Coming Soon: Character Updates!



  • Oldboy
    Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
    Woohoo!! I did it! I read through 17 pages in one day while at work icon_e_smile.gif

    Summary of reaction to nerfs
    - Laughing at all 4hor users
    - crying at losing Mystique and Mnmags as they are In one nerf swoop and having just used HP to buy 1 cover of Mystique
    - feeling "Meh" with Rags but 3/5/5 might have some uses
    - Indifferent to IF as i wont get enough covers to use him til months later
    - Cap, Cyclops and Mnmags might just become good buddies esp when mags is buffed for events

    The upgrades seem rushed by the devs. More thought should also have been put into execution of the changes in addition to the actual changes to the characters.
  • Phillipes
    Phillipes Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    I honestly would like to know with who should we play PVE when enemies have 14.000 hitpoint, and enemy Daken causes 6.000 damage for 5 blue.
    With other 3* who have 6.800 hitpoints?

    I think they are trying to make this game more casual, that could be good thing, but then they need to completely rework PVE (rewards) and PVP also (again rewards).
  • Phillipes wrote:
    I honestly would like to know with who should we play PVE when enemies have 14.000 hitpoint, and enemy Daken causes 6.000 damage for 5 blue.
    With other 3* who have 6.800 hitpoints?

    I think they are trying to make this game more casual, that could be good thing, but then they need to completely rework PVE (rewards) and PVP also (again rewards).

    Scaling will fix itself of course!!! I mean it never has after any prior nerf but it totes will this time... honest...
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wow this was unexpected and it hurted!!

    IF, this change was the only one I expected, and I think he is still very good. So Ok, he is still top 3* material.

    4hor, this nerf hurts A LOT, I am very upset about this change. Ok, 12 was to much but 5? Just 5 **** tiles?!?!?!?!? **** !!! She is broken now!!! You spend 19AP for just 7000 hps!!! Devs should rise the number of tiles to 8 ASAP (or rise the damage per charged tile to 1000+). This is not negotiable. Two much work to max her for this.

    Rags, I think he is worse now that last week. I suppose it is better for everybody because PvE got easier as a result of these changes.

    The other changes doesn't affect me at this point in time (I don't use MNmags, I still don't have a maxed Mystique) so I prefer to not evaluate them.


    PS: I really hope the fix 4hor nerfe, I really do...
    PS: Phantron I agree with you about Blade, he is super good or super bad depending on board configuration, he depends too much on the number of red tiles on the board. In the near future I will use him with Cyclops...
    PS: With these nerfs Luke Cage and Cyclops are now way better...
  • Phillipes
    Phillipes Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    edited March 2015
    I won´t have anything to this changes, if they lower max progression reward for 4* to let say 900 points.
    And ofc, they need to lower ISO cost for maxing 4*
    (it is ridiculous now).

    It took me some time to max GT (It was worth it while it lasted),
    but her usefullness goes from superior to slightly above average now.

    And repair that scaling already!
    Atleast minus 80 - 100 levels for hardest nodes (lol)
  • GritsNGravy
    GritsNGravy Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    Seriously, what the hell guys. I spent $100 to max out 4hor, are you going to give me my money back? This nerf is unbelievable, especially with not a single nerf to XForce, which is now, by far the most versatile and powerful character in the game by a long shot. Instead of making more variety at the high end, it now will be even more of a wall of XForce...

    IMO the real root problem to all of the game balancing is AP boosting, why not just fix/remove that and let 4* characters be powerful? Another maybe better option, allow only one 4* character in a match, this would allow the room for 4*s to be powerful in their own sphere and allow a variety of combos with 2* and 3*'s to be viable.

    The IF and Prof X nerfs make you guys look amateur (or worse, bait and switch profiting), test your **** before, or start a beta/preview server for crowd sourced testing...

    Not trying to be dramatic, I've survived the Spidey and cMags nerf, and the Sentry nerf, but this 4hor nerf might be too much for me. Real money changed hands, I feel ripped off, if anyone did this to me IRL I'd demand a refund.

  • This is the announcement. There's 11 days between now and the changes, so anyone still buying covers has the information they need. People who bought it yesterday should be refunded.

    In the general sense, any character that can break the general game mechanics (stun lock, infinite turns, etc...) has been reviewed and addressed. While there was no announcement that they were contemplating a change, anyone who has been around long enough would know that 'winfinite' was going to be addressed at some point.

