*** Wolverine (Patch) ***



  • "Ideal Build: His skills are designed such that there is a significant leap from level 4 to level 5, so it's between 5/3/5, 3/5/5, 5/5/3. 5 in red is needed for the skill to be actually useful (literally does more than 100% more damage at 5 red as opposed to 3), so you kind of have to get that if you want to use his red. 5 yellow is safer and saves you healthpacks, but some would argue that it's overkill and unnecessary."

  • I have mine at 5/3/5. I hardly ever use his red and by the time I do get enough AP to use red it usually finishes the job. I never use magneto with patch because I didn't have him level up enough. When I get enough AP to cast Berserker Rage, I don't always cast it right then. It depends on who I have him teamed up with. If it's patch & Daken I cast it right away, if it's Patch & someone that can do AoE then I save up enough AP in that color so I can cast Berserker Rage right before the AoE attack.

    I was in the same position of having a maxed patch and getting extra covers. I ended up just making a 2nd patch, sure I'm not going to use it that much but over time I'll have that option.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    AdrianoD wrote:
    Do we all agree 5 greens wont make sense anymore with the death of cmag ?

    No, because you still get to pick the turn you use it and if the other side is all or at least mostly dead then that's still good enough. It's just that it's not like currently where there's no risk because Magneto can bail you out of any potential problem by spamming his blue/red a few times.

    For example I was in the node with Venom/Daken/Ragnarok which is level 120 or so. They're all at relatively full health and I did Berseker Rage into Power of Attorney. Daken and Ragnarok died and Venom survived with about 5000 HP, he did 9000 damage to Patch on the next turn and I killed him on my next turn.

    Now that looks kind of bad at face value, but it's not as bad as it looks, because:

    1. This game ended very quickly. I do value my time even if it seems like I have nothing better to do than grinding nodes all day.
    2. Patch survived with a few hundred HP in this case and easily regened that on the other nodes, so it's not even a net loss.
    3. Even if Patch died, if that fight went on normally, there's a very good chance OBW gets dropped. Well losing OBW costs me one health pack too, so if I'm going to spend a health pack anyway why not pick the shorter option?
    4. Venom/Ragnarok combo is known to be able to pull off some pretty crazy combos. It's possible I may have lost if they get some particularly crazy strike tile + Symbiotic Snare + Godlike/Thunderclap combo going.

    So in this I think risking one health pack is not a bad tradeoff for a piece of mind. I don't know if it was the best outcome, and I certainly could've done even worse and lose the fight, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

    Normally I don't use Berserker Rage unless I see either a match 5 on the board, or I have several AP consuming moves to fire, or the enemy is sufficiently weakened (those 3 opponents are basically all at full health). This time I was in a hurry so I took the extra risks.

    So therein lies the question. But lets say you had Beserker Rage at Lvl 3, you feel safter allowing it to resolve thus you have the strike tiles on the board sooner, and could in theory do more dmg by the time you feel comfortable enough to use Beserker rage on a 5/3/5
  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    So therein lies the question. But lets say you had Beserker Rage at Lvl 3, you feel safter allowing it to resolve thus you have the strike tiles on the board sooner, and could in theory do more dmg by the time you feel comfortable enough to use Beserker rage on a 5/3/5

    But in that case, the enemy could also do more damage with the 3 purple strike tiles Beserker Rage gets at level 3, no? If you aren't able to get rid of them, that is. Level 3 Beserker Rage is safer than level 5 but still comes with its own risks. I feel like at level 3, it's easier to get rid of the enemy strike tiles that are created, but at level 5, it's easier to store up other AP/set up matches to kill the enemy team on the next turn so the enemy strike tiles don't matter.
  • Phantron wrote:
    AdrianoD wrote:
    Do we all agree 5 greens wont make sense anymore with the death of cmag ?

    No, because you still get to pick the turn you use it and if the other side is all or at least mostly dead then that's still good enough. It's just that it's not like currently where there's no risk because Magneto can bail you out of any potential problem by spamming his blue/red a few times.

    For example I was in the node with Venom/Daken/Ragnarok which is level 120 or so. They're all at relatively full health and I did Berseker Rage into Power of Attorney. Daken and Ragnarok died and Venom survived with about 5000 HP, he did 9000 damage to Patch on the next turn and I killed him on my next turn.

