Combined Arms



  • I am getting tired of the Versus mode. I work my butt off to accumulate points to get updates and hero points for my characters. Every time I make it to almost 400 points I hit a wall when I start going against guys that are way higher rank than me. After that I start to lose all my hard earned points. Rank I don't care about I can get that back but every time I go and try to earn more points I get almost to 400 and boom hit a wall. Why is the Versus mode ranked the same as the Story Modes? Story mode gives you way more point to earn awards and Versus gives you very little points to earn what seems to be these unobtainable awards. It's almost laughable if it wasn't so annoying and I imagine the only one's that will disagree will be the one's that have a crapload of maxed out characters. Also please stop with the with the 20 ISO with levels that still have more awards to earn. I get not giving us all the awards in four tries but to continously give me 20 ISO after playing a level 15 to 20 times to keep getting 20 ISO is a bit redonkulous. Rant over. Thank you.

    You've hit a wall that most people hit at some point. I did. Keep playing events anyway. You'll collect ISO and 2* tokens. Build your characters up. Keep playing PvE events, do the same. It's not an instant gratification game unless you want to pay through the nose for all of it, and where's the fun in that? The challenge and the climb are part of what attract me to keep playing. Joining an alliance ban be a big help; the HP, ISO, and covers are one thing but the tips, conversations, and camaraderie keep you going through the long grindy bits. Just like anything that can be difficult and occasionally tedious, doing it with friends makes it seem better. My wall is still there. It's just moved up to 700 points. I can crack that barrier sometimes, but I've never gotten to 800. Ever. But I will. Then I'll find that wall has moved and I get stuck again. But I'm having fun so I'll keep playing. I hope you do too.
  • I haven't used the same team twice, but I think I might have had the most fun with Falcon - 2* Daken - IM35. I'm also using Venom a lot, since he covers a couple of colors I'm not having an easy time with. It seems like most of the combos I make need black and/or purple.

    This thing is eating health packs, though. Given the compressed timeframe the monday-wednesday ones are always on, I"m not sure if I'll be able to get my usual 800-900.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    iPulzzz wrote:
    eidehua wrote:
    I think Jugg, OBW, LDaken would be a nice team

    I second this! I leveled my jugg just for this LOL icon_e_biggrin.gif though I suspect espionage won't fire with daken tanking purple and black..
    Actualy 3* daken DOESNT take purple, since 2 stars scale better than 3*s-- so OBW gets purple and blue with the 100 lvl buff
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think I'll simply be echoing the sentiments of so many others, but this has already been quite an enjoyable change of pace. There's a lot of diversity - it's very interesting to see that there's not (yet) a single "best" team that everybody is using.

    I'm currently using Hulk, Daken, Storm.
    After seeing what other teams people are using I might try Cap, OBW, ??? (maybe stick with Storm since I need a Green spender).
  • Anyone else not getting any defensive wins with strong high hit-point teams (e.g., Patch/Jugg/Ares or Thor)? I'm assuming it's easy to just deny 2 main colors (green/red). I want my level 270 Juggernaut back.
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    I am getting a surprising number of defensive wins from my LCap/OBW/MStorm combo. I assumed it would be a relatively weak team due to low hp, but something must be working.
  • I am getting a surprising number of defensive wins from my LCap/OBW/MStorm combo. I assumed it would be a relatively weak team due to low hp, but something must be working.
    Considering the rounds go so long, OBW's AP steal chains into MStorm's Lightning and Team-up stealer. Those cascades feed the AP steal and the Healing which makes for a good defensive pairing. I've avoided any OBW + Mstorm's in this tourney, as they're not as easy to down quickly.

    Competition for this one seems really low, but this is pretty fun. Get to fight teams you never see normally.
  • More than Balance of Power, this one definitely is rewarding depth of roster, and not skipping transitions. Case in point, just played against someone with 6 maxed 3* characters. And no 2* characters above level 24. And 3 1* characters at level 1.

    I'm also enjoying dusting off characters (OBW/Thor!/Mstorm) who have become limited to heroics and occasionally other PVEs, but rarely get any love otherwise. Neat so far, but I can see it being rough on health packs unless you're swapping teams often (which, so far, I am...because, fun).
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    daibar wrote:
    I am getting a surprising number of defensive wins from my LCap/OBW/MStorm combo. I assumed it would be a relatively weak team due to low hp, but something must be working.
    Considering the rounds go so long, OBW's AP steal chains into MStorm's Lightning and Team-up stealer. Those cascades feed the AP steal and the Healing which makes for a good defensive pairing. I've avoided any OBW + Mstorm's in this tourney, as they're not as easy to down quickly.

    Competition for this one seems really low, but this is pretty fun. Get to fight teams you never see normally.
    You forgot that LCap is the definition of a wrecking ball as soon as he gets 11 Red. He does so much damage and can down a good number of characters in just a couple of tosses. That's not even including his stun.
  • daibar wrote:
    I am getting a surprising number of defensive wins from my LCap/OBW/MStorm combo. I assumed it would be a relatively weak team due to low hp, but something must be working.
    Considering the rounds go so long, OBW's AP steal chains into MStorm's Lightning and Team-up stealer. Those cascades feed the AP steal and the Healing which makes for a good defensive pairing. I've avoided any OBW + Mstorm's in this tourney, as they're not as easy to down quickly.

