Upcoming Versus Matchmaking Test - (Updated**)



  • Raekwen
    Raekwen Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    Devil's Advocate here, but I don't see the problem with MMR now. I win a lot of matches. I place highly in lots of events. It only makes sense that I be matched against better teams earlier until the game is a challenge again. The fact that I can hit 900-1000 points in one push with just 5 heals and a half dozen characters makes PVP pretty easy.

    Completely agree. If suddenly the veteran players have to buy heals just to make it to shield territory, I'm going to have a real problem. I mean, the PVP placement is where it should be. The top 1% players are typically at the top, the transition players are below, and starting players are at the bottom.

    I'll keep an open mind, but I'm nervous.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ugh, I was really hoping that this event wouldn't be coming around again till Sentry got hit a few times with the nerf stick.

    As I tend to rank fairly well (top 100 in every event I've played in I can't remember how long, top 25 if I'm doing well, & occasionally top 10), I'm expecting to be grouped with a lot of players who have Sentry/Hood/Daken all maxed. Since mine are, well not, I'm not likely to fair well in this event.
    I look forward to the 300-point 166 wall, followed by seed teams at 872 points. (But no earlier or later!)

    Wait? Seed teams at 827 points? Are you kidding me?
  • Phantron wrote:

    The MMR is based on ELO but ELO is not designed for a system where the chance of A beating B plus B beating A is significantly higher than 100%. Two Sentry bomb teams can have close to 200% on this sum and none of the assumptions of the ELO system makes any sense in such an environment, which means there's always going to be something wrong when you attempt to apply this system. Also ELO system tend to assume blind matches, as in you don't get to back out of a fight against someone with 400 lower rating that's also running the same Sentry bomb team, because otherwise it wouldn't be an accurate representation of player's strength if you can back out of a fight without penalty.

    Basing MMR on these guys seems like a bad idea to me, but what do I know?

  • Hello,

    I will be happy to test this, but please implement it for PVE too.
    For PVP it doesnt really matter, you have shields.
    For PVE, you can fall 150 places in the last few hours.

    Thank you.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    vetheran wrote:

    I will be happy to test this, but please implement it for PVE too.
    For PVP it doesnt really matter, you have shields.
    For PVE, you can fall 150 places in the last few hours.

    Thank you.
    The OP seems to be saying that the change is regarding the matchmaking system (I.e. which player you are matched with) so it doesn't really have relevance to PvE.
  • Watch it not be related to MMR icon_razz.gif It's 99% a change in MMR though since they didn't share the details on how it works.

    Btw, is there a word on token rotation?
  • Great to see a beta of sorts thinking. Works really well in mmos and other games I've played. Also good it's happening outside of seasons, so if it's not well received it won't have a huge impact.
  • I like the way things are being introduced, tested and maybe reworked.

    It makes the whole experience even more fun.

    Thank you !
  • Hopefully it will ease getting at least top100 for transitioners, looking cauciously optimistic towards it.
  • I don't give a toss about matchmaking at the moment - it only matters up to 700 points or so, and the real competition at the top end doesn't even start until 1100 and I haven't won a bracket in PvP for months because you can guarantee that every one I'm in will have one or two nutters from X-Men (or other top 5 alliances) clocking up huge amounts of shield hops on their way to 1600+ scores.

    Yeah, I can tank my MMR down to levels where I'm facing transition teams (or lower if I want) on the way up to 700 but the time/reward effort isn't really worth it imo.

    I guess this change isn't really aimed at the vets though, and more towards transition players being matched to much stronger teams? Even then, sharding is more of an issue because if you're sharded with players with equal strength rosters then opportunity to score should be roughly equal. What would not be good is transition players coasting into 1100+ scores, otherwise... why bother having a good roster?
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Are you guys sure you didn't sneak in a tweak in the current PvP? I'm seeing MMR being ignored at crazy low scores.
  • My sole hope for this is that I won't be facing teams that completely outclass me by 150+ levels (100 of it usually coming from X-Force, the other 50 from someone who has a max featured character). If I get to avoid skipping the same name 5 or 6 times in a row, that's just a bonus.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    While I am interested in what the changes could bring.... past experiences seem to have resided on the side of "we didn't ask for this". Changes to the game like TUs and True Healing™ have been with supposed good intentions but were marred with features we all did not like. I laughed when the offer for full alliance refunds came out. I wonder if this is going to be the catch. I hope not ...
  • Adam12
    Adam12 Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    This is the right way to implement changes: with communication. Announcing it upfront and asking for feedback is important for the game's community.
  • chris0001
    chris0001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    simonsez wrote:
    Are you guys sure you didn't sneak in a tweak in the current PvP? I'm seeing MMR being ignored at crazy low scores.

    I was wondering the same thing....Have not seen a match over 25 points yet, ( and done a lot of skipping!) VERY ANNOYING!!!!!
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    user311 wrote:
    True Healing™

    I did not know that True Healing was Trademarked.
  • chris0001 wrote:
    simonsez wrote:
    Are you guys sure you didn't sneak in a tweak in the current PvP? I'm seeing MMR being ignored at crazy low scores.

    I was wondering the same thing....Have not seen a match over 25 points yet, ( and done a lot of skipping!) VERY ANNOYING!!!!!
    This happened to me in two PvPs before Real Steel and it's happenning again.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm going to take a wild guess and say you've also screwed around with the LR matchmaking. Can you please just change it back???
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anything has to be better than the MMR many of the 3* transition teams (like mine) faced through all of last season, based on what I read here. Whatever the change was last season just about made me quit. Through most of the season when I crossed 500 points it went immediately from mostly 94 matchups to almost exclusively 166 teams: making it nearly impossible to hit 600 or top 100. That had never happened before, obviously some stealth MMR change was put in between last seasons, and it was awful.

    I still think it would be nice for the Devs to explain what the MMR uses (you know-"You are playing our game, here are the rules of our game"), but at least we get confirmation it is changing this time before it changes.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I'm not necessarily saying I am a fan of the idea, but it wouldn't surprise me to see the MMR change be to block friendly-fire in an attempt to disrupt the meteoric climb of some alliances. It will be hard to stop it from happening in the alliance-guilds, but within the same alliance is a pretty simple change.

    The 1300 point prize was meant to be aspirational, but it feels like (for many established players) it has become automatic. (We know it was aspirational in nature because the threshold to get it used to be lower - until we started more reliably hitting it and then it shifted up.)

    The reason I throw out this idea is because they coyly indicate that it is a subtle change and they don't expect many of us to notice - either that is a joke and it will be "shotgun blast in the face" obvious to literally everyone, or it is something that won't affect many of us. I don't think coordinated laddering using your own shielded teammates is an incredibly widespread strategy. Many players wouldn't notice anything different in terms of MMR, they will still see a lot of the same names for opponents, but available points would obviously go down.