Coming Soon: Character Updates!



  • Ahhh is xforce nerf coming now....i can't operate like this not knowing! LOL
  • Unknown
    edited March 2015
    Phillipes wrote:

    @ Polares: Im lawyer and I can tell you you would win for certain. Buying HPs is trade agreement between you and developers, there are some conditions, which both parties agrees upon.
    When they change something, they need to ask you if you agree with that. If you don´t you can cancel previous contract.
    This is precisely that thing.
    You bought something, contract was made.
    They change something that bothers you, you have right to get your money back.
    Simple as that.

    (I´m really sorry for my english, but I hope you have understood.)

    I won't pretend to be a lawyer, but the thing you bought (HP's) didn't change. Covers are bought with virtual currency, not actual currency, even if you can convert actual to virtual.

    And I have no idea what laws there are about earning (rather than buying) virtual currency, but have to guess that trying to recoup HP earned from a PvE event that was used to buy a virtual cover isn't something that a judge is going to want contested in an actual court.

    Actually that's not true... using an intermediary for cash doesn't absolve you of normal rules and regs regarding sales. It's like saying you can go to a fair... buy a load of tokens to go on rides then they only let you on the teacups. Then they say "what the hell are you complaining about... we sold you tokens and those tokens are right there in your hand. We only changed the thing you thought you were going to get with those tokens".

    The fact it's a video game doesn't alter all that much regarding the law (and EULAs can't alter your statutory rights in most countries (I say most but I really only know it's true in the UK... i'm assuming most western countries are similar... could be wring I guess....)).

    Either way... putting HP in the middle of a transaction doesn't change anything. There's no way a court would accept that ppl were paying for HP as their end product 8)

    This only relates to HP used that was purchased with cash though. HP used that was earned in game is a completely different kettle of fish.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    This 'fix' is a reaaaaally stupid move by the devs. Right now we know of these changes here in the forum, and a lot of people is complaining and threatening with not spending a cent in this game again. When the rest of the players see that a 4* is being nerfed for just being very good (not any game breaking mechanic), and a 2* just because, A LOT of people is going to see that you can't spend money in covers, because you never know when it could be nerfed, so D3 is going to loose A LOT of money because of these practices.

    A lot of people is going to never spend money in covers or in tokens again.

    As I said before, they need to fix this mess ASAP, If they don't I am gonna ask Apple for a refund, and I hope everybody that has spent money in covers does the same. I can understand Spidey and CMags nerf, but not these ones, the others were breaking the game, but 4hor is just a very good character. They should have play tested her more before they created her, you can't change chars just because you want to.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    bonfire01 wrote:
    Actually that's not true... using an intermediary for cash doesn't absolve you of normal rules and regs regarding sales. It's like saying you can go to a fair... buy a load of tokens to go on rides then they only let you on the teacups. Then they say "what the hell are you complaining about... we sold you tokens and those tokens are right there in your hand. We only changed the thing you thought you were going to get with those tokens".

    The fact it's a video game doesn't alter all that much regarding the law (and EULAs can't alter your statutory rights in most countries (I say most but I really only know it's true in the UK... i'm assuming most western countries are similar... could be wring I guess....)).

    Either way... putting HP in the middle of a transaction doesn't change anything. There's no way a court would accept that ppl were paying for HP as their end product 8)

    This only relates to HP used that was purchased with cash though. HP used that was earned in game is a completely different kettle of fish.

    Your analogy still doesn't really work.

    Keeping the same premise, this is like buying tokens for a teacup ticket, riding the teacups for 6 months, and then the company decides to make the teacups go much slower, but you can still ride them. I'm sure there are people out there that would be outraged by the slower teacups, but good luck being refunded that money or suing the carnival for slowing down their teacups. You bought a ticket for the teacups, you still have a ticket for the teacups.

    Another angle: This is like buying tokens for the teacup ticket(s), and by doing so you're given a higher amount of tickets for other rides than someone who doesn't have the teacup ticket, and you also get more tokens back for having the teacup ticket.

    As I said, I'm not a lawyer and won't pretend to be one, so if those of you that are think there's a case, I'm not going to sit here and dispute. From a logical perspective, however, this seems like it's a laughable thing to devote time and energy to, when the lawyer fees probably end up more expensive than the money you spent on the covers in the first place.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2015
    I'm a transitioner so the change really only affects Magneto for me so I'm not really upset about this like the rest of you. Although, while it doesn't affect me personally as much, it does discourage me from wanting to support a game where the devs can't seem to walk without tripping on their own feet.