    Anyone on the forums knows about this. The rest of the playerbase????
  • woopie
    woopie Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    So, now that they've set the precedent that they don't need to vault to make adjustments, all characters should be available shortly right? Oh wait, they haven't stopped pumping characters out long enough to figure out how to fix the abysmal draw rates
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    MikeHock wrote:

    Anyone on the forums knows about this. The rest of the playerbase????

    Yeah, didn't word it quite right, so sorry about that. What I meant by that was they should have announced this before they conned people into buying packs and covers right before the insta-nerf of a brand new character. Because, I for one, am one of the unfortunate who bought IF covers only to be slapped by his gimping a couple of days later and less than two weeks after release at that. No they didn't ruin him it's just bad business and until I here otherwise, I'm going to assume it's as shady and underhanded as it looks.

    They easily could have informed people this was on the to do list and no one would have been buying him but they had to get that money first. Or they could just as easily take coulpe minutes out their busy schedule to explain themselves now. But they remain MIA. All I know is if everyone at my job did what hey are doing, everyone would be fired. It's unprofessional and unacceptable.

    So yeah, I'm upset. But never have I or will I ask for a refund or compensation. No one shoulod have to, they should do it on their own.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Right now I am starting to think that they have deliberately stolen from us, at least in the 4hor case. Nerfing the ability from 12 to 5 ? **** ? There is no way in the world that they should have not known that she was going to do 12000 hps with the combo, and now, after this nerf she just can do 7000 after spending 19AP !!! They are completly stupid or this was made on purpose, to make people buy 4hor covers and then nerf her into oblivion. And remember a 4* cover is more or less 15$ !!!

    If there was a mistake made, she should have been nerfed right away, not after 4 months, when A LOT of people has spend money into her. And she is not breaking the game the same way Spidey, CMags or Sentry did, she was really good but she did not breake the game.

    I don't know If there are any lawyer in this forum, but I am starting to think that maybe we need one icon_razz.gif

    PS: Maybe we should contact Marvel and explain to them how these people is using their franchises to rip money from people.
    PS: Did I say that I am very upset?
  • Noobulator
    Noobulator Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    Phillipes wrote:
    I honestly would like to know with who should we play PVE when enemies have 14.000 hitpoint, and enemy Daken causes 6.000 damage for 5 blue.
    With other 3* who have 6.800 hitpoints?

    I think they are trying to make this game more casual, that could be good thing, but then they need to completely rework PVE (rewards) and PVP also (again rewards).

    4hore 4hore 4hore
  • Noobulator wrote:

    4hore 4hore 4hore

    Who is this 4hore? She sounds hot and seems like she is popular with the players! I hear tons of people saying they spent good money on a 4hore and now she's going away? What did you expect?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Flare808 wrote:
    Why do the devs post something like this on the forums and disappear? Someone in the office must have known there would be a ton of questions and feedback. It would be nice to have some back and forth so we actually know the devs heard us. I know Miles responded to a couple questions, but conveniently sidestepped any difficult questions.

    They obviously don't really care about their player base or community.

    viewtopic.php?f=7&t=25222 The PVE reward structure thread has 163 upvotes, and zero dev comments in it or about it.

    viewtopic.php?f=7&t=24524 The popular questions in the Q&A thread were (for the most part) not answered.

    search.php?author_id=53917&sr=posts They hired a "community manager" who has nine non-announcement posts since Feb 20: all of which are either "Sorry about that problem, it should be fixed soon" or "we aren't making it playable on PC and phone at the same time". None of them are responses to the community.

    I think I tabbed over all the red names yesterday and saw zero posts from any of them yesterday. Will (head designer) has been the most frequent one in here on non tech-trouble issues: possibly the rest don't want to come in and listen to the angry threads. Which I understand - that's why you hired a community manager, right?

    IceIX search.php?author_id=57&sr=posts used to come in and actually explain things - but scaled way back after the "True Healing" debacle. That change had 60 pages of ignored negative response, and it tanked their game ratings on marketplaces. The simple fact that they didn't negotiate/reconsider/(respond) to that one lets you know they'll really never respond to anything. It's not your game, it's wholly theirs - that event let me realize this fact and I haven't paid for anything in "their game" since.
  • Ragnarok Changes:

    Makes him a much slower character, but I still don't see him getting much use in this current form. I would suggest taking out the damage to allies as we have characters (BP,Thor3*) that do more damage for the same AP without that drawback. Lightning Rod seems like an interesting change, but with it being burst of health, I don't see it being very useful.

