Combined Arms



  • gamar wrote:
    daibar wrote:
    I am getting a surprising number of defensive wins from my LCap/OBW/MStorm combo. I assumed it would be a relatively weak team due to low hp, but something must be working.
    Considering the rounds go so long, OBW's AP steal chains into MStorm's Lightning and Team-up stealer. Those cascades feed the AP steal and the Healing which makes for a good defensive pairing. I've avoided any OBW + Mstorm's in this tourney, as they're not as easy to down quickly.

    Competition for this one seems really low, but this is pretty fun. Get to fight teams you never see normally.

    mStorm + OBW + Panther. It may not be the best team, but trying to manipulate every fight into finishing with "get six strike tiles with battleplan glitch, rage of the panther, kill the leftovers with buffed team-up" is the most fun I've had with this game since, well, ever

    What's the battleplan glitch?
    I like him, but his level too low and had sell him a few times to make space. Now I have a chance to really play him
  • The Battleplan glitch is that if you have exactly 12 TU AP you get 6 strike tiles, the 3 normal strength ones and 3 extra strength ones. It's essentially a one way Berserker Rage level 5 and should easily put away most games.
  • That Battleplan glitch shoulda been fixed in R59. Very surprised it wasn't. Someone messed up their If, Then statements to check for <= 12 and >= 12, causing 12 to tick both boxes. You don't even need the >= 12. Just, if <12 one choice, else other choice. Easiest fix ever and they haven't done it.
  • That Battleplan glitch shoulda been fixed in R59. Very surprised it wasn't. Someone messed up their If, Then statements to check for <= 12 and >= 12, causing 12 to tick both boxes. You don't even need the >= 12. Just, if <12 one choice, else other choice. Easiest fix ever and they haven't done it.
  • danae
    danae Posts: 101
    Phantron wrote:
    The Battleplan glitch is that if you have exactly 12 TU AP you get 6 strike tiles, the 3 normal strength ones and 3 extra strength ones. It's essentially a one way Berserker Rage level 5 and should easily put away most games.

    Ah. Had that happen once or twice but I never attributed it to having exactly 12 TU AP. When I did look at it, I thought all six were normal strength which I thought would amount to having 3 extra strength tiles.

    Knowing this now, I need to aim for exactly 12 TU now. :p
  • Beast1970
    Beast1970 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    I'm trying out Hulk, Thor, Jugs overnight instead of a shield. Not as fun on offense, but should be a deterrent on defense if only for the massive amount of health to work through. That team can definitely be beat, but you will take some damage and time to do it.
  • Sentry bombed a few fights with original flavor Daken and Venom for stuns but it didn't feel right. Moved over to BP, OBW, and Juggs, which was fun for a while. Recon, Battleplan, Rage, Headbutts for high hit point stragglers or low hit point pests. Got to 400 for the HP, don't need HT so I think I'm done unless LRs don't show up tomorrow for some reason. Amusing diversion from 2 + featured events, but not my favorite.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thugpatrol wrote:
    Sentry bombed a few fights with original flavor Daken and Venom for stuns but it didn't feel right. Moved over to BP, OBW, and Juggs, which was fun for a while. Recon, Battleplan, Rage, Headbutts for high hit point stragglers or low hit point pests. Got to 400 for the HP, don't need HT so I think I'm done unless LRs don't show up tomorrow for some reason. Amusing diversion from 2 + featured events, but not my favorite.
    Yeah pretty much my impression, too.
    I wish they'd invent some PVPs which _don't_ make me chew through my health packs at an alarming rate.
    Playing with superbuffed 1*s and 2*s is fun, but all it does it chew up HP faster and faster.

    There _must_ be a way to invigorate PVP without just "buff everyone to kingdom come and let everyone beat up everyone else".
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hood, Ares and MBW have been working wonders for me.

    Hood's Black cuts down the Sunder countdown for another few thousand points of damage. I'm taking down Hulk, Thor and Juggernaut teams without too much bother, just a blue boost or three for stunning, just in case the board is bare of blue.

    And I'm getting defensive wins against rosters of fully levelled 3*. I wish I knew what they were throwing at me.
  • Moon Roach wrote:
    Hood, Ares and MBW have been working wonders for me.

