**** Thor (Goddess of Thunder) **** [PRE 2015-03]



  • It's too early to even predict a nerf. I'd say if you have the means spend money on her and ride the thunder as long as it lasts. If she is nerfed later, you won't lose much. You've already used her a ton and you're only losing what you haven't earned yet, that is the possibility of winning more if she wasn't nerfed. Not to mention, unless someone in the dev team hates her too much, she won't be nerfed too much like the first of the nerfs. Latest nerfs have been quite tasteful imo.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I wouldn't advise buying covers for any character, particularly if you think of it as a way to keep winning. Such "investments" get hammered all too often. The buyer's remorse that I've seen over the last year compels me to repeat again, and again: buyer beware.

    However, I bet that this thread will go on and on, debating the changes and timing of a possible nerf and whether $25 per cover is still a good "investment," regardless. Don't fall for that sort of thinking.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't support the game if you enjoy it. Just don't spend money in order to "keep up."
  • noisnam wrote:
    league of Legends repeats this process over and over and peeps still buy in. Release a new OP character, wait 6 weeks till the sales go down, hit them with the nerf bat. Seems to work.

    yea but league of legends rework on their underpowered old champ and sometimes buff other champ that doesnt see much light. i dont see d3 doing it.
    in here, they just simply dont care about.
    You don't see d3 reworking or buffing old champs. Like Xforce. icon_question.gif
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a silly thread. There are times when a nerf is obviously needed, but this isnt it.

    1. You dont see 4or literally ending the game in 4 turns like sentry, 1 turn like rags, or 10 blue ap like spidey. She is considerably slower, and clearly less op.

    2. 4or is a 4*. This means that she should be stronger than 3*s comparatively (and more expensive, its obviously a cash grab!) and that she is far less likely to see a nerf.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here is a better prediction. D3 will release 4-5 more 4* characters in 2015. They are extending the end game of 4* covers. This will give vets more reason to grind to higher scores, spend HP, and be competitive. More older 3* characters will get vaulted for new 3* characters, and by mid year they will be able to give out more 3* covers, becuase 4* will have become the new 3*. If you look at the game they will make the next OP character to compete with Xforce before they funbalance him. The Dev's look to generate revenue and by releasing new characters and vaulting old characters that are deemed to be out of date they are trying to giveing players more to play for. 2*-3* transition will become harder until they increase 3* drop rates ( probably after another 2-3 4* character releases).

    Also I am predicting Dare Devil will get a Buff. He was such an utter flop with his traps, and they will be releasing another trap character in December. I also think the Hand will be the new goons based on what people have said in the forum so he could be a leader of the Hand in PVE. By making his traps better he will be a better opponent in PVE.

    One last predicion Pinky and the Brain will try and take over the world icon_e_wink.gif !!!!! and fail icon_e_sad.gif
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    monica123 wrote:
    . It is equal to the case of rag cmag spidey. Also sentry + hood.

    Rags was before my time, but I'm assuming his 2red into green led to infinite turns.
    Spidey - stunlock leading to infinite turns.
    CMags - red/blue spam leading to infinite turns
    Sentry- Reduced game to 4 turns. (2-3 turns on good boards)
    Hood - had synergy with Thorina that *could* have led to infinite turns. They preempted this so we'll never know for sure how reliable it was.

    If Thorina's charged tiles can reduce the game to infinite turns, it'll be addressed. If she can reduce the game to 3-4 turns, it'll be addressed.

    Else, neither her nor XForce (who can do neither of those things) will get touched.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    At max level a 5/3/5 Thor can dish out 12,109 damage with a blue-then-red combo. Almost seems like overkill. icon_e_smile.gif

    Does anyone have a max level 4/4/5 Thor? The blue-then-red combo should still do around 10,383 damage and going to 4 in yellow will allow it to take out CD tiles. Seems like it might be a more balanced build.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    In terms of builds, the only thing that is mandatory is that Smite(Red) should be maxed. The damage lost for not maxing is too much to ignore, at least with level 5 you can do a fair amount of damage with or without charged tiles. As for her yellow and blue, i think it comes down to prefernce and player's lineups. I see the benefits of 5/3/5 and the fun things that can do, but I can also see that cascading into your own death if you don't play it correctly. I could see someone with a 3/5/5 Fury Build possible want 4* Thor at 5/5/3 as you may want Intimidation instead, I think the only thing that must and has to be maxed is her red. While I do plan on going 5/3/5 I think 5/4/4 or 5/5/3 are also very viable depending upon your lineup. And lets face it, on defense a 5/5/3 4* Thor is probably better because when the AI fails to use blue correctly leaving you with lots of charged tiles to destroy them with, the AI giving the player less charges with blue might not be a bad strategy, but since offense rules the game, it probably doesnt matter.
  • Half of the Xmen main group already has a fully covered Thor. icon_e_surprised.gif
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    MikeyMan wrote:
    Half of the Xmen main group already has a fully covered Thor. icon_e_surprised.gif
    And it looks like all of them went with 5/3/5 except the one guy who's 5/3/0. icon_lol.gif
  • They need to put that introductory team up node with Thor for unlimited playing so people can see just how much of a mismatch Thor is when you're fighting The Hood. That fight is level 269 Thor versus 100 Hood + Juggernaut + Muscle. While these characters fight above their level, they're probably not stronger than a level 166 typical PvP team especially given how vulnerable The Hood is when starting at a low level. I spent most of that fight trying to get enough tiles to get anything off to get rid of The Hood but since Smite is 4 match (which gets delayed to 5 match due to length of game) and Striking Distance isn't enough damage on itself, I ended up using a Power Surge on The Hood and killed him with match damage from charged tiles, which can easily go very wrong since it wasn't anywhere close to a stunlock. This is going to be a common occurence because Thor cannot cover green so unless the featured character can cover green well, you always have a choice between not covering green or not having The Hood and both are terrible choices. Not having green means you can't defend green effectively (matching it equals skipping your turn) and yet green is where all the powerhouse skills are at, and not having The Hood means your already slow moves are even slower. And if you're going to boost to try to get around The Hood... well... that's not even a very good idea, but even if it works, 10r + 8blue to kill one guy is below the power of 11 black + 8 green (Surgical Strike + X Force is almost certain to kill any one guy and can spread out the damage in mutiple waves to avoid overkilling). Smite + Power Surge is very good when there are only 2 characters left, but who kills the first guy? Let's say the first person you have to kill is The Hood. Striking Distance doesn't do enough damage, and that's assuming you somehow picked up 12 yellow against The Hood. Smite is probably enough, but using Smite first means you don't have a Power Surge combo anymore unless you manage to pick up another 10 red. So what about the rest of your team? Unless the featured character is Daken, there's no 3* that's particularly quick at killing The Hood while he's slowing you down with Dormammu's Aid. X Force would be quite good if we're talking about a full boost situation (6g, make a match and X Force usually does the trick) but in that case you definitely should've started with X Force + The Hood against green/yellow/black strongest match colors because you could just Surgical Strike + X Force easily with max boosts (and not have to worry about their The Hood). Against the other 3 color it's a bit trickier but Surgical Strike + X Force still pretty much kills anyone and you don't have to wait until one person is downed before using it.
  • Some things to bear in mind:

