First Avenger - July 21-23 - Season IV

Polish off your shields, put on your cardigans and comfy sneakers, it's time for a trip to Mr. Rogers neighborhood.

Single Player Rewards

1. All rewards from the previous rank + IW Yellow
2-5. 5000 ISO, 100 HP, Black Panther, Blue, Black, Yellow
6-10. 2000 ISO, 100 HP, B/Y
11-25. 1000 ISO, 50 HP, B/Y
26-50. 1000 ISO, 50 HP, Y
51-100. 500 ISO, 25 HP, Y
101-200. 500 ISO, Wolvie Red
201-300. 250 ISO, R
301-400. 2x Standard Token, 140 ISO
401-500. 70 ISO

Progression Rewards:

25. Standard Token
50. 100 ISO
100. +3 All Boosts
200. 250 ISO
300. Recruit Token - Bag To The Future
400. 25 HP
500. Torchling - Green
600. 25 HP
700. 1000 ISO
800. 50 HP
900. Recruit Token - Bag To The Future II
1000. 1000 ISO
1100. Cap Yellow
1200. 1000 ISO
1300. X-Force Yellow

Alliance rewards:

1-2. 5000 ISO, 250 HP, BP Blue
3-10. 5000 ISO, 100 HP, Blue
11-25. 3000 ISO, 100 HP, Blue
25-50. 2000 ISO, 100 HP, Blue
51-100. 1000 ISO, 50 HP, Blue (it almost doesn't sound like a word anymore)
101-250. 1000 ISO, 50 HP
251-500. 500 ISO, 25 HP
501-1000. 500 ISO
1001-10000. 250 ISO


  • gambl0r312
    gambl0r312 Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2014
    Both locked and Lyrian were discussing possible rewards for this tourny in the Fresh Cut PvP thread, and I completely agree with both of them:
    Lyrian wrote:
    locked wrote:
    Nice. I was thinking about maybe She-Hulk to go with the PvE but Steve is also great in my books since only 6 in our alliance have cover-maxed him.

    We should be due for at least one Modern Storm and She-Hulk PvP sometime this season. As you note, She-Hulk is a powered-up character in the new PvE, which makes her a likely candidate to be the prize for the Steve Rogers PvP.

    I also am guessing that She-Hulk will be the 3* rewards, but we will know later on today! WILL be a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood indeed, count on it Mr. Rogers!

    Thanks for the PvP placeholder, j12601, will be waiting for the Bag-write up of Bag-notable Bag-progression Bag-wards & Bag-tokens.... icon_cool.gif

    EDIT: Was wrong about rewards, etc. etc. I will make it up to you all in LRs this week... icon_lol.gif
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    And I'm going to say Hulk just to be different - and then we can have the most tedious of all events icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I'm guessing Dare Devil as reward. icon_lol.gif
  • Well, I want it to be hood next. And i have just jinxed it, so sorry everyone.
  • I'll cast a completely ceremonial vote for either She-Hulk or Lazy Storm rewards, mostly because they're among the only covers I actually still need. Lazy Storm I don't really care about, but I wouldn't mind getting the last red for She-Hulk. I've been messing around with her, and while she's not going to top the raw power of a Lazy Thor or Sentry she is surprisingly entertaining. Too bad her green is so unbelievably terrible. I mean it might really **** the other team, then again it might not. For 12 green I'd rather just make them dead.

    In any case, bring on the Battle of the (Shield)Bros! The roll of Bucky will be played by The Hood.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Baltias wrote:
    I'm guessing Dare Devil as reward. icon_lol.gif
    Don't say that. This would make my day so much. Another landmine filled PvP would cause me to try for better placement.
  • There are three people I still need 3 or more covers for: Human Torch (3), She-Hulk (3), and Lazy Storm (6), plus two each for Lazy Thor and Sentry. Hoping for those this season.
  • HAhaa, lazy daken once again ? Then just now they patched the changes in =X
    The previous run doesn't have a fatal attraction pvp. Wahahaaha
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    Black Panther 3* prize
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Yay Panther covers icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I was thinking we'd get Young She-ezy rewards, but earning some T'Challa Bills is nice too.

    I need 2 yellow and 2 black covers still, so I was hoping one of those would be the doubled cover, but maybe as a progression reward in the undoubtedly upcoming BPvp.
  • More covers I don't need. Lazy mode engaged!
  • I think this will be a trend going forward on Versus events.

