*** The Punisher (Dark Reign) ***



  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    I don't nok what to do with Punisher. Right now mine is 5/5/3 but I love red so I thinking to respec it to 5/3/5. I use black a lot (I usually use Punisher with Patch, so I use Patch green instead) but I don't know if 3/5/5 will be better... Or maybe 5/5/3 as it is right now. It is so difficult to choose icon_razz.gif

    Green for me is by far Punisher's best ability: if you aren't using his green due to patch green, then I'm not sure if you should be teaming him up with Patch at all. What level is your Punisher? Someone like BP might be a better teammate for Patch than Punisher.
  • Green for me is by far Punisher's best ability
    Out of curiosity: could You elaborate on it, please?
  • Emeryt wrote:
    Green for me is by far Punisher's best ability
    Out of curiosity: could You elaborate on it, please?

    Don't want to put words in his mouth, but I agree and to me it's because it's fast and always useful. It has a low cost and puts out 3 good strike tiles with a minimal drawback (sometimes you will mess up a board you want to keep or you will blow up your own special tile). His red can be situational; you might find yourself saving it for a later turn, and his black is good, but much, much better after his green. Basically, you always want to use his green. Always. I don't use Patch, but I'm not sure Punisher's green is drastically inferior. It comes out a lot quicker and you could often have used it twice before Patch could use his once. I often find myself with five strike tiles on the board.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    dlaw008 wrote:
    Emeryt wrote:
    Green for me is by far Punisher's best ability
    Out of curiosity: could You elaborate on it, please?

    Don't want to put words in his mouth, but I agree and to me it's because it's fast and always useful. It has a low cost and puts out 3 good strike tiles with a minimal drawback (sometimes you will mess up a board you want to keep or you will blow up your own special tile). His red can be situational; you might find yourself saving it for a later turn, and his black is good, but much, much better after his green. Basically, you always want to use his green. Always. I don't use Patch, but I'm not sure Punisher's green is drastically inferior. It comes out a lot quicker and you could often have used it twice before Patch could use his once. I often find myself with five strike tiles on the board.

    Basically this. Strike tiles are just a really solid source of sustained damage. I guess I like it more than the average person because I'm pairing Punisher with C. Mags, which is a pretty insane combo on offense. 5 blue C. Mags is all about spamming infinite match 4s (since if you have 2 blues near each other, you can use Mag's blue to automatically form a match 4 and get back at least 4 blue AP, meaning that you can use the ability until the board is out of 2 semi-adjacent blues), and so Punisher's strike tiles make this blue spamming do an absurd amount of damage. The board clear is also extremely helpful for this, since using it on a dry blue board lets you refill the board with blue tiles, continuing the match 4 domination. The ability basically makes any other character who has a spammable or AoE ability significantly more useful.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    Punisher can basically be your only damage dealer with two supports the way he is set up. He has consistent turn damage from green, and AOE+ more turn damage from attack tiles. Not to mention strike tiles work hand in hand with attack tiles. Finally, his red can basically make up for him being the only damage dealer since you can down enemies at 30-40%.
    I usually try saving up enough greens to get 2x the skill to go off, before i set up my special tiles (spidey webs, punisher's countdown, etc).

    I am running him now with hood and spidey for utility: stuns and ap steal being the most important.

    I wouldn't say Patch's green is much harder to get off. Punisher's Judgement is 8 ap and Patch's berserker rage is 9.

    Patch is probably better against goons that can't take advantage of the purple strike tiles (as much) if you can control the cds.