    Thoress Changes:

    A nerf was needed, she was pretty OP. However, I echo the sentiments of the forum here, Power Surge to 5 is too much. Taking it down to 8 or even 7 seems reasonable and still within reason for a nerf. Striking Distance change is baffling, as I know, when I use the ability, I'm lucky to get one, maybe 2 tiles at most already. Smite buffs seem ok, but don't go far enough if the Power Surge change goes into effect, seems like you could increase the damage per charged tile to help counterbalance the Power Surge nerf if necessary. The nerf to 3 charged tiles doesn't seem that influential really.

    Iron Fist Changes:

    Unpopular opinion, I think, but I'm not sure the nerf goes far enough. Seems to me that 7 tiles or 4113 damage for 5 purple is pretty crazy. However, I do echo the sentiments that doing this a week after introducing the character is poor form and people should get full refunds for having invested in the character.

    Magneto (Marvel Now):

    This ability has been in the game for a long, long time now and wasn't really an issue until mystique and professor x came along. It seems the better fix, which was suggested by someone earlier in the post, is to change the color to yellow as to prevent the winfinite combo, but still allow the power to work with other characters as it has been. Changing an old character because of a new one seems like a poor way to handle the issues the game has.


    The random nature of this ability is the counterbalance to the amount of tiles placed. I'd say either the decrease of tiles or the increase in cost would've been a better way to go, but the way it is now seems like overkill to me.

    I honestly don't expect anything to change at this point, I really, really wish that Demiurge would take community feedback into consideration, but considering past precedent, I have serious doubts it will happen. However, hope springs eternal and here's to hoping...
  • orbitalint
    orbitalint Posts: 511 Critical Contributor
    Polares wrote:
    Right now I am starting to think that they have deliberately stolen from us, at least in the 4hor case. Nerfing the ability from 12 to 5 ? **** ? There is no way in the world that they should have not known that she was going to do 12000 hps with the combo, and now, after this nerf she just can do 7000 after spending 19AP !!! They are completly stupid or this was made on purpose, to make people buy 4hor covers and then nerf her into oblivion. And remember a 4* cover is more or less 15$ !!!

    If there was a mistake made, she should have been nerfed right away, not after 4 months, when A LOT of people has spend money into her. And she is not breaking the game the same way Spidey, CMags or Sentry did, she was really good but she did not breake the game.

    So, I'm not on either side of her nerf because I don't have a viable 4hor and have never spent HP on her covers. However, as a firm 3* roster who has to boost like all heck to get anywhere above 600, I'd say the "investment" in 4hor covers was A) individuals choice given the games meta for her being top tier and B) people were benefiting from it from extra HP, and a much easier road to decent placement in any PVP they wanted to participate for as long as they had a viable 4hor. 4hors let you climb much higher, much faster in PVP where us non-4hor folk haveto shield hop starting at 650 to try and keep up and do it much earlier in an event.

    Again, I'm not saying I'm ok with all the nerfs. I think they overdid hers, but except for people that just bought 4hor to viable status, everyone else has had a leg up on the entire playerbase, many since November. That's a lot of HP, ISO, covers, etc. that have been banked as a result of that "investment."
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I liked Rags as he was as a situationally great character - fast board shakes and tanky plus ap acceleration. I was looking forward to his third power since I loved Loki and Doom's changes.

    The actual changes took me aback at first, but having made a clear in the Hunt, I have decided Rags is my new best friend. Move over Mystique, Rags is better at infiltration than you now!

    New Rags lurks on the enemy team, stealing blue ap from Daken's painful Chemical Reactions to heal himself (especially while he is at full health) and nobody else, (unlike Obw, SheHulk, Beast and Spidey), and putting out 3 green charged tiles for me to collect while he goes looking for more red and blue ap. Fantastic!

    What does this mean? They have managed to come up with a skill that redefines useless and makes Beast look good in comparison! I am all amazement.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    orbitalint wrote:

    So, I'm not on either side of her nerf because I don't have a viable 4hor and have never spent HP on her covers. However, as a firm 3* roster who has to boost like all heck to get anywhere above 600, I'd say the "investment" in 4hor covers was A) individuals choice given the games meta for her being top tier and B) people were benefiting from it from extra HP, and a much easier road to decent placement in any PVP they wanted to participate for as long as they had a viable 4hor. 4hors let you climb much higher, much faster in PVP where us non-4hor folk haveto shield hop starting at 650 to try and keep up and do it much earlier in an event.