    My only real contribution to the conversation is this: complaining on the forum only reaches those on the forum. The itunes rating for MPQ of 4.5 stars says that it's based on 261 ratings( icon_lol.gif , how is that possible) (EDIT - that # is for current version only, total ratings for all versions is 9,986). Anyway, can you imagine how far down that would go if all forum users who got the game from itunes made their opinion known there? I assume it would hurt the devs a lot more if they can't get new players because it is rated so low than if forumites are upset for a little while then go right back to grinding.

    Please note that I don't want to hurt the devs, I want this game to succeed, but just thought that there might be a better way to let your frustrations be known than ranting on a forum that (presumably) only a fraction of players use. This, of course, would not be necessary at all if they communicated with us in some way instead of just throwing this out there and running away.
  • Sure, the 6 months on the teacups (Thor) is one thing. But the IF change literally on the heels of his release is totally another. I understand it's a video game and there are balance issues but with a micro payment system like this something was promised, people bought into it, and then it was switched out.

    Some have even said the bought into it fully knowing it would eventually be changed, but willing to go the 5 months before the change, and even THAT was taken.

    Bottom line is this, better testing, better design overall, and live with your mistakes. Unless you are infinite comboing or ending the match on turn 3, there should be no call for such drastic change, especially if you are asking your players to make a financial commitment based on the playability of a character.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    Sure, the 6 months on the teacups (Thor) is one thing. But the IF change literally on the heels of his release is totally another. I understand it's a video game and there are balance issues but with a micro payment system like this something was promised, people bought into it, and then it was switched out.

    Some have even said the bought into it fully knowing it would eventually be changed, but willing to go the 5 months before the change, and even THAT was taken.

    Bottom line is this, better testing, better design overall, and live with your mistakes. Unless you are infinite comboing or ending the match on turn 3, there should be no call for such drastic change, especially if you are asking your players to make a financial commitment based on the playability of a character.

    Granted, I've said it a few times and I'll repeat it here, I definitely agree about full refunding Fist purchases, if you're so inclined to ask for it. That's a different can of worms than the other 3 who have been around for a while now.

    I will say that the IF change wouldn't be enough for me to care if I had bought his covers, but that's a personal opinion, and one more time, I understand 100% not agreeing with that. And if I had broken down and bought the 5th blue for Thor (which I had contemplated after season 11 finished), I'd probably want that refunded too.

    Just another thought on this, I'd have a much easier time understanding a claim of future virtual assets lost as a result of the change, than the argument that past purchases have been defrauded.

    And I still think Thor's change is addressing future breaks, rather than current ones, but that's a wait and see I suppose.
  • Switchman wrote:
    Ahhh is xforce nerf coming now....i can't operate like this not knowing! LOL

    Don't worry, we'll still have BP, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, 3*Thor.....

    *2 years later*

    Don't worry, Moonstone will never be nerfed
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I definitely agree about full refunding Fist purchases, if you're so inclined to ask for it.
    I did, and got the same form letter they're sending to everyone
  • As for Thorette..... this is one that I'm not sure about. I tend to agree with most others, it should be around 8 charge tiles. 12 is too many, 5 is too few. Split the difference and round down to 8. Everyone's happy. Unless there was a very good reason behind making it so low. Like for example, a new upcoming character icon_e_wink.gificon_e_wink.gif . Let's just call him Remy for the sake of time. icon_e_wink.gificon_e_wink.gif . Let's say Remy has a charge tile ability as well. If he makes a bunch, and was used with Thorette, they could really do some damage. Maybe dropping Thorette's charge tiles down to 5 was D3's way of getting ready for old Remy to join the party.

    If Thorette was really changed due to upcoming character(s), it is very very bad game-design from D3.
  • simonsez wrote:
    I definitely agree about full refunding Fist purchases, if you're so inclined to ask for it.
    I did, and got the same f'ing form letter they're sending to everyone

    make sure u post on the forums as well - they customer service department is 3rd party so may not understand the gravity of the situation.

    I hope everyone who's invested in 4* and IF gets fully repaid, this is some ****.
  • So, how do I get my money back? $150 spent between 4hor and iron fist. Petition Google play..or does d3 taken care of that? Both recent purchases.
  • Good, these nerds were needed (maybe a little to heavy on 4hor's blue ability), but I think the real thing everyone wants to know is when will Invisible Woman be buffed? Honestly, in her current state she's more of two-star (maybe 3-star) quality.

