New Alliance Event - Sinister 600 *Updated (12/12/18)



  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2018
    Bubba3210 said:
    I made the mistake of playing deadly with a one cover doc ock and a solid four star roster. I cleared his nodes with whales each time. Match damage alone gave me one to two hour heal times for doc and deadpool.

    Deadly is firmly for the fives in our alliance. I don’t particularly like reviving my roster after each fight just to take another beating.  @Brigby, it would have helped to know the deadly level was severely increased compared to the previous mission event.
    Yeah, that is still a huge issue to me. I fully completed Deadly, but it took ALL DAY of playing this damn game to do it. I woke up this morning to the thought of “time to get killed by Carol and Peggy some more”. I went 4-11 on that damn node (not helped by the fact that my 1/3/2  Domini was barely a warm body). And like you, I just Whale’d Ock’s node four straight times. 

    There was no reason to assume the jump from the last Deadly to this Deadly would be so severe. That’s where I feel lack of communication really let us down. I went in expecting a fun challenge, but what I got was just the game poo-ing on me for literally hours, devouring my health packs, and leaving a huge chunk of my roster in a state of death of badly damaged. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2018
    The level for each difficulty level was clearly stated, both in the forum and in-game. Are the levels for the actual gameplay higher than what is shown?
  • Razuhlui
    Razuhlui Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    What I'am disapointed the most is, to help my Alliance in deadly or even hard without having the Doc but getting higher progress. FORCES me to not get full Personal Progress, or even the second highest Reward, the Domino Cover.
    Thats something it was better in Places of Power.
  • Bugeyed
    Bugeyed Posts: 51 Match Maker
    I think the main issue is the rewards. Why no legendary (big bads token) for completing deadly. Most boss events you get a legendary for personal and team max, and as this deadly node was much tougher than normal, it seems we are being dumped on from a great height by the devs in this one. I suggest they need to have an urgent rethink on those rewards
    from my calculations if you split the alliance 14 / 6 over deadly and hard nodes, the only gain going 14 in deadly is 5cp minus a blade 3*. Going 14 in hard,6 in deadly, you gain that extra blade, lose that 5 cp. 
    Can’t see much point in many alliances going for deadly unless they have everyone with champed 5*
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    AXP_isme said:
    I’m confused about the story - I know, who reads the story, right? Anyway, it seems like i’m a villain, part of the sinister 600 presumably. Ok, so far so good, i’m fighting a bunch of heroes after all. But why is carnage in there as a one and done fight? Is it really asking so much to have some kind of coherent narrative, or at least a bit more explanatory dialogue or text. The option is there to skip past the ‘dialogue’ but I quite enjoy reading them from time to time, especially when they’re new. 

    Another thing bugging me is that given this event was planned, why doesn’t the boost list have a bunch more villains in it? It’s not much to ask, that the boosted list be curated for special events - it happens for Ultron and Apocalypse so why not now? It just smacks of laziness more than anything else. The effort goes in to a new format, new ‘story’, new structure... but then nobody bothers to link up the other parts with the theme. 

    Speaking of thematically consistent couldn’t we have replaced grey suit widow with Valkyrie in the 5* node? It’s not a big deal, obviously, but it’s another open goal missed. 
    I missed a lot of the early story things from skipping out of old habits, but I did watch the last node for sure and I found it a little confusing (fighting the last Dark Avengers group in the multiverse, that seemed kinda out of left field, haven't they always been the same DA?)  to hear fury go Avengers Assemble then my team with only 1 avenger showed up. (DD, Strange, Thanos).  It would have been cool if they boosted avenger characters for that one node at least.  I had similar issues with the epilogue event and the villains you fight not matching the story.

    Also I'm betting the next round of costumes has that monstrous Green Goblin.
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    broll said:
    Smart80 said:
    broll said:
    Smart80 said:
    Im not gonna complain about the rewards compared to places of power, cause not fair to compare to anniversary event. 
    It's not fair to compare an anniversary special event to a Christmas special event?  There have been Christmas' that had better rewards/events than anniversary's in the past.  If it was not any special event I'd give you that, but it still is.  Also what is undoubtedly fair to compare is this to a normal boss event.  IMO these rewards are worse than those.  2 LTs vs 1 is bad.  Not to mention the cliff jump from 8 to 1 comparing with PoP.

    TL;DR - The rewards in this event are a joke.
    And this is why they are hesitant to give us anything nice. If they do it once, people can only compare it to that....

    And if you had bothered reading, you would have read my comparisson to boss events as well. (Its even in first paragraaf, so how lazy a reader are you?) So not sure why you repeat that as if you dont agree.. 

    Anyway, I indeed think its not necissarily fair to expect the same or more here than from anniversary event.
    I stopped reading after what I quoted. No reason to insult me. I wasn’t insulting you just giving my opinion of the event and reacting to the first setnance that I didn’t agree with. 

