Combined Arms



  • quadiak
    quadiak Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    The downfall in balance of power was that 1* heroes became more powerful than 4* heroes, which made for very awkward and unbalanced, although still enjoyable, game play. Adding the fact that for the first and only time they have ever used fury as a pve reward, instead of strictly a season reward for top alliances, makes me believe that combined arms will somehow combine 1, 2 & 3 star heroes to battle with a mandatory buffed 4*.

    Especially now that season 4 has proven to be an epic failure amongst the most whalishious of the pw2 all stars, a highly competitive , yet easily purchasable event, is long overdue. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • El_Dude wrote:
    A 5-star limit would be more interesting. 6 stars and everyone just brings the three 2-star characters that are so pervasive in pvp for players who haven't built up 3-star teams.

    A 5-star limit would force a 1-star teammate onto your squad -- 3* + 1* + 1* or 2* + 2* + 1*

    Or maybe they give you a random 1* character and you can fill the other two slots with a 3* and a 2*.

    No, there are 4 star character as well if you only have 5 star limit, then that wouldnt work, 6 star limit is absolutely fine.
  • quadiak wrote:
    The downfall in balance of power was that 1* heroes became more powerful than 4* heroes, which made for very awkward and unbalanced, although still enjoyable, game play. Adding the fact that for the first and only time they have ever used fury as a pve reward, instead of strictly a season reward for top alliances, makes me believe that combined arms will somehow combine 1, 2 & 3 star heroes to battle with a mandatory buffed 4*.

    Especially now that season 4 has proven to be an epic failure amongst the most whalishious of the pw2 all stars, a highly competitive , yet easily purchasable event, is long overdue. icon_rolleyes.gif

    That's more because Storm (before nerf) and Juggernaut would both be top tier 3* characters if they were allowed to get to level 166 with the standard 3* stats, and of course in that event they even had better stats than what a 3* could have at 270. You don't see Venom or Yelena dominating that event just because they can be level 270. Storm was so good that people often used her for her board clearing moves even when she's limited to level 50, and it should be obvious from all the times you fight Juggernaut that he's much better than just about anyone when he's not operating from a level deficit.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    Would love to see some Spidey/Venom devour teams! (though I don't carry Venom and haven't leveled Spidey)
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    It's Juggernaut time!
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thank god they didn't bring the 1* up to 240. This might actually work.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looks like it combo time, too bad top 5 get red 3*torch, i doubt i can place high, so i can consider this vacation.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Christ on a stick, they rotated the usual seed teams. Those look like actual teams now.
  • So it looks like every character gets a 100 level buff.

    Which begs the question of...why? What's the point of the buff if everyone is getting same buff?
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    looks like everyone is buffed only 100 levels, it would have been better if everyone was buffed the same level ie everyone maxes at level 166
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    My Spidey is getting the shaft, 125 pre-boost and 224 post-boost.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    The 100 level buff makes it so the 1 and 2 stars are closer in power to 3 star, but don't over take them. Otherwise, the health differential would be too big for this format to work. It's not just "kill the 3 star and win".
  • Flare808
    Flare808 Posts: 266
    j12601 wrote:
    So it looks like every character gets a 100 level buff.

    Which begs the question of...why? What's the point of the buff if everyone is getting same buff?

    The characters scale differently. The 1 stars effectively get tripled in power at max, while the 3 stars gain only 60% power.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    j12601 wrote:
    So it looks like every character gets a 100 level buff.

    Which begs the question of...why? What's the point of the buff if everyone is getting same buff?

    Well it actually balances one stars and 2 stars closer to 3 stars, since the lower the star level, the better they scale. So everyone is NOT getting the same buff since 1*s are buffed more than 2*s which are buffed more than 3*s (since each level is worth more for 1*s than 2*s than 3*s).

    So many ninjas damn
  • Flare and Scottee, good points, hadn't considered that.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    I think Jugg, OBW, LDaken would be a nice team
  • The best combination would obviously be Sentry, Daken and Jugg.

    Boss on offence and beast on defense as well.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    I think I might struggle a bit in this - which sucks cause I could really use a top 5 to cover max my Torch

    My only viable 1*s are Storm, a L33 Juggernaut and L30 IM35. And there's not a lot of higher star options they match up well with. Punisher/OBW/Storm would be okay but it's pretty fragile and not very scary.
  • Looks like the token for this event has the same odds as the heroic token
  • Looks like the token for this event has the same odds as the heroic token

    But it costs more, so it's clearly superior.