*** The Punisher (Dark Reign) ***



  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have mine at 5/3/5 as I prefer to normally use someone elses green ability with him. I use his molotov's a lot though so that's what works for me.
  • Kiamodo wrote:
    Yep. I went this build. 5/5/3 is the best.

    This statement is utter ****.

    It is the build that works best for you, but NOT the best build. Huge difference.

    I still don't get it why so many people still believe that Black absolutely has to be at Rank 5 to be worth a damn.

    It doesn't.
  • Just now getting mine to lvl 115+ and yes he is getting better and better. Its great when you have 6+ tiles out and then start launching mollys
  • I had mine at 5/5/3, but have respecced to 3/5/5 - I didn't imagine that extra 10% at 5 red would amount to much, but having faced Lv230s constantly over the past few weeks, being able to down an opponent 1000-1500 health sooner is a significant factor to me. But that's what makes Punisher one of the more interesting characters in the game, I would argue that there is no definitive correct build - it all depends on your play style and what purpose you seek to use him for.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah Punisher really is one of those rarer characters who has equally adept skills across teh board and can't really be built "wrong".
  • I started out 4/4/5 and had some fun smashing PVE guys at well over 4-5k with the red but when re-spec whent active changed to 5/5/3 which I am finding so much better for aggressive matches and I would expect gives my defensive side a slightly stronger chance. This is what complements my team well but throwing out 3 strike tiles and attack tiles every other turn that get stronger from those strike tiles makes for nasty amounts of damage and if patch places any on the board its game over and not for me!!
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had it 5/5/3 and just recently respec it to 3/5/5.

    I team him with Patch and Spidey so the 5/5/3 configuration was incredible, because at 5 black he was spamming attack tiles so fast I didn't have enough tiles in the field to put them. And paired with Patch green and Spidey stun it was incredible.

    But right now, I am preparing my team for the spidey nerfing. Probably, the best build for this team was 5/3/5 but I know green is it very good and red is very good in PvE (well with the added damage it really is very good always) and I hope there is not too much difference from 2 turns to 3. Damage of the attack tiles is irrelevant because most of the damage is done by the strike tiles, so 2 is better just because it is easier to have at least one attack tile so you can add all the strike tiles.
  • TO clarify im not running patch (dont have many covers) but am running him with 5/3/5 hulk @134 and 2/4/4 CMags @95
    CMags and Punisher do work well together when playing in PVP with buffed hero and then change Mags out for Hulk ready for defense
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    repronaz wrote:
    TO clarify im not running patch (dont have many covers) but am running him with 5/3/5 hulk @134 and 2/4/4 CMags @95
    CMags and Punisher do work well together when playing in PVP with buffed hero and then change Mags out for Hulk ready for defense

    If you are not using Patch you should be using a x/5/x Punisher. Blue or red CMag with green Punisher is a GREAT combo, well green is one of the best abilitites (cheap, clears the battlefield and generates good strike tiles). The only reason to not have 5 in green is if you would rather use Patch green (we could argue witch one is better, but if you prefer Patch's green then you don't need Punisher's green).
  • HI Polares,

    I am running an 5/5/3 Punisher with 2/4/4 Cmags and 5/3/5 hulk. I agree that his green rules as per my first post but was clarifying that what i meant about patch was that if he is on opposing team and lets off his power, Hulk will kill him before my turn or I will do it once my turn has started. I end up with too many strike tiles for him to not die!
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    repronaz wrote:
    HI Polares,

    I am running an 5/5/3 Punisher with 2/4/4 Cmags and 5/3/5 hulk. I agree that his green rules as per my first post but was clarifying that what i meant about patch was that if he is on opposing team and lets off his power, Hulk will kill him before my turn or I will do it once my turn has started. I end up with too many strike tiles for him to not die!

    Ok, sorry, I read your comment without context, my mistake.

    Yes, If it is the AI who commands a 5/x/x Patch, sometimes it is a great advantage for you (specially when you are using characters that generate attack tiles or cascades).
  • Dont be sorry, I didnt cry!
    It would have been easier if I had posted what I meant rather than take 3 posts to explain myself!!
  • Had the same dilemma yesterday: 4/5/4 Punisher, black cover from assult token, red from progression. Which way to go...

    I decided to put it in red and remove a black, so 3/5/5 now. I really like molotov and generation with 2 CD is ways better (the tile damage is IMO redundant), but going back with red would mean significant decrease of the normal damage. And I use it a lot when Punisher is the shooter guy obviously. Already worked fine in my last battle for panther against an almost full Hulk downing him the fast way -- and in LRs it will rule too.

    The green is a no-brainer for 5, the tiles provide the most utility.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2014
    5/5/3 Punisher: More damage over time, constant harrass from attack tiles

    3/5/5 Punisher: More direct damage, quicker downing and higher damage from red

    Use this to make your decision. You are in a match. You have a 5/5/3 Punisher they have a 3/5/5 Punisher. You have 8 AP in everything. Here goes.

    You fire green random damage occurs, lets say 150. You create three strike tiles for 104 per tile. You activate black, 557 damage plus 3*104= 312 +557 = 869 damage. Your red is either going to down the character or do 1115 damage + 312. So this alone does you 2296 with all strike tile red and black plus a random amount from green. Every 2 turns after this you will do 113 + (x times 104)strike tiles remaining.

