** Bullseye (Dark Avengers Hawkeye) ** [PRE 2015-05]



  • OzarkBoatswain
    OzarkBoatswain Posts: 692 Critical Contributor
    I (re)discovered a little trick in the current event where he's boosted. Not very useful but fun.

    Use Bullseye and MN Magneto. Forest map.
    Get 9 purple, 27+ black, 50 enviro.
    Create 2 critical tiles with MNM's purple.
    Use Murderous Aim and place the tiles where they stay on the board. Character down.
    Use Thorned rose to get 5 more AP.
    Cast Murderous Aim again! 2nd character down.

    You could do this with MBW/OBW instead of the forest map but you would need more purple.
    (I think lleywen first discovered this, on page 2.)
  • Yeah, I love bullseye. MN mag is a must. You will get at least 5 protective in any match. Even with strike tiles enemies don't deal much. If the match even two crit plus three black deals almost 3k when you do killing target
  • Have been playing for 100 days nearly, and still no black Bullseye cover even if I bought tons of 10x packs covers and play a lot, getting lots of covers. Never could get one black Bullseye cover.

    Anyone in the same situation ?
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    If his black ability costs 12 AP, I would consider using him. But 4 matches and needing to jump through hoops to get the ability out... it's too difficult.
  • I dont really use him so havent massively levelled him up, but he can be a right pain to play against in events when he repeatedly does Adamantium Bones and blocks you doing lots of damage. More of a problem if you play with OBW like I do where you want to match purple
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    Is Bullseye worth the 16,000 iso it would cost me to bring him form level 56 to 69? I have a bank of 50K that I'm saving incase I ever get another 3-star cover. Should I keep saving or would Bullseye be useful to me in PvP with MN Mags?
  • arktos1971 wrote:
    Have been playing for 100 days nearly, and still no black Bullseye cover even if I bought tons of 10x packs covers and play a lot, getting lots of covers. Never could get one black Bullseye cover.

    Anyone in the same situation ?

    No. I've gotten him through standard and heroic tokens. I didn't tend to get him until later on though, but I think it's all random.
  • Is Bullseye worth the 16,000 iso it would cost me to bring him form level 56 to 69? I have a bank of 50K that I'm saving incase I ever get another 3-star cover. Should I keep saving or would Bullseye be useful to me in PvP with MN Mags?

    No, save your iso for someone else.
  • I leveled my Bullseye to 69. He's not so bad IMO, even though everyone talks trash about him. It's a little trouble to set up, but using murderous aim for one-shot kills is super satisfying when it works. Even if there aren't enough critical tiles on the board for that, you can still do good damage if you place two crits to make a vertical match-5. And his purple can save you on health packs.

    Basically, if you're playing for fun rather than just aiming to have the strongest possible lineup ASAP, I recommend Bullseye. And since this game is basically a never-ending treadmill anyway, I think a relaxed approach is best. icon_e_smile.gif
  • hhmm, for bullesye. He had a 4.5x for critical damage (highest among all ?). I noticed when using his black skill, if i place in such a way its a 'L' pattern, the damage is extremely high. For this there's only 3 critical tiles right ? I was using it in prodigal sun pve where i have a maxed level bullseye (effective level 106), it deals around 4k+ damage when i used that.
  • He needs a boost, to be sure. For a Gold cover character he is vastly underpowered.

    Add a third power:
    "Everything is a Weapon" costs yellows, generates blacks.
    Make his protect tiles equal to his level (or twice level)
    Reduction in cost for his black.

