**** Thor (Goddess of Thunder) **** [PRE 2015-03]



  • Generic angry guy response really. You're shouting about a the nerf when she isn't exactly unusable with the changes. I think the blue has taken slightly too much of a hit, someone said 8 charged tiles, I agree. Just because you've spent money on it, doesn't stop it from being bad for the game. Would probably be a larger uproar if xforce was balanced again, but tbh he needs it. For all other characters to be obsolete for anyone who can spend a bit of money on thor/xforce, it makes no sense. They want to get away from that 1 or 2 characters that matter, I'd rather have 5 combinations of characters that would take down a good enemy rather than "If you dont use xforce/thor, you lose"

    You want the 'pay to win' method, spend your money, get the nuke team but to what end... using different characters brings a different level of enjoyment rather than constantly doing the same thing over and over. You're fighting a losing battle and threatening to go to apple/google is just pathetic. It's not the worst change ever to hit MPQ, if you like playing the game then you shut up.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    edited July 2015
    Power Surge (4Thor's Blue) is getting nerfed. HARD.

    It's too hard in my opinion. I think a nerf was needed, but this one goes way too far.

    What do you think would be a fair effect for the ability?

    Edited to add final poll results

    Item - Votes - % of Total Votes
    4 Turn Stun, 10 Charge Tiles - 8 - 8%
    4 Turn Stun, 9 Charge Tiles - 2 - 2%
    4 Turn Stun, 8 Charge Tiles - 5 - 5%
    4 Turn Stun, 7 Charge Tiles - 11 - 11%
    4 Turn Stun, 6 Charge Tiles - 3 - 3%
    4 Turn Stun, 5 Charge Tiles - 3 - 3%
    3 Turn Stun, 10 Charge Tiles - 2 - 2%
    3 Turn Stun, 9 Charge Tiles - 7 - 7%
    3 Turn Stun, 8 Charge Tiles - 28 - 28%
    3 Turn Stun, 7 Charge Tiles - 19 - 19%
    3 Turn Stun, 6 Charge Tiles - 5 - 5%
    3 Turn Stun, 5 Charge Tiles - 7 - 7%
    Nerf Her Harder! - 1 - 1%
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    As I did in the XF thread, here is the difference between L250 and max L270

    hp - 16,440
    redtile.png 82
    yellowtile.png 73
    bluetile.png 64
    tutile.png 42

    Smite: 3409dmg + 725/Charged Tile
    Striking Distance: 1178 AOE


    hp - 15,221
    redtile.png 81
    yellowtile.png 72
    bluetile.png 63
    tutile.png 41

    Smite: 3357dmg + 715/Charged Tile
    Striking Distance: 1160dmg AOE



    cost from 250 -> 270
    78,986 iso8.png
    hp +1,219
    redtile.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.png +1dmg. Yes, only 1 in each.

    Smite: +52dmg + 10/Charged Tile
    Striking Distance: +18dmg AOE


    so what?
    Yes her redflag.png and yellowflag.png are changing but the difference will be about the same, as they are for all 4*s between these 2 levels.

    The question is: Is 79k iso8.png worth 1,219hp? Because it sure isn't worth the pathetic damage increase and tile match damage.

    My answer right now is NO. To memory the amount of times 4Thor has been left with under 1,219hp has been 0. She either has roughly 3k hp left or is downed. When battling at high levels, attacks usually take her out or leave her with enough health to continue.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    mjh wrote:
    As I did in the XF thread, here is the difference between L250 and max L270

    hp - 16,440
    redtile.png 82
    yellowtile.png 73
    bluetile.png 64
    tutile.png 42

    Smite: 3409dmg + 725/Charged Tile
    Striking Distance: 1178 AOE


    hp - 15,221
    redtile.png 81
    yellowtile.png 72
    bluetile.png 63
    tutile.png 41

    Smite: 3357dmg + 715/Charged Tile
    Striking Distance: 1160dmg AOE



    cost from 250 -> 270
    78,986 iso8.png
    hp +1,219
    redtile.pngyellowtile.pngbluetile.png +1dmg. Yes, only 1 in each.

    Smite: +52dmg + 10/Charged Tile
    Striking Distance: +18dmg AOE


    so what?
    Yes her redflag.png and yellowflag.png are changing but the difference will be about the same, as they are for all 4*s between these 2 levels.

    The question is: Is 79k iso8.png worth 1,219hp? Because it sure isn't worth the pathetic damage increase and tile match damage.

    My answer right now is NO. To memory the amount of times 4Thor has been left with under 1,219hp has been 0. She either has roughly 3k hp left or is downed. When battling at high levels, attacks usually take her out or leave her with enough health to continue.

