Planned Updates To Shields - New Start Date
I'm not sure why devs don't create "beta" events - events outside of the current rewards structure. That should:
- keep the status quo, with users happy their hard work won't go to waste
- let users "taste" the changes in a stress-free environment
- provide devs with relevant information concerning the new features introduced and allow them to make changes before hitting the major events (Season...)
The "beta" events would be part of the game, just like the Lightning Rounds are, and the incentive to participate could be special rewards.0 -
rbdragon wrote:Shield hopping, in its current state, is definitely broken. But as so many have stated, this isn't the answer.
In fact, it doesn't need to be fixed at all - at least not before:- Skipping a player completely removes them from the queue. There are 1000's of players who play the game. Stop showing me the same 4 or 5, and stop charging me a skip tax to see the same player I just skipped.
- Stop putting multiple versions of ourselves in other's queues. There is no reason I should be hit by 4 or 5 people at the same time every time I'm in a match.
- Once you defeat someone, give them a cooling off period - something like you cannot see them again in your queue for an hour. There are enough opponents out there if you actually give everyone access to them instead of showing us such a tiny few.
- Make shielded players visible to attacks. Just because they are shielded doesn't mean they aren't there. This only works with the cooling down period though, as this could easily be exploited as it has in the past.
I'm sure there are other things that could be "fixed" first as well - but this is all I could think of off the top of my head at 1am after a long day.....
This post NEEDS to go green... Bad.
I have never agreed with anything more on this silly-**** forum.0 -
As I read this, you can't buy a new shield of the same type until the current shield was due to expire.
My main tactic is to get to the wall and then put up a 24 hour shield with just under 24 hours to go. I might try to grab a few more points if I'm dropping out of the top 50 (or more likely top 100), but that's normally in the last few hours, so a 3 hour shield suffices. On rare occasions I'd do that a couple of times.
So this change affects my style of play only minimally, in that I would lose the ability to do more than one point grab unless I decided to pony up and buy an 8 hour shield for the second one.
It occurs to me, this makes it a little more like PvE with its full nodes after 2.4 hours. Buy a 3 hour shield. 10 minutes from the end line up 3 targets. 5 minutes before the end drop the shield and play, then buy another shield. Repeat ad nauseum.0 -
Dauthi wrote:
I wouldn't say it harms zero players, those not in the specified alliances won't have a chance in hell to score 1st or 2nd etc. I will say it doesn't harm me, as I am not a player interesting in scoring 2k to get a reward.
Oh, so you REALLY don't care about any of this yourself, you just wanna hate on those who do care? You have no dog in this fight and it doesn't effect you but you are trying to be "Captain Save-a-hoe" when there's no hoes and no saving that needs to be done in the first place?
I'm only stating this here for your benefit. We all figured out you were a malcontent from your original post.Dauthi wrote:Like tanking, it wasn't intended and should be fixed, however it is viable to use until then.
You realize you just showed everyone how hypocritical you truly are with that post, right.
First you say exploits are bad because everyone can't use them, then you turn right around and say that you use them yourself.
Wow. Do yourself a favor and stop talking now, before the true level of your understanding, or lack thereof, becomes more apparent.0 -
Another idea to limit shield hopping without creating a bloodbath similar to before shields....
Why not just take away the option to buy health packs?
You simply can't hop if your metas are dead.
What this does? Well, it doesn't limit roster diversity that we claim to want so much. It also allows players to save hp, instead of the temptation to just spend 200hp and keep going.
That alone will keep the pay to win aspect out of both pvp and pve.
That, or if you insist on making shields cool down like health packs, make the initial 5 free, like health packs
Pay to win gone... Kind of. Lol
Edit: forgot to mention that it would be a billion times easier to code, and a billion times harder to mess it up. Hahaha0 -
"David wrote:Moore"]Some of the thinking behind this change:
"Shield hopping" is still possible but very limited. High-scoring is fun, but Shield hopping generally requires a large amount of out-of-game communication that not all players have access to. We asked ourselves this question: "Would you Shield hop if you didn't need to in order to reach a high score? If not, that's a sign that a change is probably needed."
Completely incorrect. I shield hop all the time with ZERO... let me repeat that ZERO out-of-game communication. In fact with zero IN game communication either.
As far as would you shield hop if you didn't have to why not try MAKING IT SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO?????? Instead you're making it so you can't as much AND it costs more HP. You FAILED COMPLETELY to do ANYTHING about the root problem of getting metaphorically **** if you have a high score and are unshielded. What are people meant to do in that situation?? Stop playing any more that event? You have stated a problem along with a solution that SPECTACULARLY failed to address it. Good job!?!?"David wrote:Moore"]
• This change helps level the playing field. Players that don't have the Hero Points to spend on Shields, either through being in a top 100 Alliance or purchasing currency, will not need to worry about someone simply outspending them by using hundreds of Hero Points to Shield hop for a win.
