Combined Arms



  • Beast1970
    Beast1970 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    I had ended the night around 570 points, got attacked 6 times. 2 wins, 4 losses later, I was down about 35 points overall. I woke up just barely out of the top 10 in my bracket, I'd say it was at least moderately effective. Probably not so much tonight, but I'm used to losing at least 100 points the first night if I stay unshielded no matter what team I run in a normal PVP. I was running a max jugs, max Thor, and a 246 Hulk.
  • I agree with PPPlaya, might need to get juggernaut if they keep these events up.

    I wasted 1000HP at the beginning of this event to open up two new roster spots in order to re-recruit Venom and Juggs (whom I both sold off 6 months ago when I was in the transition mode from 2* to 3* roster). So yeah, they better run some Balance of Power and/or Combined Arms type tournaments in the future also!
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Juggernaut is just too good of a detterant. This event eats health packs, and playing against a Juggernaut you are all but sure to eat a Headbutt that's usually a health pack.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Juggernaut is just too good of a detterant. This event eats health packs, and playing against a Juggernaut you are all but sure to eat a Headbutt that's usually a health pack.

    There are few things worse than seeing Hulk-Thor-Jugg, although I saw very few retaliations overnight with my troll lineup of IM35-Bullseye-Falcon
  • Just noticed an unannounced stealth change: Nick Fury team-ups (and I would assume by extension Baglady & seXfarts) are no longer usable in this event due to their characters not being usable.
  • j12601 wrote:
    Just noticed an unannounced stealth change: Nick Fury team-ups (and I would assume by extension Baglady & seXfarts) are no longer usable in this event due to their characters not being usable.

    My Fury TU's were unusable day 1, but they have been available today. Bug or working as intended?
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    Juggernaut is just too good of a detterant. This event eats health packs, and playing against a Juggernaut you are all but sure to eat a Headbutt that's usually a health pack.

    I don't find juggy to be that much of a deterrent. Lots of hp, but I've had good luck denying red in both this event and balance of power.

    This event is very different than bop, in that not having viable 3* characters is just as much a detriment as it is in normal pvp events. I can hang with other transition players, but not so much max 3's. C.mags was able to wipe the floor with my whole team, and has been known to be not so strong on defence.

    Still, it is quite fun.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    IM35, Ares, and Lazy Daken have gotten me three defensive wins so far. I've always hated boosted IM35 and his protect tiles...combine that with Daken matching green for Ares and the few matches I've played are ending rather quickly.
  • Actually requiring 1* characters and actually requiring 3* characters makes this the worst event in some time. Balance of Power was great because everyone could use whatever they had maxed and it was all equally viable- to the extent that 1* were made stronger than 3* due to scaling, that's fine, it's no different to buffing 3* characters and leaving everyone else alone like they do in most events. Shafting newbies by handicapping them with an undercovered underpowered 3*, and shafting veterans who don't pay for ridonculous amounts of cover slots and keep 1* characters... screw that. I've begun playing Quiz RPG again since season 4 ended. Maybe it's time for a month or more off from this game until they fix it up instead of throwing tinykitty at the wall and then taking ages to make even the most obvious corrections.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Zhirrzh wrote:
    Actually requiring 1* characters and actually requiring 3* characters makes this the worst event in some time. Balance of Power was great because everyone could use whatever they had maxed and it was all equally viable- to the extent that 1* were made stronger than 3* due to scaling, that's fine, it's no different to buffing 3* characters and leaving everyone else alone like they do in most events. Shafting newbies by handicapping them with an undercovered underpowered 3*, and shafting veterans who don't pay for ridonculous amounts of cover slots and keep 1* characters... screw that.
    BoP got a lot of complaints precisely because 1*s were made stronger than 3*s (which is not "equally viable"). I'm not sure why you think that was at all better than Combined Arms, much less "great."

    Also, the number of cover slots needed to have a couple of 1*s on hand is far from "ridonculous" for vets.
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    Juggernaut is just too good of a detterant. This event eats health packs, and playing against a Juggernaut you are all but sure to eat a Headbutt that's usually a health pack.

    I don't find juggy to be that much of a deterrent. Lots of hp, but I've had good luck denying red in both this event and balance of power.

    This event is very different than bop, in that not having viable 3* characters is just as much a detriment as it is in normal pvp events. I can hang with other transition players, but not so much max 3's. C.mags was able to wipe the floor with my whole team, and has been known to be not so strong on defence.

    Still, it is quite fun.

    I find juggs to be a deterrent if I'm pushing and need to conserve my health packs for extended play, but if I'm just sniping big point targets in a 5 min break I will gladly take him on.

