Upcoming Versus Matchmaking Test - (Updated**)



  • chris0001
    chris0001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    They must have done something....Spent ISO skipping and cant find any matches worth points, all opposition with lower points than me. Now jump over to LR and win first match and all opposition has no score after playing seed matches. This is ridiculous please fix!
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for giving us a head up BEFORE the test rolls out.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    chris0001 wrote:
    They must have done something....Spent ISO skipping and cant find any matches worth points, all opposition with lower points than me. Now jump over to LR and win first match and all opposition has no score after playing seed matches. This is ridiculous please fix!

    Meanwhile I'm seeing huge point values as I work my way through the lower levels of COTA. Usually I get 20-28 point matches in the early going, this time I've been able to easily find 30-40 point jumps to get me across the 300-point threshold.
  • chris0001
    chris0001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    chris0001 wrote:
    They must have done something....Spent ISO skipping and cant find any matches worth points, all opposition with lower points than me. Now jump over to LR and win first match and all opposition has no score after playing seed matches. This is ridiculous please fix!

    Meanwhile I'm seeing huge point values as I work my way through the lower levels of COTA. Usually I get 20-28 point matches in the early going, this time I've been able to easily find 30-40 point jumps to get me across the 300-point threshold.

    Must be nice. Have not seen a match worth more than 29 points this whole pvp!
  • You guys do know this doesn't take effect until tomorrow right? It starts on the Nefarious Foes event like the OP says.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not necessarily saying I am a fan of the idea, but it wouldn't surprise me to see the MMR change be to block friendly-fire in an attempt to disrupt the meteoric climb of some alliances. It will be hard to stop it from happening in the alliance-guilds, but within the same alliance is a pretty simple change.

    The 1300 point prize was meant to be aspirational, but it feels like (for many established players) it has become automatic. (We know it was aspirational in nature because the threshold to get it used to be lower - until we started more reliably hitting it and then it shifted up.)

    The reason I throw out this idea is because they coyly indicate that it is a subtle change and they don't expect many of us to notice - either that is a joke and it will be "shotgun blast in the face" obvious to literally everyone, or it is something that won't affect many of us. I don't think coordinated laddering using your own shielded teammates is an incredibly widespread strategy. Many players wouldn't notice anything different in terms of MMR, they will still see a lot of the same names for opponents, but available points would obviously go down.

    I've said it before & I'll say it again:
    Removing player names from your potential foes would prevent those shield hopping strategies that are based around a pair or more of players who coordinate their attacks against one another during shields would do A LOT of good in this regard.

    I think we would all appreciate removing alliance mates from our potential foes as well, and these ideas honestly would go well together towards fixing that problem of the meta-game.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not necessarily saying I am a fan of the idea, but it wouldn't surprise me to see the MMR change be to block friendly-fire in an attempt to disrupt the meteoric climb of some alliances. It will be hard to stop it from happening in the alliance-guilds, but within the same alliance is a pretty simple change.

    The 1300 point prize was meant to be aspirational, but it feels like (for many established players) it has become automatic. (We know it was aspirational in nature because the threshold to get it used to be lower - until we started more reliably hitting it and then it shifted up.)

    The reason I throw out this idea is because they coyly indicate that it is a subtle change and they don't expect many of us to notice - either that is a joke and it will be "shotgun blast in the face" obvious to literally everyone, or it is something that won't affect many of us. I don't think coordinated laddering using your own shielded teammates is an incredibly widespread strategy. Many players wouldn't notice anything different in terms of MMR, they will still see a lot of the same names for opponents, but available points would obviously go down.
    Remember, death brackets were just supposed to be 'gentle nudges'. And in fact it took a good couple weeks of it being blatantly obvious that it was going on before they even admitted about the ninja change
  • EstherC
    EstherC Posts: 90 Match Maker
    You guys do know this doesn't take effect until tomorrow right? It starts on the Nefarious Foes event like the OP says.

    hi, i dont think so. something was tweaked Today, all 3 of my LR events were showing me opposting 3* - 4* teams with no points right at the start of the event. I'm a lowly 2* transitioning player.