    She's not that fast in attack. She'll take a while to 'get going' and that's IF you prioritise her over the quick lethality of X-Force if you pair them up. Time spent waiting to unleash is time you're taking damage...

    She has no healing ability, so unlike X-Force she'll need heath packs for sustained use. That means using her mainly for end-game shield hops... and then see point 1 in that she's not the fastest necessarily for that task.

    If you want to speed her up you'll probably want to bring Mr Squishy (Hood) which means that you become a target for attacks due to focused fire on Hood. Her high Health will deter people to a point, but when you're up around 1300pts+... everyone's a target.

    Honestly, she's very very strong but I'm not convinced she needs nerf queing until we see how she plays out under 'normal' use (i.e. not +3 Yellow/Red AND +3 all AP).

    What do you mean +3 yellow/red, +3 all ap?

    Do you mean +1 or are you just hypothetically referring to there being someone out there who still has a few of the +3 boosts? I feel I'm missing something
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spencer75 wrote:
    Some things to bear in mind:

    She's not that fast in attack. She'll take a while to 'get going' and that's IF you prioritise her over the quick lethality of X-Force if you pair them up. Time spent waiting to unleash is time you're taking damage...

    She has no healing ability, so unlike X-Force she'll need heath packs for sustained use. That means using her mainly for end-game shield hops... and then see point 1 in that she's not the fastest necessarily for that task.

    If you want to speed her up you'll probably want to bring Mr Squishy (Hood) which means that you become a target for attacks due to focused fire on Hood. Her high Health will deter people to a point, but when you're up around 1300pts+... everyone's a target.

    Honestly, she's very very strong but I'm not convinced she needs nerf queing until we see how she plays out under 'normal' use (i.e. not +3 Yellow/Red AND +3 all AP).

    What do you mean +3 yellow/red, +3 all ap?

    Do you mean +1 or are you just hypothetically referring to there being someone out there who still has a few of the +3 boosts? I feel I'm missing something

    You can stack 3 +1 so in DrUnplesant is saying if she is starting out +6 AP of R/Y and she can kill everyone in 2-3 turns like Sentry did.
  • She is not fast (especially if you don't boost, anyone is fast if boost). I got no clue what people are talking about. Plus charged tiles help both teams. Given the propensity of the AI cascades, I would argue she'll use a lot of health packs even at 16k health.
  • I'm leaning towards 4/4/5. You're only losing a maximum 1800 damage from red, and with that level of damage it's going to be overkill most of the time anyway. The 4th cover in yellow allows her to take out CD tiles which means she can be far more useful in PvE situations
  • Have you guys actually been playing against her? Have you seen what happens when you let her land her blue on the support and proceed to collect like 12+ ap the following turn?
  • I suggested something like that some pages ago, and it was pointed out most of the time you don't WANT to destroy the CDs, you want to destroy the strike.png . If you had yellowflag.png charged and they had WR + Sac on the board, you wouldn't want to target CDs at all. The AI placement of CDs being random anyway you can get rid of them in more conventional ways usually, not worth ditching direct damage.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    adamLmpq wrote:
    I'm leaning towards 4/4/5. You're only losing a maximum 1800 damage from red, and with that level of damage it's going to be overkill most of the time anyway. The 4th cover in yellow allows her to take out CD tiles which means she can be far more useful in PvE situations

    If the metagame shifts towards LadyThor mirrors, it's never going to be overkill.
  • Maybe, but then you can have your Mirror add Charge Tiles for you while you collect all the red. Just take the stun on your X-Force and counter-murder Thoress with Smite.
  • I must have missed the part where PvP now starts with your opponent only having two characters so you can immediately end the game with a Power Surge + Smite without worrying about how you're supposed to deal with the third guy.
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