Instead you can hope for good luck and nothing else? Or having a fully maxed 4* thor to make you a less juicy target which is completely P2W at the moment and will be for some time? Or are we hoping to go completely random as we were before shields exceot back then there was more differentiation in rosters. Now lotd of ppl can get together 2 usable 3* heroes with a loaned featured and beat whatever you put out on defence with a few boosts. You offer zero options for people to impact point loss APART from shields."David wrote:Moore"]
• Initially, we'll be keeping the scores needed to earn progression rewards the same while we test a few Versus Events and gather data. Over the last few months, we've seen a lot of variation in the number of players using lots of Shields in a single Event, and a lot of variation in the highest scores players reach, but very little variation in how much effort it takes to reach a particular progression reward. It's not clear at this point how much this change will affect the difficulty of earning progression rewards; it'll depend on what strategies people adopt in response to the change. We'll be watching how the difficulty changes and will make adjustments to the rewards after a few Events if necessary
They will be much harder to hit because you can't hop for points as easily and the leaders in a given slice will have much lower scores because they can't hop effectively. I just saved you all that data gathering because the outcome is **** obvious.0 -
Jameson2014 wrote:rbdragon wrote:Shield hopping, in its current state, is definitely broken. But as so many have stated, this isn't the answer.
In fact, it doesn't need to be fixed at all - at least not before:- Skipping a player completely removes them from the queue. There are 1000's of players who play the game. Stop showing me the same 4 or 5, and stop charging me a skip tax to see the same player I just skipped.
- Stop putting multiple versions of ourselves in other's queues. There is no reason I should be hit by 4 or 5 people at the same time every time I'm in a match.
- Once you defeat someone, give them a cooling off period - something like you cannot see them again in your queue for an hour. There are enough opponents out there if you actually give everyone access to them instead of showing us such a tiny few.
- Make shielded players visible to attacks. Just because they are shielded doesn't mean they aren't there. This only works with the cooling down period though, as this could easily be exploited as it has in the past.
I'm sure there are other things that could be "fixed" first as well - but this is all I could think of off the top of my head at 1am after a long day.....
This post NEEDS to go green... Bad.
I have never agreed with anything more on this silly-**** forum.
As a newer player trying to transition to 3* land I couldn't agree more. I am actually against d3 doing this to shields. My reality right now is that around 500 points I start hitting the 3* wall and am struggling to break top 100. All this will do is make it harder for me I can't say how many times I have pushed to what I thought was top 100 only to be knocked out and have to break shields and re shield. This will just make it harder on the transitioning player, not to mention making us a bigger target intentionally as we will become targeted more since our retaliations are less likely to be successful. Get ready for a lower 166 wall at like 350-400 now0 -
So I want to say again I am happy D3 is doing something about shield hopping. It did make a PTW system, and if you had the right characters and were willing to spend the HP you could score whatever you want. D3 is implementing a CD system so each shield has an 8 hour CD. So if you want to shield hop from a 3 hr shield instead of spending 75 HP for another 3 hr you spend 150 for 8 hr, then you can go to 300 HP for 24 hr. This is to limit the amount of shield hopping which in turn will keep scores down. Right now in the game to achieve a score of 1300+ which reaches all the progression you need to shield hop 3-4 times. D3 now made the cost for 1300 progression a min of 525-600 HP instead of 225-300. Will this stop whales from hopping? Probably not as people have spent over 4k HP in one PVP. Right now if you are above 1000 and you go unshielded for 10 min you get hit. All D3 did was make it more expensive for people who shield hop. I generally do 1 to 2 hops to try and get above 1100 progression. This change will effect more F2P hoppers than PTW hoppers. Here is a couple of alternatives that I think would make the game more fair, and still allow people to have the opportunity to make the progressions.
1) make it so when you break your shieild you cannot shield again for 30 min. Making the shield like a single health pack. D3 will also need to look at match making at high levels as you will be hit like crazy if you are above 1000 points.
2) Everyone can only use 3 shields total. IF you want to use a 24hr shield, and 2 8 hour shields go ahead. If you want to use 3 3hr shields go ahead. By only alowing 3 shields with 0 cool down everyone is on the same playing field. PTW players cannot just out spend you to win. 1300 will still be possible and it will only cost a significant amount to shiled if you need to use a longer shield.
3) only give 24 hours (could be less) worth of shields total. This will make PTW have an advantage in if they want to break shield and go they can. It still puts a level playing field but give people who are willing to spend an advantage.
