*** The Punisher (Dark Reign) ***



  • 5red is mandatory, especially in high lvl PvE battles. What's more important, unless the enemy got some AoE, even low lvl Punisher (but with maxed Retribution) is worth considering - he won't be attacked, while he can finish those strong opponents.

    Not to mention that Retribution has the best animation in this game. BLAM! Executed!
  • grunzadin
    grunzadin Posts: 52 Match Maker
    I'm finding that 5 red isn't as useful as I thought it'd be. By the time you've got an enemy down into execute range, you've very likely already got some strike and attack tiles rolling, and even if the execute doesn't kill the opponent, the tiles will finish them off.
  • grunzadin wrote:
    I'm finding that 5 red isn't as useful as I thought it'd be. By the time you've got an enemy down into execute range, you've very likely already got some strike and attack tiles rolling, and even if the execute doesn't kill the opponent, the tiles will finish them off.

    I have 5 in red and would agree with this completely. I'm not saying I'd change it but if he is the only one on your team getting attack tiles out the quicker the better.
  • I have no regrets with 5 red on my lvl 120 Punisher. After the first attack tile, the rest of the attack tiles are borderline worthless IMO.
  • entropic01 wrote:
    I have no regrets with 5 red on my lvl 120 Punisher. After the first attack tile, the rest of the attack tiles are borderline worthless IMO.
    Yep, but once in a blue moon all of them all not destroyed is pretty cool to watch...
  • nihilium
    nihilium Posts: 242
    Imho without red he's missing something to deal much dmg at once... Just in case no one else is there to do so instead.
    And since more red covers also raise the base dmg of the red skill I really prefer this option to 5 black. But I have to say I really love the molotov cocktail xD

    ... I love my punisher, I really do. Who do u team him up with? Currenty im going obw and whatever the quest demands v.v
  • I have my punisher at 3/3/3 currently and I can't decide what's better.

    The wiki shows that the punisher's molotov is 2 cd instead of 1 cd? If this is true then I might consider red over black.

    Retribution seems nice but I do agree with some players stating that 10% might not be that big of a deal when the attack + strike tiles can finish off the target or put them in KO range.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sapparu wrote:
    I have my punisher at 3/3/3 currently and I can't decide what's better.

    The wiki shows that the punisher's molotov is 2 cd instead of 1 cd? If this is true then I might consider red over black.

    Retribution seems nice but I do agree with some players stating that 10% might not be that big of a deal when the attack + strike tiles can finish off the target or put them in KO range.

    It's 2cd. Something to think about is that the attack tiles are pretty weak, so all you really want is a single attack tile to exploit your strike tiles. I think the 10% more off of judgment is better than the extra turn you get of your attack tile doing damage (again, more attack tiles don't really do much).
  • grunzadin
    grunzadin Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Sapparu wrote:
    I have my punisher at 3/3/3 currently and I can't decide what's better.

    The wiki shows that the punisher's molotov is 2 cd instead of 1 cd? If this is true then I might consider red over black.

    Retribution seems nice but I do agree with some players stating that 10% might not be that big of a deal when the attack + strike tiles can finish off the target or put them in KO range.

    It's 2cd. Something to think about is that the attack tiles are pretty weak, so all you really want is a single attack tile to exploit your strike tiles. I think the 10% more off of judgment is better than the extra turn you get of your attack tile doing damage (again, more attack tiles don't really do much).

    I think 3/5/5 is still the best build, but I'd just like to temper some of the comments I've seen about the extra 10% from 5 red being a big deal. It isn't, but I'll still take it over the CD reduction of 5 black.

    5 black helps to guarantee that you'll get at least one attack tile out before your molotov CD gets matched. And since the molotov CD occupies a red tile, it's a likely target for most every team out there.

    It's also worth mentioning that 5/5/3 might be a better build for defense because the AI isn't particularly smart about when it pops Retribution.
  • I disagree with the people who say that 5 in Red is not a big deal.

    On the average, using it at the appropriate times allowed me to deal 3000 damage for 8 AP, on a lv 80 char. That is a big deal imho.

    As for the black, most of the time I use it for AOE damage only. The attack tiles are not bad when paired with the Strike tiles, but other than that, nothing impressive.

    C'mon, if i wanted death by DOT (damage over time), I would have used Doom. Uses black, and does 1k damage per turn.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    grunzadin wrote:
    I'm finding that 5 red isn't as useful as I thought it'd be. By the time you've got an enemy down into execute range, you've very likely already got some strike and attack tiles rolling, and even if the execute doesn't kill the opponent, the tiles will finish them off.

    That's when you switch to whittle down the next most dangerous opponent. Knowing you can switch back and execute the original guy if he hits AP threshold on a nasty ability. If you have other attack(s) charged up in reserve you can switch targets even sooner.
  • His red 5 is a must have, if you fight vs 200-230 enemys or boostet heros.


    Hulk 20K Life 40% (Punisher lvl 130)Red 5

    8k Damage for only 8 Ap red. If you have 16 ap red, you can hit him at 9.3k 2 times and he is down.

    Hulk 20K Life 30 % (Punisher lvl 130) Red-Skill 3

    6k Damage for 8 AP red. 16 AP red you can hit him at 7k.

