Combined Arms



  • *enters event*

    '1 star character required'.

    Whaaaaan whaaaan whaaaaan

    *spends exactly 500 for new roster slot*
    *opens 150 token*
    *mild joy at lazy cap red & hulk black of standard tokens*
    *recruits juggy*
    *trains 5/5*
    *maxes level*
    *headbutt everyone into the ground*

    It is every bit as fun as everyone says.

    Not expecting to place well because of a lack of viable 3*'s, but it sure is fun. Synergies are tough without the viable 3's, so it feels like 2+ featured, except I have 3-4 decent 'featured' to switch in.

    It was really nice to have seed teams up to 250 or so also to be able to find a groove and figure out what will work.

    All 3*'s referenced below are about the same level as my 2*'s. Juggy is my only 1*.

    Obw/spidey not so good. Protect tiles are nice but he tanks too many over her so no espionage bonus.

    Obw/lazy cap is a better match up. Slow cause: cap and he tanks blue, but otherwise not terrible.

    a.wolvie/ mororo is ok.

    A.wolvie/ hulk is too g/r overlapped.

    Just kep doing matches regardless of points when I have time, just cause its fun. Plus iso.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    this event is great and every pvp should be like this. it truly encourages diversity and makes it so max 3* don't = auto-win.

    all those complaining they sold all the 1*s, tough luck, that was your choice. Buy a slot and get them back, it's easy and 2 ability-capped 1*s (Juggs and Venom) max out for only 18k ISO8.

    Selling your 1*s to make room for 3* with less than 3 covers is not a 3* transition.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Actually tried IM35-Bullseye-Falcon. I was blocking 1200+ worth of damage towards the end. Basically 50% of Super Repulsor Blast.

    Drawback: It takes forever. Basically waiting for IM35's red/blue and occasionally (read: once) getting to launch Bullseye's black for some damage, and using Ares' TU to unload all the excess green eventually.
  • Actually tried IM35-Bullseye-Falcon. I was blocking 1200+ worth of damage towards the end. Basically 50% of Super Repulsor Blast.

    Drawback: It takes forever. Basically waiting for IM35's red/blue and occasionally (read: once) getting to launch Bullseye's black for some damage, and using Ares' TU to unload all the excess green eventually.

    On the plus side, it's such a troll team that only the insane would actually try to attack you.
  • MaxCavalera
    MaxCavalera Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
    I am definitely enjoying this event more then balance of power. I am glad they finally listened to us and made it happen. I wish they had done it in a season even the last event of season 4. I feel like it might be a earnings dud for them and thus not incentivise them to do more like this. They could have also added a yellow fury to 1300 progression reward or something to spice it up.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    The funny thing about this PvP is that Steve scares me more than any other character right now. That Red is so ridiculously powerful and he's more likely than not paired with OBW and Storm.
  • this event is great and every pvp should be like this. it truly encourages diversity and makes it so max 3* don't = auto-win.

    all those complaining they sold all the 1*s, tough luck, that was your choice. Buy a slot and get them back, it's easy and 2 ability-capped 1*s (Juggs and Venom) max out for only 18k ISO8.

    Selling your 1*s to make room for 3* with less than 3 covers is not a 3* transition.

    OK smart guy... so tell me how do I get more than 3 or more covers for a 3* if I don't start by making space, and saving them? I get them only a few at a time...

    I had 1 punisher cover and two spideys, but that's all it took to be able to take part in the last PvE... Now I have 2 punisher covers and 4 spideys... plus two more psylocks!

    This is how my "transition" goes. Am I doing it wrong??
  • Beast1970
    Beast1970 Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    I believe his point was that you would be taking a "replacement" route rather than an "addition" route. There have been other events in the past to encourage maintaining a diverse roster rather than wholesale replacement as you gather higher powered characters.

    We haven't seen it for a while, but I switched from playing the prologue to playing PVP during the first run of the one star PVP, and the same complaints occurred then, that many players had replaced their one star roster rather than supplement it as they obtained two and three star cards.

    So to answer your question, the game design would be to obtain more roster slots for the new characters. Yes, if you aren't placing highly enough, the HP required may make you buy HP, but again, a FTP game won't stay around if it doesn't make some money to pay the bills. I don't believe in spending HP to buy covers, but I have no problem in buying roster slots to support this game staying in business.
  • For a running team (Full Rainbow pain)...

    I am running, Lazy Daken, Ares and Venom. Every match is going towards dishing out some pain, and a boosted Ares with 12 Green and some strike tiles is taking 10 - 12K for a single hit off your Hulk/Juggs.

    Every time the AI matches green, you are just setting it up to hurt you some more.