    i couldnt even get beyond 100 points.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Heh, can you imagine if after the event runs, we all blow up this thread with how much we hate or love the change, then they reveal that there has been zero changes to matchmaking and it's all just a social experiment.
  • SpaceBearPig
    SpaceBearPig Posts: 83 Match Maker
    As a transitioning 2* player I'm finally able to place in top 100, whatever they did it's working for me. Either that or it's me having tanked hard in the last three PvPs. In general it just seems I'm getting fair matches.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    EstherC wrote:
    You guys do know this doesn't take effect until tomorrow right? It starts on the Nefarious Foes event like the OP says.

    hi, i dont think so. something was tweaked Today, all 3 of my LR events were showing me opposting 3* - 4* teams with no points right at the start of the event. I'm a lowly 2* transitioning player.

    i couldnt even get beyond 100 points.
    As a transitioning 2* player I'm finally able to place in top 100, whatever they did it's working for me. Either that or it's me having tanked hard in the last three PvPs. In general it just seems I'm getting fair matches.
    I love this.
    Changes haven't even been implemented, and people already claim to see differences - in both directions, too!
    Confirmation bias is a wonderful thing lol.
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    I love this.
    Changes haven't even been implemented, and people already claim to see differences - in both directions, too!
    Confirmation bias is a wonderful thing lol.

    It's a disease called Premature complaining.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okin107 wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    I love this.
    Changes haven't even been implemented, and people already claim to see differences - in both directions, too!
    Confirmation bias is a wonderful thing lol.

    It's a disease called Premature complaining.
    That's the beauty of it - the second quote was from a player being _happy_ with the changes, which haven't been put in yet! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Unknown
    edited November 2014
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Okin107 wrote:
    Bowgentle wrote:
    I love this.
    Changes haven't even been implemented, and people already claim to see differences - in both directions, too!
    Confirmation bias is a wonderful thing lol.

    It's a disease called Premature complaining.
    That's the beauty of it - the second quote was from a player being _happy_ with the changes, which haven't been put in yet! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    These changes stink. I have seen NO difference at all. How come others get to see changes and I don't? I hate this game, ragequit, delete app, ARRRGHHHH. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I don't see why anyone was complaining. I had Nick Fury covers drop from every PVP match I played this morning. Plus, every time I got a match-5, my tablet started spitting out cash. And after I beat Battle Angel in a Lightning Round, she gave me a token for a free car wash and a bag of Ikea meatballs.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    I don't see why anyone was complaining. I had Nick Fury covers drop from every PVP match I played this morning. Plus, every time I got a match-5, my tablet started spitting out cash. And after I beat Battle Angel in a Lightning Round, she gave me a token for a free car wash and a bag of Ikea meatballs.

    Nice! The meatballs are the real win, the rest is just gravy. icon_cool.gif
  • I think MMR is fine to carry into normal pvp events. But I dont think there should be any MMR in lighting rounds. Its unfare when its a timed event and every node I have at 0 score is 166-270 nodes.
  • adamLmpq wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I don't see why anyone was complaining. I had Nick Fury covers drop from every PVP match I played this morning. Plus, every time I got a match-5, my tablet started spitting out cash. And after I beat Battle Angel in a Lightning Round, she gave me a token for a free car wash and a bag of Ikea meatballs.

    Nice! The meatballs are the real win, the rest is just gravy. icon_cool.gif

    In Greece those IKEA meatballs turned out to be horse meat and they sued them for that. Shame though, they where tasty as hell!
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I havent been able to figure out if the lower points in the event are the cause for me not finding a single 40+ fight or the effect of not being able to hop for decent points. The only way I have seen high points if hold on to retaliations.... #confused.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I realize that the changes aren't supposed to take place until Nefarious Foes, though I have experienced sharding for the first time in a while.

    Started Children of the Atom a few minutes ago, and as I don't need Hood covers, I figured I would play just enough for some minor Hero Point gains. Like, barely scraping Top 50 status for 50 HP from the conclusion and 25 HP from the 400 progression mark. Was put in a tournament with people shielded at almost 1200.