    As more and more 3***s come into existence, the odds of any one of them being a tourney prize continually diminish. In the past, covers for new characters were offered frequently, as there was no one else to really distribute at the time. Nowadays, Demiurge can take plenty of time before needing to run a PvP on a new character. Keep in mind that for all of the new players constantly entering the game, all of these "old" characters are new to them.

    Someone said there was 13 events this season. Likely at some point, there will be a Mohawk Storm event and surely one Captain Marvel one (rather doubtful on She-Hulk, as she had her introductory event last season). That said, with one already in the books, there are 10 spaces for "older" characters to completely fill up the roster for this season, and will likely do so.*

    * Regardless of the characters offered each season, three events every season must be Daredevil, Loki, and Ragnarok, because Demiurge loves trolling the vets.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lyrian wrote:
    I think this will be a trend going forward on Versus events.

    As more and more 3***s come into existence, the odds of any one of them being a tourney prize continually diminish. In the past, covers for new characters were offered frequently, as there was no one else to really distribute at the time. Nowadays, Demiurge can take plenty of time before needing to run a PvP on a new character. Keep in mind that for all of the new players constantly entering the game, all of these "old" characters are new to them.

    Someone said there was 13 events this season. Likely at some point, there will be a Mohawk Storm event and surely one Captain Marvel one (rather doubtful on She-Hulk, as she had her introductory event last season). That said, with one already in the books, there are 10 spaces for "older" characters to completely fill up the roster for this season, and will likely do so.*

    * Regardless of the characters offered each season, three events every season must be Daredevil, Loki, and Ragnarok, because Demiurge loves trolling the vets.
    There'll probably be another PvE character release this season. Though it probably won't get a pvp if that's fury
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Lyrian wrote:
    * Regardless of the characters offered each season, three events every season must be Daredevil, Loki, and Ragnarok, because Demiurge loves trolling the vets.
    Rags events are dull but I enjoy the other two cause you never know what's going to happen.

    At worst it'll be a 2v2 but every so often Illusions will do something useful or Bagdevil will get a crotchkick off and that always makes me smile icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Spoit wrote:
    There'll probably be another PvE character release this season. Though it probably won't get a pvp if that's fury

    Going by the recent pattern, it's lazy-new-lazy-new etc., so the other one will probably be lazy. I'm guessing Hawkeye, with the 2* rework at roughly the same time. There might be enough time for another one after that, though, depending on PVE length.
  • Spoit wrote:
    Lyrian wrote:
    I think this will be a trend going forward on Versus events.

    As more and more 3***s come into existence, the odds of any one of them being a tourney prize continually diminish. In the past, covers for new characters were offered frequently, as there was no one else to really distribute at the time. Nowadays, Demiurge can take plenty of time before needing to run a PvP on a new character. Keep in mind that for all of the new players constantly entering the game, all of these "old" characters are new to them.

    Someone said there was 13 events this season. Likely at some point, there will be a Mohawk Storm event and surely one Captain Marvel one (rather doubtful on She-Hulk, as she had her introductory event last season). That said, with one already in the books, there are 10 spaces for "older" characters to completely fill up the roster for this season, and will likely do so.*

    * Regardless of the characters offered each season, three events every season must be Daredevil, Loki, and Ragnarok, because Demiurge loves trolling the vets.
    There'll probably be another PvE character release this season. Though it probably won't get a pvp if that's fury

    Imagine how cutthroat a Fury PVP would be. Like, whoa.
  • I'm rocking team Lazy for this one.
    Maxed Cap, Daken, LThor. With Daken to the left Thor doesn't tank anything so only Cap requires health packs generally. It's quite slow but fairly powerful.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    j12601 wrote:
    I'm rocking team Lazy for this one.
    Maxed Cap, Daken, LThor. With Daken to the left Thor doesn't tank anything so only Cap requires health packs generally. It's quite slow but fairly powerful.
    This was/is my main team for the PvE too and it's been working pretty well. With Cap boosted and tanking his main colors he will take a lot of hits, but he doesn't need health packs very often since he's got a lot of HP. My Daken is only level 140, but I might start out running this team as well (and maybe throw a few more levels into him since I have him cover maxed).
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bah, jumped in a bit too early and got in kidicarus, keenie, and hairy dave's almost full bracket