Coming Soon: Character Updates!
Downvote first post if you think Phantron rambles to much0
Also, I didn't realize until now that Thunderclap will make blue tiles instead of green. I'm not sure how to read that one in a PvE context because on the one hand it means he'll basically never use Godlike Power unless you screw up royally, on the other hand it feeds Chemical Reaction when he's paired with Daken, which is almost all the time. On the other hand you won't have random green matches to create strike tiles for CR, and big cascades could lead to the AI using 8 AP for Lightning Rod instead of 5 for Daken to smack you. Judgment reserved in the grand scheme of things, but it definitely makes Ragnarok as a self-contained fighter worse.0
Cryptobrancus wrote:Rags, to fix him ~don't~ change red. Let red fuel green AND blue fuel green and the cost of green is almost justified. Then a rags Lazy Thor GSBW would be a funny team to run, blue makes green, red makes green, yellow makes green, purple makes green and green is going to be an aoe no matter who uses it.
!!! THIS!!!I love it.
Seriously, that would be a valid fix -- blue's cheap enough to build up the AP for that on its own. Both it and red should go towards fuelling that green AOE.0 -
rixmith wrote:I don't have a usable 4Thor so that change is nothing but goodness to me, though I understand why those who have invested in her (and are highly reliant on her now) are upset. I suspect that if this is how she had been built from the start that everyone would still be extremely happy with her and consider her a top tier character.
All top tier characters should require 19 APs for 3 stun and 7650 damage at max level.0 -
As someone who is fully into the ** to *** transition, this MNM nerf sucks and sucks bad. The great thing with MNM was he was a great ** main character and also a great *** support character.
** players obviously ran him with CStorm and MHawkeye. He was a well balanced character who could be lethal but made up for it with low health. As a *** support character his purple worked well with multiple *** characters, with again, the drawback being his low health.
This nerf just KILLS him and affects multiple characters as well. Terrible, terrible idea.0 -
Hello, I am a pretty new player. I've been playing about two months and slowly building up my roster.
I have several characters to level 72-71 and a lot of very low covered ones as well. I don't know much about the PvE scaling, but it has been extremely rough trying to get anywhere.
Storm 2 star and Magneto 2 star are the only reason I even stand a chance in placing to earn at least 1 3 star in PvE, I haven't gotten lucky enough to work on any "OP combo's" yet.
As a new player that hasn't gotten far, can you (D3) please take another look at Magneto. I don't know what I'm going to do after this change besides not playing anymore. I don't want it to come to that, I do enjoy playing.
(Sorry if this got posted more than once, the submit button was being stubborn.)0 -
I agree with the changes being made, with the exception of Mystique, for reasons already stated and maybe 4* Thor's yellow.
The biggest issue with 4* Thor was the Charge tiles, which just created too much potential AP that also fueled damage to another ability. The downside was that the other team could match them before you. However, the move that gave you the most charge tiles also stunned, thus giving you time to gobble them up before the other team. Hence the high cost of her abilities as well.
With Rags update, and the potential for Gambit in the future, there is going to be an increase in the number of characters that can make charge tiles. So lowering the amount feels right to me.
All this ties into the high cost of Rags Green...he has an ability that makes green charge tiles...chances are he will match some and thus get the benefits of the extra AP to fuel the ability. I can see why they made the cost higher because of that.0 -
dragma wrote:Dartmaster01 wrote:MikeHock wrote:After the release of the Deadpool Daily quest, I was tempted to show some appreciation for MPQ and buy some Hero Points. Now, after reading this, i'm glad I didn't. Nerfs and character revisions only encourage disdain and resentment. Nerfing characters they recently released (Mystique & Iron Fist) just shows they don't have a clue what they're doing.
I sure am glad I didn't give MPQ any money. They don't deserve it.
I was about to buy a stark salary tom.. Thank goodness they did this today!
You were going to? Really? I just love it when people say these things when the nerfbat comes out. "Hey everyone lets all buy the most expensive item, oh wait they are nerfing the tiny kitty out of Bagman, never mind, that will show them."
Problem is you can say I was going to, but... even when you had no intention of.