    Now that looks kind of bad at face value, but it's not as bad as it looks, because:

    1. This game ended very quickly. I do value my time even if it seems like I have nothing better to do than grinding nodes all day.
    2. Patch survived with a few hundred HP in this case and easily regened that on the other nodes, so it's not even a net loss.
    3. Even if Patch died, if that fight went on normally, there's a very good chance OBW gets dropped. Well losing OBW costs me one health pack too, so if I'm going to spend a health pack anyway why not pick the shorter option?
    4. Venom/Ragnarok combo is known to be able to pull off some pretty crazy combos. It's possible I may have lost if they get some particularly crazy strike tile + Symbiotic Snare + Godlike/Thunderclap combo going.

    So in this I think risking one health pack is not a bad tradeoff for a piece of mind. I don't know if it was the best outcome, and I certainly could've done even worse and lose the fight, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.

    Normally I don't use Berserker Rage unless I see either a match 5 on the board, or I have several AP consuming moves to fire, or the enemy is sufficiently weakened (those 3 opponents are basically all at full health). This time I was in a hurry so I took the extra risks.

    For these same reasons I'm staying with 5/3/5, when facing Venom/Daken/Ragnarok at lvl 199+ with patch, storm, & she hulk. collect ap for berserker rage & wind storm. Cast B.R. first then W.S. if that doesn't finish them off then use power of attorney when you get enough AP. I do use Patch more on pve than pvp.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I should probably update my guide as its somewhat outdated, but this decision really depends on where your roster is currently at and who you're pairing with Patch. Post true-healing, I think 5 yellow is a must since one of Patch's main strengths is to regen tank for your team, and having 5 yellow obviously really helps with making that possible.

    Between 5/3/5, 3/5/5, and 4/4/5, I think you want to go 5/3/5 if you see Patch as a "hold zerker rage and stockpile AP until you can rage + use AoE attacks" type of guy and 3/5/5 if you see Patch as a more safer, "use zerker rage as soon as the board is such that you can perform a match-3 purple to get rid of most of the enemy strike tiles" type of guy. The other main benefit of 3/5/5 is that it makes TBTI actually one-shot other characters, which is incredibly relevant during PvE heroic events in particular. In Heroic Venom for instance, I was able to beat the last couple of nodes largely because I could TBTI down Daken, which wouldn't be possible without having 5 red. I don't think 4/4/5 makes too much sense since 4->5 is pretty important for either strategy.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Copy pasted from tips+guides, Between 5/3/5, 3/5/5, and 4/4/5, I think you want to go 5/3/5 if you see Patch as a "hold zerker rage and stockpile AP until you can rage + use AoE attacks" type of guy and 3/5/5 if you see Patch as a more safer, "use zerker rage as soon as the board is such that you can perform a match-3 purple to get rid of most of the enemy strike tiles" type of guy. The other main benefit of 3/5/5 is that it makes TBTI actually one-shot other characters, which is incredibly relevant during PvE heroic events in particular. In Heroic Venom for instance, I was able to beat the last couple of nodes largely because I could TBTI down Daken, which wouldn't be possible without having 5 red. I don't think 4/4/5 makes too much sense since 4->5 is pretty important for either strategy.

    One more point, with 3 green you can pretty safely cast it on a board where there is a purple match-3 available. More than likely, ~1-2 of the tiles are going to be on that match-3, and you can match it away immediately to mitigate a lot of the potential damage. You can't really do this with 5 green since even if you match away 2 of the tiles, dealing with 1 150 strike tile is a lot easier than dealing with 4.
  • The problem with TBTI is that it only works if Patch is the major boosted character. If this event had She Hulk or Daredevil boosted instead you'd only have 2 or even 1 color when paired up, and sure you can just not use the major boosted guy but that'll hurt you overall too. Patch seems to have a much higher than average chance of being major boosted but it's still not something you can always count on.

