Upcoming Feeder Updates (Live 9/22)



  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    KGB said:
    KGB said:
    Bad said:

    However devs want a logical feeder. If they think having characters feeding logical 5*s rather than having a guide to localize all feeders, it's their call.
    The logical feeder to wasp 4* is wasp 5*.
    And a 4* feeding 2 5*s is too valuable. 
    Of course it's their call because it's their game. They could decide tomorrow to arbitrarily give a free LT to everyone who has a last name of B or nerf Shang Chi to Wasp level or whatever else the decide.

    Overall for the player base more feeders are a good thing. No one arguing that.

    But the dev's have consistently favored one group (Vets including F2P over actual paying customers) over everyone else every time they retroactively do things like this (and lets not pretend this is the last one they are going to do because clearly we are going to see more shuffling of feeders around which means lots more extra vet rewards coming down the line) by giving them double dip rewards. All I and others are pointing out it that what they are doing is unfair to some of the player base and that we'd like that addressed (equal pay for equal work). Doesn't mean it's going to happen but also know I'm going to bring it up every time they do this.

    How is it unfair that players are getting rewards proportional to the work that they've put in to get it?  If they were giving them out randomly or arbitrarily that would be unfair. Equal pay for equal work is exactly what this is. People who put in the work are getting equal pay to other people who put in the work to grind lvls onto their 4 stars.  People who didn't put in as much work are getting equal pay to people who equally didn't put in as much work. 

    Giving players who have worked hard to have maxed out 4 stars isn't random or arbitrary,  especially given that they've done things like this in the past and we know that at any time they could make an old 4 star a new feeder and give retro rewards, which is exactly why players grind to get lvl 370 4 stars and even keep multiple maxed out copies of the same 4 stars.

    Saying I didn't put in the work to have all these rewards and other people did and I don't like that just sounds like jealousy.  There's nothing unfair about people being rewarded proportionately to their efforts. Do you also think it's unfair that the people who grind pve to get top spots get more rewards than those that don't? 

    I don't think you quite understand what's happening here.

    Someone who today has a L370 Emma Frost has already collected 6 5* covers (Kitty). Tomorrow they will collect 6 more 5* covers (5* Emma) for a total of 12 5* covers  (Same thing with Antman and Wasp->Yellowjacket covers).

    If I have a L270 Emma today, when I bring her to L370 (even if it's next week), I will collect a total of 6 5* covers (5* Emma). I will never collect the 6 5* Kitty covers you got. That is most definitely NOT equal work (raising a character to L370) for equal pay (the champ rewards).

    There are 5 new feeder changes tomorrow. The summation here is going to add up to a LOT of free extra goodies for Vets that new players can't ever get no matter how much work or money they spend. The value of that is hundreds of real dollars (based on a roughly $40 cost to buy 500 5* shards + all the LTs, CPs, HP etc that is being double dipped) that's you'd need to spend to acquire the same resources. It's just mildly unfair, it's *wildly* unfair.

    They could easily make this fair for everyone by simply adjusting the rewards so that Emma was a double 5* feeder (and the other feeders that previous fed no one would give out shards + LT/CP/HP that was replaced). Bad, claimed this was too valuable of a reward to give out, yet that's exactly the reward that is being given out to the vets so clearly it's not too valuable to give out.

    Most new players probably don't have a fully covered or champed Devil Dino either. Wanna make things fair by giving them a truckload of all of the Anniversary tokens that have been given out over the years that they missed out on so that they can catch up to veteran players?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did we not get the full amount of shards? I got 5 covers on 3 characters when I was expecting 8 each.
  • stef_focus
    stef_focus Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    Just got the retro-rewards and, well, something looks to have gone a little wrong.
    Agent Caulson went okay, but for the 5* it looks like only the 250 shards and cover rewards were granted (those that were originally on the cover slots before shards were added to the game). The 100 and 150 shards rewards were not part of it.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just got the retro-rewards and, well, something looks to have gone a little wrong.
    Agent Caulson went okay, but for the 5* it looks like only the 250 shards and cover rewards were granted (those that were originally on the cover slots before shards were added to the game). The 100 and 150 shards rewards were not part of it.
    @IceIX you want to look into this to avoid a CS nightmare.
  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,069 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rewards just went out.  Covers were just what I was expecting.  However,, some 5* shards didn't show up in my on screen rewards prompt.  My Agent Coulson shards showed in the prompt but I wasn't credited with them.  

    I know you guys expected some kinks, just wanted to  give you the specifics.  
  • Chrynos1989
    Chrynos1989 Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Rewards went out nice!