    I am enjoying the event so far with it's interesting mix of teams. I wish I had a more developed 3* roster so I could do some experiments. I was thinking maybe Hood-OBW-Venom/Juggs could be fun to try. Hopefully next time BOP rolls around they'll use something more like this level buffing so that 3*'s aren't benched as much.
  • The power level of the characters are pretty balanced in this event across *s. The 1* is a bit weak but it was ridiculous having Juggernaut just headbutt everyone to oblivion in Balance of Power. He still hits plenty hard but is not some kind of unstoppable terror he was in Balance of Power. He's probably still the best 1* by far to use.
  • Can somebody recommend me a decent defensive team?

    At 1 I sadly only have storm right now.

    For 3 I have
    114 5/2/2 patch
    102 5/0/2 Widow
    102 3/2/3 Hood
    102 2/2/4 IM40
    91 1/4/2 Mags
    91 3/1/3 Spidey
    Could also make a 91 2/1/4 LThor

    For 2s I have maxed Ares,OBW, cStorm, Thor, Wolvie.

    What combo out of those is the most scary to face and what would get maybe 1 or 2 defensive wins?

    If I had a Jugs I wouldn't bother with all the science but i am not looking forward to waking up to tons of losses because of mStorm.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    edited August 2014
    PPPlaya wrote:
    What combo out of those is the most scary to face and what would get maybe 1 or 2 defensive wins?

    If I had a Jugs I wouldn't bother with all the science but i am not looking forward to waking up to tons of losses because of mStorm.
    Give Hood/Ares/Storm a whirl.

    Ares should be tanking most colours ahead of both of them and Hood should be able to pull in enough green to get Onslaught going in a hurry.

    Or you could try Patch/OBW/Storm - Espionage firing off super-boosted strike tiles is doing upwards of 1500 damage for a match-3. Downside is you don't have a lot of spam attacks to make (ab)use of the strike tiles nor a particularly good way of cleaning up the opposing ones.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    PPPlaya wrote:
    Can somebody recommend me a decent defensive team?

    At 1 I sadly only have storm right now.

    For 3 I have
    114 5/2/2 patch
    102 5/0/2 Widow
    102 3/2/3 Hood
    102 2/2/4 IM40
    91 1/4/2 Mags
    91 3/1/3 Spidey
    Could also make a 91 2/1/4 LThor

    For 2s I have maxed Ares,OBW, cStorm, Thor, Wolvie.

    What combo out of those is the most scary to face and what would get maybe 1 or 2 defensive wins?

    If I had a Jugs I wouldn't bother with all the science but i am not looking forward to waking up to tons of losses because of mStorm.

    To me, 1* Storm is a giant target. She's still super-squishy, I've basically skipped until I find Storm, and except for 266 teams, other two almost don't matter. So not sure there's much you can do. Your best bet is probably Patch-OBW-Storm. It's not all that scary, but wouldn't take much for a bad cascade to make things uncomfortable for the attacker. Alternative is Ares/LThor, which someone without health packs might pass over.
  • Hood with just 2 blue sadly only steals blue and purple.

    But it might be ok for a couple of wins during a climb.

    I'm not too worried about offensive wins because with Storm I can (and must) pull Call the Storm TUs.

    I guess i'll just let Patch/OBW/Storm sit for the night. Even if it doesn't win, a single Aggressive Recon should severely cripple most teams.
  • Hood probably isn't as good as normal in this event because you got Juggernaut at 1* that matches up very strongly against Hood, and so does OBW at 2*, and both are way better offensive characters as long as you have strike tiles for OBW. Besides, who is going to use the AP you steal with The Hood? Thor 2*? Juggernaut?
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phantron wrote:
    Hood probably isn't as good as normal in this event because you got Juggernaut at 1* that matches up very strongly against Hood, and so does OBW at 2*, and both are way better offensive characters as long as you have strike tiles for OBW. Besides, who is going to use the AP you steal with The Hood? Thor 2*? Juggernaut?

    I've been using Hood/OBW/Jugg pretty much exclusively during this event. It allows sustained pushes because the AI almost never gets an ability off, and Gravity Device into Headbutt kills everything, with Juggs constantly maintaining around 8000 health. It's also netted a good amount of defensive wins. I mainly just avoid Daken, as strike tiles ruin both Hood and OBW too quickly and requires health packs. Skip Daken=no need to use health packs.
  • kidicarus
    kidicarus Posts: 420 Mover and Shaker
    made it to 800 for my sweet HPs and am on the slide down again. Hit me and I'll try to give you a retaliatory win!
  • this is getting crazy. I fight random teams with opp using diff combi. Then lose unknowingly to the AI. Damn....