Android Issues with Lollipop 5.0 (Updated***)



  • I would suggest sending a ticket to request compensation, if everything is functioning properly.

    I would also suggest a ticket if it's not working properly.

    They've been really good about compensation recently, so there's no reason for me to believe they are going to short you guys.
    I sent a ticket. They gave me a canned response and linked me to this thread to monitor any plans for mass compensation. Also they said individual compensation was not possible.
  • shmau wrote:
    I would suggest sending a ticket to request compensation, if everything is functioning properly.

    I would also suggest a ticket if it's not working properly.

    They've been really good about compensation recently, so there's no reason for me to believe they are going to short you guys.
    I sent a ticket. They gave me a canned response and linked me to this thread to monitor any plans for mass compensation. Also they said individual compensation was not possible.
    Try it again. I just gotten word back from them and got 3 Groot tokens as compensation. Which promptly gave me all 2 stars and effectively 750 isos as compo... I don't think I care enough to be upset anymore.
  • shmau wrote:
    I would suggest sending a ticket to request compensation, if everything is functioning properly.

    I would also suggest a ticket if it's not working properly.

    They've been really good about compensation recently, so there's no reason for me to believe they are going to short you guys.
    I sent a ticket. They gave me a canned response and linked me to this thread to monitor any plans for mass compensation. Also they said individual compensation was not possible.

    They said they would compensate me, I neglected to give them my in-game name so I'm waiting for it to actually happen:
    Hello D3P Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3P Customer Support.

    We would like to apologize for the unexpected downtime you encountered with Marvel Puzzle Quest related to Android Lollipop.

    As a token of our appreciation for your patience, we would like to offer you some free cover packs!

    Can you let us know what your current user name is?

    An easy to way to locate your user name is to check the leaderboards for an event you are currently participating in, or by checking how your name appears on your alliance roster.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again.

    Best Regards,
    D3Publisher Customer Support Team (AJG)
  • raisinbman wrote:
    shmau wrote:
    I would suggest sending a ticket to request compensation, if everything is functioning properly.

    I would also suggest a ticket if it's not working properly.

    They've been really good about compensation recently, so there's no reason for me to believe they are going to short you guys.
    I sent a ticket. They gave me a canned response and linked me to this thread to monitor any plans for mass compensation. Also they said individual compensation was not possible.

    They said they would compensate me, I neglected to give them my in-game name so I'm waiting for it to actually happen:
    Hello D3P Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3P Customer Support.

    We would like to apologize for the unexpected downtime you encountered with Marvel Puzzle Quest related to Android Lollipop.

    As a token of our appreciation for your patience, we would like to offer you some free cover packs!

    Can you let us know what your current user name is?

    An easy to way to locate your user name is to check the leaderboards for an event you are currently participating in, or by checking how your name appears on your alliance roster.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again.

    Best Regards,
    D3Publisher Customer Support Team (AJG)
    Hope your 3 pack gives you something useful
  • Hello D3P Customer,

    Thank you for contacting D3P Customer Support.

    Due to the wide spread nature of the issue, we are unfortunately unable to offer compensation to players on an individual level.

    If you are interested in keeping up to date on this subject, including any possible plans for wide spread compensation in the future, please follow this link to our official forums:


    If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.

    Best Regards,
    D3Publisher Customer Support Team (AJG)

    You guys serious? lol. guess I don't get my 750 iso.
  • And 3 tokens? Seriously? It's not even worth the ticket. I've been disappointed into playing casually and spending my money on another game.
  • So no other compensation for losing a week? I'm in a crummy spot to end the Season since i'n in the 2-3* transition and every match up is too high level for me to beat and i'm just short of the 10 pack. Ugh, if I was able to play for just one more round of PVP I would have been fine. icon_e_sad.gif
  • fumanstan wrote:
    So no other compensation for losing a week? I'm in a crummy spot to end the Season since i'n in the 2-3* transition and every match up is too high level for me to beat and i'm just short of the 10 pack. Ugh, if I was able to play for just one more round of PVP I would have been fine. icon_e_sad.gif

    if you read the last few pages of this, you'll see that you can email support...but its seems like they may or may not compensate you icon_e_sad.gif. Still waiting on my promised compensation, personally...
  • Unknown
    edited December 2014
    futongus wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    I would suggest sending a ticket to request compensation, if everything is functioning properly.

    I would also suggest a ticket if it's not working properly.

    They've been really good about compensation recently, so there's no reason for me to believe they are going to short you guys.

    Okay I'll try it...I hope there's not alot of red tape though, I don't have time for tinykitty.
    Let me know how you go. I still think they should be proactive in compensating those who were affected instead of relying on you to go up to them to seek compensation

    Okay, so I finally got my compensation: 3 Meet Rocket & Groot tokens. I haven't opened them yet because I don't want them to influence me when I write my opinion:

    So I emailed them Dec 4th as the Mod suggested, and 4 days later I receive 3 Tokens as compensation. I could've used to compensation much earlier to help with 4*Thor/other events, but now even the season is over.