    Again, I'm not saying I'm ok with all the nerfs. I think they overdid hers, but except for people that just bought 4hor to viable status, everyone else has had a leg up on the entire playerbase, many since November. That's a lot of HP, ISO, covers, etc. that have been banked as a result of that "investment."

    But you see, some people has been saying that she was OP since day 1, but they wait 4-5 months until they can get as many money as possible (and HP is also money, because if you spend HP into 4hor you don't spend it any other place) and then they nerf her into oblivion to make place for a new 4* -> Prof X or any other future 4*

    It was crystal clear what 4hor capabilities were, there were no hidden interactions with other characters, no broken ability, she was not breaking the game as other chars did (Spidey, CMags and Sentry), so why a nerf that makes her worse than her 3* counterpart? Or devs ar stupid or they made everything on purpose, there is no other explication.

  • Yeah, didn't word it quite right, so sorry about that. What I meant by that was they should have announced this before they conned people into buying packs and covers right before the insta-nerf of a brand new character. Because, I for one, am one of the unfortunate who bought IF covers only to be slapped by his gimping a couple of days later and less than two weeks after release at that. No they didn't ruin him it's just bad business and until I here otherwise, I'm going to assume it's as shady and underhanded as it looks.

    They easily could have informed people this was on the to do list and no one would have been buying him but they had to get that money first. Or they could just as easily take coulpe minutes out their busy schedule to explain themselves now. But they remain MIA. All I know is if everyone at my job did what hey are doing, everyone would be fired. It's unprofessional and unacceptable.

    So yeah, I'm upset. But never have I or will I ask for a refund or compensation. No one shoulod have to, they should do it on their own.

    I agree with you, of course. If you spent actual money to upgrade Iron Fist, I certainly would be demanding a refund from D3 and preparing to contact ITunes or Google Play or whoever to dispute the charge. D3 certainly won't be volunteering to give you your money back.
  • Really silly update. Always nerf nerf and nerf.
    Adjustment of power balance should be "buff" weak character.
    I won't pay the money for training. Because don't know when being nerf.
  • orbitalint wrote:

    So, I'm not on either side of her nerf because I don't have a viable 4hor and have never spent HP on her covers. However, as a firm 3* roster who has to boost like all heck to get anywhere above 600, I'd say the "investment" in 4hor covers was A) individuals choice given the games meta for her being top tier and B) people were benefiting from it from extra HP, and a much easier road to decent placement in any PVP they wanted to participate for as long as they had a viable 4hor. 4hors let you climb much higher, much faster in PVP where us non-4hor folk haveto shield hop starting at 650 to try and keep up and do it much earlier in an event.

    Again, I'm not saying I'm ok with all the nerfs. I think they overdid hers, but except for people that just bought 4hor to viable status, everyone else has had a leg up on the entire playerbase, many since November. That's a lot of HP, ISO, covers, etc. that have been banked as a result of that "investment."

    Boosts are short term investments for an advantage... covers are meant to be long term investments. It is not reasonable to expect that something you purchased as a permanent improvement gets crippled to this degree. There was literally nothing on the pages to purchase covers that said "this is only temporarily worth buying, use it while you can!".

    The practice or wrecking things that ppl have invested in with real money is terribly anti-consumer and saying it's fine (especially when it doesn't actually affect you by your own admission) is baffling to me.

    Where else in life do you buy an item or service, somehow have your item completely devalued without warning or meaningful consultation and think it's fine?

    It's like saying it would be fine for you to put your money in a 5% yield 3 year bond which was the best one you could find on the market... get your 5% for a year then they come back and say... sorry 5% was too good, it'll be 3% now and you saying "oh fine then, at least I got what I expected for one year".

    Nothing about the purchase of covers implies it's a rental of usefulness and while it is reasonable of a customer to expect some balancing, to have the character's usefullness ripped apart is not a reasonable expectation... so there is really no excuse for it. It is a deplorable business tactic. It was exactly the same with Rags, Spidey and Sentry and now it's not some freak occurrence... this is EXACTLY what you should expect from them from this point forwards. ANY cover you buy for ANY hero can be arbitrarily made less valuable to any degree. What is the possible incentive to give them your money?

    I don't see how XForce can justify his power level now being head and shoulders above every other 4*. So how can anyone consider buying XForce covers with any degree of confidence that they won't be ruined on a developers whim? Not that he'll be balanced... but actually ruined.