New Alliance Event - Sinister 600 *Updated (12/12/18)



  • Friarbundy
    Friarbundy Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    Well you gotta use those Deadpool points sometime, right?
  • KenshinUK
    KenshinUK Posts: 91 Match Maker
    Hmm end of day 1 have 8300 points. 8300 x 4 = 33200. Gonna have to check for a sub where I have the 5 star otherwise i'm not gonna get the last two individual rewards! :(
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,860 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thorkoye + America

    Didn't run into a single problem.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbigler said:
    The Boss Wave node in Deadly is against 4 High Level dudes: Nick Fury, Peter Parker, Spider Woman & Miles.  It's very hard to complete since you can only choose 1 person to fight all 4 in a row.  Fortunately, their AP totals reset after each one, but 4* players will find it very difficult.  You can use team ups and supports, but still.  I managed a difficult and drawn out win using Ghost.  Of course, invisibility is the key, but Parker can hit invisible characters.  Invisible Prof X could work too if you use team ups that create specials (Nova), along with his own special tile creation, then buff them to infinity.  5* players should be able to win with any top tier character.  Of course, you could always try out a boosted 5* Doc Ock!

    I played Deadly and it's much harder than Deadly for Places of Power.  I managed to do my clears with a 4* roster, but it was hard and slow and I used health packs.  A few times, an ally died before I got the win.  The Doc Ock node starts with level 420 enemies (5*Thor, ME Hulk, GSBW) that go up to level 450, so 4* players, you've been warned.  I didn't have Doc Ock to access the node, but if I did, I'm not sure how I would win it.
    I managed the Boss Wave with Agent Venom, lvl279, boosted to 376. It was scary close, tho, and I was glad I had a high level Gamma Powerbomb team-up handy.
    The 5* Essential, I'm just Mega-whaling. MEHulk alone has as much health as any two Characters I can bring in there.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    KenshinUK said:
    Hmm end of day 1 have 8300 points. 8300 x 4 = 33200. Gonna have to check for a sub where I have the 5 star otherwise i'm not gonna get the last two individual rewards! :(
    Easy or normal,  Ock is required for both hard and deadly
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,817 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not even boosted... for 5* required, I used 405 Kitty & prof x (champed).  Doc and kitty have cheap moves... easy tile creation through prof x.  Never really broke a sweat.
  • A_McB
    A_McB Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    edited December 2018
    This event's red node made me hate this game :-/
  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    I assumed my ample 4* roster would be workable for Deadly.

    I mean, I guess it is because I have almost cleared it all (I haven't beaten the Domino required node once yet in a few tries). But it was abjectly unpleasant and frustrating to do. 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2018
    Smart80 said:
    broll said:
    Smart80 said:
    Im not gonna complain about the rewards compared to places of power, cause not fair to compare to anniversary event. 
    It's not fair to compare an anniversary special event to a Christmas special event?  There have been Christmas' that had better rewards/events than anniversary's in the past.  If it was not any special event I'd give you that, but it still is.  Also what is undoubtedly fair to compare is this to a normal boss event.  IMO these rewards are worse than those.  2 LTs vs 1 is bad.  Not to mention the cliff jump from 8 to 1 comparing with PoP.

    TL;DR - The rewards in this event are a joke.
    And this is why they are hesitant to give us anything nice. If they do it once, people can only compare it to that....

    And if you had bothered reading, you would have read my comparisson to boss events as well. (Its even in first paragraaf, so how lazy a reader are you?) So not sure why you repeat that as if you dont agree.. 

    Anyway, I indeed think its not necissarily fair to expect the same or more here than from anniversary event.
    I stopped reading after what I quoted. No reason to insult me. I wasn’t insulting you just giving my opinion of the event and reacting to the first setnance that I didn’t agree with. 

    Back on topic. So you’re suggestion is we should be happy when new events are worse than previous?  Should we celebrate moving backwards?  Shouldn’t we challenge mediocrede or worse?  I wouldn’t be so upset if it was less rewards PoP was extremely generous, but making the reward worse than all alliance events for years is not ok and we should expess our frustration. Isn’t the whole point of having a forum to get the players opinions. These are mine, regardless of how anyone else feels about them. 

    Edit:  I went back and finished your post. So you insulted me for agreeing with you?  Now I’m really confused...
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    Would have liked any Standards rewarded be Elites. Other than that, I'm good with this event so far.
  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    Adding my voice to the chorus.  The communication was shockingly bad.  Our alliance, which is admittedly rarely a top 100 alliance, doesn't have 14 players who can manage Deadly.  The initial idea was to send 10, which wasn't enough, and left some players like myself with egg on our faces because it's Deadlier than we predicted.  (Deadlier than Places of Power, which is what I was expecting.)

    Unless the points are meant to increase exponentially over the next few days, most of our alliance won't be able to amass 37000 and get the Big Bads token.  The announcement should have just said upfront that Deadly required 14 players.  Then we'd have sent 10 to Hard instead, everyone would have performed better and we'd all be getting the points and rewards we wanted.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's many things to like about this event: new story! no time pressure so you can actually enjoy the story! no grinding!