    I was impressed at D3 for being very understanding and communicative company beforehand(Free tokens for events krutacking up, free tokens just because, 50HP tokens during anniversary event as well as awesome prizes for anniversary).

    But I don't like the way this compensation was handled....I was only locked out of the game for maybe a weekend, but I know some folks said they had been locked out for a week. So I imagine the earliest lollipop adopters were locked out of the game 1.5 weeks and they expect 3 event tokens to cover that? I don't know exactly what I feel right now...betrayed, disappointed.

    The thing that bugs me most is this is the first time I've had to contact d3 for compensation instead of being given it freely. As in the quoted statement above, I think companies should be proactive instead of reactive about this sort of thing. And what about all the folks who DON'T check this forum and listen to mods named Gothickratos about seeking compensation?

    Again, I'm not gonna lie and say I won't put any more money in game or that I won't play it - its a very fun game that fills a mobile void for me.

    EDIT: I got Daken*2(I think), 2*Marvel-Yellow which I couldn't use, and 3*America Red, which I actually could use and really really needed(though I know most vets finished up there cap ages ago, I'm a newbie)
  • My Nexus 7 (2013) just updated to Android 5.0.1, and now I can't even get MPQ to load. The app is updated to the latest version, but all I get is a black screen.
  • raisinbman wrote:
    futongus wrote:
    raisinbman wrote:
    I would suggest sending a ticket to request compensation, if everything is functioning properly.

    I would also suggest a ticket if it's not working properly.

    They've been really good about compensation recently, so there's no reason for me to believe they are going to short you guys.

    Okay I'll try it...I hope there's not alot of red tape though, I don't have time for tinykitty.
    Let me know how you go. I still think they should be proactive in compensating those who were affected instead of relying on you to go up to them to seek compensation

    Okay, so I finally got my compensation: 3 Meet Rocket & Groot tokens. I haven't opened them yet because I don't want them to influence me when I write my opinion:

    So I emailed them Dec 4th as the Mod suggested, and 4 days later I receive 3 Tokens as compensation. I could've used to compensation much earlier to help with 4*Thor/other events, but now even the season is over.

    I was impressed at D3 for being very understanding and communicative company beforehand(Free tokens for events krutacking up, free tokens just because, 50HP tokens during anniversary event as well as awesome prizes for anniversary).

    But I don't like the way this compensation was handled....I was only locked out of the game for maybe a weekend, but I know some folks said they had been locked out for a week. So I imagine the earliest lollipop adopters were locked out of the game 1.5 weeks and they expect 3 event tokens to cover that? I don't know exactly what I feel right now...betrayed, disappointed.

    The thing that bugs me most is this is the first time I've had to contact d3 for compensation instead of being given it freely. As in the quoted statement above, I think companies should be proactive instead of reactive about this sort of thing. And what about all the folks who DON'T check this forum and listen to mods named Gothickratos about seeking compensation?

    Again, I'm not gonna lie and say I won't put any more money in game or that I won't play it - its a very fun game that fills a mobile void for me.
    Out of sheer curiosity did you get anything decent with your Groot tokens?
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    raisinbman, you raise some very good points. There are a few things that seem to be a norm that I'm not the fondest of. I think I might write a dialogue about it soon.
  • futongus wrote:
    Out of sheer curiosity did you get anything decent with your Groot tokens?

    I updated my original post - only usable thing I got was 3*America red. Which, to be fair, is very very useful to have him at 5 red.
  • raisinbman, you raise some very good points. There are a few things that seem to be a norm that I'm not the fondest of. I think I might write a dialogue about it soon.

    I'm a newer player, but I was impressed with them for the most part - they handled alot previous of stuff well. Just THIS time I don't understand some of what they're doing.

    They asked me after they solved my ticket, and I gave the same response I gave here.
  • I'm assuming that only people with nice customer service reps get rewards. Also barely made top 1000 for the season which really topped the whole experience off nicely.
  • erm... I just got 3 more tokens even though I was told my ticket was closed....?

    That makes 6 tokens for those keeping score.
  • Has anyone "upgraded" to Android 5.0.1 yet? If so, is MPQ playable?
  • LewsTherin0
    LewsTherin0 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    Has anyone "upgraded" to Android 5.0.1 yet? If so, is MPQ playable?

    Would love to know this as well.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    Yes, it works. I am still getting apps that crash multiple times a day. I thought the new update would fix that, but it hasn't.
  • I love this game. I play it on a Samsung tab, it crashes all the time. I would really like to be able to play without it crashing on me