    But one question @IceIX
    Did the shards part of the retro rewards get cut? Cause I thought after what I read you would get 1 cover and 2.5k shards for a 5* from a fully champed 4*?
    Maybe I misread something, just asking because confusion
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2022
    The Rewards can show up in batches. This is 1st one. There may be more. Like I got some covers and shards but I know I haave more  shards to gone. Stay tuned, fellas.
  • ImmortalZodd
    ImmortalZodd Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Wait, so just to confirm, are players getting their retro rewards in 2 batches?

    I have a lvl 301 4* Emma, which should give 1 cover plus 500 shards of 5* Emma, but I only received 1 cover and 250 shards. Same for phoenix and Wasp.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    edited September 2022
    @IceIX Has stated that some rewards may come later. Basing on previous simillar situation, I can safely assume that rewards may update in batches. Not necesarilly 2. More than ne is correct number here.

    But I am slo missing all shards below 250, So there may be something. Still I would wait before making an alarm.
  • stef_focus
    stef_focus Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    I doubt they are coming in batches, as then Coulson would not have had all shards granted. I expect there was a mix-up in which rewards to grant and they granted the rewards that previously had a cover or legendary token.
  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I doubt they are coming in batches, as then Coulson would not have had all shards granted. I expect there was a mix-up in which rewards to grant and they granted the rewards that previously had a cover or legendary token.
    As I said before, basing on previous cases, they can.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just got screwed out of a lot of 5* covers. And by the way can you guys please not do your data push three minutes into slice 5 doing clears? Like come on.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2022
    First, let me just thank the new devs for their generosity in implementing this retro sharts (genuinely; not being sarcastic). Free stuff is always welcome, despite the handful of people who will inevitably find something to whine about. Seriously, if you have a lv270 Emma and I have a lv370 one, you should not expect to be rewarded, neither should I expect to be penalised. It's like a new player 10 days in whining about being unable to access CL10.

    Second, to echo the shortfall in rewards. My 4* Emma is lv340, so that would have been 4 covers in total for 5* Emma. I only got 2.5 covers' worth. Hopefully this shortfall will be rectified :smile:
  • gmp72
    gmp72 Posts: 164 Tile Toppler
    Thank you!! Retroactive feeder rewards are always so awesome. 
    Now, can we please re-work 5* wasp 😉
  • JimboJambo
    JimboJambo Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    New players will always fall behind. You can't expect someone who played for a few months or 1 to 2 years  to catch up with someone who played for 5 to 8 years. It just doesn't make sense. 
    You're right, new players will never catch up with those who have a bunch of 550 characters. But there needs to be enough of an incentive for new players to be able to progress and compete so that they don't feel like they're stuck at each stage. It's about perception. I've played for 5 years and I don't feel like I'm falling behind because I have been able to champ a lot of my 5*s, chase meta characters to get them up towards level 500 and compete for placement in PVE and PVP, even against those who have 550s.

    So for me the fact that vets will be getting a handful of extra covers for 5*s doesn't actually make much difference, because the vets aren't using these 5*s anyway. I got very little from Shardmas but it didn't bother me that other players did because it didn't stop me chasing my own goals. But I still defend the right of those who have a different opinion to express it without being dismissed as a whiner or a cry baby (not just referring to this issue, but also several others on this forum).
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Newer players should realize that this is a gacha game and it's unfair and always there will be players far far away than you.
    After saying that, I challenge them to go and search another gacha game gifting a lot of copies of legendary characters just for free, as gacha games are business and a lot of them are wildly gambles on loot boxes for real money. 

    KGB said:

    There are 5 new feeder changes tomorrow. The summation here is going to add up to a LOT of free extra goodies for Vets that new players can't ever get no matter how much work or money they spend. The value of that is hundreds of real dollars (based on a roughly $40 cost to buy 500 5* shards + all the LTs, CPs, HP etc that is being double dipped) that's you'd need to spend to acquire the same resources. It's just mildly unfair, it's *wildly* unfair.

    And how will you value the gift of a free 5* cover if you are in a good alliance on boss event although you could be a new player?
    Also every new player knowing a bit will favorite emma and polaris. 
    How will you value a relative new player getting perhaps 2 free covers for a 5* still not released? The only way to adquire it should be in its special store, wasting real money. Is that fact wildly unfair too? Why are you focusing exclusively on the benefits for vets and you are deliberately missing out the huge benefits for all the community of players?
    I have an idea. Let's gift all new players 9 covers of each 5*. That will be less wildly unfair to you.
    That way no one will spend a dime in this game or play it too much, because they are going to get exactly the same rewards as people who has played this game for years and has invested a nice amount of their life in it, and possibly money.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2022
    I think one of the most difficult thing to define is "catch up". What are new players supposed to catch up to? Are they supposed to champ every single character in the game? Who set this requirement?

    Based on what I see, the only thing players are catching up to is to champ all characters and then talk about how a lot of their champed characters are unusable unless boosted. Since this is the typical end state, why rush?