*** The Punisher (Dark Reign) ***



  • mags1587
    mags1587 Posts: 1,020 Chairperson of the Boards
    After reading the posts, I went ahead and used my black covers. I decided I'd probably appreciate the incremental damage more than the advantage against the high-level players. And after playing with him at 5 black, the countdown tile at 2 is resulting in a lot more attack tiles than it was at 3, so I'm happy.
  • Yay, people are going for my 5 black build. icon_e_smile.gif I think 5 red is still going to be very helpful in certain PvE missions to give you higher placement, but that may not be everybody's goal. Molotov Cocktail got an indirect buff because the op "board clearing"/cascading skills have been nerfed, so you can worry less about your countdown tile being matched/destroyed by Ragnarok's spam.
  • Punisher is all about his green now with he wolvie balancing. It's hard to keep the att tile or its Molotov up but it has its moments and that 40% in red can be the diff between letting a character use the ap it built up or knocking out that nasty magneto with 10 purple and 13 blue on the board. I don't think either build is noticeably better as long as you go 3 into green for the extra strike tile. Been slowly putting in ISO cautiously as I don't wanna pump him up and then see xforce and say "I need that op gravy train" and wish I had 100k to burn.
  • Puritas
    Puritas Posts: 670 Critical Contributor
    Once your strike tiles are up
    Only need 1 tick of molotov damage to make up for the difference in a non-execute red
  • Puritas wrote:
    Once your strike tiles are up
    Only need 1 tick of molotov damage to make up for the difference in a non-execute red

    How are you calculating this?

    My punisher is at level 100. 3/3/5 It doesn't look like moltov ticks are affected by strike tiles.

    Currently whether I have 0 strike tiles or 8 - my moltovs only do 41 dmg (3 black covers) ie: I don't see anything other than the initial blast being affected by strike dmg.
  • noobpotato wrote:
    Puritas wrote:
    Once your strike tiles are up
    Only need 1 tick of molotov damage to make up for the difference in a non-execute red

    How are you calculating this?

    My punisher is at level 100. 3/3/5 It doesn't look like moltov ticks are affected by strike tiles.

    Currently whether I have 0 strike tiles or 8 - my moltovs only do 41 dmg (3 black covers) ie: I don't see anything other than the initial blast being affected by strike dmg.

    Mine is 130 and 5/5/3, and they're definitely doing more than the listed 41 (or however much in the description).

    I'm not sure it's going to matter as much now that Patch has been fixed to work as intended. With Patch/Loki, Frank's overall relevance in the meta has taken a huge hit.
  • There are two parts to every damage attack in the game. The first is the on board animation, and then there's the part it actually lands on your opponent.

    For example say you've +20% to mutants boosts, you're attacking Wolverine (a mutant), you match 3 red for 200 damage. You'll see the red -200 pop your screen, and then you'd see an animation (fist, claw, arrow, whatever) hitting Wolverine, and a number will pop up above his head in a different color for -240, because that's the actual damage he took.

    Attack tiles always show their base damage on the board, so let's say you've 200 damage worth of strike tiles on board and a single, 1 damage attack tile on board, you'll see '-1' on the attack animation, and by the time it actually hits the other guy, it'll show up as '-201'. Note that it is possible for the reverse to happen if they got protect tiles up, as attack tile's animation always shows its base damage no matter what other modifiers are out there.

    Therefore even a single attack tile is extremely potent when combined with strike tiles. It's actually pretty funny to see like a single attack for 45 became 545 or whatever your strike tiles are.
  • Can't believe I made such a huge oversight. I noticed it w/ obw and other modifiers - but not punisher.

    I think w/ the inclusion of patch - I would definitely reconsider dropping green in punisher down to 3 and maxing black/red.
  • I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but I'm not fully convinced Punisher's green attack is completely random. I know one of the stated drawbacks of his green skill is that it may or may not destroy some of your own beneficial tiles, but I did a little mini-test and found his strike pattern thus far actually tries to preserve your tiles. As I recently leveled my Punisher to viable levels, I don't think I had ever seen him actually randomly destroy previously laid tiles IF there was a way to avoid it. So, I test played a match with my 3/5/5 Punisher against some high level goons in this current Daredevil run.

    I pulled off almost 3x green skills in succession. I fired off two in a row then a third a few of turns later. As it turns out, the first one placed 3x strike tiles as expected. The second ended up in a small cascade which destroyed one of the previous strike tiles and proceeded to lay down 3 more strike tiles, totalling 5. I then threw two back-to-back molotovs to place 2x red countdown tiles. I purposely waited for both of those countdowns to place attack tiles, totalling 9x special tiles. I fired the third green and it missed everything. The tiles were evenly distributed and in fact, the 3x3 spot Punisher shot at was directed at an edge so that only a 2x3 area was destroyed. I'm not sure if this is incidental or intentional so to preserve tiles.

