The Hunt



  • Purty_Hawkeye
    Purty_Hawkeye Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    I wanted to wait until three full days had gone by and a few sub-missions to reset to comment on the event overall.
    I have been in 1st in my bracket since the beginning and now at the 3 day mark I am still in first with 14993 points.
    The rubberbanding seems to be working well from my POV for the first time.
    This event does not require 24 hour grinding it requires persistence to play through all available levels about every twelve hours if you want to do well in the Main Event. That comapres to the Thanksgiving grindfest it took to place first for IW where I had to play every two hours. I prefer this over that.
    The observation that to do well in the Main Event means no first places in the sub-missions seems to hold true for me. Because i have been at the top of the main leaderboard throughout I'm never seeing the mega values I would need to compete in the sub-missions. That being said I was top 50 for first Alaska, and Top 100 for first Florida and Top 100 for first Savage. I'm currently top 50 in second alaska and top 150 in second florida. I've been playing through the entire level as soon as I play it the first time grinding the repeatables for all the rewards.
    I have really come to appreciate Modern Hawkeye especially with the buff his red arrows clear the board with a spidey stun lock. I liked GreySuit Widow Sniper Rifle before but this event has made me love it.
    The storylines have been awesome and the final level in Savage is by far my favorite thing in all of MPQ so far.
    I am disappointed that players without IW or Grey suit Widow are blocked from the two higher level missions in alaska. I am guessing the devs are trying to reward those who have been playing long enough to get those covers and with Double Shot tourneys and the Heroic with IW it is not like there aren't ways to have both characters so you can play the levels. Still at first impression I would rather everyone be able to play every level and instead give an extra buff to the characters to encourage using your own for just that mission.
    Seven more days to go but so far in my opinion this is the most balanced less grindy event they have released.
  • Does anyone know which missions specifically unlock Florida and Savage Lands?
  • Does anyone know which missions specifically unlock Florida and Savage Lands?

    One of them is unlocked by the final mission in the first series, I think Savage Lands. It doesn't matter very much though -- the main series is entirely linear and since you cannot access one of the sub missions until you do them all you may as well just do them all in one go.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Zathrus wrote:
    I started the 2nd Alaska hunt this morning -- I did everything but the repeatables. The hardest repeatable is currently up to 1342 points. Think I'll wait for 1500.
    That's more points than I was able to collect total in the one that ended last icon_e_confused.gif
  • What's I'm finding weird is that I am not grinding much, and while I'm staying at or near the top of my main bracket pretty easily, I am *struggling* to stay in the top 400 of the sub-missions.
  • JohnduBois wrote:
    What's I'm finding weird is that I am not grinding much, and while I'm staying at or near the top of my main bracket pretty easily, I am *struggling* to stay in the top 400 of the sub-missions.

    this is normal. it means ppl are tanking the other subevents, are entering the subevents for the first time, or starting late i general.

    i was top 10 for the first one, then the rest has been around 400 finishes. but the main bracket, i go from being top three to top 200 at the beginning of the morning
  • greggray24 wrote:
    Humphrey wrote:
    greggray24 wrote:
    Guess I'll send a note to support but I never seem to get responses from them so not holding my breath.
    Send them an e-mail - I don't think the in game ticket thing always works.

    What is the email address?

    The Mail adress is

    If someone did not get a response through the ingame ticket option in like 3 work days then the chances are very high that it is broken on your account, so just write an E-mail, they get responded to every time in my experience.
  • My Alaska bracket is apparently crazy competitive. I can barely break rank 600 in this one, lack of IW really hurts. oh well
  • Spoit wrote:
    Zathrus wrote:
    I started the 2nd Alaska hunt this morning -- I did everything but the repeatables. The hardest repeatable is currently up to 1342 points. Think I'll wait for 1500.
    That's more points than I was able to collect total in the one that ended last icon_e_confused.gif

    I got impatient. I finally did the mission for a mere 1497 points.

    I have to say, however, that I'm bouncing all over the place in the main bracket. I was #1 a couple of days ago. Before I did the above mission I was in the mid 200s. Now I'm 116th. In the sub brackets I've never gotten better than 51-100 bracket. Honestly, I hope I get some Punisher covers, but I'm not going to stress out about it. Right now I'm just considering it a huge source of ISO and maybe some HP.
  • i think from all my random testing, this event really caters to casual players who don't want to play all that much and stil compete. i didn't play for 24 hours, came back ranked 300, finished subevent alaska, and am currently placed 30 with a 500 repeatable that would vault me into top 10 (that i'm not finishing to see point regeration).

    in the end, this will come down to luck at the end, is my belief since savage lands will be the last event and it has the easiest repeatables.
  • Agree forgrim. I just did the hardest mission a second time on Alaska and it was worth 716 points.

    I do wish they'd fix the score shown in the mission though. After you do it once it's simply not right (showing the previous value), and that's a stupid bug. The client should be sent the info of how much it's worth next time around when you complete the mission.

    If you don't play it for long enough then it updates the score upwards, so I'm really not sure why it's not updating it downwards as well.
  • Zathrus wrote:
    Agree forgrim. I just did the hardest mission a second time on Alaska and it was worth 716 points.

    I do wish they'd fix the score shown in the mission though. After you do it once it's simply not right (showing the previous value), and that's a stupid bug. The client should be sent the info of how much it's worth next time around when you complete the mission.

    If you don't play it for long enough then it updates the score upwards, so I'm really not sure why it's not updating it downwards as well.

    its the way it works, its set based on ur total score (i believe, so there's data transfer in multiple directions. therefore its a little bit slower. if u do a really easy mission twice you get the points twice but the 3rd time u do it, its vastly lower, basically skips the lowered score of the 1st time u complete to 2nd time you complete, so it averages out perfectly.
  • Is anyone else starting to lose interest after all these crazy point schemes with 0 explanation by the devs?
  • Ranzera wrote:
    Is anyone else starting to lose interest after all these crazy point schemes with 0 explanation by the devs?

    I wouldn't say losing interest so much as just not caring too much about final placement. I feel like I'm not too in control of my own points so like others have said I'm just enjoying the extra iso and hoping for the best when it comes to the Punisher.
  • Ranzera wrote:
    Is anyone else starting to lose interest after all these crazy point schemes with 0 explanation by the devs?

    Well, I had kind of decided I that trying to win these crazy long tournaments is too much work. My focus on this event is on trying to get the heroic tokens in each bracket. If I'm near the top at the end, I'll work for a bit, but I don't want to make my self crazy.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Ranzera wrote:
    Is anyone else starting to lose interest after all these crazy point schemes with 0 explanation by the devs?

    Agree with the other two posters. Three Punisher covers just aren't worth the work. I can probably win one cover by playing semi-casually and rack up tons of ISO/HP in the process. If it's anything like IM40, there will be at least a few tournaments where Punisher will be the prize, which I'm probably more likely to win with much less commitment.

    Having said that, this event is awesome - love love love it.
  • Yeah, the event is fine, I hope what I said before wasn't seen as a complaint. I like having a chance at so many heroic tokens.
  • The one thing the PvE has reminded me of is how freaking annoying it is to get 4/4. Even with the 50/50 chance it's just stupid. Just give out the listed rewards before going to 20 ISO. It's not hard.
  • there's one mission in floridai think its bugged. i played it like 15 times and i'm still 1/4
  • These sub-brackets are really weird. As soon as I join one, people already have 7k+ points. My main bracket is only at 2k+. I'll be lucky to get even top 100 in the subs. Seems like if you have a harder main bracket the subs will be easier, and vice versa.

    Seems like you could win like 3k+ HP from these subs if you're lucky enough with your brackets.