrote:Okin107 wrote:A nerf to shield hopping? I don't need to read any posts in this thread, this is an awesome balance to the game. Coming right after Sentry and Hood balance, I'm really curious to see how things will work out. I am so hoping for transition players to be able to jump higher than just 600 points!
Thank you for this unexpected but pleasant change!
I agree entirely, including the not reading this topic part. I'm really glad people will finally stop hitting ridiculous high scores just for bragging rights, and then forcing the rest of the field to catch up to make progress. It sucks because I'd be totally fine with shield hopping if PvP had better progression awards and the inability to shield hop didn't hurt the transition players so much, but alas...0 -
NorthernPolarity wrote:The entire reasoning behind this post just doesn't make any sense to me. To reiterate the points that have me confounded:
• "Shield hopping" is still possible but very limited. High-scoring is fun, but Shield hopping generally requires a large amount of out-of-game communication that not all players have access to. We asked ourselves this question: "Would you Shield hop if you didn't need to in order to reach a high score? If not, that's a sign that a change is probably needed."
The new system encourages this even more. Once you're above 900 points, if you can only get points every 8 hours, what do you think people are going to do? The ONLY strategy for this is now going to require out-of-game communication, since how the heck are you going to find high point targets reliably without hopping with other people? Since high point ppl can only push once every 8 hours, the only reliable source of points you get are gonna come from the people you hop with.
If it is a zero sum game after 500 points as Spoit says at this point, how are they gaining points instead of trading them back and forth? Is there some other information I don't have? Are you talking about gaining 1 point back and forth as he suggests? Are we talking about them hitting eachother after being shielded? Please explain.0 -
mohio wrote:This point thing is really bothering me too so I'd like to address it real quick.
As someone else pointed out several pages back, once you reach a certain point (maybe it is 700), a match between you and anyone else will only add 1 or 2 points to the total pool of pvp points (they gain 25, you lose 23-24). Let's say you're a pretty high scoring player and you usually shield around 950 (clearly at the point where matches only add 1 or 2 pts to the pool). Let's also say that on average, your shield gets hit 3 times for a total of 120 points. So, every time you shield, you are basically adding 120 points to the pvp pool. If you think people are going to stop shielding and instead grind it out, you would need to fight AT LEAST 60 more matches in order to add the same amount of points to the pvp pool (assuming others adopt the same strategy and are grinding as well). This is just an unreasonable way to get anyone high enough to achieve progression rewards.
I'd also like to mention that no sane person would beat themselves against a wall repeatedly that many times. As others have said, they might continue with the grind if you actually maintained a positive trend. If every win netted you 35 but you were hit for 20 each time, you'd keep going cause at least you're gaining 15 points each win. But what actually happens is you make your way to 875, win that match that should put you over 900 and see a -130 message waiting for you. Of course none of the retals are worth anything, so you skip them, play another 20 minutes, win 3 matches without getting attacked again, and then the same thing happens as you come out of that 4th match that should have put you over 900. Eventually you either get lucky and break 900 and shield quickly or you realize 875 is just going to be your max for right now and the next time you hit it you shield. Want to play again in a little bit to improve your score? You better be willing to fork over even more hp, cause you'll have to drop an 8 hour shield the next time, and after that, you're stuck waiting out those 8 hours unless you want to drop even more coin on a 24-hr shield.
The whole point of shields is to allow people to play during the time they have available to them without losing all of their progress. People aren't paying not to play the game by using shields, they are paying so that the hours of time they put into playing the game don't completely go to waste.
Sorry for a bit of a rambling post. Basically I don't really like this move because of its expected effect on scores. And not just "omg i won't be able to easily hit 1300 any more", but more that there will just be no margin for error because everyone will end up bunched together around the same scores (which will essentially be determined by the way the ELO/point system works).
People in favor of this idea really are underestimating the trickle-down effect that high-scorers have on the game. It's not just that they add points to people close behind them, but they provide 40- to 50-pt targets. Here's an example from a PVP last month:
Look at how many players were able to 40+ matches over 1000 just because they were able to queue me during multiple hops. That only becomes possible though if I'm visible for them to find me. If I only hop twice every eight hours, how many people will be able to find me? The same will be true of X-Men, Onslaught, etc. Right now, we can queue them because they are out enough. If their hops are very infrequent, it is pure luck -- and a huge drain on ISO -- to try to find them. Not to mention that they are not as likely to be as high as before, so even if you do find them after spending several hundred ISO, they won't be worth 40 to 50, but more like 30-35.