    Everyone is glad to know that the MPQ developers have finally taken a break from adding knew characters and started balancing the ones we already have, but it looks like they missed a few. Invisible Woman, Bullseye (needs third ability and MAJOR buffing), 2-star Captain Marvel (her yellow should be renamed energy absorption and her 3-star version should be made a gold-rarity character considering how she's more of a buffed version), 3-star torch (needs to be made gold-rarity), Bag-Man (yah, yah we know he's a joke character, but what's the point of a joke character if no one wants him on their roster?), 3-star Iron Man, 2-star and 3-star Captain America (lower the cost of his yellow by 1 or 2 AP), and Moon Stone (enough said).

    Oh, and one more thing-EVERY character should have 3 abilities! Yes, we all know that characters have 2 abilities to make it easier for new players to manage and learn how to use abilities; however, this does mean the these characters are typically less common to find on rosters. Characters all having 3 abilities will greatly improve the dynamics of the game by improving character leveling and power diversity!
  • raziel777 wrote:

    If Thorette was really changed due to upcoming character(s), it is very very bad game-design from D3.

    Out of Curiosity, would it be better to put out the Thorette nerf at the time of a released character with the explanation that she is being nerfed due to the new character being released abilities causing a to big of a power shift? Or something along those lines?
  • I would like everyone to please keep in mind, these changes are still over a week away. If we, the players, present our arguments in a well reasoned, logical, polite manner, D3 will be more likely to listen. There is still plenty of time for them to make changes.

    Sorry, but I think you're deluding yourself. Those changes are coming and there's nothing we can do about it. Plead, beg, be nice, be rude... it doesn't matter. Any nerf/changes they've ever made went through regardless of negative forum feedback.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    as I was told, Smite and Power Surge just happened to work together, that doesn't mean they were intended to.
    Wait wait wait, you're telling us that a dev told you that they unintentionally built a character with too strong personal interaction? They can't handle the interaction of 2 skills but expect to manage them for 60+ characters
  • doofdoof wrote:
    So, how do I get my money back? $150 spent between 4hor and iron fist. Petition Google play..or does d3 taken care of that? Both recent purchases.

    Submit your complaint/problem/ticket to D3 and after they reject your claim (which they likely will), then dispute the charges with Google Play. You will need to demonstrate to Google that you tried to work out this issue direct with D3 first.
  • Pieking7 wrote:
    Good, these nerds were needed (maybe a little to heavy on 4hor's blue ability), but I think the real thing everyone wants to know is when will Invisible Woman be buffed? Honestly, in her current state she's more of two-star (maybe 3-star) quality.

    Everyone is glad to know that the MPQ developers have finally taken a break from adding knew characters and started balancing the ones we already have, but it looks like they missed a few. Invisible Woman, Bullseye (needs third ability and MAJOR buffing), 2-star Captain Marvel (her yellow should be renamed energy absorption and her 3-star version should be made a gold-rarity character considering how she's more of a buffed version), 3-star torch (needs to be made gold-rarity), Bag-Man (yah, yah we know he's a joke character, but what's the point of a joke character if no one wants him on their roster?), 3-star Iron Man, 2-star and 3-star Captain America (lower the cost of his yellow by 1 or 2 AP), and Moon Stone (enough said).

    Oh, and one more thing-EVERY character should have 3 abilities! Yes, we all know that characters have 2 abilities to make it easier for new players to manage and learn how to use abilities; however, this does mean the these characters are typically less common to find on rosters. Characters all having 3 abilities will greatly improve the dynamics of the game by improving character leveling and power diversity!

    They took a break from adding new characters? That's odd, cuz I believe D3 said themselves that new characters are being released every 2 weeks.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    simonsez wrote:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    if we start to get more Rag like characters who create charged tiles, then 4hor's Smite may be getting stronger in the near future.
    I don't think it's a coincidence that they specifically made Rags not compatible with GT, since they both use blue to generate charged tiles. It's not like red/green/blue is a common color set, so it's pretty clear they had "don't help GT" in mind. So no, I don't expect Smite to be getting any help in the near future.
    They did help, though once again likely unintended, Lightning Rod TU does one thing for the player, creates charged tiles
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    as I was told, Smite and Power Surge just happened to work together, that doesn't mean they were intended to.
    This is the most amazing quote I've seen today. Are you really saying that it's a coincidence that Surge and Smite ended up working so well together? That is just amazing. Anyone could look at those two skills and immediately understand you feed one into the other. But to the devs, this was an unintended consequence?? Mind blown...