*** The Punisher (Dark Reign) ***



  • Afair there is not much of a difference between black lvl3 and black lvl5. Now compare green lvl3 and lvl5.

    For me green is a game changer. If I'm lucky enough to shot it twice, it's only a couple of turns to finish the match.

    Also, setting off green and then throwing Molotov coctail means quite a big dmg bonus.
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    I see what you mean, I was wondering if there was a hidden damage modifier on the Molotov AE damage, but there isn't. running a bit of a **** 4/4/5 until I get another green. The boost to damage to the strike tiles is pretty significant.
  • abuelo wrote:
    It'd be nice if there was a visible representation when they were under 20/40%
    I eyeball the red cross icon. Hasn't failed me yet.
  • Clint wrote:
    I see what you mean, I was wondering if there was a hidden damage modifier on the Molotov AE damage, but there isn't. running a bit of a **** 4/4/5 until I get another green. The boost to damage to the strike tiles is pretty significant.
    I ran the same way build until I got my last green. Definitely makes a differences.
  • Puritas
    Puritas Posts: 670 Critical Contributor
    there's pretty much 0 reason to run 5 black if you're not running 5 green, unless you have him paired with Patch every game
  • Arogntbastrd
    Arogntbastrd Posts: 1,009 Chairperson of the Boards
    Puritas wrote:
    there's pretty much 0 reason to run 5 black if you're not running 5 green, unless you have him paired with Patch every game

    I literally got on here to ask "what if you're running with patch?" Just having one strike tile really helps but by that logic psylocke would be more useful bc her black immediately creates a strike tile. Except people actually have punisher... I'm tempted to go 5 black for punisher running with patch but even with patch, punishers green at 5 would be a good backup for when you're behind in a match and it allows you to use punisher with other character combinations more effectively. Running punisher with patch might still not be reason enough to go 5 black as a final build
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Puritas wrote:
    there's pretty much 0 reason to run 5 black if you're not running 5 green, unless you have him paired with Patch every game

    I literally got on here to ask "what if you're running with patch?" Just having one strike tile really helps but by that logic psylocke would be more useful bc her black immediately creates a strike tile. Except people actually have punisher... I'm tempted to go 5 black for punisher running with patch but even with patch, punishers green at 5 would be a good backup for when you're behind in a match and it allows you to use punisher with other character combinations more effectively. Running punisher with patch might still not be reason enough to go 5 black as a final build

    I really don't like the idea of Punisher and Patch paired together due to the large overlap in skill colors. I guess its nice in that each characters green/red are useful in different situations, but since most tournaments have a required character, you could be totally screwed if that character has the same colors as Patch/Punisher since only half of the colors would be useful. I think that 2 characters should at least cover 4 different active colors, so that particular team comp just feels very mediocre to me.
  • Puritas
    Puritas Posts: 670 Critical Contributor
    yeah I'm not a fan of it either
    Just saying that's the only possible reason anyone could run 3 green icon_razz.gif
  • 4/4/5 or 4/5/4
  • radiopy
    radiopy Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    Neither. 5/5/3 or 3/5/5. You want 5 green; three strike tiles versus two are much better and is arguably Punisher's best attribute. Extra damage with 4 red is negligible; either go 3 (30%) or 5 (40%). One less countdown on the black is the main difference between 4 and 5; I started 5/5/3 but am migrating to 3/5/5. Punisher's black is awesome, but I think Black Panther is going to be an integral part of my team and his black is better.
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    Yep. I went this build. 5/5/3 is the best.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
  • So whats with the love for punisher, i have mine on the mid 90's and not that impressed with him to be honest.

    His red attack is awesome, specially against high lvl opponents, but running him on this tournament where he's buffed, his green attack was making about 350 damage and his black attack around 400, that extremely low for a 3* , my 2* wolverine's green makes more damage and depending on how many reds i have he can put up more attack tiles......

    At what lvl does his black and green make real damage .

    Posts: 36
    Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:16 pm
  • Punisher's maxed Retribution is designed for 3x lvl 230 PvE. It makes those fights quicker when completing missions quickly matters.

    8 AP for 5000 damage on a guy who doesn't rely on enemies springing his traps? Yes please.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    So whats with the love for punisher, i have mine on the mid 90's and not that impressed with him to be honest.

    His red attack is awesome, specially against high lvl opponents, but running him on this tournament where he's buffed, his green attack was making about 350 damage and his black attack around 400, that extremely low for a 3* , my 2* wolverine's green makes more damage and depending on how many reds i have he can put up more attack tiles......

    At what lvl does his black and green make real damage .

    Posts: 36
    Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:16 pm

    Something else to consider level 100 3* is equivalent to a level 85 2* in terms of stats and damage. Your Punisher won't start to shine until he's level 120+, at which point he's a pretty solid upgrade over 2* Wolvie. Your level 90ish punisher is basically identical in strength to your level 85 wolvie atm.
  • I originally had my Punisher at 5/3/5 just thanks to the covers I got, but thanks to the respec I now have him 4/4/5 and intend to get him to 3/5/5. Since the Wolvie re-balancing, Punisher's ability to get down 3 strike tiles for 8 green looks much better.
  • I run my Punisher @ 3/5/5...no complaints.

    Once i got him to around level 110, i really started feeling his groove. Since then, he's been part of my regular rotation.

  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    So whats with the love for punisher, i have mine on the mid 90's and not that impressed with him to be honest.

    His red attack is awesome, specially against high lvl opponents, but running him on this tournament where he's buffed, his green attack was making about 350 damage and his black attack around 400, that extremely low for a 3* , my 2* wolverine's green makes more damage and depending on how many reds i have he can put up more attack tiles......

    At what lvl does his black and green make real damage .

    Posts: 36
    Joined: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:16 pm

    He is a one man army, he gets damage out fast, the damage grows as the fight goes on, the. He executes at %40 or does 1400 damage. I decided to max him when I realiZed in PVP that when I did not prioritize him, I would find my team beat to **** by the end of the fight. He sucks in the 90s, but by 141 he is a stud
  • He's sneaky good on defense too. Can get a few molotovs off and really mess with 5/x/x Patches.

    3/5/5. marginal damage increase and one less turn for maxing black... i'd rather have the retribution trigger at <40% health.
  • So whats with the love for punisher, i have one 90's and not that impressed with him to be honest.

    His green potentially cascades, destroys enemy ( or friendly) tiles, and doesnt need to sit on red to toss out three strike tiles. Doing a green and black in succession is pretty devestating. As others have said, his damage ramps over the fight rather than bursts.