Coming Soon: Character Updates!
Dartmaster01 wrote:EpicBeastmode wrote:Dartmaster01 wrote:Who would buy covers for anyone after this, new character or not. I bought half my 4thor covers release week and I'm pissed. I can only imagine how someone who bought up IF to 166 feels. If it were me I'd be on their doorstep getting my money back right now.
It pretty much is deceptive trade practices in my opinion. It would be different if this game was free but since it sells things like really is deceptive to "advertise" and show what a product does then change it for the worse after its already purchased by a customer. This isn't a bug they were fixing, it was a flat out feature change which you do not have the option to decline and is inherently different from what you purchased.
Just to be clear none of these changes effect me, really, I was actually going to buy some thor blue covers but due to the iTunes outage yesterday I couldnt...I'm not buying them now nor will I buy any covers ever again because they are subject to change at whim.
Nothing short of a flat out refund of every cover for that character at full price (unless they have traceability to all the hp used for shields, health packs, purchased covers, ISO purchased, etc) would a remedy be considered fair for those that actually purchased covers IMO.
My thoughts exactly. It's the old "Bait & Switch" a very unethical business practice that I will not be a victim of. Fool me once....well you know how it goes. As I said in my earlier more heated post, D3 dev should be ashamed of themselves today. But I can just see them back there goin
Who shall we do next?
Love that meme it is perfect for this thread. Xforce has to be next, I can't see how they could not if they nerf power surge. But like I said before, I'm sure it's their biggest cover money maker...when that dries up they will probably nerf it then to maximize the "excellent"0 -
Just please change X-Force to how he was when first revealed and all will be right with the world.0 -
So whatever happened to the guy who did the Doom, Loki and CMag reworks? Clearly not the same person as the noob who's responsible for this steaming pile. As long as you're listening to the forum when it comes to things like "Magstique is broken", "IF and GT are too powerful", how 'bout listening to the forum when it tells you that whoever designed these **** changes shouldn't be allowed anywhere near design decisions again.0
Even "KIM KARDASHIAN: HOLLYWOOD" has more ethical responsibility and integrity than MPQ0
ok we have one character that use red to add blue to the board
another that uses purple to places blue and makes red
and another that uses blue to make purple and black
looks fairly infinite to me, only requires one additional piece0 -
EpicBeastmode wrote:Love that meme it is perfect for this thread. Xforce has to be next, I can't see how they could not if they nerf power surge. But like I said before, I'm sure it's their biggest cover money maker...when that dries up they will probably nerf it then to maximize the "excellent"
X Force is the only person keeping the game from collapsing into Loki/The Hood marathons though, so his position is not a matter of game balance. That is, of course you can nerf him, and then expect to see a lot of watch the paint dry games involving those two characters as this eliminates the only guy who can kill them reliably, so you'd likely have to take the mirror to not get ran over by those two's oppressive passives, but then their passive counters themselves exactly so it's going to lead some very boring game. Well, I guess there's still Iron Fist, he should be able to beat either of those two quite reliably with just his attack tile.0 -
So you nerf the best woman in the game during "Woman of Marvel" month... Haters.0
simonsez wrote:So whatever happened to the guy who did the Doom, Loki and CMag reworks? Clearly not the same person as the noob who's responsible for this steaming pile. As long as you're listening to the forum when it comes to things like "Magstique is broken", "IF and GT are too powerful", how 'bout listening to the forum when it tells you that whoever designed these **** changes shouldn't be allowed anywhere near design decisions again.
I think this staff has two different kinds of design philosophy. There's the lowball version, who most likely brought you Psylocke and any character weaker than her. They're also responsible for redesigning characters that are way too powerful. For the most part these guys are quite good but they generally lowball on the extremely cautious side, leading to theoractically playable characters like Psylocke.
On the other hand there's the staff that does the interview with, e.g. "Hey check out our new character his abilities kills everyone in one hit! Isn't that cool?" It's not to say these guys have no idea what game balance is, but since it's pretty hard to sell Psylocke in an interview they've to be, er, bolder, when creating abilities, which leads to things being possibly horribly broken.0 -
Phantron wrote:
X Force is the only person keeping the game from collapsing into Loki/The Hood marathons though, so his position is not a matter of game balance. That is, of course you can nerf him, and then expect to see a lot of watch the paint dry games involving those two characters as this eliminates the only guy who can kill them reliably, so you'd likely have to take the mirror to not get ran over by those two's oppressive passives, but then their passive counters themselves exactly so it's going to lead some very boring game. Well, I guess there's still Iron Fist, he should be able to beat either of those two quite reliably with just his attack tile.