    For Berserker Rage, what people tend to overlook is that dragging out a fight against a PvE powerhouse like Daken is usually a 100% chance to lose, so the drawback of Berserker Rage is not nearly as bad as it seems in light of that. I had plenty of cases where I'm looking at a Devour, Symbiotic Snare, Thunderclap, Godlike Power next turn and there are already 8 red strike tiles up. Chances are really good I wasn't going to ever get to move again if I didn't use Berserker Rage so you might as well take the chance, and obviously level 5 Berserker Rage is much better for those desperation scenarios which shows up surprisingly often in heroic PvE. I usually only use Patch either against all goons or in scenarios where nothing else seems to work, and that favors 5/3/5 or even 5/5/3. 3/5/5 favors the standard fights where you're pretty sure you're going to win, but if I'm pretty sure i'm going to win there are usually better characters than Patch for normal events, and on heroic events the fights invariably turn into desperation scenarios due to scaling.
  • In your experience, with which characters does Patch fit well? either 2 or 3* because I recently started using him (lv124) but I don't have magneto, I usually use punisher, im40, ares, thor, wolvie2, obw. But working on multiple 3*, so who would work best with him post-patch? Dont have enough covers for Loki.
  • Patch goes well with anyone who has cheap AP moves (Psylocke, for example), anyone with attacks that hit everyone (preferably cheap, like Punisher), and anyone who can create significant cascades. He's better when you're the underdog because otherwise it's usually not worth the excessive risks but if you don't use his Berserker Rage, there are more reliable characters to use (Daken/BP for very similar function). Without Magneto he's not someone that's easy to use because he only thrives in situations where you've your back to the wall.
  • Ah ok thanks a lot Phantron.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    The problem with TBTI is that it only works if Patch is the major boosted character. If this event had She Hulk or Daredevil boosted instead you'd only have 2 or even 1 color when paired up, and sure you can just not use the major boosted guy but that'll hurt you overall too. Patch seems to have a much higher than average chance of being major boosted but it's still not something you can always count on.

    For Berserker Rage, what people tend to overlook is that dragging out a fight against a PvE powerhouse like Daken is usually a 100% chance to lose, so the drawback of Berserker Rage is not nearly as bad as it seems in light of that. I had plenty of cases where I'm looking at a Devour, Symbiotic Snare, Thunderclap, Godlike Power next turn and there are already 8 red strike tiles up. Chances are really good I wasn't going to ever get to move again if I didn't use Berserker Rage so you might as well take the chance, and obviously level 5 Berserker Rage is much better for those desperation scenarios which shows up surprisingly often in heroic PvE. I usually only use Patch either against all goons or in scenarios where nothing else seems to work, and that favors 5/3/5 or even 5/5/3. 3/5/5 favors the standard fights where you're pretty sure you're going to win, but if I'm pretty sure i'm going to win there are usually better characters than Patch for normal events, and on heroic events the fights invariably turn into desperation scenarios due to scaling.

    But you have to remember that Daken is being 'nerfed', so now the 160+ lvl Daken won't be as frightening as before, and maybe now you are not that much inclined to take this big risks. TBTI is a very strange ability but when it works is devastating, I moved from 4/4/5 to 3/5/5 and I found out it is clearly better (not using Magneto combo), of course 4/5/4 and 5/5/3 could be better in some situations but I think 5/3/5 is way too dangerous now.

    Now that Daken is being nerfed PvE is going to become easier, one of the most difficult adversaries is going to get way easier, so great news icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well one thing is for certain with C.Mags gone, Patch is useless in high level PvP as he isn't a threat, thus he has become a PvE character only. That is then where the debate should be, is Patch better 5/3/5 or 3/5/5 in PvE? Yes, 3/5/5 is safer and in theory you could use it more, but something Phantron said made a lot of sense. 3/5/5 favors the standard fights where you were going to win anyway. Unless TBTI has it's cost lowered, it will never be useful, and anytime Patch is last man standing, it's gonna 1 shot anyone anyways. Because if you have 3/5/5 Patch you may as well run Daken/BP/Punisher as they are better sources of strike tiles.

    I have been swayed, because a 3/5/5 won't win you a match, it just will help you win matches faster, but a 5/3/5 can win you a game you should have lost. There are ways to counter some of the strike tiles although not very reliable. She-Hulk gives you a 50/50 Shot of clearing 2 of the tiles, C.Mags gives you a 15% chance of clearing 1, and of course Loki would let you clear all. Hulk doesn't mind getting hit with those strike tiles, nor does Captain Marvel, and if she dies she may give Wolvie enough red to TBTI. Cap also can negate 1 or 2 if you saved up, and the stun may help you skip a turn. Spiderman becomes a decent pairing if you save your blue.