    3/5/5 Punisher does same thing but... He gets more intial red damage you are at 2663 from him, and every 3 turns he does an addition 94 + (x times 104) strike tiles remaining. Thats only a dif of 19 damage per turn that yes does increase faster with 5/5/3 but ....lets say it's 6 turns later, so 5/5/3 has activated 3 times, and 3/5/5 only twice

    Turn 1: 5/5/3
    0 damage
    0 damage
    Turn 2: 5/5/3
    113 damage(1 tile)
    0 damage
    Turn 3: 5/5/3
    226 damage (1 tile)
    94 damage (1 tile)
    Turn 4: 5/5/3
    452 damage(2 tile)
    188 damage(1 tile)
    Turn 5: 5/5/3
    678 damage(2 tile)
    282 damage (1 tile)
    Turn 6: 5/5/3
    1017 damage (3 tile)
    470 damage (2 tile)

    After 6 turns the damage difference is 547, now there is strike tiles that can incease damage quicker but they are unreliable but the more Strike tiles out sooner give the 5/5/3 build an advantage. but no ST then 5/5/3 only surpasses 3/5/5 on turn 5, , I don't want to wait around for 5 turns while I am taking damage, 3/5/5 kills guys quicker, you have extra damage on your red and you can kill guys much sooner

    you kill people by 100 damage per 1000 health sooner.

    5000K health. 5/5/3 can down them at 1500, 3/5/5 can down them at 2000

    In my humble opinion, 5/5/3 is superior in PvE matches, especially those pesky Hammer, Maggia, brotherhood matches that damage overtime with them not really moving board pieces can overwhelm them with damage. 3/5/5 punisher is much better in PvP and those really high healthed lvl 230 guys the former because you are more aggressive and you don't realy on your black since they will match those tiles or use OBW to increase the Countdown, its not realiable damage in PvP situations, and the ability to take a 11,110 healthed juggernatu down when he's at 4444 health vs. 3333 is huge thats life and death, unless you have AP to burn to take him down that extra 1111, that 40% red is huge.

    In summation if you play strictly PvE only then go 5/5/3 if you play both PvP and PvE then go 3/5/5

    guys that make your black unreliable:
    Bag-Man (funny but true)
    Class Mag
    Cptn America
    Hulk to an extent
    The Hood
    Any Storm

    As you can see, a lot of guys can mess up your plans, just ask Dr. Doom
  • @Phaserhawk

    I don't agree. Your calculations are not wrong, but you are only looking at it from face value.

    On the whole, 113 Attack Tile damage is pathetic. It is made worse by the fact that even when maxxed, you can only churn out 1 such tiles after every two turns. You don't get the DOT right away, only 2 turns later. And only 1 tile every 2 turns.

    500 damage in 5 turns is really very poor performance on a 141. You can't possibly expect the DOT to be the bulk of your damage?

    As for using strike tiles, the difference between 5 black and 3 Black is just 1 turn. After that turn, as long as there are Strike tiles, the damage from the actual DOT itself is close to negligible.

    And I really have to say this. If raw DOT damage is really that important, use Dr Doom!
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    mechgouki wrote:

    I don't agree. Your calculations are not wrong, but you are only looking at it from face value.

    On the whole, 113 Attack Tile damage is pathetic. It is made worse by the fact that even when maxxed, you can only churn out 1 such tiles after every two turns. You don't get the DOT right away, only 2 turns later. And only 1 tile every 2 turns.

    500 damage in 5 turns is really very poor performance on a 141. You can't possibly expect the DOT to be the bulk of your damage?

    As for using strike tiles, the difference between 5 black and 3 Black is just 1 turn. After that turn, as long as there are Strike tiles, the damage from the actual DOT itself is close to negligible.

    And I really have to say this. If raw DOT damage is really that important, use Dr Doom!

    Don't get me wrong, I think 3/5/5 to be superior overall, but in strict PvP with only CD tile enemies, yeah, 5/5/3 Punisher is much better, but who just plays those?
  • @Phaserhawk:

    IME in PVE the goon-only teams are no problem. They're sitting ducks, and dis-PATCH-ing them is easy.
    The problems are the villains. Especially if paired with goons feeding them AP.

    In those games getting the first guy down fastest is priority while staying alive. I found black collecting is usually on back burner. Molotovs start after the first recon or something. And I recall muite many games looking at said character being just above the 30% mark getting ready to shoot and I have to reach for the retreat button. (Sure further it will be the same just with the 40% mark icon_e_wink.gif

    For the general thing IME the reall difference is between having 1 attack tile or not having it. The count and strength counts rarely (doom is obvious exception icon_e_smile.gif

    If molotov fires can proliferate I bet you win with either setup. The difference becomes big only if you have no strike tiles at all, but then you're likely losing in the first place.
  • Still loving my 5/5/3.

    Green is priority. I pair him with ragnarok so I can generate green with rags' red while doing some damage.
    This damage is also increased on cascades from tiles which feeds more green for more cascades more tiles etc etc. toss in a napalm or 2 and on to the next round. People been dropping so fast 30/40% would never have made a difference really. I think as long as you got 5 in green the rest is trivial really.
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    mechgouki wrote:
    Kiamodo wrote:
    Yep. I went this build. 5/5/3 is the best.

    This statement is utter ****.

    It is the build that works best for you, but NOT the best build. Huge difference.

    I still don't get it why so many people still believe that Black absolutely has to be at Rank 5 to be worth a damn.

    It doesn't.

    5/5/3 is the best for me and my team. 16 green and I can potentially add 6 strike tiles for my team which will bump up Molotov damage to every player on the other team to about 1700 per team member. I value my retribution red but I find I can use it more often than not at the 30% level just fine. I look at what my character is more likely to use on defense and the AI will use molotovs better than retribution.
  • I abosliutly love my Punisher (he will be my first character out of the lvl 100 gate, 90 currently).

    But at times it seems he needs either glasses, or time on the range, he is consistantly taking out my timer tiles, most of the time his own Moltovs.