Combined Arms



  • HairyDave wrote:
    i'm using Jugg and Daken and Black Panther all at max ...and i'm pretty satisfied from this combo
    None of mine are maxed but it works pretty well as it is.

    So far:
    Juggs/Daken/Panther icon_e_biggrin.gificon_e_biggrin.gif
    Storm/OBW/Punny icon_e_biggrin.gif
    IM35/Ares/Falcon icon_lol.gif but icon_e_sad.gif
    Storm/OBW/Daken icon_neutral.gif

    That's good combo ...and i use Sentry max sometimes with daken and Jugg ..and now i will try Ldaken and jugg and Bullseye...or patch with Jugg and Daken 2*
  • I'm going to make a bunch of different teams and rotate them around, I think. This should be fun to play with. Plus, one more red HT and mine is done, so this shouldn't be super-high-pressure, since my alliance hasn't missed top 100 in ages.
  • But for sure also Spidey at max is really hard to get down ...good with Jugg and Daken 2*
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Top 5 would get my Torch maxed at 4/4/5, but that seems unlikely since this is the one that ends in the middle of my work day.

    This tournament is much worse for new/transitioning players with a lack of viable 3* characters. At least people missing a 1* can just spend 500 ISO to get a single cover and then get the rest through PVP matches.
  • Top 5 would get my Torch maxed at 4/4/5, but that seems unlikely since this is the one that ends in the middle of my work day.

    This tournament is much worse for new/transitioning players with a lack of viable 3* characters. At least people missing a 1* can just spend 500 ISO to get a single cover and then get the rest through PVP matches.

    I disagree. I have no 1* characters now. I have 325 HP and the game is taking forever releasing rewards for season 4, so I am stuck sitting on my hands without PVE or PVP. I have only one viable cover I can drop to get a 1* on my roster, and that's HT with just one cover. Seeing as how he is the reward for the tourney, it makes no sense to do so.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    I disagree. I have no 1* characters now. I have 325 HP and the game is taking forever releasing rewards for season 4, so I am stuck sitting on my hands without PVE or PVP. I have only one viable cover I can drop to get a 1* on my roster, and that's HT with just one cover. Seeing as how he is the reward for the tourney, it makes no sense to do so.
    Surely there must be someone else? Moonstone, mHawkeye, Daredevil, Loki? Can't you even join Combined Arms without 1*s?
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    locked wrote:
    I disagree. I have no 1* characters now. I have 325 HP and the game is taking forever releasing rewards for season 4, so I am stuck sitting on my hands without PVE or PVP. I have only one viable cover I can drop to get a 1* on my roster, and that's HT with just one cover. Seeing as how he is the reward for the tourney, it makes no sense to do so.
    Surely there must be someone else? Moonstone, mHawkeye, Daredevil, Loki? Can't you even join Combined Arms without 1*s?
    Probably not.

    They're set up like essential characters and I haven't seen an option for a loaner yet.
  • Top 5 would get my Torch maxed at 4/4/5, but that seems unlikely since this is the one that ends in the middle of my work day.

    This tournament is much worse for new/transitioning players with a lack of viable 3* characters. At least people missing a 1* can just spend 500 ISO to get a single cover and then get the rest through PVP matches.

    I disagree. I have no 1* characters now. I have 325 HP and the game is taking forever releasing rewards for season 4, so I am stuck sitting on my hands without PVE or PVP. I have only one viable cover I can drop to get a 1* on my roster, and that's HT with just one cover. Seeing as how he is the reward for the tourney, it makes no sense to do so.