    All three would make him a very playable addition to a decent team.
  • Leugenesmiff
    Leugenesmiff Posts: 401 Mover and Shaker
    I have a couple questions:
    1. Has there been any mention of a planned buff for Bullseye, maybe like a 3rd power?
    2. Is Bullseye ever a required featured character?
    Bullseye is the last of my non 3* mostly useless and hardly used characters left. I've finally saved up 2500HP for two covers but am going to need a slot for Dr. O. and I don't very much want to pay 500HP for it. That said, I also don't want to sell a character I might need later. I don't like having to sell these guys at all, especially ones like BE that have unique abilities but I'm a F2P player and saving up HP to buy cover slots every time a new character comes out and still having enough HP to buy covers is next to impossible.
    So, should he stay or should he go now?
  • Ebolamonkey84
    Ebolamonkey84 Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Bullseye is seldom used in events, but I wouldn't necessarily buy two covers for 2500 hp unless they are the last covers you need to cover max a good 3* character. They are going to keep releasing characters, so you may as well buy the slot now if you can afford it.
  • Sell Bullseye with ease, even with a third power he would still have the lowest health of all 2*s along with cStorm (mHawkeye got 'upgraded'), a sucktucular passive (protect tiles? Give me something usable) and an unusable 16 AP black.
    Which covers are you planning to buy? Unless it's Sentry/Hood for reaching higher scores in PvP, there's zero benefit to buying any covers in the current meta.
  • I had recorded this long time ago. One of the nigh impossible powers to activate, Narrow Alley. It's an old environment ability from the era of e. tiles. Its cost was 210. I could do it in a scaled Maggia goon fight with MStorm, OBW and Thor. The old loopers. Though looping is probably still possible. Not sure. You can see and hear its animation.


    And this is Murderous Aim. Didn't it cost 18 black? Maybe I'm mixing it up with Moonstone's black. Anyway, it costs 16 black. Needs 4 critical tiles on the board to do maximum damage. It adds 2 itself. I activated it from a Team-Up power downing enemy Moonstone.

  • I'd wait on selling if you can. Given that Bullseye is the only two-cover star.pngstar.png character left, it's extremely likely they'll be releasing a star.pngstar.pngstar.png Lazy Bullseye in the future. At that point, they'll probably modify the star.pngstar.png version to match the star.pngstar.pngstar.png version, and give the increased sell rate for him. If you've invested any ISO in him, that will give you a much better return on your investment.

    If he has no levels, then go ahead and sell him. star.pngstar.png covers are easy enough to get within a few weeks of PvP and Lightning Rounds.
  • Being a 2*, Bullseye can not usually be required, the only times a 2* was required I can remember were for Captain America in Iso-8 Brotherhood and Johnny Storm in the Hunt. Bullseye has also been buffed exactly once in a Story event after a year.
    All 2* covers can be easily acquired in Versus should you need them. Sell Moonstone/Bag-Man/Bullseye/Captain America (in case you have a usable lazy Cap) with ease.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    Nice. Thank you for sharing it.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Bullseye was my favorite character for a very long time. So much fun. FYI, you don't have to carefully place Bullseyes crits to avoid a match. The extra damage will still apply, even if they cause a match. Lining up all 4 crits together is almost as killer as the extra damage.
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    KevinMark wrote:
    I had recorded this long time ago. One of the nigh impossible powers to activate, Narrow Alley. It's an old environment ability from the era of e. tiles. Its cost was 210. I could do it in a scaled Maggia goon fight with MStorm, OBW and Thor. The old loopers. Though looping is probably still possible. Not sure. You can see and hear its animation.


    And this is Murderous Aim. Didn't it cost 18 black? Maybe I'm mixing it up with Moonstone's black. Anyway, it costs 16 black. Needs 4 critical tiles on the board to do maximum damage. It adds 2 itself. I activated it from a Team-Up power downing enemy Moonstone.


    The expensive environments weren't hard to activate with people with high crit multipliers (I think I used to use Punisher and Spider-Man a lot back then). The one I almost never used was the Latverian one. I'd occasionally use the city one cause hot dog stand was so bad.

    I miss environment tiles, team ups feel like a pain in the ****. I'm constantly trying to keep only the best ones and then I'm reluctant to use them because they are a pain to replace. In the super hard PvEs I've had to simulator farm to try to get certain powers (for instance, 2* Magneto purple to go with Storm in that (Venom?) Heroic).
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