    I feel Patch can also be a one man army, but he's lacking a 3rd active skill, and has no AOE damage. Also, I feel Patch won't be as great when spidey can no longer stunlock.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm building towards a 3/5/5 Punisher - it's sitting at 3/3/4 now. Should I make use of the 2 black covers I've got from tokens to make it 5/3/4 and later respec it to 3/5/5? I'll most likely get the green cover from current PVE event to make it 5/4/4 for now.
  • eidehua
    eidehua Posts: 521 Critical Contributor
    kensterr wrote:
    I'm building towards a 3/5/5 Punisher - it's sitting at 3/3/4 now. Should I make use of the 2 black covers I've got from tokens to make it 5/3/4 and later respec it to 3/5/5? I'll most likely get the green cover from current PVE event to make it 5/4/4 for now.

    Won't hurt. Either your covers are wasted, or you could at least try out 5 black and maybe level Punisher up more.
    Especially since you can automatically respec since you would be at 13 covers.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm hoping to hit 100K in the BP event to get the last red and green cover for a 3/5/5. I think Punisher is by far my favorite character, but trying to find who to pair him up with is harder than I thought. He is so self sustaining in his abilties that he works well by himself (hmmm, wondering if this was designed). With his green you don't really want to pair him with a CD tile creator as he could pop him. His abilties are low enough costed he doesn't need help, I think Spidey is easily the best pairing as they don't fight for any colors and those 3 guys get you the rainbow. I would then probably want someone that can use purple, so C. Mags fits nicely, you could go daredevil but your green and his traps will counteract but IMO the best 3 star paring for Punisher is

    Classic Magneto
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    IMO the best 3 star paring for Punisher is

    Classic Magneto

    My current A team. When I'm done pushing I'll usually swap out Punisher for Hulk on 'defense'.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    I'm hoping to hit 100K in the BP event to get the last red and green cover for a 3/5/5. I think Punisher is by far my favorite character, but trying to find who to pair him up with is harder than I thought. He is so self sustaining in his abilties that he works well by himself (hmmm, wondering if this was designed). With his green you don't really want to pair him with a CD tile creator as he could pop him. His abilties are low enough costed he doesn't need help, I think Spidey is easily the best pairing as they don't fight for any colors and those 3 guys get you the rainbow. I would then probably want someone that can use purple, so C. Mags fits nicely, you could go daredevil but your green and his traps will counteract but IMO the best 3 star paring for Punisher is

    Classic Magneto

    I think C. Mags is by far the best teammate for Punisher. Strike tiles + 5 blue chaining off match 4s deals a stupid amount of damage. The math 4s also generate AP, most of which Punisher can use to fuel his abilities as well. Spidey is a pretty strong compliment to Punisher defensively, but in terms of an actual attacking team, I think something like Punisher/C. Mags/Hood would be a lot stronger than Punisher/Spidey/C. Mags.
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2014
    Is it really necessary to have the barrel of the gun pointing directly at the viewer?

    A lot of younger people play this game (and people of all ages) and it just seems unncessary.
  • Ah...if you don't like the Lightning Round image, I would recommend you not try using the Retribution ability. It's way, way less PG.

    (To be clear, I love Retribution's animation. By far my favorite . But I might feel differently if I had kids playing the game.)
  • Also my favourite ability animation, followed closely by Devil Dinosaur's bite of course.

    Not sure if I agree with the comment about kids though, if anything they are being faithful to the portrayal of the Punisher. One thing I would suggest is n age rating on the startup to the game. As this is the first and only mobile game I've played, I'm not sure if this is something that the PEGI and ESRB get involved with.
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    I'm hoping to hit 100K in the BP event to get the last red and green cover for a 3/5/5. I think Punisher is by far my favorite character, but trying to find who to pair him up with is harder than I thought. He is so self sustaining in his abilties that he works well by himself (hmmm, wondering if this was designed). With his green you don't really want to pair him with a CD tile creator as he could pop him. His abilties are low enough costed he doesn't need help, I think Spidey is easily the best pairing as they don't fight for any colors and those 3 guys get you the rainbow. I would then probably want someone that can use purple, so C. Mags fits nicely, you could go daredevil but your green and his traps will counteract but IMO the best 3 star paring for Punisher is

    Classic Magneto

    I think C. Mags is by far the best teammate for Punisher. Strike tiles + 5 blue chaining off match 4s deals a stupid amount of damage. The math 4s also generate AP, most of which Punisher can use to fuel his abilities as well. Spidey is a pretty strong compliment to Punisher defensively, but in terms of an actual attacking team, I think something like Punisher/C. Mags/Hood would be a lot stronger than Punisher/Spidey/C. Mags.