    Hood's Black cuts down the Sunder countdown for another few thousand points of damage. I'm taking down Hulk, Thor and Juggernaut teams without too much bother, just a blue boost or three for stunning, just in case the board is bare of blue.

    And I'm getting defensive wins against rosters of fully levelled 3*. I wish I knew what they were throwing at me.

    Heh... I lost to a hood Ares mbw team early in the PvP but I don't know who it was. Ended up being a very frustrating team.
  • You forgot that LCap is the definition of a wrecking ball as soon as he gets 11 Red. He does so much damage and can down a good number of characters in just a couple of tosses. That's not even including his stun.
    Yeah, but the AI is stupid and seems to put the tile down randomly, even where it can be matched immediately. He's not nearly as good for defense.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Headbutt - AntiGravity - Headbutt - AntiGravity - Headbutt - AntiGravity.......

    Health packs, shmealth packs. (having 2 OBWs helps)
  • mStorm, OBW, Patch is still very good on offense, but apparently sucks on defense - only got a couple defensive wins since I started.

    Doesn't help that defensive teams are apparently limited to a single team up now, which further nerfs mStorm.
  • It kind of sucks that the characters aren't balanced at all.
    Juggernaut deals 3600 damage. mStorm has just over 4k Healthpoints. So basically one 1 Star can (almost) take out another 1 Star for just 6 Red.

    I feel the only reason the buff was "necessary" was because the 1 Stars were left out in the level shift. Which was a mistake I think.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    PPPlaya wrote:
    It kind of sucks that the characters aren't balanced at all.
    Juggernaut deals 3600 damage. mStorm has just over 4k Healthpoints. So basically one 1 Star can (almost) take out another 1 Star for just 6 Red.

    I feel the only reason the buff was "necessary" was because the 1 Stars were left out in the level shift. Which was a mistake I think.
    Get some strike tiles down and he can OHK them icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    PPPlaya wrote:
    It kind of sucks that the characters aren't balanced at all.
    Juggernaut deals 3600 damage. mStorm has just over 4k Healthpoints. So basically one 1 Star can (almost) take out another 1 Star for just 6 Red.

    I feel the only reason the buff was "necessary" was because the 1 Stars were left out in the level shift. Which was a mistake I think.

    Jugg at lvl 40 does 1100, mStorm at level 50 has 1620 health. Not a knockout blow, but equivalent crippling.

    The buff is to get the 1* on par (somewhat) with the 3* counterparts. Without it, a 166 3* basically wipes the floor with the 1* just with match 3 damage, let alone if they get a nuke off. Would take away from the event dramatically (and make Patch a one-man wrecking crew)
  • Beast1970 wrote:
    I'm trying out Hulk, Thor, Jugs overnight instead of a shield. Not as fun on offense, but should be a deterrent on defense if only for the massive amount of health to work through. That team can definitely be beat, but you will take some damage and time to do it.

    I ran Hulk (110), Ares and Juggs (1) overnight and dropped 83 points from 501. Got at least 2 defensive wins and at least 7 losses. If the points are there, people will swing.
  • That's fair. If they do this event more often I might need to get a juggernaut in my roster. The Headbutts are basically free if you heal him up beforehand.

    Since I only have mStorm right now my hope is the AI always picks Wrath of the Panther or Stormcalling for the team up icon_lol.gif

    As for a defensive team I am more worried about a OBW or some AoE or shakeup 3 Star. Hulk/Ares/Juggs are a ton of HP but they are managable if you match smart and steal all their AP. Patch can take a hit on the chin aswell every now and then.
    Cascades on the other hand are absolutely deadly. Almost got out of a fight unscathed today when the AI pulled out a 3-4k cascade on its last legs.
  • I lost to a jugg/ares/LDaken and mStorm/OBW/LCap.

    Most people seem to be using Classic Magneto as their 3*. Not sure how many attacks I woke up to this morning but I had 3 wins and lots of losses with maxed mStorm/OBW/LThor, found out when you have so many attacks you can't scroll through the list it says "and more" at the bottom.

    Not sure what team Phaserhawk is using but he's staying @ #2 with 614 points unshielded which I think he only lost 20 points in 5 hours. If I wasn't shielded I'd probably have lost 200 points by now.

    I agree with PPPlaya, might need to get juggernaut if they keep these events up.