    Competition for this one seems really low, but this is pretty fun. Get to fight teams you never see normally.

    mStorm + OBW + Panther. It may not be the best team, but trying to manipulate every fight into finishing with "get six strike tiles with battleplan glitch, rage of the panther, kill the leftovers with buffed team-up" is the most fun I've had with this game since, well, ever
  • Captain America was always overpowered if not for the fact that it's almost impossible to put together a meaningful team in the featured + 2 format without having someone waste the red AP which renders his best ability useless.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,323 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2014
    Really fun event. It is in these events when you can experience that infamously argued possibility presented by the devs in the dawn of the True Healing debacle... "just keep rotating around your roster instead of trying to play with the same team always and you will not need that many Health Packs". Well, geniuses, most people only have 1-2 mmr-hell capable 3*s so there's nothing to rotate. But in this event I have been able to! My only limiting factor is the amount of 1*s (I got 4), but they heal quite quickly. I have been playing for a long time without spending a single pack, always with a different team.
  • The event is mostly enjoyable because I am playing with lots of different characters and am cycling through a lot of team-ups.
    After the mStorm nerf she is mostly a TU AP Battery so you basically need to use a Team Up every round.

    But boy is it a bloodbath. The problem I think is that Healthpoints seem to scale a lot slower than Damage. Or it might only be the case for low health chars.So basically the gradient for the damage calculation is a lot steeper. And the higher it is buffed, the worse it is. 2* Thors are doing 2k damage with their red, which is no bueno for mStorm. Or for anyone really. It's very hard to use OBW because she regularly gets hit down to 2k and is useless for the next fights.

    I don't know if the 3* buff was necessary. The 1 Stars are so squishy compared to the ridiculously buffed 3 Stars so the teams are only as good as the 3 Star you have.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    I picked up a surprising number of defensive wins overnight - I'll take a net 43 gain anytime! - with Juggs, Daken and Panther. I suspect my under levelled (but cover-maxed) Daken is luring people in for the headbutting of a lifetime icon_lol.gif

    Also: Battleplan + Headbutt is hilarious. I don't think he's cracked 5K yet but I have seen 4700+ come up pretty frequently.
  • PPPlaya wrote:
    The event is mostly enjoyable because I am playing with lots of different characters and am cycling through a lot of team-ups.
    After the mStorm nerf she is mostly a TU AP Battery so you basically need to use a Team Up every round.

    But boy is it a bloodbath. The problem I think is that Healthpoints seem to scale a lot slower than Damage. Or it might only be the case for low health chars.So basically the gradient for the damage calculation is a lot steeper. And the higher it is buffed, the worse it is. 2* Thors are doing 2k damage with their red, which is no bueno for mStorm. Or for anyone really. It's very hard to use OBW because she regularly gets hit down to 2k and is useless for the next fights.

    I don't know if the 3* buff was necessary. The 1 Stars are so squishy compared to the ridiculously buffed 3 Stars so the teams are only as good as the 3 Star you have.

    HP and ability damage scale at practically the same rate barring rounding issues. However with the 'only 1 3*' restriction you have most of the cheapest combos cut off. For example Sentry can't be paired with Daken anymore (unless you go with 2* Daken, who is considerably weaker). Magneto takes a long time to kill without another hard hitter which you don't have in the 1/2*s and your strike tile generating options are pretty subpar too in 1/2*. On the other hand if you picked a strike tile powerhouse like Daken you don't really have anyone in the 1/2* that can easily abuse this. Sure you can always pick someone like Thor who is good at everything but without the usual AP accleration options it can take a while to pick up the AP you need for his big moves.
  • My favorite moment so far was saving up 19 red to drop not 1, not 2, but 3 headbutts onto Patch. Let's see you true heal that.
  • Well this was one interesting fight. My Patch fell early on, before Thor was even half dead, when the AI got 5 or 6 5match cascades in a single turn.... So it was OBW, Storm and the Teamups against the entire AI team. Glad I equipped the BP for this one icon_e_smile.gif

  • pmorcs
    pmorcs Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    I'm enjoying this one as well. I have yet to find a team that doesn't lose most of the time on defense, but juggs+obw+lthor is a monster on offense.
  • I've also settled on Juggs, OBW, LThor. Works well. I throw in BP, Baby Daken, M.Storm when I want to use a TU or 2 and Rage of the Panther to shred the enemy team, usually anyone who has OBW and M.Storm on the same team.
  • GTannen73
    GTannen73 Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    I'm really liking this event. I threw together a 1* Storm in case they ran one of these "specials." I've been running her with Ares and Spidey, and I've been rather pleased with the results. This team has netted me at least four defensive wins so far. Several losses too, of course, but overall I think I've about broken even.