    Thats 2,3k Hitpoints more! I do not want to miss his ability and iam so happy with my 3/5/5 he is a one man army icon_e_smile.gif The most of the fights you can win, with Spidey/Punsiher. 1,4k Damage for 8 aps is really nice without his strike tiles.

    With his Black and green you can hit the hulk at 10,5k Life. Green/Black/2x red and "bang bang i shot him down bang bang" icon_e_smile.gif
  • I'm currently in process of leveling mine 355 Frank (lvl98 right now) and slowly he takes the role of Wolverine** in my team. I'm still not sure who should be third, but as I really enjoy Logan's red, I'll stay in this configuration - Logan, OBW and Frank (at least until I find/lvl someone more useful than Logan - some board control would come in handy). This way only yellow is somewhat useless for me, at least when Logan is above half health. And depending on the situation I can use either Logan's red or Retribution.
  • Emeryt wrote:
    I'm currently in process of leveling mine 355 Frank (lvl98 right now) and slowly he takes the role of Wolverine** in my team. I'm still not sure who should be third, but as I really enjoy Logan's red, I'll stay in this configuration - Logan, OBW and Frank (at least until I find/lvl someone more useful than Logan - some board control would come in handy). This way only yellow is somewhat useless for me, at least when Logan is above half health. And depending on the situation I can use either Logan's red or Retribution.

    Spidey/Hood or Black panther next time. I prefer Hood or BP. No one knows, whats happen with spidey icon_e_smile.gif The Hood is really nice at lvl 100. There is blue your problem....
  • Spidey isn't in my area of interest. Hood is nice, but I got him only at lvl43 with about 5 covers.
  • poomermon
    poomermon Posts: 300 Mover and Shaker
    I build my Punisher 5/5/3 mainly because I got black covers first but I'm thinking about respecking to 3/5/5 once that becomes available. I used to think Punisher red was pretty bad skill if you couldn't instantly down people with it but since Thor and Ragnarok nerfs his red is not that bad if you compare it with others. Most chars with red skill don't mix well with punisher thanks to multiple conflicting colors and for the rest of them only Classic Magneto has an obviously better red skill (which is going to get nerfed to oblivion soon anyway). Since maxed black for Punisher is not that great boost anyway I think it is better to go for 5 red for him at least for now.
  • Puritas
    Puritas Posts: 670 Critical Contributor
    Now that respec is here I'm revisiting my punisher...
    5/5/3 is the best overall build I feel - guaranteed to always have one atk tile proccing your strike damage, whereas often at 3 black it and the moly get cleared too fast.

    My goto now is patch though, so I can't decide if I want to spec punisher 3/5/5 and bring him out only for 230 hero/villains... :/
    I feel like post Spider-Man nerfs we'll be seeing a lot less of those fights, since he's the main reason those fights got added in the first place :/
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't nok what to do with Punisher. Right now mine is 5/5/3 but I love red so I thinking to respec it to 5/3/5. I use black a lot (I usually use Punisher with Patch, so I use Patch green instead) but I don't know if 3/5/5 will be better... Or maybe 5/5/3 as it is right now. It is so difficult to choose icon_razz.gif
  • Polares wrote:
    I don't nok what to do with Punisher. Right now mine is 5/5/3 but I love red so I thinking to respec it to 5/3/5. I use black a lot (I usually use Punisher with Patch, so I use Patch green instead) but I don't know if 3/5/5 will be better... Or maybe 5/5/3 as it is right now. It is so difficult to choose icon_razz.gif

    My opinion is, with his team unspecified, 3/5/5 is the best build. Certain teams he will tend to not use certain colors and if you usually USD him with that team it might change the best build for you. Examples: Psylocke= no black,
    patches = no green (well, usually), someone with a better red (nobody has a clear cut Vetter one right now, but a few have ones that are better without it hitting for the 40%.

    5 in red is invaluable in pve and is one of his most useful attributes. His black is hoe hum as we start to see more characters with black abilities added. His green is imo still the second best, and the best while still being safe (basically not patches lol), in the game so far. We will see if that stands with 4**** wolvie .......

  • Polares wrote:
    I don't nok what to do with Punisher. Right now mine is 5/5/3 but I love red so I thinking to respec it to 5/3/5. I use black a lot (I usually use Punisher with Patch, so I use Patch green instead) but I don't know if 3/5/5 will be better... Or maybe 5/5/3 as it is right now. It is so difficult to choose icon_razz.gif

    My opinion is, with his team unspecified, 3/5/5 is the best build. Certain teams he will tend to not use certain colors and if you usually USD him with that team it might change the best build for you. Examples: Psylocke= no black,
    patches = no green (well, usually), someone with a better red (nobody has a clear cut Vetter one right now, but a few have ones that are better without it hitting for the 40%.

    5 in red is invaluable in pve and is one of his most useful attributes. His black is hoe hum as we start to see more characters with black abilities added. His green is imo still the second best, and the best while still being safe (basically not patches lol), in the game so far. We will see if that stands with 4**** wolvie .......

    As much as I love black and use it A LOT, I don't think that there's much of a difference between lvl 3 and 5. Green on the other hand - I don't use much, but when I do, it really helps.