    I'm in the same boat. Sold all my 1* to make room for 3* covers that come in drips and drabs. I have a 1-cover Mohawk Storm that I may offboard, but I'm not crazy about that idea... and I will be short on HP for a new roster slot even after S-IV rewards pop. And you cannot join without a 1* and fight with only 2 characters.
  • I will be skipping this event, solely because I don't have any 1*s anymore. So, looks like I don't have a choice. icon_lol.gif
  • yendi
    yendi Posts: 29
    I've got only 1 1* left (Storm), and while she's great, it forces me to avoid Hulk, because I won't take him on when he's buffed like this without 2* Storm (the only other stunner I've got is Spidey, and I'm sure not using him instead of Punisher, not that either is fully leveled). Makes for an interesting game. If I find myself with enough Venom tokens to max him over the next few days, I may see if I can take down a Hulk or two.
  • I don't understand why they don't provide a loaner 1*. They did last time they ran this tournament, and like many others, I have no 1*'s left, nor am I willing to drop one of my 3*'s, or one of my few remaining 2*'s or pay for an additional slot for a 1* character that I won't put ISO into for ONE tournament.. That's just stupid,
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    Fisben wrote:
    I don't understand why they don't provide a loaner 1*. They did last time they ran this tournament, and like many others, I have no 1*'s left, nor am I willing to drop one of my 3*'s, or one of my few remaining 2*'s or pay for an additional slot for a 1* character that I won't put ISO into for ONE tournament.. That's just stupid,
    Buy the roster slot for the 1* character. Sell the 1* the next time they release a new 3* character (which should be this week or next). You won't be out any extra HP since you're just shifting the purchase of a new roster slot up by a few days.
  • I also sold all my 1*'s to make room for every 3* and 4*. I'm not planning on being extremely competitive, but I was thinking about just getting to 600 to get 50 HP. If you don't have any HP for additional slots, then you will have to sit this one out. But I just opened a slot, opened a standard recruit token, and played with a level 1 Storm. With a boost of 100 levels, she still has 3000 hp. It's pretty much a "loaner." Maybe if you have the HP, you can try that. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Fun teams:

    MStorm, Daken, Falcon ~ cover the board in special tiles while dumping useless Team-Ups icon_e_wink.gif
    MStorm, OBW, She-Hulk ~ lots of board shake-up ~ use She-Hulk blue on storm's attack tiles, then have fun with espionage
    Juggernaut, CStorm, Deadpool ~ my favorite defense team
    Juggernaut, Ares, Sentry ~ Team self-damage
    Juggernaut, MHawkeye, Hulk
    MStorm, Thor, Grey Suit
    IM35, OBW, Punisher
    Juggernaut, CStorm, Black Panther
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Red Panda wrote:
    Fun teams:

    MStorm, Daken, Falcon ~ cover the board in special tiles while dumping useless Team-Ups icon_e_wink.gif
    MStorm, OBW, She-Hulk ~ lots of board shake-up ~ use She-Hulk blue on storm's attack tiles, then have fun with espionage
    Juggernaut, CStorm, Deadpool ~ my favorite defense team
    Juggernaut, Ares, Sentry ~ Team self-damage
    Juggernaut, MHawkeye, Hulk
    MStorm, Thor, Grey Suit
    IM35, OBW, Punisher
    Juggernaut, CStorm, Black Panther

    What, no IM35-Bullseye-Falcon? (team defense tile!)

    Glad someone else found joy in the Hulk-mHawkeye combo. Was using that as a backup team in the Hulk PvE.
  • The teams seem to only be as strong as the chosen 3*. My best one is 114 Patch and I only have mStorm on 1 :-/
    That's not really great. Any suggestions how to climb with that? Alternatively with a 102 Hood or 91 cMagneto.
  • I'm having fun with MStorm, Daken, Falcon - I had sold all my 1* awhile back to make room for 3*, but after the Balance of Power event I decided to reinvest in a couple 1* slots. I think there'll be events like this sprinkled in so it's worth it to carry a few.
  • I'm going with Patch, tiny Daken, and MStorm right now, which allows me to cover four activated powers while keeping Storm out of the line of fire.

    I tried it with Juggs instead of Storm and it didn't work well because there were only two colors with powers available. I'd probably have to use OBW instead of tiny Daken if I were to run Juggs.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Settled on Hood, Ares, Juggernaut. Worked fine last night and currently 2/1 for defensive wins. Sure there is Red and Green overlap but it's gonna hurt like a sonuvabitch.
  • Won a bunch of matches against seed teams with Storm/OBW/Patch right after the event started, then went to bed. Checked this morning to see I got 4 tiny defensive losses and 1 large defensive win for a small overall profit icon_e_smile.gif