    The alliance reward structure is atrocious though.  With a regular boss event, my alliance would usually manage to pick up two 4* covers and occasionally all three.  While we've got most people playing the hard path, I suspect we're not going to hit 4* cover at maximum progression.  And assuming the points reset each night, we're going to miss maximum progression each day and not get any 4* cover rewards.  One simple modification would be to not reset points each day, and have a reward schedule that has the all four day's covers evenly spaced out.

    Some other thoughts:
    • Was the "Ending an Era" mission meant to unlock on the first day?  Story wise, it sounds like I've just defeated the big bad, but there's three more days to go.
    • Is this "Red Goblin" costume going to be available to players at some point in the future? Or is it an event specific one?  I kind of like the idea of event specific enemy costumes as a way to spice up future story lines (or patch into old ones).
  • Rhipf
    Rhipf Posts: 295 Mover and Shaker
    jamesh said:

    Some other thoughts:
    • Was the "Ending an Era" mission meant to unlock on the first day?  Story wise, it sounds like I've just defeated the big bad, but there's three more days to go.
    My understanding is that each day there will be a prologue node and an epilogue node. I didn't actually bother with the story but it could be that each day you are "defeating the big bad".
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rhipf said:
    jamesh said:

    Some other thoughts:
    • Was the "Ending an Era" mission meant to unlock on the first day?  Story wise, it sounds like I've just defeated the big bad, but there's three more days to go.
    My understanding is that each day there will be a prologue node and an epilogue node. I didn't actually bother with the story but it could be that each day you are "defeating the big bad".
    There was no lead up to Osborn wearing the Carnage symbiote in that final mission.  So my initial thought was that the node had opened up early and the other three days of the event would explain how we got there.
  • Coubii
    Coubii Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    Started deadly thinking like Place of power deadly was ok. Well, no goons, deadly is deadly for me... I like to fight something else than goons, but next sub, I'm on hard instead.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’ve little issue with the rewards. Alliances that can Round 8 a boss should be able to handle Hard and get 4 Nebula covers. If they have 4 players who can handle Deadly, that’s also 12 Blad3 covers. We’re losing out on the CP a normal event would get, and only Deadly alliances can get the 20 through alliance progress, but do get a guaranteed Special Store token (25CP value). Even newer players get that, which is great for them. I think the most glaring downside to me is the lack of Hero Points. There’s a comparable effort to a normal event, but the progress line looks like it’s for a Boss with just 25 HP stuck in there almost at the end. No, it’s not the truckload of LTs we were able to get in PoP, but a coordinated alliance can still get a decent haul.
  • SaltyK
    SaltyK Posts: 54 Match Maker
    edited December 2018
    I am probably screwed if i'm in a small alliance right?
    (read: myself only, 2 other friends stopped playing)

    I cleared the hard nodes already (minus 5* Dr Octopus which i don't have)
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    zodiac339 said:
    I’ve little issue with the rewards. Alliances that can Round 8 a boss should be able to handle Hard and get 4 Nebula covers. If they have 4 players who can handle Deadly, that’s also 12 Blad3 covers. We’re losing out on the CP a normal event would get, and only Deadly alliances can get the 20 through alliance progress, but do get a guaranteed Special Store token (25CP value). Even newer players get that, which is great for them. I think the most glaring downside to me is the lack of Hero Points. There’s a comparable effort to a normal event, but the progress line looks like it’s for a Boss with just 25 HP stuck in there almost at the end. No, it’s not the truckload of LTs we were able to get in PoP, but a coordinated alliance can still get a decent haul.
    Comparing the rewards for an alliance that can complete boss events is only one data point though.  An alliance that can only manage round 6 or 7 in a normal boss event is likely to get substantially worse rewards in this one.

    It would be nice if they didn't back-load the rewards so much, or not reset points each day.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    I’m confused about the story - I know, who reads the story, right? Anyway, it seems like i’m a villain, part of the sinister 600 presumably. Ok, so far so good, i’m fighting a bunch of heroes after all. But why is carnage in there as a one and done fight? Is it really asking so much to have some kind of coherent narrative, or at least a bit more explanatory dialogue or text. The option is there to skip past the ‘dialogue’ but I quite enjoy reading them from time to time, especially when they’re new. 

    Another thing bugging me is that given this event was planned, why doesn’t the boost list have a bunch more villains in it? It’s not much to ask, that the boosted list be curated for special events - it happens for Ultron and Apocalypse so why not now? It just smacks of laziness more than anything else. The effort goes in to a new format, new ‘story’, new structure... but then nobody bothers to link up the other parts with the theme. 

    Speaking of thematically consistent couldn’t we have replaced grey suit widow with Valkyrie in the 5* node? It’s not a big deal, obviously, but it’s another open goal missed. 
  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 248 Tile Toppler
    I made the mistake of playing deadly with a one cover doc ock and a solid four star roster. I cleared his nodes with whales each time. Match damage alone gave me one to two hour heal times for doc and deadpool.

    Deadly is firmly for the fives in our alliance. I don’t particularly like reviving my roster after each fight just to take another beating.  @Brigby, it would have helped to know the deadly level was severely increased compared to the previous mission event.