So what is more likely to happen is scores will be depressed across the board and players will have to skip a bunch just to find a match worth 25 points when they hit 800 or so. Meanwhile, they stand to lose 40+ to the lower-scoring players, who may have similar rosters, but just started climbing later. Anyone who has recently played in a dead shard knows exactly what this is like. In the event where 1WhoKnocks it 3000, people in my shard were barely able to hit 1300. In the last PVP, shard 4 -- normally an active one -- was dead and I suspect only two or three people in the entire shard managed to break 1200 and we were spending ISO like crazy just to find matches worth 20 points or more. If you want to discuss "unfun," that PVP was it. So I cannot understand what the Devs hope to accomplish by making that the experience for everyone.
Look, if the goal is to level the playing field and avoid P2W, and if, as the Devs say, shields don't make money, a far better solution is just to make shields free without countdowns. Then anyone who wants to shield can do so and anyone can hop if they want.0 -
Dauthi wrote:NorthernPolarity wrote:The entire reasoning behind this post just doesn't make any sense to me. To reiterate the points that have me confounded:
• "Shield hopping" is still possible but very limited. High-scoring is fun, but Shield hopping generally requires a large amount of out-of-game communication that not all players have access to. We asked ourselves this question: "Would you Shield hop if you didn't need to in order to reach a high score? If not, that's a sign that a change is probably needed."
The new system encourages this even more. Once you're above 900 points, if you can only get points every 8 hours, what do you think people are going to do? The ONLY strategy for this is now going to require out-of-game communication, since how the heck are you going to find high point targets reliably without hopping with other people? Since high point ppl can only push once every 8 hours, the only reliable source of points you get are gonna come from the people you hop with.
If it is a zero sum game after 500 points as Spoit says at this point, how are they gaining points instead of trading them back and forth? Is there some other information I don't have? Are you talking about gaining 1 point back and forth as he suggests? Please explain.
This is how "shield hopping" works in a nutshell.
Player A and player B are both at 1000 points. Since their points are so high, they can find each other by skipping teams until they find them and queue each other up.
Now, Player A shields at 1000 points.
Player B attacks player A. Player B gets +25 points and is now at 1025 points. Player A is shielded and loses 0 points.
WHILE player B is attacking player A, player A queues up player B.
Player B shields at 1025 points.
Now Player A attacks player B for 25 points. Player A is now at 1025 points. Player B is shielded and loses 0 points.
WHILE player A is attacking player B, player B queues up player A.
Player A and player B are now shielded at 1025 points.
You see that the end result of this is that both players are up 25 points. This is how X-Men get to 3k points, they coordinate hops, and feed off of each other to get high point values. This change does NOTHING to combat that, if anything, it makes it even more required since now player A and B can't even feed on any other high point guys, cause they're all under 8 hour shields instead of pushing every hour.
If this coordination didn't happen, here's how it would go down:
Player A and B are at 1k points.
Player A attacks player B. Player B is now at 975, Player A is at 1025.
Player B attacks Player A. Player A is now at 1000 points, player B is now at 1000 points.
This is what happened back when shields didn't exist, and the system devolves to "who can push in the last 30 mins of the events the quickest", and was completely stupid.0 -
Dauthi wrote:NorthernPolarity wrote:The entire reasoning behind this post just doesn't make any sense to me. To reiterate the points that have me confounded:
• "Shield hopping" is still possible but very limited. High-scoring is fun, but Shield hopping generally requires a large amount of out-of-game communication that not all players have access to. We asked ourselves this question: "Would you Shield hop if you didn't need to in order to reach a high score? If not, that's a sign that a change is probably needed."
The new system encourages this even more. Once you're above 900 points, if you can only get points every 8 hours, what do you think people are going to do? The ONLY strategy for this is now going to require out-of-game communication, since how the heck are you going to find high point targets reliably without hopping with other people? Since high point ppl can only push once every 8 hours, the only reliable source of points you get are gonna come from the people you hop with.
If it is a zero sum game after 500 points as Spoit says at this point, how are they gaining points instead of trading them back and forth? Is there some other information I don't have? Are you talking about gaining 1 point back and forth as he suggests? Are we talking about them hitting eachother after being shielded? Please explain.
When most people shield-hop, they queue high-scoring targets while shielded. Then they break and hit two or three nodes -- high scoring nodes -- before they shield again. If they have high scores and are coordinating with others, the other players will queue those players during the hop and wait for them to reshield. Then the other players will break, hit their targets for more points, and reshield. So the players who attack gain points from their wins, but they are always hitting a shielded target, who never loses points. The net result is more points are added to the pool because shields allow them to not have attacks be a zero-sum game.0 -
reckless442 wrote:For someone who claims to shield-hop, you obviously don't understand the mechanics of it. When you are shielded, people who have queued you before you shielded (or have you in their cache from when you were unshielded) can still hit you. You don't lose points, but they gain points. See the image I posted in my prior post. I lost no points from all those players who scored 40+ points by beating my team. They, however, got those points.