Overall I personally like options 2 and 3 more than a CD period or what D3 is doing with the 8 hr CD. I applaud them for taking this issue on as it is in the best interest of the game, but I think there are a couple better alternatives.0 -
wymtime wrote:So I want to say again I am happy D3 is doing something about shield hopping. It did make a PTW system, and if you had the right characters and were willing to spend the HP you could score whatever you want. D3 is implementing a CD system so each shield has an 8 hour CD. So if you want to shield hop from a 3 hr shield instead of spending 75 HP for another 3 hr you spend 150 for 8 hr, then you can go to 300 HP for 24 hr. This is to limit the amount of shield hopping which in turn will keep scores down. Right now in the game to achieve a score of 1300+ which reaches all the progression you need to shield hop 3-4 times. D3 now made the cost for 1300 progression a min of 525-600 HP instead of 225-300. Will this stop whales from hopping? Probably not as people have spent over 4k HP in one PVP. Right now if you are above 1000 and you go unshielded for 10 min you get hit. All D3 did was make it more expensive for people who shield hop. I generally do 1 to 2 hops to try and get above 1100 progression. This change will effect more F2P hoppers than PTW hoppers. Here is a couple of alternatives that I think would make the game more fair, and still allow people to have the opportunity to make the progressions.
1) make it so when you break your shieild you cannot shield again for 30 min. Making the shield like a single health pack. D3 will also need to look at match making at high levels as you will be hit like crazy if you are above 1000 points.
2) Everyone can only use 3 shields total. IF you want to use a 24hr shield, and 2 8 hour shields go ahead. If you want to use 3 3hr shields go ahead. By only alowing 3 shields with 0 cool down everyone is on the same playing field. PTW players cannot just out spend you to win. 1300 will still be possible and it will only cost a significant amount to shiled if you need to use a longer shield.
3) only give 24 hours (could be less) worth of shields total. This will make PTW have an advantage in if they want to break shield and go they can. It still puts a level playing field but give people who are willing to spend an advantage.
Overall I personally like options 2 and 3 more than a CD period or what D3 is doing with the 8 hr CD. I applaud them for taking this issue on as it is in the best interest of the game, but I think there are a couple better alternatives.0 -
Dauthi wrote:PVP is pretty important, and in order to do well you have to play an unfun and extremely stressful metagame called "shield hopping" that was in no way intended.0
So I woke up to this major change...
My standpoint, for what it's worth, is coming from this:
- I'm on day ~397
- I don't like PVP
- Partially because I don't like PVP, my roster is PVE oriented. I don't have any 166s, but have 26 (soon to be 28) people at 160.
- I've won 3 PVPs, placed top 5 a lot, but for the last few months, never bothered to aim higher than top 25
- I've started putting less and less effort into PVP, and spent less on shields in the process (frequently not shielding at all now), except for those rare occasions I need the covers (when I still only aim for top 25)
- I've been avoiding busy time slices; picking slice 1 for the Sunday-Wednesday event, and slice 3 for the others, even though Slice 4 probably makes more sense for the T-F and Th-M PVPs.
- I only lightly shield hop, and in those cases it's still usually no more than 2-3 3 hour shields (and I think the most ever was 5). But I"ll usually start these way out - if I plan on three hops, the first one usually starts after the t-minus 8-hour mark, and there are close to 2.5 hours or so between hops.
As a result, for most PVPs, this isn't necessarily going to affect me at all. If they let you buy another 3 hour shield 3 hours after your first, I'd only have to slightly change my strategy for it never to affect me. But I'm also not the guy scoring 2000 points; I only occasionally go over 900.
I'm a little concerned that if this lowers scores overall it's going to hurt the people not at the top the most. Those 19 point matches against 94s that I usually skip are going to be a lot more appealing if the 166s are only 25 points. And it may mean people at 600 are going to be getting hit more than they were.
At the same time, the whales are still going to be able to do a lot of what they did before, it's just going to be slower and more expensive. We'll probably see fewer 2000 point scorers, but probably the same number (or close to) over 1300.
I suspect that that means that those PVPs I don't care about the prizes for I won't shield at all; those I care about I'll probably pick whatever time slice is the least populated, climb as high as I can on a pile of dead transitioners, and throw up an 8-hour. If I have to wait 8-hours for a 3-hour, I'll never even do my mild hopping.
If they do a 3-hour cooling period for 3-hour shields, I'm ok with this. It won't really change anything for me. If they keep it at 8 hours, I'll be shielding a lot less.0 -
GothicKratos wrote:I just want to point out that if the big button issue becomes "it's to hard to hit Progression Rewards" they can very easily tweak those numbers, as they have in the past.0
NorthernPolarity wrote:The entire reasoning behind this post just doesn't make any sense to me. To reiterate the points that have me confounded:
• "Shield hopping" is still possible but very limited. High-scoring is fun, but Shield hopping generally requires a large amount of out-of-game communication that not all players have access to. We asked ourselves this question: "Would you Shield hop if you didn't need to in order to reach a high score? If not, that's a sign that a change is probably needed."
