Lightning rounds (will they ever rotate again?)



  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I actually don't mind the icon_shehulk.png rounds. She's great for the not-trivially easy seeds, and can even do a good AoE hit with patch, enough to deal with 2*s
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Definitely enjoyed the updated roster for Heroes LR - in particular, Psylocke really shines with that boost.
    Definitely not even trying to participate in these new Villain LRs. I'll grab as many seed teams as I can, and probably leave it at that.

    It does kind of support my suspicion about demiurge wanting to gather more data on Sentry. The long standing excuse for not balancing him has been "the % of the userbase that's Sentrybombing is too small". While there certainly seems to be a lot of players with maxed Sentry & maxed Hood, there's undoubtedly so many more that have only 1 of the two maxed, or both of them in some half finished state. The LR buff is probably enough for more of those players to consider using them. I like to think it's an opportunity for demiurge to gather a whole bunch of data on how players use them.

    Also, since it's just Lightning Tokens (and not dastardly/courageous/whatever tokens), why can't we just get a different set of 5 characters each week? Yes, X-Men/Mutant, Avengers, etc. themes would be nice, but I'd be happy with random.
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    I'm actually enjoying both updated lightning rounds. icon_doctoroctopus.png is fun. I even got another blackflag.png cover from my Season 10 Pack! YEAH! You heard right! An actually useful cover from a 10 pack! I was shocked too! Hahaha...but it's just so enjoyable to get out attack tiles after matching one of their special tiles. So much satisfaction! Hahaha plus I'm contributing to the NERF SENTRY Data by running a way too overpowered icon_sentry.png with an amazing buffed icon_magneto.png and good old icon_blackpanther.png (who just had some concept art and actor lined up! Super stoked about that movie!). This team gives me 5 super powerful attacks! icon_sentry.png with his Sacrifice for 709 strike.png, World Rupture for the game ender, icon_magneto.png with his Polarizing force for 1.5-3K depending on TUs and Projectiles for a good 6K, plus icon_blackpanther.png with that Rage!!! Too much fun right now.
  • curious about LR rewards, why would anyone want to place in 10-25 and get 1 slightly better token over the 2 heroic tokens from 26-50 where your odds of getting a feature character are better cause you have 2 tokens...
  • ScrubJay
    ScrubJay Posts: 90 Match Maker
    The team diversity at the 300 point mark makes regular PVP events look like a smorgasboard of variety. All nodes are Hood, Sentry and Daken. All of them. Every single one.
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    Pjoe0211 wrote:
    curious about LR rewards, why would anyone want to place in 10-25 and get 1 slightly better token over the 2 heroic tokens from 26-50 where your odds of getting a feature character are better cause you have 2 tokens...

    Cause those Heroics are HORRENDOUSLY favored to just get a 2 star.png At least with the LR tokens that start at that top 25, your odds go up significantly. I've had alliance members already pulling icon_beast.png and icon_doctoroctopus.png covers from them.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nellyson wrote:
    Pjoe0211 wrote:
    curious about LR rewards, why would anyone want to place in 10-25 and get 1 slightly better token over the 2 heroic tokens from 26-50 where your odds of getting a feature character are better cause you have 2 tokens...

    Cause those Heroics are HORRENDOUSLY favored to just get a 2 star.png At least with the LR tokens that start at that top 25, your odds go up significantly. I've had alliance members already pulling icon_beast.png and icon_doctoroctopus.png covers from them.
    I'm pretty sure I'm counting wrong since the given numbers add up to more than 100%, but I'm seeing 1%*5+.8*3+.7*15 = 17.9% vs .8*3+.7*20 = 16.4% for LR vs heroic tokens respectively (with the 2* %s being 84 and 86.4%). Which is a grand total of what, 1.5% difference? I'd take the 2 tokens any day
  • Villain lightning rounds again, 2 days of boosted Sentry bombing... joy. I was really hoping for a new subset of Hero LRs.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Red Panda wrote:
    Villain lightning rounds again, 2 days of boosted Sentry bombing... joy. I was really hoping for a new subset of Hero LRs.

    Yeah, this is odd - are we only getting two sets of LR's with five buffed characters instead of six now? Or was this a mistake, did they forget to rotate? I'm hoping to see continuing changing LR's, and certainly don't want to see the same rounds in back-to-back weeks. Also Daken/Sentry becomes really boring, really fast.