I had every intention of buying it. I get a bonus tom. and I haven't spent real$ on this game in quite some time. I really liked a lot of the recent changes so I was indeed going to show some support and treat myself at the same time. In light of all this though, I will not support this game or your condescending tone.0 -
so sad... I just was so excited 2 days ago to spend 200,000 Iso and 5000 HP on Thor to boost her to 4/2/5 and make her useable, and was grinding hard to get some more iso from Deadpool dailies and Lightning rounds, then 2 days later i see that it was for nothing, she is ok but not a hero i would be willing to spend all of my painfully earned HP and ISO on. and the ability to sell her might probably wont cover what i had literally just spent on her and the immense grinding i put into her0
platypusavenger wrote:kthunder wrote:
All top tier characters should require 19 APs for 3 stun and 7650 damage at max level.
In that context, Mystique compares somewhat favorably with 4hor.0 -
Very interesting.
4hor updates.
Smite--Yeah, about right
Striking Distance--why?, seriously why? Was this ever overpowered?
Power Surge--hoo boy, this one got gutted, almost wondering if 5/4/4 is the way to go. I'm okay with the stun nerf, and I'm okay with the charged tile nerf but a 60% reduction? I would have tried 8, that seems like a fairer number, it's enough to get the combo going but not absurd, only 5 really hurts this skill, but what do I know?
Iron Fist
yeah, this is about right, i spent some HP and got him to 2/5/3, purple at 4 felt strong, purple at 5 was overpowered,
Magneto....umm, okay maybe while you were nerfing his purple you could have fixed his blue and red and made them less CD intensive and cheaper, buy buddy, we loved you.
Your fix for her D3, really unwarranted. Simpler solution which would have also allowed you not to gut MnMags would have been.
Infiltration Cost: 10
Mystique infiltrates an organization giving herself ample opportunity to unravel plans. Transforms 5 random basic tiles that are Red, Green, or Yellow into Blue, or Black tiles.
Level 2 - Transforms 6 tiles.
Level 3 - Transforms 7 tiles.
Level 4 - Transforms 8 tiles.
Level 5 - Transforms 10 tiles.
Shapeshift - 8
Mystique changes her appearance to make her look like the target enemy, creating an 8 turn Countdown tile. While shapeshifted whenever the enemy team makes a match Mystique steals 1 AP of that color.
Level 2: Also stuns the target for 1 turn
Level 3: Also steals 1 AP whenever the enemy team makes a Purple match
Level 4: Also steals 1 AP whenever the enemy team makes a Blue or Black match
Level 5: Also steals 1 AP whenever the enemy team makes a Team-Up match. Stuns for 1 additional turn
Looking forward to new Rags though, already planning to have him 3 green, 5 red, 5 blue so he can play with X-Force!!!0 -
dragma wrote:Dartmaster01 wrote:MikeHock wrote:After the release of the Deadpool Daily quest, I was tempted to show some appreciation for MPQ and buy some Hero Points. Now, after reading this, i'm glad I didn't. Nerfs and character revisions only encourage disdain and resentment. Nerfing characters they recently released (Mystique & Iron Fist) just shows they don't have a clue what they're doing.
I sure am glad I didn't give MPQ any money. They don't deserve it.
I was about to buy a stark salary tom.. Thank goodness they did this today!
You were going to? Really? I just love it when people say these things when the nerfbat comes out. "Hey everyone lets all buy the most expensive item, oh wait they are nerfing the tiny kitty out of Bagman, never mind, that will show them."
Problem is you can say I was going to, but... even when you had no intention of.
Thankfully I received various Hero Points from PvE and PvP, but yes, I absolutely was thinking of purchasing Hero Points.
I had 3 Iron Fist covers sitting in my que for 4-5 days and prior to that, a single Luke Cage sitting in my que before that. You can check my posts and go f yourself.0 -
rixmith wrote:I'll withhold opinion on the new Rags until I play him. I suspect we'll discover some very strong combos for his new power set, like using his red to set up a cMags blue. I don't like the self-damage on the green, but probably wouldn't use him as my main Green anyway or maybe just as a match ender where taking that damage really isn't much compared to continuing the fight and getting hit with an opponent's power.
I'll dissent from the rest of the crowd on MNMags. His changes makes him much stronger as an individual character. I keep his red at 4 covers and find it quite effective. It does pretty good damage ( > 2K) and generates AP for 11 Red. With a 1 turn countdown I know that as long I don't cast it while there is a red match available I'll almost always get it to go off. He'll still be fine with Storm and Hawkeye. 3 Blue will still generate 1 critical and usually generate most of what you need for a Wind Storm. It just means you need 1 additional Blue match, but with full boosts you'll still get Wind Storm on a single Purple match.