    Those are the exact teams I use with 130 punisher, 115 mag and either 100 spidey or 100 hood.

    Swap in 115 hulk for d at the end
  • entropic01 wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    I'm hoping to hit 100K in the BP event to get the last red and green cover for a 3/5/5. I think Punisher is by far my favorite character, but trying to find who to pair him up with is harder than I thought. He is so self sustaining in his abilties that he works well by himself (hmmm, wondering if this was designed). With his green you don't really want to pair him with a CD tile creator as he could pop him. His abilties are low enough costed he doesn't need help, I think Spidey is easily the best pairing as they don't fight for any colors and those 3 guys get you the rainbow. I would then probably want someone that can use purple, so C. Mags fits nicely, you could go daredevil but your green and his traps will counteract but IMO the best 3 star paring for Punisher is

    Classic Magneto

    I think C. Mags is by far the best teammate for Punisher. Strike tiles + 5 blue chaining off match 4s deals a stupid amount of damage. The math 4s also generate AP, most of which Punisher can use to fuel his abilities as well. Spidey is a pretty strong compliment to Punisher defensively, but in terms of an actual attacking team, I think something like Punisher/C. Mags/Hood would be a lot stronger than Punisher/Spidey/C. Mags.

    Those are the exact teams I use with 130 punisher, 115 mag and either 100 spidey or 100 hood.

    Swap in 115 hulk for d at the end

    Same for me minus the Hulk, which I will be dumping ISO on him soon.
  • Hulk is not a bad teammate for Punisher. I see people swapping Punisher out with Hulk for defense, but I like them together on offense, and I've seen more defensive victories since I put them together. On offense, Hulk should tank for Punisher on Red and green, which leads to anger which leads to more strike tiles. On defense, I can only imagine that Punisher's low AP costs can sneak up on opponents, while hulk is just a difficult nut to crack. I have had decent success with Hulk, Punisher and Magneto. It is odd that Punisher tanks purple for me in that configuration, but it seems to work okay. I do miss in game healing, though.
  • It'd be nice if there was a visible representation when they were under 20/40%
  • abuelo wrote:
    It'd be nice if there was a visible representation when they were under 20/40%
    IceX chime in earlier in this thread about it but nothing after that. :/
  • abuelo wrote:
    It'd be nice if there was a visible representation when they were under 20/40%
    Use calculator icon_e_smile.gif

    EDIT: Ok, while on the phone, I understand it might be a bit difficult...

    Try to count fast:

    You have enemy whose full health is 10.000. 10k in half is 5.000. 5k - 1.000 (just drop the last digit), means You can take him down at 4k hp.

    again, with difficult numbers - 7945. half = about 3925. minus 800 (7945, last digit dropped makes it 794, so about 800) it's 3125.

    Not the best method, but viable.
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    So, I have been considering taking Punisher from 5/3/5 to 3/5/5 because it seems like the boost in green damage would be better especially with an additional strike tile being created. However I have been watching my fights as we get to the end and what I have noticed is that my number of surviving attack tiles is 2-3 times that of my strike tiles. The reason being that I get so many more blacks during fights than I do greens just by virtue of the blacks being almost no value to the computer to match, so I find a LOT of damage comes from the Molotov and that I get a lot more of them off per fight than I do judgments.

    I am not interested in dropping my reds because I do use the execute, and even when I do not use it, it still strikes for 1482 at level 141. It is a solid red.

    Has anyone switched from 5 Black in favor of 5 green?