Daken and Blade are also very reliable and speedy killers of Loki/The Hood.0 -
platypusavenger wrote:Phantron wrote:
X Force is the only person keeping the game from collapsing into Loki/The Hood marathons though, so his position is not a matter of game balance. That is, of course you can nerf him, and then expect to see a lot of watch the paint dry games involving those two characters as this eliminates the only guy who can kill them reliably, so you'd likely have to take the mirror to not get ran over by those two's oppressive passives, but then their passive counters themselves exactly so it's going to lead some very boring game. Well, I guess there's still Iron Fist, he should be able to beat either of those two quite reliably with just his attack tile.
Daken and Blade are also very reliable and speedy killers of Loki/The Hood.
Daken was only reliable against The Hood if you had 5 in blue after the nerf to Phermone Rage, which means you either had a low regen or you can't create 2 tiles with Phermone Rage and there are all kinds of drawbacks for going with a build like that which is why very few people had such a build. Blade came out after X Force, so there wasn't much point to use him in that capacity because only the top teams need to be able to deal with The Hood on a regular basis (a weaker player should just skip The Hood), and as always Blade is still totally dependent on the board state. Some games he can be super awesome and some games you don't have The Thirst ever triggering and he's quite medicore. I don't really like Blade because it's maddening how awesome or worthless he can be every single fight so you never know which one you're going to get.0 -
So, couple of things:
A)I really don't think any of the nerfs here are severe sans Thoress, and frankly, she needed it. 12 charges off of a 5 turn stun is insane. Mag's nerf is a tad bit disappointing, but the ability still works okay. I just want to see how it works with the red (i.e. can you change to blue and then have that blue change to red? If so, yuck. If not, fine.)
B)As numerous other people have stated, Invisible Woman really REALLY needs a boost. I was very disappointed to not see her on the list (in fact when I saw the announcement, it was all I was looking for.) I have a lv200 IW, and during the women's tournament, she was buffed to 300. Didn't touch her at all. She's that useless in comparison to the others, and she's a 4*. I would really like to yell that she should be the #1 priority in changes after this wave.
C)As an owner of a 270 x-force, he is a bit over the top, and could probably use some nerfing. His old version sucked too much, this one's a bit too good. He needs a third bowl of porridge apparently.0 -
Dartmaster01 wrote:The only good thing about these changes is, it just freed up my weekend and possibly the rest of my life
Everyone listen to this guy if you're in the first veteran slice 5 bracket and show D3 we won't stand for this! (goes back to grinding)0 -
ShazamFTW wrote:So, couple of things:
B)As numerous other people have stated, Invisible Woman really REALLY needs a boost. I was very disappointed to not see her on the list (in fact when I saw the announcement, it was all I was looking for.) I have a lv200 IW, and during the women's tournament, she was buffed to 300. Didn't touch her at all. She's that useless in comparison to the others, and she's a 4*. I would really like to yell that she should be the #1 priority in changes after this wave.
I'm thinking they were going to fix Invisible Woman and just made Professor X instead. I mean all those passive abilities can be like: "Sue inspires the team to DPS harder" and I'm pretty sure no one will really notice the difference, and the invisibility on Prof X would literally no change except the name used. As is right now, revamping Invisible Woman seems kind of silly because the game doesn't need 2 great characters that both have an invisibility power + support. It's just terribly redundant regardless of whether it's balanced or not.0 -
Ragnarok: The new Godlike Power is waaaaaaaaaaay too expensive. 14 AP for a move that's weaker than Call The Storm and does self damage? One column of board shake doesn't make up for that. And Lightning Rod is single-target burst healing that doesn't even break 2000 damage -- garbage, plain and simple. Which I guess I shouldn't complain about too much because it means his PvE fights will get easier.
Iron Fist: Iron Fish Of K'un Lun remains a really strong move. If anything I'd have bumped up the cost too. I'd still spend HP on this new version if I had a hankering for an X-Force partner.
Mystique changes: Winfinite is broken, there's no denying that, no matter how entertaining it was to destroy worlds with, but I fear that making Infiltration a four-match move, even if just barely, will make it nigh unusable without a blue generator or AP theft, and Mystique's own AP theft is uniquely ill-suited to fueling Infiltration because the move will match away her countdown tile!
MN Magneto: I'll miss you, Stormneto. But I'm looking forward to trying this new Polarity Shift out alongside LCap! This strikes me as a lateral change for Mags himself but a huge nerf for Classic Storm, and thus a major blow to transitioning players seeking to hang with the 3* and 4* grinders. Careful, D3, that's how you can lose potential long-term customers.
I haven't used the Goddess of Thunder outside of Anniversary lightning rounds so I'll reserve comment there. But this does seem like a very substantial nerf, although with her raw power that might not be a bad thing.
Now bring on some quality-of-life balance changes, please. A buff for MNMags' blue, Invisible Woman, a damage move for Spider-Man, etc. And definitely do something about scaling for the 2* rosters that are about to get thrown into the meat grinder of a Stormneto-free world.0 -
Dartmaster01 wrote:MikeHock wrote:After the release of the Deadpool Daily quest, I was tempted to show some appreciation for MPQ and buy some Hero Points. Now, after reading this, i'm glad I didn't. Nerfs and character revisions only encourage disdain and resentment. Nerfing characters they recently released (Mystique & Iron Fist) just shows they don't have a clue what they're doing.