Iron Fist change makes sense to me. Mystique change didn't seem necessary to me, but I'm glad to have the winfinite taken care of.
I don't have a usable 4Thor so that change is nothing but goodness to me, though I understand why those who have invested in her (and are highly reliant on her now) are upset. I suspect that if this is how she had been built from the start that everyone would still be extremely happy with her and consider her a top tier character.
Looking at some of the recent changes, the cMags and Hood modifications both ended up being positive for the game and the characters. The Sentry nerf was positive for the overall game experience, but he was beaten too far into insignificance. This will probably end up being positive except for existing 4Thor users.
Yellow is the one I really don't understand on her, I think the amount of blue charged tiles is a bit too low, I would have shot for something in the 6-8 range, normally skills for 4* double on the 5th cover, 4hor was the one when it said 12 I was like ****!!!. But 8 would have been right, take away one just to be safe and I think making 7 charged tiles would have put her in a good spot.0 -
actually, the worst part about iron fist is the attack tile, why wasn't that fixed a little bit, and I am sad for 2* teams that lost mags, at least they had a small edge there, I was there once, and needed all the help we could get to win and compete with a 2* roster, sorry new guys...0
I want to emphasize stop downvoting the OP. As much as you might disagree with the character changes, if the post gets hidden, it hurts everyone, so please stop. Additionally, don't shoot the messenger, he's just delivering the message to the forums - while I am sure he had input, I highly doubt it was all his work (and even if it was all his work that doesn't mean it's his opinion that they're the right changes).0
I thought Doom and Loki's new third powers were fantastic, so I had high hopes for Rags' third.
Rags' new blue just seems incredibly underwhelming, though. Only 3 charged tiles @ 5 covers?? Would it be too OP to allow 1 per level, for 5 tiles at max? As it stands now, this seems like one of those powers that'll be bad at 5 covers, but so much worse at less than 5 that you may as well go for 5. (Hmm, similar to Spidey's blue, She-Hulk's blue, Doc Ock's blue... I'm sensing a pattern here.)
OR, if only 3 covers created at max... would it have been too OP to make the healing a true-heal? ("Ragnarok regenerates his techno-organic circuitry to heal xx damage!" or something)
I'd honestly be fine ditching the burst-heal entirely if the blue created 5 tiles @ 5 covers.
As it stands now, this third power's got me feeling -- as Miles Davis said -- Kind Of.
0 -
I think a lot of people are over reacting to the 4thor Nerf. The big effect is on smite which now will do 7600 damage after 1 blue instead of 12k damage. That is still a huge amount of damage and her Healy is stupid high. She will continue to pair with Xforce as always.
For IF creating 7 black on the board for 5 ap is still really good. 9 was just crazy. It was lightning strike without the damage, and lightning strike is mainly to set up COTS. I th no IF is stil a top 3* character.
MNM- sad but needed
Mystique- confusing as you can get 7 black for 5 AP but to change 9 tiles to black and purple you need 10?
Finally Rags. I am glad for the update bu I am kind of disappointed. I was hoping to see something really cool, but his green does self damage, and his blue is meh. i am kind of interested to know how he looked when ice said he was way too over powered. Was he originally charging 10 tiles? Was his green based off his old health doing 4k damage? It wil be nice if he is a true healer, and his charge tiles will help green users, but I was hoping for a little more. Doom, and Loki became a lot more playable with there 3rd ability while Rags feels better, but worse.0 -
The more I look at Ragnarok's green the more I think they just made PVE a lot easier. That's not going to trigger very often, it does a fair amount of damage, but not a scary amount, and it won't fuel the endless loops the old Ragnarok seemed to get into. It's ludicrously overcosted, too. I had been debating holding off on the update but now I think I want it ASAP.0
GothicKratos wrote:I want to emphasize stop downvoting the OP. As much as you might disagree with the character changes, if the post gets hidden, it hurts everyone, so please stop. Additionally, don't shoot the messenger, he's just delivering the message to the forums - while I am sure he had input, I highly doubt it was all his work (and even if it was all his work that doesn't mean it's his opinion that they're the right changes).
I just voted it up, just to help keep it visible.0
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