    Granted one match isn't enough of a sample size, but so far, I'm not fully convinced his firing pattern is 100% random. Has anyone else noticed this?
  • Granted one match isn't enough of a sample size, but so far, I'm not fully convinced his firing pattern is 100% random. Has anyone else noticed this?

    I think I've somewhat noticed this - it's occasionally nicked some of his strike tiles, but rarely. However, I have seen it clear out at least 2 of my web tiles, although those aren't necessarily allied to your team.
  • It would make much more sense if it was a targetable ability. Both character-wise and gameplay. The initial damage of the green is a laughable joke also. Please tweak his aim or preferably let you target the shot and maybe double the initial damage?
  • It would make much more sense if it was a targetable ability. Both character-wise and gameplay. The initial damage of the green is a laughable joke also. Please tweak his aim or preferably let you target the shot and maybe double the initial damage?

    I agree with the accuracy needing to improve. Frank Castle is a highly trained marksman and all around soldier. He hits what he's aiming for.
  • Earlier i fired a molotov off, then next turn a green, which dead centre hit the countdown tile. No other counters on the board, so i think its purely random.
  • Madjam wrote:
    Earlier i fired a molotov off, then next turn a green, which dead centre hit the countdown tile. No other counters on the board, so i think its purely random.
    It's just as annoying when he shoots off the side of the screen and you don't even get the full damage of the ability. Agreed with the above post about the marksmanship/soldier ability. He should not be missing his targets or destroying friendly tiles. Making the ability user targeted would make this more befitting a 3* character
  • Puritas
    Puritas Posts: 670 Critical Contributor
    He seems to avoid strike tiles, but has no problem pooping on attack tiles icon_e_sad.gif
  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    Ugh. I'm really torn now with patch out. I feel like punisher's green is super lackluster. Unbuffed at 72 my patch does 85 strength tiles for 9 mana.

    Punisher can only pop out 3 and his are currently 77 strike at level 100. Since these are my only higher level 3 stars I run them both, and I prioritize punisher green for pvp and patch green for pve.

    I'm really starting to change my mind on black covers..
  • Yay, people are going for my 5 black build. icon_e_smile.gif I think 5 red is still going to be very helpful in certain PvE missions to give you higher placement, but that may not be everybody's goal. Molotov Cocktail got an indirect buff because the op "board clearing"/cascading skills have been nerfed, so you can worry less about your countdown tile being matched/destroyed by Ragnarok's spam.
    I took 5 black. It's not about cumulative damage from "loads" of feeble attack tiles, it's about making sure there's always at least one still up. The red's good, too, I just liked the idea of that insurance better.

    Anyone tried him with Daken? His own strike tiles generation always seems a touch underwhelming, so was thinking that might work to supplement it. And Daken doesn't need AP, so you're not just giving that job to someone else.
  • Darken is so so, he need more hp. His strike tile may take up all red tiles, hence make punisher black impossible to place the countdown tile. I had a map with 7 of darkens strike tile on board, it does not hurt hard when I have patch tanking for me. I like to use patch to tank for punisher, he's very good at tanking and punisher usually fire off his green instead of patches green. The best thing is punishes red is a low cost for the potential damage it inflicts. It pretty effective against all the tanky 3*s, rag, im40, hulk, etc.
  • xinyucao wrote:
    Darken is so so, he need more hp. His strike tile may take up all red tiles, hence make punisher black impossible to place the countdown tile. I had a map with 7 of darkens strike tile on board, it does not hurt hard when I have patch tanking for me. I like to use patch to tank for punisher, he's very good at tanking and punisher usually fire off his green instead of patches green. The best thing is punishes red is a low cost for the potential damage it inflicts. It pretty effective against all the tanky 3*s, rag, im40, hulk, etc.
    Yup, just got his last green from Standart token (it was very painful to look at him, just sitting there with L70 and 12/13). Leveled him to L80 and boy, he does inflict pain! Cheaper (=faster) than Patch's l3 green, doesn't destroy his strikes, doesn't harms himself, cheap AoE with black - man, I'm glad to invest in him. And, at least for now, it seems like other players prefer to skip me rather than try and fight him. Feels so good.
  • hi guys, i just need 2 more covers to complete my punisher (3/5/5)
    now i want to know hat u guys think would be the best Lineup for him. saw many people say its OBW and Thor, but is this rly the best? what abbout Magneto or The Hood?

    post what u guys think would be the best Charackters with Puniher and the build plz