    I know my alliance for one was skipping many of them last week with ongoing PVE that needed Sentry/Daken/Hood.
  • Seems to still be following the old pattern of villain, villain, hero 3 week schedule, but seeing how we have few villains to rotate it would nice if they had 3 different sets of heros to rotate into a 4 week schedule. At times it doesn't seem like the devs give enough respect to the Marvel license when important characters get little attention.
  • Bowgentle, you're okay with us hitting you like a pinata filled with ISO when you put in your tank team in this thing, right? Apologies if the answer is no.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    Once again, I'd say the reasoning is a lot more logical.

    These things are likely planned out a season ahead. There have only ever been two rotations. They have to run a couple of days of LR. We are nearing the end of the season. It's highly likely that some / most / all of the current heroes are about to be rotated out of tokens (and therefore events), so they don't want to be having characters active before they remove them.


    Remember, think like the devs*.

    *Only works sometimes. Sometimes I have no clue what they are thinking.
  • I used to prefer the villain rounds. Now that we're facing the curse of the boosted sentry, I prefer the hero rounds. My LR engagement has gone down a lot, though. I used to like having the rare opportunity to use Rags and Doom, and even Loki, now the only truly rarely used character in villain rounds is Doc Ock, and three of the other four are severely over-used.

    I think the ideal thing to do is have three batches: the two we have (I guess), and a third, with whichever five heroes the next five they didn't get are. Sentry is making these a lot less fun. Even better: have the Lightning rounds be based around whoever the five least-used 3*s were the previous week, excepting the out-of-rotation ones if necessary.
  • pmorcs
    pmorcs Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Who's going to replace them? The only real plausible 3* villains left are Doctor Octopus, Sentry, Lazy Daken, and, if you stretch, Deadpool. Which means we're liable to see the first three of those added to replace the three that leave. Which means Sentry lightning rounds. They'd be even worse than Hulk ones.

    The real reason you should be terrified of your hypothetical scenario is because Sentry/Daken/Hood *all* buffed in the lightning round. That would make the existing Hulk round feel like a lazy day by the pool in comparison.

    Hah. You nailed that I'd say.
  • pmorcs wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Who's going to replace them? The only real plausible 3* villains left are Doctor Octopus, Sentry, Lazy Daken, and, if you stretch, Deadpool. Which means we're liable to see the first three of those added to replace the three that leave. Which means Sentry lightning rounds. They'd be even worse than Hulk ones.

    The real reason you should be terrified of your hypothetical scenario is because Sentry/Daken/Hood *all* buffed in the lightning round. That would make the existing Hulk round feel like a lazy day by the pool in comparison.

    Hah. You nailed that I'd say.

    Yeah. Wish I hadn't.
  • his is pretty funny, in the "remarkably stupid" sense. I'm seeing multiple teams of 249 Sentry and random underlevelled 2*s at around 350 points. They made an event where literally the only thing that matters is a maxed sentry.
  • ark123 wrote:
    his is pretty funny, in the "remarkably stupid" sense. I'm seeing multiple teams of 249 Sentry and random underlevelled 2*s at around 350 points. They made an event where literally the only thing that matters is a maxed sentry.

    I've been fighting the seed teams, and maybe a couple of others to get me over 250, in the Sentry rounds. Heroic tokens aren't worth fighting a maxed Sentry.
  • Miss the LRs with 100% boost - makes all the boosted characters worth using over XForce/Sentry etc.
  • LoreNYC wrote:
    Miss the LRs with 100% boost - makes all the boosted characters worth using over XForce/Sentry etc.

    With this boost Sentry is already the only relevant character, with 100% you probably don't even need to fire off yellow to wipe most teams
  • ark123 wrote:
    his is pretty funny, in the "remarkably stupid" sense. I'm seeing multiple teams of 249 Sentry and random underlevelled 2*s at around 350 points. They made an event where literally the only thing that matters is a maxed sentry.

    Not quite - Hood is pretty damn useful to Sentry as well.

    And Mags to wipe out the enemy Hood and defend yourself from the enemy Sentry if you didn't get your green fast enough.