It doesn't take a genius to skip opponents until you have a high point target for all 3 nodes, unshield, attack, and reshield. This was obvious even to non-forum goers that caught on i'm sure.
The privileged information is that huge conglomerate alliances like x-men were using it to purposefully and intentionally bounce off of each other for easy queuing/point gaining. How exploitative. I understood how queuing worked perfectly well, not the devious ways others abused it.
Thank you Northern Polarity.0 -
mohio wrote:wharrrgarbl wrote:Okin107 wrote:A nerf to shield hopping? I don't need to read any posts in this thread, this is an awesome balance to the game. Coming right after Sentry and Hood balance, I'm really curious to see how things will work out. I am so hoping for transition players to be able to jump higher than just 600 points!
Thank you for this unexpected but pleasant change!
I agree entirely, including the not reading this topic part. I'm really glad people will finally stop hitting ridiculous high scores just for bragging rights, and then forcing the rest of the field to catch up to make progress. It sucks because I'd be totally fine with shield hopping if PvP had better progression awards and the inability to shield hop didn't hurt the transition players so much, but alas...
Because, Mohio, losers will always find someone else to blame.
Didn't you realize that the new, untried, uninvested and inexperienced players are ENTITLED to be on an equal playing field with those players who have invested MUCH time, money and thought into this game? The time that "Veterans" put into the game is "their" problem! (Satire)
Why would someone who started playing yesterday care about the desire to score over 1300, much less the desire to score high... not for the progression reward but... simply because it is possible?
Unfortunately, the people arguing with us don't have enough scoring experience (or desire to score in that range) to even understand why this matters.
But we will simply do like we always do, we will find a way to excel. And they will continue to whine about how unfair life is to them, rather than find a way to improve.
Yes, I understand that posts like this are why I am unpopular on this forum but someone needs to say this stuff.
Great post Mohio. Thank you.0 -
I'm not trying to be argumentative here but can any of you saying this is better for the transitioning players give me any reason for thinking that? I have already asked for that in a previous post but am not being read/replied too. I personally think that we shouldn't reject every single change they throw into the game and that pvp definitely needs to be fixed. However the majority of the posts I read about pvp complaints are about how there is a wall of 166's that transitioning players (like myself) can't reasonably beat. As myself and other have already pointed out once you get to a certain point threshold (approximately 5-600 pts) you have to shield as a transitioning player because otherwise the 3* players crush you. This is generally because they are stuck in the dead space between normal matches and starting to acquire the 40-50 pt players over 1000. If there are less people to hop off of then we are fighting among ourselves. In this case why would I not choose to fight the 600 pt 2 star team instead of the other 3* stars?
WHY DO YOU FEEL LIKE THIS IS GOOD FOR TRANSITIONING PLAYERS? (for those of you who won't read my whole post)0 -
I'm not going to comment on whether shields needed changung and agree with np and reck about the implications - i.e. Shield spenders will still win & everyones points goes down massively. Oh and combined with the sharding makes it 5x more pronounced.
But the key thing for me is back to the "fun" point, so generalising on outcomes if everything else works as it does now:
- current high scorers will need a routine and will start working on a 4 or 8 hour cycle in groups. This feels all too much like PvE refresh grinding which is definitely not fun. (And of course most of these ppl are already scaled out of enjoying PvE or it even being playable). As reck said these ppl will be shielded 99.5% of the time so will be rare targets
- other vets who spend less will make maybe 2 or 3 big pushes and be at the mercy of luck for who else is playing & what targets they can find. Likely to be massive frustration when you come out of a single fight to -200. May well only push near the end or at 3 / 8 / 24 hour mark so also will be valuable targets only in a limited time window
- transitioners will get massacred by the 3 & 4 star players as they climb and are short of other targets. And even the early climbers will get beaten up by group 1
Not sure about 2 star land, but I'm struggling to see how most players will in reality have more "fun" in this new world. Imagine a lightning round where you wanted the rewards and ppl actually fought for top 5 instead of 26-50......0 -
not willing to write a long thoughtful post, but i do not like this change at all! think it needs to be tweeked much much more for you to achieve what you want0
Accident-eLe wrote:I'm not trying to be argumentative here but can any of you saying this is better for the transitioning players give me any reason for thinking that? I have already asked for that in a previous post but am not being read/replied too. I personally think that we shouldn't reject every single change they throw into the game and that pvp definitely needs to be fixed. However the majority of the posts I read about pvp complaints are about how there is a wall of 166's that transitioning players (like myself) can't reasonably beat. As myself and other have already pointed out once you get to a certain point threshold (approximately 5-600 pts) you have to shield as a transitioning player because otherwise the 3* players crush you. This is generally because they are stuck in the dead space between normal matches and starting to acquire the 40-50 pt players over 1000. If there are less people to hop off of then we are fighting among ourselves. In this case why would I not choose to fight the 600 pt 2 star team instead of the other 3* stars?