The new system encourages this even more. Once you're above 900 points, if you can only get points every 8 hours, what do you think people are going to do? The ONLY strategy for this is now going to require out-of-game communication, since how the heck are you going to find high point targets reliably without hopping with other people? Since high point ppl can only push once every 8 hours, the only reliable source of points you get are gonna come from the people you hop with.
• This change helps level the playing field. Players that don't have the Hero Points to spend on Shields, either through being in a top 100 Alliance or purchasing currency, will not need to worry about someone simply outspending them by using hundreds of Hero Points to Shield hop for a win.
The X-Men are going to start early, and push every time a cd period is up, spending a ton of hero points in the process. The little guy who doesn't have HP, can't do this, and therefore NOTHING changes for them. I hope we can get some dev clarification for this reasoning, because as is it makes no sense whatsoever.0 -
Cooldown should never be longer than the shield itself.0
MercyEhm wrote:So... Schedule MPQ time... Shield.... Reschedule (oh **** set alarm!) hit a few battles, shield....
Wait- that's sixteen hours. Oh who needs to eat sleep or poop?
Sleep, I'll give you, but you know full well that pooping doesn't interfere with MPQ time, pooping IS MPQ time.0 -
I'm repeating this message again: Less press release, more open dialogue, please.
There are a lot of good points in this thread. I can understand not having the time to openly discuss how cool Loki's new green is, but this is the 3rd 'test' now that you've applied. The first two do not feel like 'tests,' since there's been no further word on how close you are to achieving your goals, anything you might adjust, etc.; and that's ignoring things like level shift that were never further addressed beyond 'here's a change.'
I don't even particularly care much either way, just like every other change, I'll figure out how to play in the new world. But man, it'd be nice to at least have an idea of the vision here, so I know how to plan my resources (which includes my personal free time) accordingly.0 -
Please add Shield EXTENSIONS!
People are complaining that this will overall lower scores, but I think that is the intent. Someone getting 3k when the top progression reward is 1300 is absurd. Progression rewards were originally meant to be something that you got on rare occasion when your bracket became a 'death' bracket and you were near the top, but didn't end up placing high enough to get the normal rewards for your effort.
Here's how I see this change playing out for separate groups.
A. Top Top Tier
B. Top tier
C. 3* non-shielders
D. 2-3* Transitioner shielders
E. 2* non-shielders
F. beginners
For group A, this hurts the most. No longer can shield hops be continuous. Best strategy becomes a double jump every 8 hours, eg 6 jumps daily in the last 2 days, 2-3 targets each. I'd expect most top scores to be around 1000 or so. HP costs overall go down, along with results, but each shield is on average more expensive.
B. The people who have limited time are hurt here.
D. HP costs way up if you're trying to rank T50 or above. Shield jumping becomes way more expensive. I expect to see way more shielded people at the end of events.
Overall scores will go down, stifling the HP flow for groups DEF, and maybe parts of C. CEF will be the least affected.
Now will there be more targets? Yes: Less people will shield because it's more expensive. No: Less people will break shields because it's more expensive AND you can't re-shield.
Overall this will lead to more stagnation. The risk of breaking shields just becomes too high. You're going to lose your whales who want to play constantly. This is the type of change that could really destroy the game. People have gotten used to relatively easy rewards through paying and coordination, and now it's being taken away for anyone wanting to follow in those footsteps. Other people have talked about how hard it's going to be to get to 1300 now, eg they are 'expecting' it, but see these changes as a burden to playing. I really hope d3 tweaks the numbers before they put it into production, as maybe that could save these changes, but I foresee a disaster coming. May be time to quit for the holidays anyways.
D3's proposed solution currently screws over anyone who has a life, and doesn't want to plan their lives around MPQ.0 -
Sweenz wrote:Cooldown should never be longer than the shield itself.0
mohio wrote:I appreciate that you realize the dev's current solution does not do what they intend it to do and are offering alternative solutions. However I would like to ask those early pvpers out there (x-men, etc) if it is actually possible to reach 1300 on only 3 shields. My gut says no, since iirc they start shielding in the 800-900 range and can really only get 50-100 per hop if they're the event leaders. Sure it's easier for the guys who come along 2 days in and have all those high point scores to prop them up but if you only give people 3 shields then those scores won't be there (or if you're super optimistic, they'll simply be shielded) and it will be impossible to reach that score.
I agree. I can get to the 1300 level on occasion with 3 shields (I usually stop ~1100-1200 on 2), but that's mostly based on having 50 point matches after I ~700-900. Without them, 1100 is going to be a giant stretch0
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