    Back on topic. So you’re suggestion is we should be happy when new events are worse than previous?  Should we celebrate moving backwards?  Shouldn’t we challenge mediocrede or worse?  I wouldn’t be so upset if it was less rewards PoP was extremely generous, but making the reward worse than all alliance events for years is not ok and we should expess our frustration. Isn’t the whole point of having a forum to get the players opinions. These are mine, regardless of how anyone else feels about them. 

    Edit:  I went back and finished your post. So you insulted me for agreeing with you?  Now I’m really confused...
    I insulted you? How did i do that? For calling you lazy? You said yourself Too Lazy;Didnt Read... I know L stands for long officially, but we all know what it really stands for, dont we?

    Funny you again decided to comment on me, before reading everything, seeing your Edit... 

    Sure, you are entitled to your opinion and that indeed is what forum is for. Forum is also for reading though, especially if you decide to comment (and argue) with other forum users. Also helps with confusion..

    Once again, not saying the rewards are great, or even good, but did everyone take into account the node rewards, in comparing rewards to other events? Wont make enormous difference, but still, several cp, iso, ... Just wondering...
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    The other thing that was a bit off in the final Deadly 1 on 1 node was seeing Fury on the left in the dialogue scene, Osborn on the right.  But in the game/match, you are supposed to be fighting the heroes and be villains (I did use my champed Ock a lot).  

    So it would have been more consistent with the story to have Fury and Osborn switched to the opposite side in the dialogue portion.  Especially since the first person you fight IS Fury.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2018
    While I enjoy what is essentially an event you're free to play on your own schedule (provided you clear each sub within 24 hours), the rewards are a bit of a letdown, namely the fact that there's only one Big Bads token to be earned through personal progression.

    It would not be breaking the bank to somehow have one earned through alliance progression as well. Perhaps not one each sub, but there could be an overall alliance progression that gets a few bigger rewards (100 HP, [1000 would be nice, but waaaaayyyy too generous for these guys], 10K ISO, 20 or 25 CP and one Big Bads token).

    Secondly, just like Places of Power, WHHHHHYYYYYY is there little to no wiggle room for personal progression? We had some guys go hard because they didn't have Doc Ock. Unfortunately they missed the warning that there was still a required 5* node, and there's a chance they could miss full personal progression because of it.

    We'll know better the closer we get to the end of the event, but mostly they'll be sweating it the next few days because of one mistake on the first day. That's just needlessly punishing, especially when every other PvE is structured in a way you can still get full progression quite easily without the 5*. I understand this is primarily an alliance event, but it's structured more like a regular PvE. For those who are more casual and don't come to the forums, yet still get full progression in PvE, I would think this has to be surprising and confusing. 
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    So is it really red Nebula covers every day?
  • DigitHAL9000
    DigitHAL9000 Posts: 61 Match Maker
    In these new events if you want to allow us a to plan a strategy there's need to know how much is the amount of points for complete clearing of sub-chapters otherwise we have to go blind.
    If it was the same as the one during anniversary season there should have been no problems, but since it's different also in scoring how could we imagine?
    This one needs 14 players to completely clean the sub-chapter to get to 130200 points, the other one just needed 10.
    If you make these changes, at least let us aware, or give us the amount of points for each node.
    This event doesn't allow the ally to split 'cause it's unuseful.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2018
    Smart80 said:
    broll said:
    Smart80 said:
    broll said:
    Smart80 said:
    Im not gonna complain about the rewards compared to places of power, cause not fair to compare to anniversary event. 
    It's not fair to compare an anniversary special event to a Christmas special event?  There have been Christmas' that had better rewards/events than anniversary's in the past.  If it was not any special event I'd give you that, but it still is.  Also what is undoubtedly fair to compare is this to a normal boss event.  IMO these rewards are worse than those.  2 LTs vs 1 is bad.  Not to mention the cliff jump from 8 to 1 comparing with PoP.

    TL;DR - The rewards in this event are a joke.
    And this is why they are hesitant to give us anything nice. If they do it once, people can only compare it to that....

    And if you had bothered reading, you would have read my comparisson to boss events as well. (Its even in first paragraaf, so how lazy a reader are you?) So not sure why you repeat that as if you dont agree.. 

    Anyway, I indeed think its not necissarily fair to expect the same or more here than from anniversary event.
    I stopped reading after what I quoted. No reason to insult me. I wasn’t insulting you just giving my opinion of the event and reacting to the first setnance that I didn’t agree with. 

    Back on topic. So you’re suggestion is we should be happy when new events are worse than previous?  Should we celebrate moving backwards?  Shouldn’t we challenge mediocrede or worse?  I wouldn’t be so upset if it was less rewards PoP was extremely generous, but making the reward worse than all alliance events for years is not ok and we should expess our frustration. Isn’t the whole point of having a forum to get the players opinions. These are mine, regardless of how anyone else feels about them. 