    Even if it doesn't matter practically speaking, when all you see is a sea of 270s at high point totals, but theres a guy with a 250 gt, who do you think people will target? Yeah, yeah, you target the guy with the most points, but a 250 gt/xf at the same point total as all the other 270 xf/gts is gonna get wailed on. It's important to max the characters out regardless just because you get attacked a good amount less, for PvP at least.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    you get attacked a good amount less, for PvP at least.
    I don't believe that to be true for 1 second. Anybody worth points is going to get attacked, as you said. If someone is thinking they can beat a 250 easier than 270 they are misinformed. They are the same level of difficulty to beat
  • Chirus
    Chirus Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    I wanted to vote "stun player for half an hour and steal their money", but that option wasn't there.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    mjh wrote:
    you get attacked a good amount less, for PvP at least.
    I don't believe that to be true for 1 second. Anybody worth points is going to get attacked, as you said. If someone is thinking they can beat a 250 easier than 270 they are misinformed. They are the same level of difficulty to beat

    In a perfectly rational world, sure. There's virtually no different between a 250 and 270. But when you're skipping around in PvP for 25 point targets, and you find yourselves in a sea of 25 point 270/270 teams, what are you going to think when you find the one guy that is a 25 point 250 / 250 team? I don't know about other people, but when I find one of those teams in PvP, I think to myself "Eh, not ideal, but skipping doesn't help anyways so I might as well settle for the marginally easier to beat team". It's more psychological than anything, but when one or two attacks is the difference of several hundred points when you're pushing in PvP, it doesn't make sense to skimp and leave your characters at 250 when they're the only thing standing between you and massive point loss. If you have a 270/270 team, you blend into the crows and your probability of being attacked drops. Being a 250/250 team puts you as an outlier at high points, and outliers are generally exploited. Sure it may be a few attacks here and there, but those tend to be the difference between an extra shield and not, and given that you're going to use X-Force on literally every single PvP team for the next month at least, It's worth the investment to not take that risk. This of course means nothing if you're a crewsader or something and have so many points that it doesn't even matter, but for the normal people that aren't leading the pack, it's definitely noticeable.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    So far, 2 of 28 votes are for what the devs are actually doing...... pretty sad icon_e_sad.gif
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    How much you wanna bet those two votes are from players that don't have her?
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    you find yourselves in a sea of 25 point 270/270 teams
    While that scenario you outlined is true, I myself have never experienced a sea of 25pt 270/270 teams. When I finally hit the 270/270 wall, I can usually find a 30+ target. If someone is in the scenario you outlined before I'll accept that I am the one 250 team in a sea of 270, all worth 25pts. I'll accept that attack.

    I cannot shell out another 79k iso8.png x2. I'd rather invest that into other guys and play with them.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    I voted 3 & 8, but they won't change it from 5 tiles. They wanted to weaken the "wall" at the top and they're going to do this combined with the buffed versus plans.
  • The higher level characters have value not because the higher level makes any difference especially relative to defending against boosts, but that if you don't know who you're going to get to attack you might as well take the first match that looks remotely favorable, and seeing someone who is 250 is more favorable than 270. Remember you don't get to ask the game who else you'd be getting. You can easily see a 250/250 worth 20 and say that seems like not worth it and then see a bunch of 270/270 that's also worth 20 later and then you'd wish you had taken that 250/250 for 20 instead because it's still an easier match.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    tanis3303 wrote:
    How much you wanna bet those two votes are from players that don't have her?
    Sorry, you would have lost that bet.
    I voted 3/5, 3/6, 3/7. And I do have a Lady Thor.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    mjh wrote:
    you find yourselves in a sea of 25 point 270/270 teams
    While that scenario you outlined is true, I myself have never experienced a sea of 25pt 270/270 teams. When I finally hit the 270/270 wall, I can usually find a 30+ target. If someone is in the scenario you outlined before I'll accept that I am the one 250 team in a sea of 270, all worth 25pts. I'll accept that attack.

    I cannot shell out another 79k iso8.png x2. I'd rather invest that into other guys and play with them.

    You can't play other guys in PvP outside of the PvP tournaments that feature them. Makes a lot more sense to invest into the two guys that you've been using in almost every single PvP for the past however many months. Of course, the nerfs to GT and presumably XF eventually might change this, but a maxed out XF / GT is going to do far more for your team than anything else you can put the iso into. Again, hopefully the nerfs change this up, but its been the prevailing strategy for many many months now.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Raffoon wrote:
    So far, 2 of 28 votes are for what the devs are actually doing...... pretty sad icon_e_sad.gif
    tanis3303 wrote:
    How much you wanna bet those two votes are from players that don't have her?