I sure am glad I didn't give MPQ any money. They don't deserve it.
I was about to buy a stark salary tom.. Thank goodness they did this today!
You were going to? Really? I just love it when people say these things when the nerfbat comes out. "Hey everyone lets all buy the most expensive item, oh wait they are nerfing the tiny kitty out of Bagman, never mind, that will show them."
Problem is you can say I was going to, but... even when you had no intention of.0 -
CrookedKnight wrote:Ragnarok: The new Godlike Power is waaaaaaaaaaay too expensive. 14 AP for a move that's weaker than Call The Storm and does self damage? One column of board shake doesn't make up for that. And Lightning Rod is single-target burst healing that doesn't even break 2000 damage -- garbage, plain and simple. Which I guess I shouldn't complain about too much because it means his PvE fights will get easier.
If we eliminate all abilities that are eventually nerfed, Call the Storm was the standard for overpowered until X Force came along.0 -
Loki and Doom got great third powers. So I was quite hyped for Ragnarok getting a third skill.
I can't believe they actually made Bagnarok worse.
That green is grossly overcosted. It does less damage than a CallTheStorm but also damages your own team.
The red now makes blue tiles, which is generally a weaker color than green.
His blue is utterly mediocre... 3 charged greens is not exactly a lot. Would true healing really been too much to ask for?
No strong opinions on Thor, Mystique and MNMags, since I don't have them in a usable state or don't use them.
IF nerf seems very reasonable. 7 black tiles is still very nice for 5 AP. I'm surprised his attack tile didn't change. Expect a further nerf to IFin the near future.
0 -
dragma wrote:Dartmaster01 wrote:MikeHock wrote:After the release of the Deadpool Daily quest, I was tempted to show some appreciation for MPQ and buy some Hero Points. Now, after reading this, i'm glad I didn't. Nerfs and character revisions only encourage disdain and resentment. Nerfing characters they recently released (Mystique & Iron Fist) just shows they don't have a clue what they're doing.
I sure am glad I didn't give MPQ any money. They don't deserve it.
I was about to buy a stark salary tom.. Thank goodness they did this today!
You were going to? Really? I just love it when people say these things when the nerfbat comes out. "Hey everyone lets all buy the most expensive item, oh wait they are nerfing the tiny kitty out of Bagman, never mind, that will show them."
Problem is you can say I was going to, but... even when you had no intention of.
Not really. Coming from someone who was going to do the same for Xforce tomorrow Day MPQ gonna MPQ.0 -
Phantron wrote:CrookedKnight wrote:Ragnarok: The new Godlike Power is waaaaaaaaaaay too expensive. 14 AP for a move that's weaker than Call The Storm and does self damage? One column of board shake doesn't make up for that. And Lightning Rod is single-target burst healing that doesn't even break 2000 damage -- garbage, plain and simple. Which I guess I shouldn't complain about too much because it means his PvE fights will get easier.
If we eliminate all abilities that are eventually nerfed, Call the Storm was the standard for overpowered until X Force came along.
True, but I'm not the one who decided to give Rags a 14 AP green move that does almost exactly the same team damage as Call the Storm. It's made to be compared to Modern Thor's signature move, and it doesn't measure up.0 -
I'll withhold opinion on the new Rags until I play him. I suspect we'll discover some very strong combos for his new power set, like using his red to set up a cMags blue. I don't like the self-damage on the green, but probably wouldn't use him as my main Green anyway or maybe just as a match ender where taking that damage really isn't much compared to continuing the fight and getting hit with an opponent's power.
I'll dissent from the rest of the crowd on MNMags. His changes makes him much stronger as an individual character. I keep his red at 4 covers and find it quite effective. It does pretty good damage ( > 2K) and generates AP for 11 Red. With a 1 turn countdown I know that as long I don't cast it while there is a red match available I'll almost always get it to go off. He'll still be fine with Storm and Hawkeye. 3 Blue will still generate 1 critical and usually generate most of what you need for a Wind Storm. It just means you need 1 additional Blue match, but with full boosts you'll still get Wind Storm on a single Purple match.
Iron Fist change makes sense to me. Mystique change didn't seem necessary to me, but I'm glad to have the winfinite taken care of.
I don't have a usable 4Thor so that change is nothing but goodness to me, though I understand why those who have invested in her (and are highly reliant on her now) are upset. I suspect that if this is how she had been built from the start that everyone would still be extremely happy with her and consider her a top tier character.
Looking at some of the recent changes, the cMags and Hood modifications both ended up being positive for the game and the characters. The Sentry nerf was positive for the overall game experience, but he was beaten too far into insignificance. This will probably end up being positive except for existing 4Thor users.0
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