WHY DO YOU FEEL LIKE THIS IS GOOD FOR TRANSITIONING PLAYERS? (for those of you who won't read my whole post)0 -
Dauthi wrote:
It doesn't take a genius to skip opponents until you have a high point target for all 3 nodes, unshield, attack, and reshield.
The privileged information is that huge conglomerate alliances like x-men were using it to purposefully and intentionally bounce off of each other for easy queuing/point gaining. How exploitative!
OH!!! now I see! You're just mad that you aren't included. Well, now we see what this is REALLY about for you Dauthi. Thank you for clarifying.
As far as "coordinating" hops for points, as someone has already mentioned, that can be done using in-game chat. It is not "privileged information". It just makes a little bit of paying attention. You have just stated that your Alliance is not capable of said coordinated actions. As you have listed yourself as the leader of your Alliance, upon whom does this fault lie?
And lay off of Reckless, her skill level and thought processes concerning this silly little game far exceed what you have shown in this thread. She doesn't need me to defend her, I just wanted to try to stop you from getting into a p***ing contest that you have no chance of winning. Think of it more like I'm defending you, not her.0 -
mikeydollar7 wrote:I'm not going to comment on whether shields needed changung and agree with np and reck about the implications - i.e. Shield spenders will still win & everyones points goes down massively. Oh and combined with the sharding makes it 5x more pronounced.
But the key thing for me is back to the "fun" point, so generalising on outcomes if everything else works as it does now:
- current high scorers will need a routine and will start working on a 4 or 8 hour cycle in groups. This feels all too much like PvE refresh grinding which is definitely not fun. (And of course most of these ppl are already scaled out of enjoying PvE or it even being playable). As reck said these ppl will be shielded 99.5% of the time so will be rare targets
- other vets who spend less will make maybe 2 or 3 big pushes and be at the mercy of luck for who else is playing & what targets they can find. Likely to be massive frustration when you come out of a single fight to -200. May well only push near the end or at 3 / 8 / 24 hour mark so also will be valuable targets only in a limited time window
- transitioners will get massacred by the 3 & 4 star players as they climb and are short of other targets. And even the early climbers will get beaten up by group 1
Not sure about 2 star land, but I'm struggling to see how most players will in reality have more "fun" in this new world. Imagine a lightning round where you wanted the rewards and ppl actually fought for top 5 instead of 26-50......0 -
Brothanoomsy wrote:Dauthi wrote:
It doesn't take a genius to skip opponents until you have a high point target for all 3 nodes, unshield, attack, and reshield.
The privileged information is that huge conglomerate alliances like x-men were using it to purposefully and intentionally bounce off of each other for easy queuing/point gaining. How exploitative!
OH!!! now I see! You're just mad that you aren't included. Well, now we see what this is REALLY about for you Dauthi. Thank you for clarifying.
As far as "coordinating" hops for points, as someone has already mentioned, that can be done using in-game chat. It is not "privileged information". It just makes a little bit of paying attention. You have just stated that your Alliance is not capable of said coordinated actions. As you have listed yourself as the leader of your Alliance, upon whom does this fault lie?
And lay off of Reckless, her skill level and thought processes concerning this silly little game far exceed what you have shown in this thread. She doesn't need me to defend her, I just wanted to try to stop you from getting into a p***ing contest that you have no chance of winning. Think of it more like I'm defending you, not her.
Oh right, I didn't intentionally find ways to exploit a game. The fault is on me. I am guessing you are apart of a conglomerate alliance then?
A contest?Is this what it is to you? And here I was trying to act like an adult and learn/debate! I'll try harder next time, ok?
0 -
Ultimately, it doesn't matter what we say. I really don't know why they even bothered to ask in the first place.
The developers are going to do what they want to do and we can play their game or we can not play their game.
Either way, they consistently remind us that
it is THEIR game,
THEY make the rules, and
if we don't like it - we can go away.
None of our griping will make a difference. Watch time prove me correct.0
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