    So there are options to negate the effects, they just arent' as safe as they once were, however this all but forces you out of 5/5/3 since you need that heal more than ever. yeah, I will move back to 5/3/5 once I get my next green
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the advice I decided to go 5,3,5. I just never really use red and there are cheeper red abilities that will work with his stike tiles. I also think CMags new Yellow will work well with Berserker rage. I also really liked She-Hulk with Patch as she regularly destroyed an enemy strike tile with her POA.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't have a max cmag. But I have been using 535 patch for the longest of time.

    My logic is simple. 355 requires me to adjust my team around patch.this is not easy as sometimes the featured character will tank more colors.

    535 however is versatile. I don't need to play with cmag to use patch. I can adjust my playing style (eg using BR when I can match the purple, or I can kill the team off within a single turn). In any case the key reason for using patch has been his healing. So I rather use a versatile patch that allows me to pair with anyone than a patch that may not kill anyone at all (ie no color tank by patch).
  • TBTI is a good ability but you're likely to get burned as your roster develops, so unless you only have 3 level 166 the whole time the ability just doesn't work for heroic events. In the last heroic we've a pretty ideal roster for using TBTI since Patch + Storm + She-Hulk has Patch getting 5 out of 6 colors and they even synergize reasonably well with Berserker Rage. Now what if She-Hulk was the major boosted character and not Patch? Most likely you'll have Patch tanking 1 color now instead and TBTI (and regen) is useless. So you drop She-Hulk but who do you use instead? Daredevil? OBW automatically takes 3 colors away from Patch. It works out great when Patch is major boosted but you can't just count on that to happen all the time.

    For PvP I don't think he's necessarily that much weaker because Magneto is usually the guy that kills him too. Even if you got Sentry/Daken, when a Berserker Rage hits it's going to wipe out your advantage unless you have a World Rupture going next turn. He turns all defensive fights into pretty much 50/50 games if you hit 9 green before they hit their big moves, which happens a surprising number of times and the odds are likely better than 50/50 once you hit Berserker Rage because the AI is usually better at chaining than the human. The problem is that this also works in reverse, as in in all offense game Berserker Rage tends to turn them into 50/50 game as well even though you usually start with better than 50% odds even in a hypothetical neutral, balanced field. But if you don't use Berserker Rage your chance of winning goes way down for wasting a slot, and if you use level 3 Berserker Rage to play it safe, you might as well use BP or Daken instead.

    Ideally you'd want to use Patch on a fight where your featured character and third guy is already wounded because that fight you might start with less than 50% chance to win and turning it into a 50/50 is not a bad deal. The problem is that right now if you're in a situation like that you're better off either shielding or just not playing. The PvP game doesn't reward you for taking risks, and Sentry is probably better at winning with half dead team anyway just because he's way overpowered and draws counts as wins for you and he'll still defend better than Patch. Even if Sentry is nerfed, I still see no compelling reason to take risks which is what Patch excels at.
  • Falcon is a good option for cleaning up Berzerker's mess too.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have noticed that new Mags Coercive Force would negate roughly 3 Strike tiles with the shields plus a chance it destroys one, essential turning a 5/3/5 Patch into a new beast. Essentially u get the positive if 5 green and 3 green. So these guys will still play well together
  • Hi, everyone (who read this icon_e_wink.gif)...

    I've been playing MPQ for more than 250 days and i have patch 5/3/4...

    I don't want to put real money in this game (too expansive for me), but i have 1300 HP...

    Do you think that it worth to buy the last yellow cover ? Will it make Patch enough available ?

    My second question : Witich character go well with him ?

    I have Punisher 166 (5/5/3), xforce 152 (2/1/4), Spidey 140 (4/2/5), Grey Black Widow 130 (5/1/4), Thor*** 127 (3/4/3), BP 114 (3/2/4) Doom 114 (5/3)Cap*** 153 (2/5/5)...and some few others.

    Thanks very much to those who can help me icon_e_wink.gif
  • I think that you still have to keep him around. Not sure what I would do without my Wolverine though. I do think that the patches have led to a number of different changes that make me somewhat less excited about being able to use him though.