    Edit:  I went back and finished your post. So you insulted me for agreeing with you?  Now I’m really confused...
    I insulted you? How did i do that? For calling you lazy? You said yourself Too Lazy;Didnt Read... I know L stands for long officially, but we all know what it really stands for, dont we?

    Funny you again decided to comment on me, before reading everything, seeing your Edit... 

    Sure, you are entitled to your opinion and that indeed is what forum is for. Forum is also for reading though, especially if you decide to comment (and argue) with other forum users. Also helps with confusion..

    Once again, not saying the rewards are great, or even good, but did everyone take into account the node rewards, in comparing rewards to other events? Wont make enormous difference, but still, several cp, iso, ... Just wondering...
    1.  As noted I read/comment when I can.  I would have gone back and read your full comment when I had time, but I ran out before I got back to it.  
    2.  I was triggered by first line, which is why I responded without finishing.  I intentionally cut out everything I didn't read in order to make it clear that's all I was responding to.
    3.  I'm not sure where/how you were confused.  I only included the line I was responding to in my post.  The rest of my post made it even clearer that I didn't read it all.  Not sure why you felt the need to be augmentative.... If I had attacked you or even said something contrary to yours, but other than disagreeing with the first line we said a lot of the same things.  What did insulting me or even responding at all help anything?
    4.  Yes the forum is for reading, but we have jobs, families, this over time committal game, and possibly other games, etc.  I do my best to read all/most of the interesting threads / comments, but it's a best effort, not a requirement.  Plenty of people post without reading anything but the first comment, or even the title.  Not sure why you felt the need to insult me and not them.
    5.  This is the insult, "how lazy a reader are you?".  It might not seem like much to you but I have dyslexia and my reading (and writing) comprehension isn't  as good as it should be.  As such I'm extremely sensitive to it.  Regardless of whether you felt it was an insult or not it certainly isn't an example of " treating your fellow users kindly" which is a forum rule.

    Anyway I've said my peace and don't want to further detract from the topic.  I don't have any hard feelings to you because I don't believe it was intentional,.  Still I wanted to make sure you understood where I was coming from and why I got so upset.

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    AXP_isme said:
    I’m confused about the story - I know, who reads the story, right? Anyway, it seems like i’m a villain, part of the sinister 600 presumably. Ok, so far so good, i’m fighting a bunch of heroes after all. But why is carnage in there as a one and done fight? Is it really asking so much to have some kind of coherent narrative, or at least a bit more explanatory dialogue or text. The option is there to skip past the ‘dialogue’ but I quite enjoy reading them from time to time, especially when they’re new.
    Carnage wanted Osborne to prove himself fighting against the Symbiotes before he would let him bond with one. It was pretty flimsy, but that was what was going on in that node.
  • AtlasAxe
    AtlasAxe Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    So is it really red Nebula covers every day?
    Good question. @Brigby , they couldn’t rotate covers? 4 red Nebula is useless to probably 2/3 the people who don’t have her champed. Maybe it can’t be fixed, but point of improvement for next run.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2018
    So is it really red Nebula covers every day?
    Apparently yes. All champ levels for me. 
  • Skrimgeour
    Skrimgeour Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    This was an interesting event. Our alliance is a top 200 alliance that finishes all the alliance Boss events. It takes time but we do it. 

    only four of our folks finished deadly yesterday. I was one of them and I did it withhout whales but it was truly deadly. Deadlier than PoP

    I sent everyone to do hard today. i just finished hard today and it was a cakewalk. I Thanosed everything without even thinking and had health packs left over. 

    So just feedback for the designers, like others I found the deadly just a bit deadlier than I think you planned. 

    I liked the challenge. But not to the point where I was banging my head against the wall. 

  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 1,003 Chairperson of the Boards
    bluewolf said:
    So is it really red Nebula covers every day?
    Apparently yes. All champ levels for me. 
    My 1/4/5 Nebula is significantly less disappointed, then, that my alliance likely isn't strong enough to get to her covers anyway.
    Personal Progression it is, I guess.
  • dragonreader
    dragonreader Posts: 89 Match Maker
    edited December 2018
    Overall I like the event.  I chose deadly yesterday and it was too hard for me (all though I did manage to finish), but that is my fault, not D3's.  I also don't mind the rewards being less than the anniversary.  I thought that was just too generous to do very often.  

    My only real complaint is if they are going to give a 4* cover as the top alliance reward in the daily missions at least the color should rotate (I know that sort of contradicts my previous statement about them not needing to be as generous as the anniversary event), but as points out by a few others for many of us the covers will just end up being saved (full disclosure I was at 2/2/4 to start the event and will end up at 2/2/7 after, for all the hard work this seems rather disappointing).   
  • Shintok17
    Shintok17 Posts: 620 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2018
    The "Superior Octopus" version of 5* Dock Ock and the "Red Goblin" version of 5* Green Goblin must be new costumes for the characters that will be released later. They look great. Hopefully 1 or both can be obtained by playing or completing something, but looking at the past it might be unlocked with Real Money or RNG.