    Laken is also tanking in almost every color. If you are not eating blue tiles, than it is simply self healing after every hit.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    I am enjoying this much more than I did Balance of Power. It's a bit easier to determine team comps, and roster diversity helps a bit. I just wish I had more of my 2*s maxed. Only OBW, Wolvie, and Daken are. But OBW and Daken are pretty strong in this tourny for 2* choice.
  • BrandonE
    BrandonE Posts: 51
    I'm pretty limited in options right now. Just dumped most of my 1* roster (IM35 and mStorm) to make room for Sentry and Panther, though only have 1 cover each so far. mBW is therefore my only 1* choice. I have plenty of max 2* to choose from: wolvie, thor, cstorm, mnmags, but no oBW because of my 1* situation. LCap is my best-covered 3* with 6 covers (2/1/3). With only 1 in red, he's relatively unhelpful until I've save a boatload of yellow, since I've been favoring mBW for stuns. Going OK, but I'm not crushing anything. There are better line-ups, and I may even have one but be too unimaginative to find it.

    I liked Balance of Power better just because it suited my roster at the time better, but this is interesting to see what folks come up with.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I'm really enjoying this event. It is always fun to get to use Juggsy. Ran a Punisher/MNMags/IM35 which was pretty successful with Mags feeding blue for a big Ultra Freon Beam shot on Hulk. Rags/OBW/mStorm knocked off a level 266 Sentry team. I'm taking really heavy damage on most battles so can't do too many in a row, but this is the most fun tourney I can remember in a while.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2014
    Won matches with
    Venom - Ares - Spiderman (Yes, I did manage a full Devour)
    Iron man - Storm - Patch
    Juggs - OBW - Capt America

    When I use an odd team and win, I'll add it to this posting. With all the buffs, the matches trend long, and that favors Capt America.
  • Tagstar87
    Tagstar87 Posts: 92 Match Maker
    Won matches with
    Venom - Ares - Spiderman

    Did you pull off a successful Devour? Eliminating Hulk or Juggernaut in this manner would be an extra feather in your cap! icon_cool.gif
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Debating on dumping more levels into Daredevil considering all the red users around. He can at least drop Juggs before reaching 100 in one kick.
  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    Teke184 wrote:
    I'm going with Patch, tiny Daken, and MStorm right now, which allows me to cover four activated powers while keeping Storm out of the line of fire.
    I've selected the same team!
    Initially I planned to try different combinations but at the moment I enjoy this one. icon_twisted.gif
    The claws family is very cheap healthpack-wise and Storm's yellow allowed me to use most team-ups than before!

    I made just a few fights and if I increase my playing frequency I will be forced to rotate teams obviously, this tournament can be quite violent! I remember that leaderboard of 'Balance of Power' was uneasy to climb for this reason. I wonder if the competition will be intense or not for this one?

    edit: and another reason to stick with the same team is that I'm curious to see its value in defense icon_question.gif
  • I am getting tired of the Versus mode. I work my butt off to accumulate points to get updates and hero points for my characters. Every time I make it to almost 400 points I hit a wall when I start going against guys that are way higher rank than me. After that I start to lose all my hard earned points. Rank I don't care about I can get that back but every time I go and try to earn more points I get almost to 400 and boom hit a wall. Why is the Versus mode ranked the same as the Story Modes? Story mode gives you way more point to earn awards and Versus gives you very little points to earn what seems to be these unobtainable awards. It's almost laughable if it wasn't so annoying and I imagine the only one's that will disagree will be the one's that have a crapload of maxed out characters. Also please stop with the with the 20 ISO with levels that still have more awards to earn. I get not giving us all the awards in four tries but to continously give me 20 ISO after playing a level 15 to 20 times to keep getting 20 ISO is a bit redonkulous. Rant over. Thank you.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    At my middling point in development, my roster is absolutely horrible for this setup – I just junked my MBW and never got around to training Juggernaut, so my only real option for 1* is Iron Man, who is...okay? Definitely not great. And he overlaps dramatically with my good 2* characters, while there's little to no synergy between any of them and my most built-up 3*'s, Hood, Spidey, Thor and now Psylocke.

    It's fun to watch what other people come up with, though!
  • Tagstar87 wrote:
    Won matches with
    Venom - Ares - Spiderman

    Did you pull off a successful Devour? Eliminating Hulk or Juggernaut in this manner would be an extra feather in your cap! icon_cool.gif

    I was just thinking on the way home that this is was the perfect opportunity to get instant kills with devour, since webhead is one of my better 3's. Team would have good stuns, protect tiles, healing option and run well with any r/y/g 2*.I bet it's fun to play.
  • Rusalka
    Rusalka Posts: 155
    I've tried out a number of successful teams so far, but HT-Daken-mBW/mStorm is definitely the most fun so far. Cheap strike tiles + flame jet = rain of fiery death upon my enemies.