    Stop shaming people whose disagree with you. The whole point of a poll is to see the general community thoughts, not to be a circlejerk of "they nerfed 4or too hard, clearly it should be a smaller nerf". Unpopular opinions should be able to be voiced as well without everyone jumping on them.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    Raffoon wrote:
    So far, 2 of 28 votes are for what the devs are actually doing...... pretty sad icon_e_sad.gif
    tanis3303 wrote:
    How much you wanna bet those two votes are from players that don't have her?

    Stop shaming people whose disagree with you. The whole point of a poll is to see the general community thoughts, not to be a circlejerk of "they nerfed 4or too hard, clearly it should be a smaller nerf". Unpopular opinions should be able to be voiced as well without everyone jumping on them.

    It didn't seem like Tanis was shaming or jumping on those people. If he said "How much you wanna bet those two votes are from players that don't have her? Those people must be terrible people", then that would be one thing.

    Right now it seems like he was putting forth the hypothesis that people voting for the currently planned changes are more likely to not have 4Thor. That seems like a reasonable hypothesis, although it seems based on further comments that it wasn't correct for a least 1 of the 2 people.

    Edit: And if you were directing your comment towards me, it's the same thing. Those 2 people are certainly entitled to their views, but they sure don't seem to match the majority and that's well worth noting.
  • Raffoon wrote:
    Raffoon wrote:
    So far, 2 of 28 votes are for what the devs are actually doing...... pretty sad icon_e_sad.gif
    tanis3303 wrote:
    How much you wanna bet those two votes are from players that don't have her?

    Stop shaming people whose disagree with you. The whole point of a poll is to see the general community thoughts, not to be a circlejerk of "they nerfed 4or too hard, clearly it should be a smaller nerf". Unpopular opinions should be able to be voiced as well without everyone jumping on them.

    It didn't seem like Tanis was shaming or jumping on those people. If he said "How much you wanna bet those two votes are from players that don't have her? Those people must be terrible people", then that would be one thing.

    Right now it seems like he was putting forth the hypothesis that people voting for the currently planned changes are more likely to not have 4Thor. That seems like a reasonable hypothesis, although it seems based on further comments that it wasn't correct for a least 1 of the 2 people.

    Edit: And if you were directing your comment towards me, it's the same thing. Those 2 people are certainly entitled to their views, but they sure don't seem to match the majority and that's well worth noting.

    You didn't "note" it, you said it's "sad." And no, the fact that the majority of players in pretty much any game are always going to say they prefer a more powerful version of an ability/character over a less powerful one isn't worth noting or meaningful at all.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Raffoon wrote:
    Raffoon wrote:
    So far, 2 of 28 votes are for what the devs are actually doing...... pretty sad icon_e_sad.gif
    tanis3303 wrote:
    How much you wanna bet those two votes are from players that don't have her?

    Stop shaming people whose disagree with you. The whole point of a poll is to see the general community thoughts, not to be a circlejerk of "they nerfed 4or too hard, clearly it should be a smaller nerf". Unpopular opinions should be able to be voiced as well without everyone jumping on them.

    It didn't seem like Tanis was shaming or jumping on those people. If he said "How much you wanna bet those two votes are from players that don't have her? Those people must be terrible people", then that would be one thing.

    Right now it seems like he was putting forth the hypothesis that people voting for the currently planned changes are more likely to not have 4Thor. That seems like a reasonable hypothesis, although it seems based on further comments that it wasn't correct for a least 1 of the 2 people.

    Edit: And if you were directing your comment towards me, it's the same thing. Those 2 people are certainly entitled to their views, but they sure don't seem to match the majority and that's well worth noting.

    The majority? Cmon man, you've got a total of 53 votes where there are millions of downloads. There is nothing worthy of note.

    *I have a 4hor and I think she's fine BTW.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not going to vote. Unless you want 4* Thor to have only one single ability, there's no point in discussing a single move in a vacuum.

    The ability's name certainly suggests a rush of power. If that's the idea behind it then maybe it should still create 10-12 Charged Tiles, in which case both of her other abilities should never create charged tiles. I've already written up my rework of Thor. In my design, Power Surge would be a 3 turn stun which generates up to 6 Charged Tiles (even split between Red and Yellow only).
  • gamar wrote:

    You didn't "note" it, you said it's "sad." And no, the fact that the majority of players in pretty much any game are always going to say they prefer a more powerful version of an ability/character over a less powerful one isn't worth noting or meaningful at all.

    Asking player for their opinion on nerfs is like the commercial where they asked a bunch of kids do they want a bigger or smaller version of, well, anything.
This discussion has been closed.